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HEBREW: 2999 qby Yabboq
NAVE: Jabbok
EBD: Jabbok
Jaazar | Jaazer | Jaaziah | Jaaziel | Jabal | Jabbok | Jabbok River | Jabesh | Jabez | Jabin | Jabneel


In Bible versions:

a river flowing west into the Jordan River 40 km north of the Dead Sea

evacuation; dissipation; wrestling
Google Maps: Jabbok (32° 11´, 35° 40´)


Strongs #02999: qby Yabboq

Jabbok = "emptying"

1) a stream which intersects the mountain range of Gilead, and falls
into the Jordan on the east about midway between the Sea of
Galilee and the Dead Sea

2999 Yabboq yab-boke'

probably from 1238; pouring forth; Jabbok, a river east of
the Jordan:-Jabbok.
see HEBREW for 01238

Jabbok [EBD]

a pouring out, or a wrestling, one of the streams on the east of Jordan, into which it falls about midway between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, or about 45 miles below the Sea of Galilee. It rises on the eastern side of the mountains of Gilead, and runs a course of about 65 miles in a wild and deep ravine. It was the boundary between the territory of the Ammonites and that of Og, king of Bashan (Josh. 12:1-5; Num. 21:24); also between the tribe of Reuben and the half tribe of Manasseh (21:24; Deut. 3:16). In its course westward across the plains it passes more than once underground. "The scenery along its banks is probably the most picturesque in Palestine; and the ruins of town and village and fortress which stud the surrounding mountain-side render the country as interesting as it is beautiful." This river is now called the Zerka, or blue river.

Jabbok [NAVE]

A stream on the E. of the Jordan, the northern boundary of the possessions of the Ammonites, Num. 21:24; Judg. 11:13; of the Reubenites and the Gadites, Josh. 12:2; Deut. 3:16.
The northern boundary of the Amorites, Judg. 11:22.


(emptying), a stream which intersects the mountain range of Gilead, comp. (Joshua 12:2,5) and falls into the Jordan on the east about midway between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. It was anciently the border of the children of Ammon. (Numbers 21:24; 2:37; 3:16) It was on the south bank of the Jabbok that the interview took place between Jacob and Esau, (Genesis 32:22) and this river afterward became, toward its western part, the boundary between the kingdoms of Sihon and Og. (Joshua 12:2,5) Its modern name is Wady Zurka .


JABBOK - jab'-ok (yabboq, "luxuriant river"): A stream in Eastern Palestine first named in the history of Jacob, as crossed by the patriarch on his return from Paddan-aram, after leaving Mahanaim (Gen 32:22 ff). On the bank of this river he had his strange conflict with an unknown antagonist. The Jabbok was the northern boundary of the territory of Sihon the Amorite (Nu 21:24). It is also named as the border of Ammon (Dt 3:16). It is now called Nahr ez-Zerqa, "river of blue," referring to the clear blue color of its water. It rises near to `Amman--Rabbath Ammon--and makes a wide circuit, flowing first to the East, then to the Northwest, until it is joined by the stream from Wady Jerash, at which point it turns westward, and flows, with many windings, to the Jordan, the confluence being just North of ed-Damiyeh. It drains a wider area than any other stream East of the Jordan, except the Yarmuk. The bed of the river is in a deep gorge with steep, and in many places precipitous, banks. It is a great cleft, cutting the land of Gilead in two. It is lined along its course by a luxuriant growth of oleander which, in season, lights up the valley with brilliant color. The length of the stream, taking no account of its innumerable windings, is about 60 miles. The mouth of the river has changed its position from time to time. In the lower reaches the vegetation is tropical. The river is fordable at many points, save when in full flood. The particular ford referred to in Gen 32 cannot now be identified.

W. Ewing

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