Study Dictionary
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Shalisha, The Land Of | Shalishah, Land Of | Shallecheth, The Gate | Shallecheth, The gate of | Shalleketh | Shallum | Shallun | Shalmai | Shalman | Shalmaneser | Shama


In Bible versions:

Shullam: NET
son of Jabesh; the assassin and successor of king Jeroboam
son of Tikvah; husband of Huldah the prophetess under Josiah
son of Sismai of Judah
son of King Josiah
son of Shaul son of Simeon
a high priest; son of Zadok II
son of Naphtali
son of Kore the Levite; a chief temple Porter under Nehemiah
father of Jehizkiah, chief minister of King Pekah
a Levite gatekeeper who put away his heathen wife
a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife
son of Hallohesh, ruler of part of Jerusalem under Nehemiah; helped repair the walls of Jerusalem
son of Col-Hozeh; ruler of the Mizpah district under Nehemiah and helped Nehemiah repair Jerusalem's gates
father of Hanamel; uncle of the prophet Jeremiah
father of Ma-Aseiah, temple gate keeper in Jeremiah's time

perfect; agreeable


Strongs #07967: Mwlv Shalluwm or (shorter) Mlv Shallum

Shallum = "retribution"

1) son of Jabesh, conspirator and slayer of king Zachariah of the
northern kingdom of Israel ending the dynasty of Jehu; assumed the
throne and became the 15th king of the northern kingdom; reigned
for one month and was killed by Menahem
2) the 3rd son of king Josiah of Judah and subsequent king of Judah;
reigned for 3 months before he was taken captive to Egypt where he
was placed in chains and later died
2a) also 'Jehoahaz'
3) husband of Huldah the prophetess in the reign of king Josiah of
Judah. Maybe the same as 4
4) uncle of Jeremiah the prophet. Maybe the same as 3
5) a Simeonite, son of Shaul and grandson of Simeon
6) a Judaite, son of Sisamai and father of Jekamiah in the family of
7) an Ephraimite, father of Jehizkiah
8) a son of Naphtali
9) a Korahite Levite, chief of a family of gatekeepers for the east
gate of the temple
9a) maybe same as 13
10) son of Halohesh and ruler of a district of Jerusalem; also
repairer of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah
11) a priest, of the family of Eleazar, son of Zadok and father of
Hilkiah in the family line of Ezra
12) a Korahite Levite, son of Kore, father of Maaseiah, and in charge
of the work of the service. Maybe same as 9
13) a Levite gatekeeper who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
14) a Levite and descendant of Bani who had a foreign wife in the
time of Ezra

7967 Shalluwm shal-loom'

or (shorter) Shallum {shal-loom'}; the same as 7966; Shallum,
the name of fourteen Israelites:-Shallum.
see HEBREW for 07966

Shallum [EBD]

retribution. (1.) The son of Jabesh, otherwise unknown. He "conspired against Zachariah, and smote him before the people, and slew him, and reigned in his stead" (2 Kings 15:10). He reigned only "a month of days in Samaria" (15:13, marg.). Menahem rose up against Shallum and put him to death (2 Kings 15:14, 15, 17), and became king in his stead.

(2.) Keeper of the temple vestments in the reign of Josiah (2 Kings 22:14).

(3.) One of the posterity of Judah (1 Chr. 2:40, 41).

(4.) A descendant of Simeon (1 Chr. 4:25).

(5.) One of the line of the high priests (1 Chr. 6:13).

(6.) 1 Chr. 7:13.

(7.) A keeper of the gate in the reign of David (1 Chr. 9:17).

(8.) A Levite porter (1 Chr. 9:19, 31; Jer. 35:4).

(9.) An Ephraimite chief (2 Chr. 28:12).

(10.) The uncle of the prophet Jeremiah (Jer. 32:7).

(11.) A son of king Josiah (1 Chr. 3:15; Jer. 22:11), who was elected to succeed his father on the throne, although he was two years younger than his brother Eliakim. He assumed the crown under the name of Jehoahaz (q.v.). He did not imitate the example of his father (2 Kings 23:32), but was "a young lion, and it learned to catch the prey; it devoured men" (Ezek. 19:3). His policy was anti-Egyptian therefore. Necho, at that time at Riblah, sent an army against Jerusalem, which at once yielded, and Jehoahaz was carried captive to the Egyptian camp, Eliakim being appointed king in his stead. He remained a captive in Egypt till his death, and was the first king of Judah that died in exile.

Shallum [NAVE]

1. King of Israel, 2 Kin. 15:10, 13-15.
2. Husband of Huldah, the prophetess, 2 Kin. 22:14; 2 Chr. 34:22.
3. Son of Sisamai, 1 Chr. 2:40, 41.
4. See: Jehoahaz, 3.
5. Grandson of Simeon, 1 Chr. 4:25.
6. Son of Zadok, 1 Chr. 6:12, 13; Ezra 7:2.
Called Meshullam, 1 Chr. 9:11; Neh. 11:11.
7. See Shillem.
8. A chief porter of the temple, 1 Chr. 9:17, 19, 31.
9. Father of Jehizkiah, 2 Chr. 28:12.
10. The ancestor of a family of returned exiles, Ezra 2:42; Neh. 7:45.
11. A porter who put away his wife, Ezra 10:24.
12. A son of Bani, who put away his wife, Ezra 10;42.
13. A Jew who repaired a portion of the wall of Jerusalem, Neh. 3:12.
14. Uncle of Jeremiah, Jer. 32:7.
15. Father of Maaseiah, Jer. 35:4.


  1. The fifteenth king of Israel, son of Jabesh, conspired against Zachariah, killed him, and brought the dynasty of Jehu to a close, B.C. 770. Shallum, after reigning in Samaria for a month only, was in his turn dethroned and killed by Menahem. (2 Kings 15:10-14)
  2. The husband of Huldah the prophetess, (2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chronicles 34:23) in the reign of Josiah. (B.C. 830.)
  3. A descendant of Shesham. (1 Chronicles 2:40,41)
  4. The third son of Josiah king of Judah, known in the books of Kings and Chronicles as Jehoahaz. (1 Chronicles 3:15; Jeremiah 22:11) [JEHOAHAZ] (B.C. 610.)
  5. Son of Shaul the son of Simeon. (1 Chronicles 4:25)
  6. A high priest. (1 Chronicles 6:12,13; Ezra 7:2)
  7. A son of Naphtali. (1 Chronicles 7:13)
  8. The chief of a family of porters or gate-keepers of the east gate of the temple. (1 Chronicles 9:17) (B.C. 1050.)
  9. Son of Kore, a Korahite. (1 Chronicles 9:19,31)
  10. Father of Jehizkiah, an Ephraimite. (2 Chronicles 28:12)
  11. One of the porters of the temple who had married a foreign wife. (Ezra 10:24)
  12. One of the sons of Bani. (Ezra 10:42)
  13. The son of Halohesh and ruler of a district of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:12)
  14. The uncle of Jeremiah, (Jeremiah 32:7) perhaps the same as 2.
  15. Father or ancestor of Maaseiah (Jeremiah 35:4) perhaps the same as 9. (B.C. 630.)


SHALLUM (1) - shal'-um (shallum, shallum; various forms in the Septuagint): This is the name of not less than 12 Hebrew persons:

(1) The youngest son of Naphtali (1 Ch 7:13). He is also called "Shillem" in Gen 46:24; Nu 26:49.

(2) A descendant of Simeon, the son of Shaul and the father of Mibsam (1 Ch 4:25). He lived in 1618 BC.

(3) The son of Sismai "son" of Shesham of the tribe of Judah (1 Ch 2:40,41). He lived in 1300 BC.

(4) A son of Kore, a porter of the sanctuary during the reign of David (1 Ch 9:17,19,31; Ezr 2:42; Neh 7:45). The name is also written "Meshullam" in Neh 12:25, "Salum" in 1 Esdras 5:28, "Meshelemiah" in 1 Ch 26:1,2,9, and "Shelemiah" in 1 Ch 26:14. He lived about 1050 BC.

(5) A son of Zadok and father of Hilkiah, a high priest and ancestor of Ezra the scribe (1 Ch 6:12,13; Ezr 7:2). In the works of Josephus he is called "Sallumus"; in 1 Esdras 8:1, "Salem," and in 2 Esdras 1:1, "Salemas."

(6) The 15th king of Israel. See following article.

(7) A son of Bani, a priest who had taken a heathen wife and was compelled by Ezra the scribe to put her away (Ezr 10:42; omitted in 1 Esdras 9:34).

(8) The father of Jehizkiah, an Ephraimite in the time of Ahaz king of Israel (2 Ch 28:12).

(9) The husband of the prophetess Huldah (2 Ki 22:14; 2 Ch 34:22). He was the keeper of the sacred wardrobe and was probably the uncle of Jeremiah the prophet (Jer 32:7; compare Jer 35:4).

(10) King of Judah and son of Josiah (Jer 22:11; 1 Ch 3:15), better known by the name Jehoahaz II. This name he received when he ascended the throne of the kingdom of Judah (2 Ch 36:1).

(11) A Levite who was a porter at the time of Ezra (Ezr 10:24; "Sallumus" in 1 Esdras 9:25).

(12) A ruler over a part of Jerusalem and a son of Hallohesh. He with his daughters aided in building the walls of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah (Neh 3:12).

S. L. Umbach


SHALLUM (2) - (shallum, shallum, "the requited one" (2 Ki 15:10-15)): The 15th king of Israel, and successor of Zechariah, whom he publicly assassinated in the 7th month of his reign. Nothing more is known of Shallum than that he was a son of Jabesh, which may indicate that he was a Gileadite from beyond Jordan. He is said to have made "a conspiracy" against Zechariah, so was not alone in his crime. The conspirators, however, had but a short-lived success, as, when Shallum had "reigned for the space of a month in Samaria," Menahem, then at Tirzah, one of the minor capitals of the kingdom, went up to Samaria, slew him and took his place.

It was probably at this time that Syria threw off the yoke of tribute to Israel (see JEROBOAM, II), as when next we meet with that kingdom, it is under its own king and in alliance with Samaria (2 Ki 16:5).

The 10 years of rule given to Menahem (2 Ki 15:17) may be taken to include the few months of military violence under Zechariah and Shallum, and cover the full years 758-750, with portions of years before and after counted as whole ones. The unsuccessful usurpation of Shallum may therefore be put in 758 BC (some date lower).

W. Shaw Caldecott

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