Psalms 27
- [Psa 27:1] God Is My Strong Salvation
God is my strong Salvation: What foe have I to fear?
In darkness and temptation, my Light, my Help is near.
Though hosts encamp around me, firm in the fight I stand.
What terror can confound me, with God at my right hand?Place on the Lord reliance; my soul, with courage, wait.
His truth will be my Sustenance, when faint and desolate.
His might my heart shall strengthen, His love my joy increase.
Mercy my days shall lengthen; the Lord will give me peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:1] Jehovah Is My Light
Jehovah is my Light,
And my Salvation near;
Who shall my soul affright,
Or cause my heart to fear?
While God my strength, my life sustains,
Secure from fear my soul remains.When evildoers came
To make my life their prey,
They stumbled in their shame
And fell in sore dismay;
Though hosts make war on every side,
Still fearless I in God confide.My one request has been,
And still this prayer I raise,
That I may dwell within
God’s house through all my days,
Jehovah’s beauty to admire,
And in His temple to inquire.When troubles round me swell,
When fears and dangers throng,
Securely I will dwell
In His pavilion strong;
Within the covert of His tent
He hides me till the storm is spent.Uplifted on a rock
Above my foes around,
Amid the battle shock
My song shall still resound;
Then joyful offerings I will bring
Jehovah’s praise my heart shall sing.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:1] Lord Is My Light, The
The Lord is my light; then why should I fear?
By day and by night His presence is near;
He is my salvation from sorrow and sin;
This blessèd persuasion the Spirit brings in.Refrain
The Lord is my light, my joy, and my song;
By day and by night He leads me along;
The Lord is my light, my joy, and my song;
By day and by night He leads me along;The Lord is my light; though clouds may arise;
Faith, stronger than sight, looks up to the skies
Where Jesus forever in glory doth reign:
Then how can I ever in darkness remain?Refrain
The Lord is my light, the Lord is my strength;
I know in His might I’ll conquer at length;
My weakness in mercy He covers with power,
And, walking by faith, He upholds me each hour.Refrain
The Lord is my light, my all and in all;
There is in His sight no darkness at all;
He is my Redeemer, my Savior and King;
With saints and with angels His praises I sing.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:1] Lord Of Glory Is My Light, The
The Lord of glory is my light,
And my salvation too;
God is my strength, nor will I fear
What all my foes can do.One privilege my heart desires;
O grant me an abode
Among the churches of Thy saints,
The temples of my God!There shall I offer my requests,
And see Thy beauty still;
Shall hear Thy messages of love,
And there inquire Thy will.When troubles rise, and storms appear,
There may His children hide;
God has a strong pavilion where
He makes my soul abide.Now shall my head be lifted high
Above my foes around,
And songs of joy and victory
Within Thy temple sound.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:1] Lord Of My Life!
Lord of my life! Whose tender care
Hath led me on till now,
Here lowly at the hour of prayer
Before Thy throne I bow;
I bless Thy gracious hand, and pray
Forgiveness for another day.Oh, may I daily, hourly, strive
In heavenly grace to grow;
To Thee and to Thy glory live,
Dead to all else below;
Tread in the path my Savior trod,
Though thorny, yet the path to God.With prayer my humble praise I bring
For mercies day by day;
Lord! teach my heart Thy love to sing,
Lord! teach me how to pray;
All that I have, I am, to Thee
I offer, through eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:1] Lord Of Our Life, And God Of Our Salvation
Lord of our life, and God of our salvation,
Star of our night, and Hope of every nation,
Hear and receive Thy church’s supplication,
Lord God Almighty.See round Thine ark the hungry billows curling!
See how Thy foes their banners are unfurling!
Lord, while their darts envenomed they are hurling,
Thou canst preserve us.Lord, Thou canst help when earthly armor faileth;
Lord, Thou canst save when sin itself assaileth;
Lord, o’er Thy rock nor death nor hell prevaileth;
Grant us Thy peace, Lord.Peace, in our hearts, our evil thoughts assuaging,
Peace, in Thy church, where brothers are engaging,
Peace, when the world its busy war is waging;
Calm thy foes raging!Grant us Thy help till backward they are driven;
Grant them Thy truth, that they may be forgiven;
Grant peace on earth, or after we have striven,
Peace in Thy heaven.source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:1] My Light And My Salvation
My light and my salvation, O Lord, whom shall I fear?
You are my life’s great stronghold when evil men come near.
Though enemies attack me, my heart will never fear.
Though war break out against me, I’m confident you’re near.One thing I ask and seek, Lord: to dwell with you always,
To gaze upon your beauty and seek you all my days.
For in the day of trouble, you’ll hide me, keep me safe.
My head will be exalted; I’ll sing and shout your praise.Hear now my voice and answer; be merciful I pray.
Your face, Lord, I seek daily; do not turn me away.
For you have been my helper; do not reject me, God.
Though family may forsake me, I know that you will not.Teach me your way, my Savior; in straight paths may I walk.
Don’t let my foes oppress me with false and vicious talk.
Of this I still am certain: I’ll see God’s goodness yet.
Wait for the Lord Jehovah; be strong, take heart, and wait.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:3] God Help Our Country To Be Strong
God help our country to be strong,
’Gainst all the battle-hosts of wrong;
In all we pledge or think or do
God help our country to be true.God hold our nation’s aim sincere,
God save her heart from coward fear,
God prosper her with true success,
And crown her head with worthiness.From foe without and foe within,
From open shame and hidden sin,
From boastful pride and greedy store,
God keep our nation evermore!Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:3] Patriot’s Prayer, The
God of our sires that joyful sang,
While forest shades triumphant rang,
When on the wild New England shore,
Their sails were furled, their voyage o’er.
O Lord, defend Thy children yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget;
O Lord, defend Thy children yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget.God of the brave that sought Thy aid,
And in Thy robe of strength arrayed,
They won for us beneath Thy care,
The flag we prize, the peace we share,
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget;
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget.And when the call to arms again
Was heard afar o’er hill and plain,
Thy mighty hand upheld the right,
Thy love restored Thy banner bright,
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget;
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget.God of our land, Thy gift so free,
O hear the prayer we breathe to Thee;
Let union’s bond our souls entwine,
And guard alike the palm and pine.
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget;
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:3] Surrounded By A Host Of Foes
Surrounded by a host of foes,
Stormed by a host of foes within,
Nor swift to flee, nor strong t’oppose,
Single, against hell, earth, and sin,
Single, yet undismayed, I am;
I dare believe in Jesus’ Name.What though a thousand hosts engage,
A thousand worlds, my soul to shake?
I have a shield shall quell their rage,
And drive the alien armies back;
Portrayed it bears a bleeding Lamb
I dare believe in Jesus’ Name.Me to retrieve from Satan’s hands,
Me from this evil world to free,
To purge my sins, and loose my bands,
And save from all iniquity,
My Lord and God from Heav’n He came;
I dare believe in Jesus’ Name.Salvation in His Name there is,
Salvation from sin, death, and hell,
Salvation into glorious bliss,
How great salvation, who can tell!
But all He hath for mine I claim;
I dare believe in Jesus’ Name.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:4] O That I Could For Ever Dwell
O that I could for ever dwell,
Delighted, at the Savior’s feet,
Behold the form I love so well,
And all His tender words repeat.The world shut out from all my soul,
And Heav’n brought in with all its bliss—
O is there aught from pole to pole,
One moment to compare to this!This is the hidden life I prize—
A life of penitential love;
When most my follies I despise,
And raise my highest thoughts above.Thus would I live till nature fail,
And all my former sins forsake;
Then rise to God within the veil,
And of eternal joys partake.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:5] Anywhere With Jesus
Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go,
Anywhere He leads me in this world below;
Anywhere without Him dearest joys would fade;
Anywhere with Jesus I am not afraid.Refrain
Anywhere, anywhere! Fear I cannot know;
Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go.Anywhere with Jesus I am not alone;
Other friends may fail me, He is still my own;
Though His hand may lead me over drearest ways,
Anywhere with Jesus is a house of praise.Refrain
Anywhere with Jesus, over land and sea,
Telling souls in darkness of salvation free;
Ready as He summons me to go or stay,
Anywhere with Jesus when He points the way.Refrain
Anywhere with Jesus I can go to sleep,
When the darkening shadows round about me creep,
Knowing I shall waken nevermore to roam;
Anywhere with Jesus will be home, sweet home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:5] Hide Me
Hide me, O my Savior, hide me
In Thy holy place;
Resting there beneath Thy glory,
O let me see Thy face.Refrain
Hide me, hide me,
O blessèd Savior, hide me;
O Savior, keep me,
Safely, O Lord, with Thee.Hide me, when the storm is raging
O’er life’s troubled sea;
Like a dove on ocean’s billows,
O let me fly to Thee.Refrain
Hide me, when my heart is breaking
With its weight of woe;
When in tears I seek the comfort
Thou canst alone bestow.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:6] I Will Sing My Maker’s Praises
I will sing my Maker’s praises and in Him most joyful be,
For in all things I see traces of His tender love to me.
Nothing else than love could move Him with such sweet and tender care
Evermore to raise and bear all who try to serve and love Him.
All things else have but their day, God’s great love abides for aye.Yea, so dear did He esteem me that His Son he loved so well
He hath given to redeem me from the quenchless flames of hell.
O Thou Spring of boundless blessing, how could e’er my feeble mind
Of Thy depth the bottom find though my efforts were unceasing?
All things else have but their day, God’s great love abides for aye.All that for my soul is needful He with loving care provides,
Nor of that is He unheedful which my body needs besides.
When my strength cannot avail me, when my powers can do no more,
Doth my God His strength outpour; in my need He doth not fail me.
All things else have but their day, God’s great love abides for aye.When I sleep, He still is near me, o’er me rests His guardian eye;
And new gifts and blessings cheer me when the morning streaks the sky.
Were it not for God’s protection, had His countenance not been
Here my guide, I had not seen e’er the end of my affliction.
All things else have but their day, God’s great love abides for aye.As a father never turneth wholly from a wayward child,
For the prodigal still yearneth, longing to be reconciled,
So my many sins and errors find a tender, pardoning God,
Chastening frailty with His rod, not, in vengeance, with His terrors.
All things else have but their day, God’s great love abides for aye.Since, then, neither change nor coldness, in my Father’s love can be,
Lo! I lift my hands with boldness, as Thy child I come to Thee.
Grant me grace, O God, I pray Thee, that I may with all my might,
All my lifetime, day and night, love and trust Thee and obey Thee
And, when this brief life is o’er, praise and love Thee evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:6] Sing Always
Sing with a tuneful spirit,
Sing with a cheerful lay,
Praise to thy great Creator,
While on the pilgrim way.
Sing when the birds are waking,
Sing with the morning light;
Sing in the noontide’s golden beam,
Sing in the hush of night.Sing when the heart is troubled,
Sing when the hours are long,
Sing when the storm cloud gathers;
Sweet is the voice of song.
Sing when the sky is darkest,
Sing when the thunders roll;
Sing of a land where rest remains,
Rest for the weary soul.Sing in the vale of shadows,
Sing in the hour of death,
And when the eyes are closing,
Sing with the latest breath.
Sing till the heart’s deep longings
Cease on the other shore;
Then with the countless numbers there,
Sing on, forever more!Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:7] O Lord, Give Ear Unto My Voice
O Lord, give ear unto my voice, when I do cry to Thee;
Upon me also mercy have, and do Thou answer me.
When Thou didst say, “Seek ye My face,” then unto Thee reply
Thus did my heart, above all things Thy face, Lord, seek will I.Far from me hide not Thou Thy face; put not away from Thee
Thy servant in Thy wrath: Thou hast a helper been to me.
O God of my salvation, leave me not, nor forsake:
Though me my parents both should leave, the Lord will me up take.O Lord, instruct me in Thy way, to me a leader be
In a plain path, because of those that hatred bear to me.
Give me not to mine enemies’ will; for witnesses that lie
Against me risen are, and such as breathe out cruelty.I fainted had, unless that I believèd had to see
The Lord’s own goodness in the land of them that living be.
Wait on the Lord, and be thou strong, and He shall strength afford
Unto thine heart; yea, do thou wait, I say, upon the Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:7] O Lord, Give Heed Unto Our Plea
O Lord, give heed unto our plea,
O Spirit, grant Thy graces,
That we who put our trust in Thee
May rightly sing Thy praises.
Thy Word, O Christ, unto us give,
That grace and pow’r we may receive
To follow Thee, our Master.Touch Thou the shepherd’s lips, O Lord,
That in this blessèd hour
He may proclaim Thy sacred Word
With unction and with power.
What Thou wouldst have Thy servant say,
Put Thou into his heart, we pray,
With grace and strength to say it.Let heart and ear be opened wide
Unto Thy Word and pleading;
Our minds, O Holy Spirit, guide
By Thine own light and leading.
The law of Christ we would fulfill,
And walk according to His will,
His Word our rule of living.source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:8] Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
Lord, we come before Thee now,
At Thy feet we humbly bow;
Oh, do not our suit disdain!
Shall we seek Thee, Lord, in vain?Lord, on Thee our souls depend;
In compassion now descend,
Fill our hearts with Thy rich grace,
Tune our lips to sing Thy praise.In Thine own appointed way
Now we seek Thee, here we stay.
Lord, we know not how to go
Till a blessing Thou bestow.Send some message from Thy Word
That may joy and peace afford;
Let Thy Spirit now impart
Full salvation to each heart.Comfort those who weep and mourn,
Let the time of joy return;
Those that are cast down lift up,
Make them strong in faith and hope.Grant that all may seek and find
Thee a gracious God and kind.
Heal the sick, the captive free;
Let us all rejoice in Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:8] Soon As I Heard My Father Say
Soon as I heard my Father say,
“Ye children, seek My grace,”
My heart replied without delay,
“I’ll seek my Father’s face.”Let not Thy face be hid from me,
Nor frown my soul away;
God of my life, I fly to Thee
In a distressing day.Should friends and kindred near and dear
Leave me to want or die,
My God would make my life His care,
And all my need supply.My fainting flesh had died with grief
Had not my soul believed,
To see Thy grace provide relief;
Nor was my hope deceived.Wait on the Lord, ye trembling saints,
And keep your courage up;
He’ll raise your spirit when it faints,
And far exceed your hope.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:8] To Jesus I Will Go
There’s a gentle voice within calls away,
’Tis a warning I have heard o’er and o’er,
But my heart is melted now, I obey;
From my Savior I will wander no more.Refrain
Yes, I will go; yes, I will go;
To Jesus I will go and be saved;
Yes, I will go; yes, I will go;
To Jesus I will go and be saved.He has promised all my sins to forgive,
If I ask in simple faith for His love,
In His holy Word I learn how to live,
And to labor for His kingdom above.Refrain
I will try to bear the cross in my youth,
And be faithful in its cause till I die;
If with cheerful step I walk in the truth,
I shall wear a starry crown by and by.Refrain
Still the gentle voice within calls away,
And its warning I have heard o’er and o’er;
But my heart is melted now, I obey:
From my Savior I will wander no more.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:11] Good Old Way, The
We are going forth with our staff in hand,
Thro’ a desert wild in a stranger land;
But our faith is bright and our hope is strong,
And the Good Old Way is our pilgrim song.Refrain
’Tis the Good Old Way, by our fathers trod;
’Tis the way of life, and it leadeth unto God;
’Tis the only path to the realms of day;
We are going home in the Good Old Way.There are foes without, there are foes within;
They would turn us back to the path of sin;
We will stop our ears to the words they say,
While we onward press in the Good Old Way.Refrain
In the blissful hour of communion sweet,
Let us come with joy to the Mercy-seat;
O we love to sing, and we love to pray,
And we bless the Lord for the Good Old Way.Refrain
On the brink of time when we stand at last,
When our sun has set, and our work is past;
When we bid farewell to our mortal clay,
We will praise the Lord for the Good Old Way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 27:14] My God, My Father, Make Me Strong
My God, my Father, make me strong,
When tasks of life seem hard and long,
To greet them with this triumph song,
Thy will be done.Draw from my timid eyes the veil,
To show, where earthly forces fail,
Thy power and love must still prevail,
Thy will be done.With confident and humble mind,
Freedom in service I would find,
Praying through every toil assigned,
Thy will be done.Things deemed impossible I dare;
Thine is the call and Thine the care;
Thy wisdom shall the way prepare;
Thy will be done.Heaven’s music chimes the glad days in;
Hope soars beyond death, pain and sin;
Faith shouts in triumph, “Love must win?;
Thy will be done.Play source: Cyberhymnal