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In Bible versions:

En-Tappuah: AVS TEV
a spring on the border between Ephraim and Manasseh
an English name representing two different Hebrew names
as representing the Hebrew name 'Tapuox'
a town in the western foothills of Judah very near Beth-Shemesh
a town between Ephraim and Manasseh 3 km NW of Shiloh
son of Hebron of Judah
as representing the Hebrew name 'Tiphsax'.
a town on the Euphrates River 550 km NNW of Jerusalem

fountain of an apple, or of inflation
apple; swelling
passage; leap; step; the passover
Google Maps: En-tappuah (32° 6´, 35° 14´); Tappuah (1) (32° 6´, 35° 14´); Tappuah (2) (32° 9´, 35° 7´); Tiphsah (1) (35° 50´, 38° 43´); Tiphsah (2) (32° 10´, 35° 10´)


Strongs #08599: xwpt Tappuwach

Tappuah = "the apple city"

n pr m
1) a Judaite of the family of Caleb, son of Hebron

n pr loc
2) a town in the lowland of Judah
3) a town on the border in Ephraim
4) a territory within the boundaries of Manasseh

8599 Tappuwach tap-poo'-akh

the same as 8598; Tappuach, the name of two places in
Palestine, also of an Israelite:-Tappuah.
see HEBREW for 08598

Strongs #08607: xopt Tiphcach

Tiphsah = "cross over"

1) a place at the northeast limit of Solomon's empire; located on
the Euphrates river
2) a place in the northern kingdom of Israel which king Menahem
attacked and where he ripped open all the pregnant women
2a) might be the same as 1

8607 Tiphcach tif-sakh'

from 6452; ford; Tiphsach, a place in Mesopotamia:-Tipsah.
see HEBREW for 06452

Tappuah [EBD]

apple-region. (1.) A town in the valley or lowland of Judah; formerly a royal city of the Canaanites (Josh. 12:17; 15:34). It is now called Tuffuh, about 12 miles west of Jerusalem.

(2.) A town on the border of Ephraim (Josh. 16:8). The "land" of Tappuah fell to Manasseh, but the "city" to Ephraim (17:8).

(3.) En-tappuah, the well of the apple, probably one of the springs near Yassuf (Josh. 17:7).

Tiphsah [EBD]

passing over; ford, one of the boundaries of Solomon's dominions (1 Kings 4:24), probably "Thapsacus, a great and wealthy town on the western bank of the Euphrates," about 100 miles north-east of Tadmor. All the land traffic between the east and the west passed through it. Menahem undertook an expedition against this city, and "smote Tiphsah and all that were therein" (2 Kings 15:16). This expedition implied a march of some 300 miles from Tirzah if by way of Tadmor, and about 400 if by way of Aleppo; and its success showed the strength of the Israelite kingdom, for it was practically a defiance to Assyria. Conder, however, identifies this place with Khurbet Tafsah, some 6 miles west of Shechem.

En-tappuah [NAVE]

EN-TAPPUAH, a spring near Tappuah, Josh. 17:7.

Tappuah [NAVE]

1. A city of Judah, Josh. 12:17; 15:34.
2. A city in Ephraim, Josh. 16:8; 17:8.
3. Son of Hebron, 1 Chr. 2:43.

Tiphsah [NAVE]

1. A city on the Euphrates, 1 Kin. 4:24.
2. A city of unknown location, 2 Kin. 15:16.


(ford) is mentioned in (1 Kings 4:24) as the limit of Solomon?s empire toward the Euphrates and in (2 Kings 15:16) it is said to have been attacked by Menahemi. It was known to the Greeks and Romans under the name of Thapsacus, and was the point where it was usual to cross the Euphrates. Thapsacus has been generally placed at the modern Deir ; but the Euphrates expedition proved that there is no ford at Deir , and that the only ford in this part of the course of the Euphrates is at Suriyeh , 45 miles below Balis, and 165 above Deir . This, then, must have been the position of Thapsacus.


EN-TAPPUAH - en-tap'-u-a, en-ta-pu'-a (`en tappuach; pege Thaphthoth, "apple spring"): Probably in the land of Tappuah which belonged to Manasseh, although Tappuah, on the border of Manasseh, belonged to Ephraim (Josh 17:7 f). It lay on the border of Ephraim which ran southward East of Shechem, and is probably to be identified with the spring at Yasuf, about 3 miles North of Lebonah.


TAPPUAH (1) - tap'-u-a, ta-pu'-a (tappuach, "apple"):

(1) A royal city of the Canaanites, the king of which was slain by Joshua (12:17). It is named between Beth-el and Hepher, and may possibly be identical with the city named in Josh 16:8; see (3) below. There is nothing to guide us to a decision.

(2) (Omitted by Septuagint.) A city in the Shephelah of Judah (Josh 15:34). It is named between Engannim and Enam in a group of cities that lay in the Northwest of the territory of Judah. Tristram suggested identification with `Artuf, about 1 1/2 miles Southeast of Zorah. G.A. Smith places it in Wady el `Afranj, possibly identifying it with Tuffuch, fully 4 miles West of Hebron. This position, however, is not in the Shephelah. The place probably represents "Beth-tappuah" of Josh 15:53. No quite satisfactory identification has yet been suggested.

(3) A place on the border between Ephraim and Manasseh (Josh 16:8). "The land of Tappuah," i.e. the land adjoining the town, belonged to Manasseh, but the town itself belonged to Ephraim (Josh 17:8). En-tappuah was probably a neighboring spring. Tappuah was to the South of Michmethath, and the border ran from here westward to the brook Kanah. Some would place it at Khirbet `Atuf, about 11 miles Northeast of Nablus. More probably it should be sought to the Southwest of the plain of Makhneh (Michmethath). It may be identical with Tephon, which, along with Timnath, Pharathon, and other cities, Bacchides fortified "with high walls and gates and bars" (1 Macc 9:50). No identification is possible.

W. Ewing


TAPPUAH (2) - (Tappuach; Codex Vaticanus Thapous; Codex Alexandrinus Thaphphou; Lucian, Phethrouth): A "son" of Hebron (1 Ch 2:43).


TIPHSAH - tif'-sa (tiphcach, "ford"; Thapsa):

(1) This marks the northern extremity of the dominions ruled by Solomon, Gaza being the limit on the South (1 Ki 4:24). It can hardly be other than Thapsacus, on the right bank of the Euphrates, before its waters join those of the Balik. The great caravan route between East and West crossed the river by the ford at this point. Here Cyrus the younger effected a somewhat perilous crossing (Xenophon, Anabasis i.4, 2). The ford was also used by Darius; but Alexander the Great, in his pursuit constructed two bridges for the transport of his army (Arrian iii.7). Under the Seleucids it was called Amphipolis. The site is probably occupied by the modern Qal`at Dibse, where there is a ford still used by the caravans. It is about 8 miles below Meskene, where the river makes a bend to the East.

(2) (Codex Vaticanus Thersa, Codex Alexandrinus Thaira): The inhabitants of this town, which was apparently not far from Tirzah, did not favor the regicide Menahem, refusing to open to him. In his wrath he massacred the Tiphsites with circumstances of horrible cruelty (2 Ki 15:16). Khirbet Tafsah, about 6 miles Southwest of Nablus, corresponds in name, but is probably too far from Tirzah.

W. Ewing

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