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HEBREW: 164 dwha 'Ehuwd 261 dwxa 'Echuwd
NAVE: Ehud
EBD: Ehud
Egyptian Versions | Egyptian, Egyptians | Egyptian, The | Egyptians, Gospel According To The | Ehi | Ehud | Either | Eker | Ekrebel | Ekron | Ekronites


In Bible versions:

son of Bilhan son of Jediael son of Benjamin; a war chief
son of Gera (Bela Benjamin); a judge of Israel before King Saul

he that praises
Arts Topics: Ehud


Strongs #0164: dwha 'Ehuwd

Ehud = "I will give thanks: I will be praised"
or "undivided, union" in (1Ch 8:6) only

1) Benjamite judge of Israel, deliverer of Israel from Moab
2) another Benjamite, son of Bilhan (1Ch 8:6)

164 'Ehuwd ay-hood'

from the same as 161; united; Ehud, the name of two or three
see HEBREW for 0161

Strongs #0261: dwxa 'Echuwd

Ehud = "united"

1) great grandson of Benjamin

261 'Echuwd ay-khood'

from 258; united; Echud, the name of three
see HEBREW for 0258

Ehud [EBD]

union. (1.) A descendant of Benjamin (1 Chr. 7:10), his great-grandson.

(2.) The son of Gera, of the tribe of Benjamin (Judg. 3:15). After the death of Othniel the people again fell into idolatry, and Eglon, the king of Moab, uniting his bands with those of the Ammonites and the Amalekites, crossed the Jordan and took the city of Jericho, and for eighteen years held that whole district in subjection, exacting from it an annual tribute. At length Ehud, by a stratagem, put Eglon to death with a two-edged dagger a cubit long, and routed the Moabites at the fords of the Jordan, putting 10,000 of them to death. Thenceforward the land, at least Benjamin, enjoyed rest "for fourscore years" (Judg. 3:12-30). (See QUARRIES [2].) But in the south-west the Philistines reduced the Israelites to great straits (Judg. 5:6). From this oppression Shamgar was raised up to be their deliverer.

Ehud [NAVE]

1. A descendant of Benjamin, 1 Chr. 8:6.
Called Ehi, Gen. 46:21.
Probably identical with Ahiram, mentioned in Num. 26:38, and Aharah, 1 Chr. 8:1, and Ahoah, v. 4, and Ahiah, v. 7, and Aher, 1 Chr. 7:12.
2. Son of Bilhan, 1 Chr. 7:10.
3. A Benjamite, the assassin of Eglon, Judg. 3:16.


  1. Ehud son of Bilhah, and great-grandson of Benjamin the patriarch. (1 Chronicles 7:10; 8:6)
  2. Ehud son of Gera, of the tribe of Benjamin, (Judges 3:15) the second judge of the Israelites. (B.C. about 1370.) In the Bible he is not called a judge, but a deliverer (l.c.): so Othniel, (Judges 3:9) and all the Judges. (Nehemiah 9:27) As a Benjamite he was specially chosen to destroy Eglon, who had established himself in Jericho, which was included in the boundaries of that tribe. He was very strong, and left-handed. [EGLON]


EHUD - e'-hud (ehudh, "united," "strong"): A Benjamite, son of Gera, deliverer of Israel from oppression by Moab (Jdg 3:15-30). Gaining access alone to the presence of King Eglon under pretense of a secret errand connected with the payment of Israel's tribute, Ehud, a left-handed man, drew the sword he had concealed upon his right side, and thrust the king through. He locked the doors of the upper chamber after him, made his escape, and with the Israelites overcame Moab at the fords of the Jordan, slaying some 10,000. Ehud's name occurs again in the Benjamite genealogy (1 Ch 7:10).

F. K. Farr

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