Also see definition of "Psalms" in Word Study
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GREEK: 5568 qalmov psalmos 1325 didwmi didomi
NAVE: Psalms
EBD: Psalms
Proxy | Prudence | Pruning | Pruning-Hook | Psalmody | Psalms | Psalms, Book Of | Psalms, Imprecatory | Psalter, (Psalms), Of Solomon | Psaltery | Psaltiel


In Bible versions:

Psalm: AVS TEV
an O.T. book name and/or one of the Psalms comprising the book


Strongs #5568: qalmov psalmos

1) a striking, twanging
1a) of a striking the chords of a musical instrument
1b) of a pious song, a psalm

Synonym : See Definition 5876

5568 psalmos psal-mos'

from 5567; a set piece of music, i.e. a sacred ode (accompanied with
the voice, harp or other instrument; a "psalm"); collectively, the
book of the Psalms:-psalm. Compare 5603.
see GREEK for 5567
see GREEK for 5603

Strongs #1325: didwmi didomi

1) to give
2) to give something to someone
2a) of one's own accord to give one something, to his advantage
2a1) to bestow a gift
2b) to grant, give to one asking, let have
2c) to supply, furnish, necessary things
2d) to give over, deliver
2d1) to reach out, extend, present
2d2) of a writing
2d3) to give over to one's care, intrust, commit
2d3a) something to be administered
2d3b) to give or commit to some one something to be
religiously observed
2e) to give what is due or obligatory, to pay: wages or reward
2f) to furnish, endue
3) to give
3a) to cause, profuse, give forth from one's self
3a1) to give, hand out lots
3b) to appoint to an office
3c) to cause to come forth, i.e. as the sea, death and Hell are said
to give up the dead who have been engulfed or received by them
3c) to give one to someone as his own
3c1) as an object of his saving care
3c2) to give one to someone, to follow him as a leader and master
3c3) to give one to someone to care for his interests
3c4) to give one to someone to whom he already belonged, to return
4) to grant or permit one
4a) to commission

Synonym : See Definition 5836

1325 didomi did'-o-mee

a prolonged form of a primary verb (which is used as an alternative in
most of the tenses); to give (used in a very wide application,
properly, or by implication, literally or figuratively; greatly
modified by the connection):-adventure, bestow, bring forth, commit,
deliver (up), give, grant, hinder, make, minister, number, offer, have
power, put, receive, set, shew, smite (+with the hand), strike
(+with the palm of the hand), suffer, take, utter, yield.

Psalms [EBD]

The psalms are the production of various authors. "Only a portion of the Book of Psalms claims David as its author. Other inspired poets in successive generations added now one now another contribution to the sacred collection, and thus in the wisdom of Providence it more completely reflects every phase of human emotion and circumstances than it otherwise could." But it is specially to David and his contemporaries that we owe this precious book. In the "titles" of the psalms, the genuineness of which there is no sufficient reason to doubt, 73 are ascribed to David. Peter and John (Acts 4:25) ascribe to him also the second psalm, which is one of the 48 that are anonymous. About two-thirds of the whole collection have been ascribed to David.

Psalms 39, 62, and 77 are addressed to Jeduthun, to be sung after his manner or in his choir. Psalms 50 and 73-83 are addressed to Asaph, as the master of his choir, to be sung in the worship of God. The "sons of Korah," who formed a leading part of the Kohathite singers (2 Chr. 20:19), were intrusted with the arranging and singing of Ps. 42, 44-49, 84, 85, 87, and 88.

In Luke 24:44 the word "psalms" means the Hagiographa, i.e., the holy writings, one of the sections into which the Jews divided the Old Testament. (See BIBLE.)

None of the psalms can be proved to have been of a later date than the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, hence the whole collection extends over a period of about 1,000 years. There are in the New Testament 116 direct quotations from the Psalter.

The Psalter is divided, after the analogy of the Pentateuch, into five books, each closing with a doxology or benediction:

(1.) The first book comprises the first 41 psalms, all of which are ascribed to David except 1, 2, 10, and 33, which, though anonymous, may also be ascribed to him.

(2.) Book second consists of the next 31 psalms (42-72), 18 of which are ascribed to David and 1 to Solomon (the 72nd). The rest are anonymous.

(3.) The third book contains 17 psalms (73-89), of which the 86th is ascribed to David, the 88th to Heman the Ezrahite, and the 89th to Ethan the Ezrahite.

(4.) The fourth book also contains 17 psalms (90-106), of which the 90th is ascribed to Moses, and the 101st and 103rd to David.

(5.) The fifth book contains the remaining psalms, 44 in number. Of these, 15 are ascribed to David, and the 127th to Solomon.

Ps. 136 is generally called "the great hallel." But the Talmud includes also Ps. 120-135. Ps. 113-118, inclusive, constitute the "hallel" recited at the three great feasts, at the new moon, and on the eight days of the feast of dedication.

"It is presumed that these several collections were made at times of high religious life: the first, probably, near the close of David's life; the second in the days of Solomon; the third by the singers of Jehoshaphat (2 Chr. 20:19); the fourth by the men of Hezekiah (29, 30, 31); and the fifth in the days of Ezra."

The Mosaic ritual makes no provision for the service of song in the worship of God. David first taught the Church to sing the praises of the Lord. He first introduced into the ritual of the tabernacle music and song.

Divers names are given to the psalms. (1.) Some bear the Hebrew designation shir (Gr. ode, a song). Thirteen have this title. It means the flow of speech, as it were, in a straight line or in a regular strain. This title includes secular as well as sacred song.

(2.) Fifty-eight psalms bear the designation (Heb.) mitsmor (Gr. psalmos, a psalm), a lyric ode, or a song set to music; a sacred song accompanied with a musical instrument.

(3.) Ps. 145, and many others, have the designation (Heb.) tehillah (Gr. hymnos, a hymn), meaning a song of praise; a song the prominent thought of which is the praise of God.

(4.) Six psalms (16, 56-60) have the title (Heb.) michtam (q.v.).

(5.) Ps. 7 and Hab. 3 bear the title (Heb.) shiggaion (q.v.).

Psalms [NAVE]

Of Moses, celebrating the deliverance at the Red Sea, Ex. 15:1-19.
Didactic songs composed by Moses, celebrating the providence, righteousness, and judgments of God, Deut. 32:1-43; Psa. 90.
Song of Deborah, celebrating Israel's victory over Sisera, Judg. 5.
Of Haah, in thankfulness for a son, 1 Sam. 2:1-10.
Of David, celebrating his deliverance, 2 Sam. 22; on the occasion of removing the ark, 1 Chr. 16:7-36; at the close of his reign, 2 Sam. 23:2-7; 1 Chr. 29:10-19.
Of Isaiah, Isa. 12; 25; 26.
Of Hezekiah, celebrating deliverance from death, Isa. 38:9-20.
Of Mary, Luke 1:46-55.
Elisabeth, Luke 1:42-45.
Zacharias, Luke 1:68-79.
Index of Sub-topics
Afflictions; Didactic; Historical; Imprecatory; Intercessional; Messianic; Prayers of Repentance; Praise, For God's Attributes; Prophetic; Thanksgiving, For God's Goodness to Israel, For God's Goodness to Good Men, For God's Mercies to Individuals.
Psalm 3 - The security of God's protection.
Psalm 4 - 1 David prays for an audience. 2 He reproves and exhorts his enemies. 6 One's happiness is in God's favor.
Psalm 5 - 1 David prays, and professes his study in prayer. 4 God does not favor the wicked. 7 David, professing his faith, prays to God to guide him. and to preserve the godly.
Psalm 7 - 1 David prays against the malice of his enemies, professing his iocence. 10 By faith he sees his defense, and the destruction of his enemies.
Psalm 11 - 1 David encourages himself in God against his enemies. 4 The providence and justice of God.
Psalm 13 - 1 David complains of delay in help. 3 He prays for preventing grace. 5 He boasts of divine mercy.
Psalm 16 - 1 David, in distrust of merits, and hatred of idolatry, flees to God for preservation. 5 He shows the hope of his calling, of the resurrection, and life everlasting.
Psalm 17 - 1 David, in confidence of his integrity, craves defense of God against his enemies. 10 He shows their pride, craft, and eagerness. 13 He prays against them in confidence of his hope.
Psalm 22 - 1 David complains in great discouragement. 9 He prays in great distress. 23 He praises God.
Psalm 26 - 1 David resorts to God in confidence of his integrity.
Psalm 27 - 1 David sustains his faith by the power of God, 4 by his love to the service of God, 9 by prayer.
Psalm 28 - 1 David prays earnestly against his enemies. 6 He blesses God. 9 He prays for the people.
Psalm 31 - 1 David showing his confidence in God craves his help. 7 He rejoices in his mercy. 9 He prays in his calamity. 19 He praises God for his goodness.
Psalm 35 - 1 David prays for his own safety, and his enemies' confusion. 11 He complains of their wrongful dealing. 22 Thereby he incites God against them.
Psalm 41 - 1 God's care of the poor. 4 David complains of his enemies' treachery. 10 He flees to God for relief.
Psalm 42 - 1 David's zeal to serve God in the temple. 5 He encourages his soul to trust in God.
Psalm 43 - 1 David, praying to be restored to the temple, promises to serve God joyfully. 5 He encourages his soul to trust in God.
Psalm 44 - 1 The church, in memory of former favors, 7 complains of their present evils. 17 Professing her integrity, 23 she fervently prays for relief.
Psalm 54 - 1 David, complaining of the Ziphims, prays for salvation. 4 Upon his confidence in God's help he promises sacrifice.
Psalm 55 - 1 David in his prayer complains of his fearful case. 9 He prays against his enemies, of whose wickedness and treachery he complains. 16 He comforts himself in God's preservation of him, and confusion of his enemies.
Psalm 56 - 1 David, praying to God in confidence of his word, complains of his enemies. 9 He professes his confidence in God's word, and promises to praise him.
Psalm 57 - 1 David in prayer fleeing to God complains of his dangerous case. 7 He encourages himself to praise God.
Psalm 59 - 1 David prays to be delivered from his enemies. 6 He complains of their cruelty. 8 He trusts in God. 11 He prays against them. 16 He praises God.
Psalm 60 - 1 David, complaining to God of former judgment, 4 now, upon better hope, prays for deliverance. 6 Comforting himself in God's promises, he craves that help in which he trusts.
Psalm 61 - 1 David flees to God upon his former experience. 4 He vows perpetual service to him, because of his promises.
Psalm 62 - 1 David professing his confidence in God discourages his enemies. 5 In the same confidence he encourages the godly. 9 No trust is to be put in worldly things. 11 Power and mercy belong to God.
Psalm 63 - 1 David's thirst for God. 4 His maer of blessing God. 9 His confidence of his enemies' destruction, and his own safety.
Psalm 64 - 1 David prays for deliverance, complaining of his enemies. 7 He promises himself to see such an evident destruction of his enemies, as the righteous shall rejoice at it.
Psalm 69 - 1 David complains of his affliction. 13 He prays for deliverance. 22 He devotes his enemies to destruction. 30 He praises God with thanksgiving.
Psalm 70 - 1 David solicits God to the swift destruction of the wicked, and preservation of the godly.
Psalm 71 - 1 David, in confidence of faith, and experience of God's favor, prays both for himself, and against the enemies of his soul. 14 He promises constancy. 17 He prays for perseverance. 19 He praises God, and promises to do it cheerfully.
Psalm 74 - 1 The prophet complains of the desolation of the sanctuary. 10 He moves God to help in consideration of his power, 18 of his reproachful enemies, of his children, and of his covenant.
Psalm 77 - 1 The psalmist shows what fierce combat he had with hesitance. 10 The victory which he had by consideration of God's great and gracious works.
Psalm 79 - 1 The psalmist complains of the desolation of Jerusalem. 8 He prays for deliverance, 13 and promises thankfulness.
Psalm 80 - 1 The psalmist in his prayer complains of the miseries of the church. 8 God's former favors are turned into judgments. 14 He prays for deliverance.
Psalm 83 - 1 A complaint to God of the enemies' conspiracies. 9 A prayer against them that oppress the church.
Psalm 84 - 1 The prophet, longing for the communion of the sanctuary, 4 shows how blessed they are that dwell therein. 8 He prays to be restored to it.
Psalm 86 - 1 David strengthens his prayer by acknowledging his state, 5 by the goodness and power of God. 11 He desires the continuance of former grace. 14 Complaining of the proud, he craves some token of God's goodness.
Psalm 88 - A prayer containing a grievous complaint.
Psalm 89 - 1 The psalmist praises God for his covenant, 5 for his wonderful power, 15 for the care of his church, 19 for his favor to the kingdom of David. 38 Then complaining of contrary events, 46 he questions, prays, and blesses God.
Psalm 94 - 1 The prophet, calling for justice, complains of tyray and impiety. 8 He teaches God's providence. 12 He shows the blessedness of affliction. 16 God is the defender of the afflicted.
Psalm 102 - 1 The prophet in his prayer makes a grievous complaint. 12 He takes comfort in the eternity and mercy of God. 18 The mercies of God are to be recorded. 23 He sustains his weakness by the unchangeableness of God.
Psalm 109 - 1 David, complains of his slanderous enemies. 16 He shows their sin. 21 Complaining of his own misery, he prays for help. 29 He promises thankfulness.
Psalm 120 - 1 David prays against Doeg, 3 reproves his tongue, 5 complains of his necessary conversation with the wicked.
Psalm 123 - 1 The godly profess their confidence in God, 3 and pray to be delivered from contempt.
Psalm 129 - 1 An exhortation to praise God for saving Israel in their great afflictions. 5 The haters of the church are cursed.
Psalm 137 - 1 The constancy of the Jews in captivity. 7 The prophet curses Edom and Babel.
Psalm 140 - 1 David prays to be delivered from Saul and Doeg. 8 He prays against them. 12 He comforts himself by confidence in God.
Psalm 141 - 1 David prays that his suit may be acceptable, 3 his conscience sincere, 7 and his life safe from snares.
Psalm 142 - David shows that in his trouble all his comfort was in prayer to God.
Psalm 143 - 1 David prays for favor in judgment. 3 He complains of his griefs. 5 He strengthens his faith by meditation and prayer. 7 He prays for grace. 9 for deliverance, 10 for sanctification, 12 for destruction of his enemies.
Psalm 1 - 1 The happiness of the godly. 4 The unhappiness of the ungodly.
Psalm 5 - 1 David prays, and professes his study in prayer. 4 God favors not the wicked. 7 David, professing his faith, prays to God to guide him, 10 to destroy his enemies, 11 and to preserve the godly.
Psalm 7 - 1 David prays against the malice of his enemies, professing his iocence. 10 By faith he sees his defense, and the destruction of his enemies.
Psalm 9 - 1 David praises God for executing of judgment. 11 He incites others to praise him. 13 He prays that he may have cause to praise him.
Psalm 10 - 1 David complains to God of the outrage of the wicked. 12 He prays for remedy. 16 He professes his confidence.
Psalm 11 - 1 David encourages himself in God against his enemies. 4 The providence and justice of God.
Psalm 12 - 1 David, destitute of human comfort, craves help of God. 3 He comforts himself with God's judgments on the wicked, and confidence in God's tried promises.
Psalm 14 - 1 David describes the corruption of mankind in the natural state. 4 He convinces the wicked by the light of their conscience. 7 He glories in the salvation of God.
Psalm 15 - David describes a citizen of Zion.
Psalm 17 - 1 David, in confidence of his integrity, craves defense of God against his enemies. 10 He shows their pride, craft, and eagerness. 13 He prays against them in confidence of his hope.
Psalm 24 - 1 God's lordship in the world. The citizens of his spiritual kingdom. 7 An exhortation to receive him.
Psalm 25 - 1 David's confidence in prayer. 7 He prays for remission of sins, 16 and for help in affliction.
Psalm 32 - 1 Blessedness consists in remission of sins. 3 Confession of sins eases the conscience. 8 God's promises bring joy.
Psalm 34 - 1 David praises God, and exhorts others to also, by his experience. 8 They are blessed that trust in God. 11 He exhorts one to fear God. 15 The privileges of the righteous.
Psalm 36 - 1 The grievous estate of the wicked. 5 The excellency of God's mercy. 10 David prays for favor to God's children.
Psalm 37 - David persuades one to have patience and confidence in God, by the different estate of the godly and the wicked.
Psalm 39 - 1 David's care of his thoughts. 4 The consideration of the brevity and vanity of life, 7 the reverence of God's judgments, 10 and prayer, are his bridles of impatiency.
Psalm 49 - 1 An earnest persuasion to build the faith of resurrection, not on worldly power, but on God. 16 Worldly prosperity is not to be admired.
Psalm 50 - 1 The majesty of God in the church. 5 His order to gather saints. 7 The pleasure of God is not in ceremonies, 14 but in sincerity of obedience.
Psalm 52 - 1 David, condemning the spitefulness of Doeg, prophesies his destruction. 6 The righteous shall rejoice at it. 8 David, upon his confidence in God's mercy, gives thanks.
Psalm 53 - 1 David describes the corruption of a mankind in the natural state. 4 He convinces the wicked by the light of their own conscience. 6 He glories in the salvation of God.
Psalm 58 - 1 David reproves wicked judges, 3 describes the nature of the wicked, 6 devotes them to God's judgments, 10 where the righteous shall rejoice.
Psalm 73 - 1 The prophet, prevailing in a temptation, 2 shows the occasion thereof, the prosperity of the wicked. 13 The wound given thereby, hesitance. 15 The victory over it, knowledge of God's purpose, in destroying of the wicked, and sustaining the righteous.
Psalm 75 - 1 The prophet praises God. 2 He promises to judge uprightly. 4 He rebukes the proud by consideration of God's providence. 9 He praises God, and promises to execute justice.
Psalm 82 - 1 The psalmist, having exhorted the judges, 5 and reproved their negligence, 8 prays God to judge.
Psalm 84 - 1 The prophet, longing for the communion of the sanctuary, 4 shows how blessed they are that dwell therein. 8 He prays to be restored to it.
Psalm 90 - 1 Moses, setting forth God's providence, 3 complains of human fragility, 7 divine chastisements, 10 and brevity of life. 12 He prays for the knowledge and sensible experience of God's good providence.
Psalm 91 - 1 The state of the godly. 3 Their safety. 9 Their habitation. 11 Their servants. 14 Their friend; with the effects of them all.
Psalm 92 - 1 The prophet exhorts one to praise God, 4 for his great works, 6 for his judgments on the wicked, 10 and for his goodness to the godly.
Psalm 94 - 1 The prophet, calling for justice, complains of tyray and impiety. 8 He teaches God's providence. 12 He shows the blessedness of affliction. 16 God is the defender of the afflicted.
Psalm 101 - David makes a vow and profession of godliness.
Psalm 112 - 1 Godliness hath the promises of this life, 4 and of the life to come. 10 The prosperity of the godly shall be an eyesore to the wicked.
Psalm 119 - This psalm contains many prayers, praises, and professions of obedience.
Psalm 121 - The great safety of the godly, who put their trust in God's protection.
Psalm 125 - 1 The safety of such as trust in God. 4 A prayer for the godly, and against the wicked.
Psalm 127 - 1 The virtue of God's blessing. 3 Good children are his gift.
Psalm 128 - The various blessings which follow them that fear God.
Psalm 131 - 1 David, professing his humility, 3 exhorts Israel to hope in God.
Psalm 133 - The benefit of the communion of saints.
Psalm 78 - 1 An exhortation both to learn and to preach the law of God. 9 The story of God's wrath against the incredulous and disobedient. 67 The Israelites being rejected, God chose Judah, Zion, and David.
Psalm 105 - 1 An exhortation to praise God, and to seek out his works. 7 The story of God's providence over Abraham, 16 over Joseph, 23 over Jacob in Egypt, 26 over Moses delivering the Israelites, 37 over the Israelites brought out of Egypt, fed in the wilderness, and planted in Canaan.
Psalm 106 - 1 The psalmist exhorts to praise God. 4 He prays for pardon of sin, as God did with the fathers. 7 The story of the people's rebellion, and God's mercy. 47 He concludes with prayer and praise.
Psalm 20 - 1 The church blesses the king in his exploits. 7 Her confidence in God's relief.
Psalm 67 - 1 A prayer for the enlargement of God's kingdom, 3 to the joy of the people, 6 and the increase of God's blessings.
Psalm 122 - 1 David professes his joy for the church, 6 and prays for the peace thereof.
Psalm 132 - 1 David in his prayer commends to God the religious care he had for the ark. 8 His prayer at the removing of the ark, 11 with a repetition of God's promises.
Psalm 144 - 1 David blesses God for his mercy both to him and to mankind. 5 He prays that God would powerfully deliver him from his enemies. 9 He promises to praise God. 11 He prays for the happy state of the kingdom.
See: Jesus, Messiah, Messianic Psalms.
Prayers of Repentance
Psalm 6 - 1 David's complaint in his sickness. 8 By faith he triumphs over his enemies.
Psalm 25 - 1 David's confidence in prayer. 7 He prays for remission of sins, 16 and for help in affliction.
Psalm 32 - 1 Blessedness consists in remission of sins. 3 Confession of sins eases the conscience. 8 God's promises bring joy.
Psalm 38 - David moves God to take compassion of his pitiful case.
Psalm 51 - 1 David prays for remission of sins; he makes a deep confession. 6 He prays for sanctification. 16 God delights not in sacrifice, but in sincerity. 18 He prays for the church.
Psalm 102 - 1 The prophet in his prayer makes a grievous complaint. 12 He takes comfort in the eternity and mercy of God. 18 The mercies of God are to be recorded. 23 He sustains his weakness by the unchangeableness of God.
Psalm 130 - 1 The psalmist professes his hope in prayer, 5 and his patience in hope. 7 He exhorts Israel to hope in God.
Psalm 143 - 1 David prays for favor in judgment. 3 He complains of his griefs. 5 He strengthens his faith by meditation and prayer. 7 He prays for grace, 9 for deliverance, 10 for sanctification, 12 for destruction of his enemies.
For God's Attributes:Psalm 8 - God's glory is magnified by his works, and by his love for mankind.
Psalm 19 - 1 The creatures show God's glory. 7 The word his grace. 12 David prays for grace.
Psalm 24 - 1 God's lordship in the world. 3 The citizens of his spiritual kingdom. 7 An exhortation to receive him.
Psalm 29 - 1 David exhorts princes to give glory to God, 3 by reason of his power, 11 and protection of his people.
Psalm 33 - 1 God is to be praised for his goodness, 6 for his power, 12 and for his providence. 20 Confidence is to be placed in God.
Psalm 47 - The nations are exhorted cheerfully to entertain the kingdom of Christ.
Psalm 50 - 1 The majesty of God in the church. 5 His order to gather saints. 7 The pleasure of God is not in ceremonies. 14 but in sincerity of obedience.
Psalm 65 - 1 David praises God for his grace. 4 The blessedness of God's chosen by reason of benefits.
Psalm 66 - 1 David exhorts to praise God, 5 to observe his great works, 8 to bless him for his gracious benefits. 12 He vows for himself religious service to God. 16 He declares God's special goodness to himself.
Psalm 76 - 1 A declaration of God's majesty in the church. 11 An exhortation to serve him reverently.
Psalm 77 - 1 The psalmist shows what fierce combat he had with insecurity. 10 The victory which he had by consideration of God's great and gracious works.
Psalm 93 - The majesty, power, and holiness of Christ's kingdom.
Psalm 95 - 1 An exhortation to praise God, 3 for his greatness, 6 and for his goodness, 8 and not to tempt him.
Psalm 96 - 1 An exhortation to praise God, 4 for his greatness, 8 for his kingdom, 11 for his general judgment.
Psalm 97 - 1 The majesty of God's kingdom. 7 The church rejoices at God's judgments upon idolaters. 10 An exhortation to godliness and gladness.
Psalm 99 - 1 The prophet, setting forth the kingdom of God in Zion, 5 exhorts all, by the example of forefathers, to worship God at his holy hill.
Psalm 104 - 1 A meditation upon the mighty power, 7 and wonderful providence of God. 31 God's glory is eternal. 33 The prophet vows perpetually to praise God.
Psalm 111 - 1 The psalmist by his example incites others to praise God for his glorious, 5 and gracious works. 10 The fear of God breeds true wisdom.
Psalm 113 - 1 An exhortation to praise God for his excellency, 6 for his mercy.
Psalm 114 - An exhortation, by the example of the flocks, to fear God in his sanctuary.
Psalm 115 - 1 Because God is truly glorious, 4 and idols are vanity, 9 he exhorts to confidence in God. 12 God is to be blessed for his blessings.
Psalm 134 - An exhortation to bless God.
Psalm 139 - 1 David praises God for his all seeing providence, 17 and for his infinite mercies. 19 He defies the wicked. 23 He prays for sincerity.
Psalm 147 - 1 The prophet exhorts to praise God for his care of the church, 4 his power, 6 and his mercy: 7 to praise him for his providence: 12 to praise him for his blessings upon the kingdom, 15 for his power over the meteors, 19 and for his ordinances in the church.
Psalm 148 - 1 The psalmist exhorts the celestial, 7 the terrestrial, 11 and the rational creatures to praise God.
Psalm 150 - 1 An exhortation to praise God, 3 with all kind of instruments.
Psalm 2 - 1 The kingdom of Christ. 10 Kings are exhorted to accept it.
Psalm 16 - 1 David, in distrust of merits, and hatred of idolatry, flees to God for preservation. 5 He shows the hope of his calling, of the resurrection, and life everlasting.
Psalm 22 - 1 David complains in great discouragement. 9 He prays in great distress. 23 He praises God.
Psalm 40 - 1 The benefit of confidence in God. 6 Obedience is the best sacrifice. 11 The sense of David's evils inflames his prayer.
Psalm 45 - 1 The majesty and grace of Christ's kingdom. 10 The duty of the church, and the benefits thereof.
Psalm 68 - 1 A prayer at the removing of the ark. 4 An exhortation to praise God for his mercies, 7 for his care of the church, 19 for his great works.
Psalm 69 - 1 David complains of his affliction. 13 He prays for deliverance. 22 He devotes his enemies to destruction. 30 He praises God with thanksgiving.
Psalm 72 - 1 David, praying for Solomon, shows the goodness and glory of his, in type, and in truth, of Christ's kingdom. 18 He blesses God.
Psalm 87 - 1 The nature and glory of the church. 4 The increase, honor, and comfort of the members thereof.
Psalm 97 - 1 The majesty of God's kingdom. 7 The church rejoices at God's judgments upon idolaters. 10 An exhortation to godliness and gladness.
Psalm 110 - 1 The kingdom, 4 the priesthood, 5 the conquest, 7 and the passion of Christ.
Psalm 118 - 1 An exhortation to praise God for his mercy. 5 The psalmist by his experience shows how good it is to trust in God. 19 Under the type of the psalmist the coming of Christ in his kingdom is expressed.
For God's Goodness to Israel:Psalm 21 - 1 A thanksgiving for victory. 7 Confidence of further success.
Psalm 46 - 1 The confidence which the church hath in God. 8 An exhortation to behold it.
Psalm 48 - The ornaments and privileges of the church.
Psalm 65 - 1 David praises God for his grace. 4 The blessedness of God's chosen by reason of benefits.
Psalm 66 - 1 David exhorts to praise God, 5 to observe his great works, 8 to bless him for his gracious benefits. 12 He vows for himself religious service to God. 16 He declares God's special goodness to himself.
Psalm 68 - 1 A prayer at the removing of the ark. 4 An exhortation to praise God for his mercies, 7 for his care of the church, 19 for his great works.
Psalm 76 - 1 A declaration of God's majesty in the church. 11 An exhortation to serve him reverently.
Psalm 81 - 1 An exhortation to a solemn praising of God. 4 God challenges that duty by reason of his benefits. 8 God, exhorting to obedience, complains of their disobedience, which in fact hurts them.
Psalm 85 - 1 The psalmist, out of the experience of former mercies, prays for the continuance thereof. 8 He promises to wait, out of confidence of God's goodness.
Psalm 98 - 1 The psalmist exhorts the Jews, 4 the Gentiles, 7 and all the creatures to praise God.
Psalm 105 - 1 An exhortation to praise God, and to seek out his works. 7 The story of God's providence over Abraham, 16 over Joseph, 23 over Jacob in Egypt, 26 over Moses delivering the Israelites, 37 over the Israelites brought out of Egypt, fed in the wilderness, and planted in Canaan.
Psalm 124 - The church blesses God for a miraculous deliverance.
Psalm 126 - 1 The church, celebrating her incredible return out of captivity, 4 prays for, and prophesies the good success thereof.
Psalm 129 - 1 An exhortation to praise God for saving Israel in their great afflictions. 5 The haters of the church are cursed.
Psalm 135 - 1 An exhortation to praise God for his mercy, 5 for his power, 8 for his judgments. 15 The vanity of idols. 19 An exhortation to bless God.
Psalm 136 - An exhortation to give thanks to God for particular mercies.
Psalm 149 - 1 The prophet exhorts to praise God for his love to the church, 5 and for that power which he hath given to the church.
For God's Goodness to Good Men:
Psalm 23 - David's confidence in God's grace.
Psalm 34 - 1 David praises God, and exhorts others to also, by his experience. 8 They are blessed that trust in God. 11 He exhorts one to the fear of God. 15 The privileges of the righteous.
Psalm 36 - 1 The grievous estate of the wicked. 5 The excellency of God's mercy. 10 David prays for favor to God's children.
Psalm 91 - 1 The state of the godly. 3 Their safety. 9 Their habitation. 11 Their servants. 14 Their friend; with the effects of them all.
Psalm 100 - 1 An exhortation to praise God cheerfully, 3 for his greatness, 4 and for his power.
Psalm 103 - 1 An exhortation to bless God for his mercy, 15 and for the constancy thereof.
Psalm 107 - 1 The psalmist exhorts the redeemed, in praising God, to observe his manifold providence, 4 over travellers, 10 over captives, 17 over sick men, 23 over seamen, 33 and in other varieties of life.
Psalm 117 - An exhortation to praise God for his mercy and truth.
Psalm 121 - The great safety of the godly, who put their trust in God's protection.
Psalm 145 - 1 David praises God for his fame, 8 for his goodness, 11 for his kingdom, 14 for his providence, 17 for his saving mercy.
Psalm 146 - 1 The psalmist vows perpetual praises to God. 3 He exhorts one not to trust in human institutions. 5 God, for his power, justice, mercy, and kingdom, is only worthy to be trusted.
For God's Mercies to Individuals:
Psalm 9 - 1 David praises God for executing of judgment. 11 He incites others to praise him. 13 He prays that he may have cause to praise him.
Psalm 18 - David praises God for his manifold and marvelous blessings.
Psalm 30 - 1 David praises God for his deliverance. 4 He exhorts others to praise him by example of God's dealing with him.
Psalm 34 - 1 David praises God, and exhorts others to also, by his experience. 8 They are blessed that trust in God. 11 He exhorts one to fear God. 15 The privileges of the righteous.
Psalm 40 - 1 The benefit of confidence in God. 6 Obedience is the best sacrifice. 11 The sense of David's evils inflames his prayer.
Psalm 75 - 1 The prophet praises God. 2 He promises to judge uprightly. 4 He rebukes the proud by consideration of God's providence. 9 He praises God, and promises to execute justice.
Psalm 103 - 1 An exhortation to bless God for his mercy, 15 and for the constancy thereof.
Psalm 108 - 1 David encourages himself to praise God. 5 He prays for God's assistance according to his promise. 11 His confidence in God's help.
Psalm 116 - 1 The psalmist professes his love and duty to God for his deliverance. 12 He studies to be thankful.
Psalm 118 - 1 An exhortation to praise God for his mercy. 5 The psalmist by his experience shows how good it is to trust in God. 19 Under the type of the psalmist the coming of Christ in his kingdom is expressed.
Psalm 138 - 1 David praises God for the truth of his word. 4 He prophesies that the kings of the earth shall praise God. 7 He professes his confidence in God.
Psalm 144 - 1 David blesses God for his mercy both to him and to mankind. 5 He prays that God would powerfully deliver him from his enemies. 9 He promises to praise God. 11 He prays for the happy state of the kingdom.

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