Psalms 7 
[Psa 7:1] Jehovah, My God, On Thy Help I Depend
Jehovah, my God, on Thy help I depend;
From all that pursue me O save and defend;
Lest they like a lion should rend me at will:
While no one is near me their raging to still.When wronged without cause I have kindness returned;
But if I my neighbor maltreated and spurned,
My soul let the enemy seize for his prey,
My life and mine honor in dust let him lay.O Lord, in Thy wrath stay the rage of my foes;
Awake, and Thy judgment ordained interpose.
Let peoples surround Thee and wait at Thy feet,
While o’er them for judgment Thou takest Thy seat.All nations of men shall be judged by the Lord;
To me, O Jehovah, just judgment accord,
As faithful and righteous in life I have been,
And ever integrity cherished within.Establish the righteous, let evil depart,
For God, who is just, tries the thoughts of the heart.
In God for defense I have placed all my trust;
The upright He saves and He judges the just.The Lord with the wicked is wroth every day,
And if they repent not is ready to slay;
By manifold ruin for others prepared
They surely at last shall themselves be ensnared.Because He is righteous His praise will I sing,
Thanksgiving and honor to Him will I bring,
Will sing to the Lord on Whose grace I rely,
Extolling the Name of Jehovah Most High.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 7:1] My Trust Is In My Heavenly Friend
My trust is in my heavenly Friend,
With insolence and fury they
My hope in Thee, my God;
Rise and my helpless life defend
From those that seek my blood.
My soul in pieces tear,
As hungry lions rend the prey
When no deliverer’s near.If I had e’er provoked them first,
Or once abused my foe,
Then let him tread my life to dust,
And lay mine honor low.If there be malice found in me,
I know Thy piercing eyes;
I should not dare appeal to Thee,
Nor ask my God to rise.Arise, my God, lift up Thy hand,
Their pride and power control;
Awake to judgment and command
Deliverance for my soul.Let sinners and their wicked rage
Be humbled to the dust;
Shall not the God of truth engage
To vindicate the just?He knows the heart, He tries the reins,
He will defend th’upright:
His sharpest arrows He ordains
Against the sons of spite.For me their malice digged a pit,
But there themselves are cast;
My God makes all their mischief light
On their own heads at last.That cruel persecuting race
Must feel His dreadful sword;
Awake, my soul, and praise the grace
And justice of the Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 7:17] Sing Hallelujah, Praise The Lord!
Sing hallelujah, praise the Lord!
Sing with a cheerful voice;
Exalt our God with one accord,
And in His Name rejoice.
Ne’er cease to sing, thou ransomed host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
Until in realms of endless light
Your praises shall unite.There we to all eternity
Shall join the angelic lays
And sing in perfect harmony
To God our Savior’s praise;
He hath redeemed us by His blood,
And made us kings and priests to God,
For us, for us, the Lamb was slain!
Praise ye the Lord! Amen.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 7:17] Sing Praise To The Father
Sing praise to the Father, Creator and King,
Whose mercy has taught us a new song to sing;
Who made us, and loved us though rebels and lost,
And planned our redemption at infinite cost.Refrain
Bless the Lord, bless the Lord, bless the Lord, O my soul,
For the grace that redeems, for the love that makes whole;
O come and adore him, his glories proclaim,
And worship before him—the Lord is his name!Sing praise to the Savior, Redeemer, and Friend,
For grace past all telling, for love without end;
Who stripped off his glory, put on mortal sin,
And died and was ris’n full atonement to win.Refrain
Sing praise to the Spirit, the gift of God’s love,
Who quickens our hearts with new life from above,
Who woos us, subdues us, and seals us his own,
And faultless presents us before his great throne.Refrain
Sing praise to the Father, sing praise to the Son,
Sing praise to the Spirit, great God Three in One;
The God of salvation, of glory, of grace,
Who wrought our redemption—my soul, sing his praise!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal