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HEBREW: 357 Nwlya 'Ayalown
NAVE: Aijalon Ajalon
EBD: Ajalon
Ahzai | Ai | Aiah | Aid | Aiding and Abetting | Aijalon | Aijalon Valley | Aijeleth Hash-Shahar | Aijeleth Shahar | Aijeleth-Shahar | Ail


In Bible versions:

a town 19 km WNW of Jerusalem
a town in the land of Zebulun some 90 km north of Jerusalem

a chain; strength; a stag
NETBible Maps: Map10 A5 ; Map4 G5 ; Map7 D2
Google Maps: Aijalon (31° 50´, 35° 1´)


Strongs #0357: Nwlya 'Ayalown

Ajalon or Aijalon = "field of deer"

1) Levitical city in Dan, 14 miles or 25 km NW of Jerusalem, later
ruled by the Amorites, then the Benjamites of Judah, then by the
2) a city of Zebulun, site unknown

357 'Ayalown ah-yaw-lone'

from 354; deer-field; Ajalon, the name of five places in
Palestine:-Aijalon, Ajalon.
see HEBREW for 0354

Ajalon [EBD]

and Aij'alon, place of deer. (1.) A town and valley originally assigned to the tribe of Dan, from which, however, they could not drive the Amorites (Judg. 1:35). It was one of the Levitical cities given to the Kohathites (1 Chr. 6:69). It was not far from Beth-shemesh (2 Chr. 28:18). It was the boundary between the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, and is frequently mentioned in Jewish history (2 Chr. 11:10; 1 Sam. 14:31; 1 Chr. 8:13). With reference to the valley named after the town, Joshua uttered the celebrated command, "Sun, stand thou still on Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon" (Josh. 10:12). It has been identified as the modern Yalo, at the foot of the Beth-horon pass (q.v.). In the Tell Amarna letters Adoni-zedek (q.v.) speaks of the destruction of the "city of Ajalon" by the invaders, and describes himself as "afflicted, greatly afflicted" by the calamities that had come on the land, urging the king of Egypt to hasten to his help.

(2.) A city in the tribe of Zebulun (Judg. 12:12), the modern Jalun, three miles north of Cabul.

Aijalon [NAVE]

See: Ajalon.

Ajalon [NAVE]

1. A city of Dan, Josh. 19:42.
Assigned to the Levites, Josh. 21:24; 1 Sam. 14:31; 1 Chr. 6:69.
Amorites of, not exterminated, Judg. 1:35.
2. A city of Zebulun, Judg. 12:12.
3. A city of Judah, 2 Chr. 28:18; 11:10.
4. A valley, Josh. 10:12.


(place of gazelles).
  1. A city of the Kohathites. (Joshua 21:24; 1 Chronicles 6:69) It was a Levitical city and a city of refuge. It was originally allotted to the tribe of Dan, (Joshua 19:42) Authorized Version, AJALON, which tribe, however, was unable to dispossess the Amorites of the place. (Judges 1:35) Aijalon was one of the towns fortified by Reheboam, (2 Chronicles 11:10) and the last we hear of it is being in the hands of the Philistines. (2 Chronicles 28:18) Being on the very frontier of the two kingdoms, we can understand how Aijalon should be spoken of sometimes, (1 Chronicles 6:69) comp. with 1Chr 6:66 As in Ephraim and sometimes, (2 Chronicles 11:10; 1 Samuel 14:31) as in Judah and Benjamin. It is represented by the modern Yalo , a little to the north of the Jaffa road, about 14 miles out of Jerusalem.
  2. A broad and beautiful valley near the city of Aijalon over which Joshua commanded the moon to stand still during the pursuit after the battle of Gibeon. (Joshua 10:12)
  3. A place in Zebulon, mentioned as the burial-place of Elon, one of the Judges. (Judges 12:12)


AIJALON - a'-ja-lon ('ayyalon, "deerplace"; the King James Version, Ajalon (Josh 10:12)):

(1) The name of a town allotted to the tribe of Dan (Josh 19:42), which was also designated a Levitical city (Josh 21:24), which fell to the Sons of Kohath (1 Ch 6:69). The first mention of Aijalon is in the narrative of Joshua's defeat of the five Amorite kings: "thou, Moon, in the valley of Aijalon" (Josh 10:12). The Danites failed to take it from the Amorites (Jdg 1:35), although the men of Ephraim held it in vassalage. Here Saul and Jonathan won a great victory over the Philistines (1 Sam 14:31). At one time it was held by the tribe of Benjamin (1 Ch 8:13). Rehoboam fortified it against the kingdom of Israel (2 Ch 11:10). In the days of King Ahaz it was captured by the Philistines (2 Ch 28:18). It has been identified with the modern Yalo; its antiquity goes back to Tell el-Amarna Letters, in which it has mention. It Is situated Northwest of Jerusalem in a valley of the same name, which leads down from the mountains to the sea.

(2) A town in the tribe of Zebulun, site unknown, where Elon the judge was buried (Jdg 12:12).

Edward Mack


AJALON - aj'-a-lon.


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