Psalms 132
- [Psa 132:1] Gracious Lord, Remember David
Gracious Lord, remember David,
How he made Thy house his care,
How he vowed to seek no pleasure
Till Thy house he should prepare.
Lord, remember his devotion;
Restless in his courts he trod
Till he found a habitation
Fit for Israel’s mighty God;
Till he found a habitation
Fit for Israel’s mighty God.Far away God’s ark was resting,
It is with His people now;
We will go into His temple,
At His footstool we will bow.
With the ark, Thy might revealing,
Enter, Lord, into Thy rest;
Let Thy priests be clothed with justice,
Let Thy joyful saints be blest;
Let Thy priests be clothed with justice,
Let Thy joyful saints be blest.Let the king behold Thy favor
For Thy servant David’s sake,
Unto whom a sacred promise,
Sure and faithful, Thou didst make.
If his children keep Thy covenant
And Thy testimony own,
Then, as Thou, O Lord, hast promised,
They shall sit upon the throne;
Then, as Thou, O Lord, hast promised,
They shall sit upon the throne.Thou, the Lord, hast chosen Zion,
Thou hast ever loved her well;
“This My resting place forever,
Here,” Thou say’st, “I choose to dwell.
Surely I will bless and help her,
Feed her poor, her saints make glad,
And her priests shall stand before Me
In salvation’s garments clad;
And her priests shall stand before Me
In salvation’s garments clad.“I will cause the might of David
Ever more and more to grow;
On the path of Mine Anointed
I will make a lamp to glow.
All His enemies shall perish,
I will cover them with shame;
But His crown shall ever flourish;
Blessèd be His holy Name;
But His crown shall ever flourish;
Blessèd be His holy Name.”Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 132:4] No Sleep Nor Slumber To His Eyes
No sleep nor slumber to his eyes
Good David would afford,
Till He had found below the skies
A dwelling for the Lord.The Lord in Sion placed His Name,
His ark was settled there;
To Sion the whole nation came
To worship thrice a year.But we have no such lengths to go,
Nor wander far abroad;
Where’er Thy saints assemble now,
There is a house for God.Arise, O King of grace, arise
And enter to Thy rest!
Lo! Thy Church waits with longing eyes
Thus to be owned and blest.Enter with all Thy glorious train
Thy Spirit and Thy Word;
All that the ark did once contain
Could no such grace afford.Here, mighty God, accept our vows,
Here let Thy praise be spread;
Bless the provisions of Thy house,
And fill Thy poor with bread.Here let the Son of David reign,
Let God’s Anointed shine;
Justice and truth His court maintain
With love and power divine.Here let Him hold a lasting throne;
And as His kingdom grows,
Fresh honors shall adorn His crown,
And shame confound his foes.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 132:8] Arise, O Lord, Our God, Arise
Arise, O Lord, our God, arise
And enter now into Thy rest;
O let this house be Thine abode,
Forever with Thy presence blest.Thy gracious cov’nant, Lord, fulfill,
Turn not away from us Thy face;
Establish Thou Messiah’s throne
And let Him reign within this place.Thy Zion Thou hast chosen, Lord,
And Thou hast said, I love her well,
This is My constant resting place,
And here will I delight to dwell.I will abundantly provide
For Zion’s good, the Lord hath said;
I will supply her daily need
And satisfy her poor with bread.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 132:9] Come, Shout Aloud The Father’s Grace
Come, shout aloud the Father’s grace,
And sing the Savior’s love;
Soon shall you join the glorious theme,
In loftier strains above.God, the eternal, mighty God,
To dearer names descends;
Calls you His treasure and His joy,
His children and His friends.My Father, God! and may these lips
Pronounce a name so dear?
Not thus could Heaven’s sweet harmony
Delight my listening ear.Thanks to my God for every gift
His bounteous hands bestow;
And thanks eternal for that love
Whence all those comforts flow.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 132:9] Lord, Pour Thy Spirit From On High
Lord, pour Thy Spirit from on high,
And Thine ordainèd servants bless;
Graces and gifts to each supply,
And clothe Thy priests with righteousness.Within Thy temple when they stand,
To teach the truth as taught by Thee,
Savior, like stars in Thy right hand,
Let all Thy Church’s pastors be.Wisdom, and zeal, and faith impart,
Firmness with meekness, from above,
To hear Thy people in their heart,
And love the souls whom Thou dost love.To watch, and pray, and never faint,
By day and night their guard to keep,
To warn the sinner, cheer the saint,
To feed Thy lambs, and tend Thy sheep.So, when their work is finished here,
May they in hope their charge resign;
So, when their Master shall appear,
May they with crowns of glory shine.Play source: Cyberhymnal - [Psa 132:13] King Of Zion
Zion’s mount His royal seat,
And no pow’r His throne shall move;
Ages gather at His feet,
Son of God’s eternal love.Refrain
Hail, hail, King of Zion!
Hail, Lord of lords, and King of kings!
Reign forever, King of Zion;
Reign, blessèd King, forevermore.All the world His Name shall fear,
All the world from shore to shore;
Every isle His voice shall hear,
And the heathen rage no more.Refrain
He shall mold each stubborn will,
As the potter molds the clay,
Till rebellious hearts are stilled,
And submissive to His sway.Refrain
Haste our early gifts to bring,
Haste obedient faith to prove,
Haste with songs to Zion’s King,
Son of God’s eternal love.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal