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EBD: Day
David | David, City of | David, Root Of | David, Tower Of | Dawn | Day | Day And Night | Day Before The Sabbath | Day Of Atonement | Day Of Christ | Day Of Judgment


Day [EBD]

The Jews reckoned the day from sunset to sunset (Lev. 23:32). It was originally divided into three parts (Ps. 55:17). "The heat of the day" (1 Sam. 11:11; Neh. 7:3) was at our nine o'clock, and "the cool of the day" just before sunset (Gen. 3:8). Before the Captivity the Jews divided the night into three watches, (1) from sunset to midnight (Lam. 2:19); (2) from midnight till the cock-crowing (Judg. 7:19); and (3) from the cock-crowing till sunrise (Ex. 14:24). In the New Testament the division of the Greeks and Romans into four watches was adopted (Mark 13:35). (See WATCHES.)

The division of the day by hours is first mentioned in Dan. 3:6, 15; 4:19; 5:5. This mode of reckoning was borrowed from the Chaldeans. The reckoning of twelve hours was from sunrise to sunset, and accordingly the hours were of variable length (John 11:9).

The word "day" sometimes signifies an indefinite time (Gen. 2:4; Isa. 22:5; Heb. 3:8, etc.). In Job 3:1 it denotes a birthday, and in Isa. 2:12, Acts 17:31, and 2 Tim. 1:18, the great day of final judgment.

Day [NAVE]

A creative period, Gen. 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31; 2:2.
Divided into twelve hours, John 11:9.
Prophetic, Dan. 8:14, 26; 12:11, 12; Rev. 9:15; 11:3; 12:6.
Six working days ordained, Ex. 20:9; Ezek. 46:1.
Sixth day of the week called preparation day, Mark 15:42; John 19:14, 31, 42.
First day of the week called the Lord's day, Rev. 1:10.
With the Lord as a thousand years, 2 Pet. 3:8.
Day's journey, eighteen or twenty miles, Ex. 3:18; 1 Kin. 19:4; Jonah 3:4.
Sabbath day's journey, about two thousand paces, Acts 1:12.
The seventh of the week ordained as a day of rest, See: Sabbath.
Times of adversity called Day of the Lord, Isa. 2:12; 13:6, 9; 34:8; Jer. 46:10; Lam. 2:22; Ezek. 30:3; Amos 5:18; Joel 2:1; Obad. 15; Zeph. 1:8, 18; 2:2, 3; Zech. 14:1.
Called Day of the Lord, Mal. 4:5; 1 Cor. 5:5; 2 Cor. 1:14; 1 Thess. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10.
See: Judgment.
A figure of spiritual illumination, Prov. 4:18; 1 Thess. 5:8.


The variable length of the natural day at different seasons led in the very earliest times to the adoption of the civil day (or one revolution of the sun) as a standard of time. The Hebrews reckoned the day from evening to evening, (Leviticus 23:32) deriving it from (Genesis 1:5) "the evening and the morning were the first day." The Jews are supposed, like the modern Arabs, to have adopted from an early period minute specifications of the parts of the natural day. Roughly, indeed, they were content to divide it into "morning, evening and noonday," (Psalms 55:17) but when they wished for greater accuracy they pointed to six unequal parts, each of which was again subdivided. These are held to have been --
  1. "the dawn."
  2. "Sunrise."
  3. "Heat of the day," about 9 o?clock.
  4. "The two noons," (Genesis 43:16; 28:29)
  5. "The cool (lit. wind) of the day," before sunset, (Genesis 3:8) --so called by the Persians to this day.
  6. "Evening." Before the captivity the Jews divided the night into three watches, (Psalms 63:6; 90:4) viz. the first watch, lasting till midnight, (Lamentations 2:19) the "middle watch," lasting till cockcrow, (Judges 7:19) and the "morning watch," lasting till sunrise. (Exodus 14:24) In the New Testament we have allusions to four watches, a division borrowed from the Greeks and Romans. These were --
  7. From twilight till 9 o/clock, (Mark 11:11; John 20:19)
  8. Midnight, from 9 till 12 o?clock, (Mark 13:35) 3 Macc 5:23.
  9. Till daybreak. (John 18:28) The word held to mean "hour" is first found in (Daniel 3:6,15; 5:5) Perhaps the Jews, like the Greeks, learned from the Babylonians the division of the day into twelve parts. In our Lord?s time the division was common. (John 11:9)


DAY - da (yom; hemera): This common word has caused some trouble to plain readers, because they have not noticed that the word is used in several different senses in the English Bible. When the different uses of the word are understood the difficulty of interpretation vanishes. We note several different uses of the word:

(1) It sometimes means the time from daylight till dark. This popular meaning is easily discovered by the context, e.g. Gen 1:5; 8:22, etc. The marked periods of this daytime were morning, noon and night, as with us. See Ps 55:17. The early hours were sometimes called "the cool of the day" (Gen 3:8). After the exile the day. or daytime was divided into twelve hours and the night into twelve (see Mt 20:1-12; Jn 11:9; Acts 23:23); 6 a.m. would correspond to the first hour, 9 a.m. to the third; 12 noon to the sixth, etc. The hours were longer during the longer days and shorter during the shorter days, since they always counted 12 hours between sunrise and sunset.

(2) Day also means a period of 24 hours, or the time from sunset to sunset. In Bible usage the day begins with sunset (see Lev 23:32; Ex 12:15-20; 2 Cor 11:25, where night is put before day).


(3) The word "day" is also used of an indefinite period, e.g "the day" or "day that" means in general "that time" (see Gen 2:4; Lev 14:2); "day of trouble" (Ps 20:1); "day of his wrath" (Job 20:28); "day of Yahweh" (Isa 2:12); "day of the Lord" (1 Cor 5:5; 1 Thess 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10); "day of salvation" (2 Cor 6:2);. "day of Jesus Christ" (Phil 1:6).

(4) It is used figuratively also in Jn 9:4, where "while it is day" means "while I have opportunity to work, as daytime is the time for work." In 1 Thess 5:5,8, "sons of the day" means spiritually enlightened ones.

(5) We must also bear in mind that with God time is not reckoned as with us (see Ps 90:4; 2 Pet 3:8).

(6) The apocalyptic use of the word "day" in Dan 12:11; Rev 2:10, etc., is difficult to define. It evidently does not mean a natural day.


(7) On the meaning of "day" in the story of Creation we note (a) the word "day" is used of the whole period of creation (Gen 2:4); (b) these days are days of God, with whom one day is as a thousand years; the whole age or period of salvation is called "the day of salvation"; see above. So we believe that in harmony with Bible usage we may understand the creative days as creative periods.


G. H. Gerberding

Figurative: The word "day" is used figuratively in many senses, some of which are here given.

(1) The span of human life.--Gen 5:4: "And the days of Adam .... were eight hundred years." "And if thou wilt walk .... then I will lengthen thy days" (1 Ki 3:14; compare Ps 90:12; Isa 38:5).

(2) An indefinite time.--Existence in general: Gen 3:14: "All the days of thy life" (compare Gen 21:34; Nu 9:19; Josh 22:3; Lk 1:24; Acts 21:10).

(3) A set time.--Gen 25:24: "And when her days .... were fulfilled"; Dan 12:13: "Thou shalt stand in thy lot, at the end of the days" (compare Lev 12:6; Dan 2:44).

(4) A historic period.--Gen 6:4: "The Nephilim were in the earth in those days"; Jdg 17:6: "In those days there was no king in Israel" (compare 1 Sam 3:1; 1 Ch 5:17; Hos 2:13).

(5) Past time.--Ps 18:18: "the day of my calamity"; Ps 77:5: "I have considered the days of old" (of Mic 7:20; Mal 3:7; Mt 23:30).

(6) Future time.--Dt 31:14: "Thy days approach that thou must die"; Ps 72:7: "In his days shall ...." (compare Ezek 22:14; Joel 2:29; Mt 24:19; 2 Pet 3:3; Rev 9:6).

(7) The eternal.--In Dan 7:9,13, where God is called "the ancient of days."

(8) A season of opportunity.--Jn 9:4: "We must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work" (compare Rom 13:12,13; 1 Thess 5:5-8).

See DAY (4), above.

(9) Time of salvation.--Specially referring to the hopes and prospects of the parousia (see ESCHATOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT). Rom 13:12: "The night is far spent, and the day is at hand."

Henry E. Dosker

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