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HEBREW: 6554 rprp Parpar
NAVE: Pharpar
EBD: Pharpar
Phares, Pharez Or Perez | Pharida | Pharira | Pharisees | Pharosh | Pharpar | Pharzite | Pharzites | Pharzites. The | Phaseah | Phaseah, Paseah


In Bible versions:

a brook flowing east from Mt. Hermon 20 km south of Damascus

that produces fruit
Google Maps: Pharpar (33° 22´, 36° 18´)


Strongs #06554: rprp Parpar

Pharpar = "swift"

1) a stream in the district of Damascus identified with the modern
'Awaj'; rises on the southeast slopes of Mount Hermon and flows
into the southernmost lake of Damascus

6554 Parpar par-par'

probably from 6565 in the sense of rushing; rapid; Parpar, a
river of Syria:-Pharpar.
see HEBREW for 06565

Pharpar [EBD]

swift, one of the rivers of Damascus (2 Kings 5:12). It has been identified with the 'Awaj, "a small lively river." The whole of the district watered by the 'Awaj is called the Wady el-'Ajam, i.e., "the valley of the Persians", so called for some unknown reason. This river empties itself into the lake or marsh Bahret Hijaneh, on the east of Damascus. One of its branches bears the modern name of Wady Barbar, which is probably a corruption of Pharpar.

Pharpar [NAVE]

PHARPAR, a river of Damascus. Referred to by Naaman, 2 Kin. 5:12.


(swift), the second of the "two rivers of Damascus" --Abana and Pharpar --alluded to by Naaman. (2 Kings 5:18) The two principal streams in the district of Damascus are the Barada and the Awaj, the former being the Abana and the latter the Pharpur. The Awaj rises on the southeast slopes of Hermon, and flows into the most southerly of the three lakes or swamps of Damascus.


PHARPAR - far'-par (parpar; Septuagint: Codex Vaticanus Apharpha; Codex Alexandrinus Pharphara): A river of Damascus, mentioned in 2 Ki 5:12, along with the Abana or Amana.e and James, Psalms of Solomon. xliv ff; Nicolas. Doctrines religieuses des juifs, 48 ff.


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