Also see definition of "Isaiah" in Word Study
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In Bible versions:

a son of Amoz; a prophet active in Judah from about 740 to 701 B.C.
son of Amoz; a major prophet in the time of Hezekiah
son of Hananiah, a descendant of King Jehoiachin
son of Jeduthun the Levite and worship leader under Jeduthun and King David
son of Rehabiah; a Levitical chief treasurer whose descendants returned from exile
son of Athaliah; head of a family group descended from Elam who returned from exile
a Levite of Merari who led recruits to Ezra
a man of Benjamin; ancestor of Sallu, who lived in Jerusalem in Nehemiah's time

the salvation of the Lord ( --> same as Esaias)
Arts Topics: Isaiah in Various Compositions; Isaiah Preaching; Other Portraits of Isaiah; The Call of Isaiah; The Death of Isaiah


Strongs #2268: Hsaiav Hesaias

Isaiah = "Jehovah's help"

1) a famous Hebrew prophet who prophesied in the reigns of Uzziah,
Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah

2268 Hesaias hay-sah-ee'-as

of Hebrew origin (3470); Hesaias (i.e. Jeshajah), an
see HEBREW for 03470


Strongs #03470: hyevy Y@sha`yah or whyevy Y@sha`yahuw

Isaiah or Jesaiah or Jeshaiah = "Jehovah has saved"

1) the major prophet, son of Amoz, who prophesied concerning Judah and
Jerusalem during the days of kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah
of Judah; author of the prophetic book by his name; tradition has it
that he was sawn asunder in the trunk of a carob tree by king
Manasseh and that this is the incident referred to in Heb 11:37
2) son of Hananiah, brother of Pelatiah, and grandson of Zerubbabel
3) a Benjamite
4) one of the 6 sons of Jeduthun
5) son of Rehabiah, a descendant of Moses through Gershom, and an
ancestor of a Levite treasurer in the time of David
6) son of Athaliah and chief of the house of Elam who returned with Ezra
7) a chief of the descendants of Merari who returned with Ezra

3470 Ysha`yah yesh-ah-yaw'

or Yshayahuw {yesh-ah-yaw'-hoo}; from 3467 and 3050; Jah has
saved; Jeshajah, the name of seven Israelites:-Isaiah,
Jesaiah, Jeshaiah.
see HEBREW for 03467
see HEBREW for 03050

Isaiah [EBD]

(Heb. Yesh'yahu, i.e., "the salvation of Jehovah"). (1.) The son of Amoz (Isa. 1:1; 2:1), who was apparently a man of humble rank. His wife was called "the prophetess" (8:3), either because she was endowed with the prophetic gift, like Deborah (Judg. 4:4) and Huldah (2 Kings 22:14-20), or simply because she was the wife of "the prophet" (Isa. 38:1). He had two sons, who bore symbolical names.

He exercised the functions of his office during the reigns of Uzziah (or Azariah), Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (1:1). Uzziah reigned fifty-two years (B.C. 810-759), and Isaiah must have begun his career a few years before Uzziah's death, probably B.C. 762. He lived till the fourteenth year of Hezekiah, and in all likelihood outlived that monarch (who died B.C. 698), and may have been contemporary for some years with Manasseh. Thus Isaiah may have prophesied for the long period of at least sixty-four years.

His first call to the prophetical office is not recorded. A second call came to him "in the year that King Uzziah died" (Isa. 6:1). He exercised his ministry in a spirit of uncompromising firmness and boldness in regard to all that bore on the interests of religion. He conceals nothing and keeps nothing back from fear of man. He was also noted for his spirituality and for his deep-toned reverence toward "the holy One of Israel."

In early youth Isaiah must have been moved by the invasion of Israel by the Assyrian monarch Pul (q.v.), 2 Kings 15:19; and again, twenty years later, when he had already entered on his office, by the invasion of Tiglath-pileser and his career of conquest. Ahaz, king of Judah, at this crisis refused to co-operate with the kings of Israel and Syria in opposition to the Assyrians, and was on that account attacked and defeated by Rezin of Damascus and Pekah of Samaria (2 Kings 16:5; 2 Chr. 28:5, 6). Ahaz, thus humbled, sided with Assyria, and sought the aid of Tiglath-pileser against Israel and Syria. The consequence was that Rezin and Pekah were conquered and many of the people carried captive to Assyria (2 Kings 15:29; 16:9; 1 Chr. 5:26). Soon after this Shalmaneser determined wholly to subdue the kingdom of Israel. Samaria was taken and destroyed (B.C. 722). So long as Ahaz reigned, the kingdom of Judah was unmolested by the Assyrian power; but on his accession to the throne, Hezekiah (B.C. 726), who "rebelled against the king of Assyria" (2 Kings 18:7), in which he was encouraged by Isaiah, who exhorted the people to place all their dependence on Jehovah (Isa. 10:24; 37:6), entered into an alliance with the king of Egypt (Isa. 30:2-4). This led the king of Assyria to threaten the king of Judah, and at length to invade the land. Sennacherib (B.C. 701) led a powerful army into Palestine. Hezekiah was reduced to despair, and submitted to the Assyrians (2 Kings 18:14-16). But after a brief interval war broke out again, and again Sennacherib (q.v.) led an army into Palestine, one detachment of which threatened Jerusalem (Isa. 36:2-22; 37:8). Isaiah on that occasion encouraged Hezekiah to resist the Assyrians (37:1-7), whereupon Sennacherib sent a threatening letter to Hezekiah, which he "spread before the Lord" (37:14). The judgement of God now fell on the Assyrian host. "Like Xerxes in Greece, Sennacherib never recovered from the shock of the disaster in Judah. He made no more expeditions against either Southern Palestine or Egypt." The remaining years of Hezekiah's reign were peaceful (2 Chr. 32:23, 27-29). Isaiah probably lived to its close, and possibly into the reign of Manasseh, but the time and manner of his death are unknown. There is a tradition that he suffered martyrdom in the heathen reaction in the time of Manasseh (q.v.).

(2.) One of the heads of the singers in the time of David (1 Chr. 25:3,15, "Jeshaiah").

(3.) A Levite (1 Chr. 26:25). (4.) Ezra 8:7. (5.) Neh. 11:7.

Jeshaiah [EBD]

deliverance of Jehovah. (1.) A Kohathite Levite, the father of Joram, of the family of Eliezer (1 Chr. 26:25); called also Isshiah (24:21).

(2.) One of the sons of Jeduthum (1 Chr. 25:3, 15).

(3.) One of the three sons of Hananiah (1 Chr. 3:21).

(4.) Son of Athaliah (Ezra 8:7).

(5.) A Levite of the family of Merari (8:19).

Isaiah [NAVE]

ISAIAH, called also Esaias. Son of Amos, Isa. 1:1.
Prophesies in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, Isa. 1:1; 6:1; 7:1, 3; 14:27; 20:1; 36:1; 38:1; 39:1; at the time of the invasion by Tartan, of Assyria, Isa. 20:1.
Symbolically wears sackcloth, and walks barefoot, as a sign to Israel, Isa. 20:2, 3.
Comforts and encourages Hezekiah and the people in the siege of Jerusalem by Rab-shakeh, 2 Kin. 18; 19; Isa. 37:6, 7.
Comforts Hezekiah in his affliction, 2 Kin. 20:1-11; Isa. 38.
Performs the miracle of the returning shadow to confirm Hezekiah's faith, 2 Kin. 20:8-11.
Reproves Hezekiah's folly in exhibiting his resources to the commissioners from Babylon, 2 Kin. 20:12-19; Isa. 39.
Is chronicler of the times of Uzziah and Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 26:22; 32:32.
Prophecies, Reproofs, and Exhortations of
Foretells punishment of the Jews for idolatry, and reproves self-confidence and distrust of God, Isa. 2:6-20.
Foretells the destruction of the Jews, Isa. 3.
Promises to the remnant restoration of divine favor, Isa. 4:2-6; 6.
Delineates in the parable of the vineyard the ingratitude of the Jews, and reproves it, Isa. 5:1-10.
Denounces existing corruptions, Isa. 5:8-30.
Foretells the ill success of the plot of the Israelites and Syrians against Judah, Isa. 7:1-16.
Denounces calamities against Israel and Judah, Isa. 7:16-25; 9:2-6.
Foretells prosperity under Hezekiah, and the manifestation of the Messiah, Isa. 9:1-7.
Denounces vengeance upon the enemies of Israel, Isa. 9:8-12.
Denounces the wickedness of Israel, and foretells the judgments of God, Isa. 9:13-21.
Denounces judgments against false prophets, Isa. 10:1-4.
Foretells the destruction of Seacherib's armies, Isa. 10:5-34; the restoration of Israel and the triumph of the Messiah's kingdom, Isa. 11.
The burden of Babylon, Isa. 13; 14:1-28.
Denunciation against the Philistines, Isa. 14:9-32.
Burden of Moab, Isa. 15; 16.
Burden of Damascus, Isa. 17.
Obscure prophecy, supposed by some authorities to be directed against the Assyrians, by others against the Egyptians, and by others against the Ethiopians, Isa. 18.
The burden of Egypt, Isa. 19; 20.
Denunciations against Babylon, Isa. 21:1-10.
Prophecy concerning Seir, Isa. 21:11, 12; Arabia, Isa. 21:13-17; concerning the conquest of Jerusalem, the captivity of Shebna, and the promotion of Eliakim, Isa. 22:1-22; the overthrow of Tyre, Isa. 23; the judgments upon the land, but that a remnant of the Jews would be saved, Isa. 25-27.
Reproves Ephraim for his wickedness, and foretells the destruction by Shalmaneser, Isa. 28:1-5.
Declares the glory of God upon the remnant who are saved, Isa. 28:5, 6.
Exposes the corruptions in Jerusalem and exhorts to repentance, Isa. 28:7-29.
Foretells the invasion of Seacherib, the distress of the Jews, and the destruction of the Assyrian army, Isa. 29:1-8.
Denounces the hypocrisy of the Jews, Isa. 29:9-17.
Promises a reformation, Isa. 29:18-24.
Reproves the people for their confidence in Egypt, and their contempt of God, Isa. 30:1-17; 31:1-6.
Declares the goodness and longsuffering of God toward them, Isa. 30:18-26; 32-35.
Reproves the Jews for their spiritual blindness and infidelity, Isa. 42:18-25.
Promises ultimate restoration of the Jews, Isa. 43:1-13.
Foretells the ultimate destruction of Babylon, Isa. 43:14-17; 47.
Exhorts the people to repent, Isa. 43:22-28.
Comforts the church with promises, exposes the folly of idolatry, and their future deliverance from captivity by Cyrus, Isa. 44; 45:1-5; 48:20.
Fortells the conversion of the Gentiles, and triumph of the gospel, Isa. 45:5-25.
Denounces the evils of idolatry, Isa. 46.
Reproves the Jews for their idolatries and other wickedness, Isa. 48.
Exhorts to sanctification, Isa. 56:1-8.
Foretells calamities to Judah, Isa. 59:9-12, with chapters 57-59.
Foreshadows the person and the kingdom of the Messiah, Isa. 32-35; 42; 45; 49-56; 59:15-21; 60-66.

Jeshaiah [NAVE]

1 Chr. 25:3, 15; 26:25; Ezra 8:7, 19


the prophet, son of Amoz. The Hebrew name signifies Salvation of Jahu (a shortened form of Jehovah), He prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, (Isaiah 1:1) covering probably 758 to 698 B.C. He was married and had two sons. Rabbinical tradition says that Isaiah, when 90 years old, was sawn asunder in the trunk of a carob tree by order of Manasseh, to which it is supposed that reference is made in (Hebrews 11:37)


(salvation of Jehovah).
  1. One of the six sons of Jeduthun. (1 Chronicles 25:3,15) (B.C. 1014.)
  2. A Levite in the reign of David, eldest son of Rehabiah, a descendant of Amram through Moses. (1 Chronicles 26:25) [ISSHIAH] (B.C. before 1014.)
  3. The son of Athaliah, and chief of the house of Bene-Elam who returned with Ezra. (Ezra 8:7) [JOSIAS] (B.C. 459.)
  4. A Merarite who returned with Ezra. (Ezra 8:19)


JESHAIAH - je-sha'-ya, je-shi'-a ((a) yesha`yahu; (b) yesha`yah, "deliverance of Yah"; (2) (3) below have form (a), the others form (b)):

(1) Son of Hananiah, and grandson of Zerubbabel, according to 1 Ch 3:21, the King James Version "Jesaiah."

But commentators follow Hebrew (and the Revised Version margin) in the first part of the verse, and Septuagint, Vulgate, Syriac in the second part, thus reading, "And the son of Hananiah (was) Pelatiah, and Jeshaiah (was) his son, and Arnan his son," etc., thus making Jeshaiah a grandson of Hananiah.

(2) A "son" of Jeduthun, and like him a temple musician; head of the family of that name (1 Ch 25:3,15).

(3) A Levite, ancestor of Shelemoth, one of David's treasurers (1 Ch 26:25).

(4) A descendant of Elam; he went with Ezra from Babylon to Jerusalem (Ezr 8:7) = "Jesias" (Revised Version), "Josias" (the King James Version), 1 Esdras 8:33.

(5) A descendant of Merari and a contemporary of Ezra (Ezr 8:19) = "Osaias" of 1 Esdras 8:48.

(6) A Benjamite (Neh 11:7), the King James Version "Jesaiah."

David Francis Roberts

Also see definition of "Isaiah" in Word Study

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