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Luke 3

Abilene (33° 35´, 36° 5´) : a small mountainous region about eighteen miles northwest of Damascus

Luk 3:1

Abraham : a son of Terah; the father of Isaac; ancestor of the Jewish nation.,the son of Terah of Shem

Gen 17:5 Gen 17:9 Gen 17:15 Gen 17:17-18 Gen 17:22-24 Gen 17:26 Gen 18:6-7 Gen 18:11 Gen 18:13 Gen 18:16-19 Gen 18:22-23 Gen 18:27 Gen 18:33 Gen 19:27 Gen 19:29 Gen 20:1-2 Gen 20:9-11 Gen 20:14 Gen 20:17-18 Gen 21:2-5 Gen 21:7-12 Gen 21:14 Gen 21:22 Gen 21:24-25 Gen 21:27-29 Gen 21:33--22:1 Gen 22:3-11 Gen 22:13-15 Gen 22:19-20 Gen 22:23 Gen 23:2-3 Gen 23:5 Gen 23:7 Gen 23:10 Gen 23:12 Gen 23:14 Gen 23:16 Gen 23:18--24:2 Gen 24:6 Gen 24:9 Gen 24:12 Gen 24:15 Gen 24:27 Gen 24:34 Gen 24:42 Gen 24:48 Gen 24:52 Gen 24:59 Gen 25:1 Gen 25:5-8 Gen 25:10-12 Gen 25:19 Gen 26:1 Gen 26:3 Gen 26:5 Gen 26:15 Gen 26:18 Gen 26:24 Gen 28:4 Gen 28:9 Gen 28:13 Gen 31:42 Gen 31:53 Gen 32:9 Gen 35:12 Gen 35:27 Gen 48:15-16 Gen 49:30-31 Gen 50:13 Gen 50:24 Exo 2:24 Exo 3:6 Exo 3:15-16 Exo 4:5 Exo 6:3 Exo 6:8 Exo 32:13 Exo 33:1 Lev 26:42 Num 32:11 Deu 1:8 Deu 6:10 Deu 9:5 Deu 9:27 Deu 29:13 Deu 30:20 Deu 34:4 Jos 24:2-3 1Ki 18:36 2Ki 13:23 1Ch 1:27-28 1Ch 1:32 1Ch 1:34 1Ch 16:16 1Ch 29:18 2Ch 20:7 2Ch 30:6 Neh 9:7 Psa 47:9 Psa 105:6 Psa 105:9 Psa 105:42 Isa 29:22 Isa 41:8 Isa 51:2 Isa 63:16 Jer 33:26 Eze 33:24 Mic 7:20 Mat 1:1-2 Mat 1:17 Mat 3:9 Mat 8:11 Mat 22:32 Mar 12:26 Luk 1:55 Luk 1:73 Luk 3:8 Luk 3:34 Luk 13:16 Luk 13:28 Luk 16:22-25 Luk 16:29-30 Luk 19:9 Luk 20:37 Joh 8:33 Joh 8:37 Joh 8:39-40 Joh 8:52-53 Joh 8:56-58 Act 3:13 Act 3:25 Act 7:2 Act 7:8 Act 7:16-17 Act 7:32 Act 13:26 Rom 4:1-3 Rom 4:9 Rom 4:12-13 Rom 4:16 Rom 9:7 Rom 11:1 2Co 11:22 Gal 3:6-9 Gal 3:14 Gal 3:16 Gal 3:18 Gal 3:29 Gal 4:22 Heb 2:16 Heb 6:13 Heb 6:15 Heb 7:1-2 Heb 7:4-6 Heb 7:9 Heb 11:8 Heb 11:17 Jam 2:21 Jam 2:23 1Pe 3:6

Adam (32° 5´, 35° 33´) : the father of Cain, Abel, Seth and all mankind,the original man created by God,a town on the Jordan at the mouth of the Jabbok (OS)

Gen 2:20 Gen 3:17 Gen 3:21 Gen 4:1 Gen 4:25 Gen 5:1 Gen 5:3-5 1Ch 1:1 Job 31:33 Hos 6:7 Jos 3:16 Hos 6:7 Luk 3:38 Rom 5:14 1Co 15:22 1Co 15:45 1Ti 2:13-14 Jud 1:14

Addi : a son of Cosam; the father of Melki and an ancestor of Jesus

Luk 3:28

Admin : a man who was an ancestor of Jesus

Luk 3:33

Amminadab : A son of Ram; the father of Nahshon and an ancestor of Jesus,son of Ram (Judah); father of Nahshon, Moses' deputy over Judah,son of Kohath son of Levi,a man of Levi; head of the clan of Uzziel under David

Exo 6:23 Num 1:7 Num 2:3 Num 7:12 Num 7:17 Num 10:14 Rut 4:19-20 1Ch 2:10 1Ch 6:22 1Ch 15:10-11 Mat 1:4 Luk 3:33

Amos : father of the prophet Isaiah

Amo 1:1 Amo 7:8 Amo 7:10-12 Amo 7:14 Amo 8:2 Luk 3:25 Mat 1:10

Annas : a son of Seth; the father-in-law of Caiaphas the high priest

Luk 3:2 Joh 18:13 Joh 18:24 Act 4:6

Arni : a man who was an ancestor of Jesus

Luk 3:33

Arphaxad : a son of Shem; the father of Cainan; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:36

Boaz : son of Salma of Judah,one of 2 principal pillars in Solomon's temple

Rut 2:1 Rut 2:3-5 Rut 2:8 Rut 2:11 Rut 2:14-15 Rut 2:19 Rut 2:23 Rut 3:2 Rut 3:7 Rut 4:1 Rut 4:5 Rut 4:8-9 Rut 4:13 Rut 4:21 1Ki 7:21 1Ch 2:11-12 1Ki 7:21 2Ch 3:17 Mat 1:5 Luk 3:32

Caesar : a title held by Roman emperors

Mat 22:17 Mat 22:21 Mar 12:14 Mar 12:16-17 Luk 2:1 Luk 3:1 Luk 20:22 Luk 20:24-25 Luk 23:2 Joh 19:12 Joh 19:15 Act 11:28 Act 17:7 Act 25:8 Act 25:10-12 Act 25:21 Act 26:32 Act 27:24 Act 28:19 Phi 4:22

Caiaphas : the son-in-law of Annas; a high priest of the Jews

Mat 26:3 Mat 26:57 Luk 3:2 Joh 11:49 Joh 18:13-14 Joh 18:24 Joh 18:28 Act 4:6

Cainan : a son of Arphaxad; the father of Shelah; an ancestor of Jesus.,a son of Enosh; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:36-37

Cosam : a son of Elmadam; the father of Addi; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:28

David : a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel

Rut 4:17 Rut 4:22 1Sa 16:13 1Sa 16:19-23 1Sa 17:12 1Sa 17:14-15 1Sa 17:17 1Sa 17:20 1Sa 17:22-23 1Sa 17:26 1Sa 17:28-29 1Sa 17:31-34 1Sa 17:37-39 1Sa 17:41-45 1Sa 17:48-51 1Sa 17:54-55 1Sa 17:57--18:1 1Sa 18:3-12 1Sa 18:14 1Sa 18:16--19:2 1Sa 19:4-5 1Sa 19:7-12 1Sa 19:14-15 1Sa 19:18-20 1Sa 19:22 1Sa 20:1 1Sa 20:3-6 1Sa 20:10-12 1Sa 20:15-17 1Sa 20:24-25 1Sa 20:27-28 1Sa 20:33-35 1Sa 20:39 1Sa 20:41--21:2 1Sa 21:4-5 1Sa 21:8-12 1Sa 22:1 1Sa 22:3-6 1Sa 22:14 1Sa 22:17 1Sa 22:20-22 1Sa 23:1-10 1Sa 23:12-16 1Sa 23:18-19 1Sa 23:24-26 1Sa 23:28--24:5 1Sa 24:7-9 1Sa 24:16-17 1Sa 24:22--25:1 1Sa 25:4-5 1Sa 25:8-10 1Sa 25:12-14 1Sa 25:20-23 1Sa 25:32 1Sa 25:35 1Sa 25:39-40 1Sa 25:42--26:10 1Sa 26:12-15 1Sa 26:17 1Sa 26:21-22 1Sa 26:25--27:5 1Sa 27:7--28:2 1Sa 28:17 1Sa 29:2-3 1Sa 29:5-6 1Sa 29:8-9 1Sa 29:11--30:1 1Sa 30:3-11 1Sa 30:13 1Sa 30:15 1Sa 30:17-23 1Sa 30:26 1Sa 30:31 2Sa 1:1-5 2Sa 1:11 2Sa 1:13-17 2Sa 2:1-5 2Sa 2:10-11 2Sa 2:13 2Sa 2:15 2Sa 2:17 2Sa 2:30-31 2Sa 3:1-2 2Sa 3:5-6 2Sa 3:8-10 2Sa 3:12 2Sa 3:14 2Sa 3:17-22 2Sa 3:26 2Sa 3:28 2Sa 3:31 2Sa 3:35 2Sa 4:8-9 2Sa 4:12--5:1 2Sa 5:3-4 2Sa 5:6-13 2Sa 5:17 2Sa 5:19-21 2Sa 5:23 2Sa 5:25--6:2 2Sa 6:5 2Sa 6:8-10 2Sa 6:12 2Sa 6:14-18 2Sa 6:20-21 2Sa 7:5 2Sa 7:8 2Sa 7:17-18 2Sa 7:20 2Sa 7:26 2Sa 8:1-11 2Sa 8:13-15 2Sa 8:18--9:2 2Sa 9:5-7 2Sa 9:11 2Sa 10:2-7 2Sa 10:17-18 2Sa 11:1-8 2Sa 11:10-14 2Sa 11:17-18 2Sa 11:22-23 2Sa 11:25 2Sa 11:27--12:1 2Sa 12:5 2Sa 12:7 2Sa 12:13 2Sa 12:15-16 2Sa 12:18-20 2Sa 12:24 2Sa 12:27 2Sa 12:29--13:1 2Sa 13:3 2Sa 13:7 2Sa 13:21 2Sa 13:30 2Sa 13:32 2Sa 13:37 2Sa 13:39 2Sa 15:12-14 2Sa 15:22 2Sa 15:30-33 2Sa 15:37--16:1 2Sa 16:5-6 2Sa 16:10-11 2Sa 16:13 2Sa 16:16 2Sa 16:23--17:1 2Sa 17:16-17 2Sa 17:21-22 2Sa 17:24 2Sa 17:27 2Sa 17:29--18:2 2Sa 18:7 2Sa 18:9 2Sa 18:24 2Sa 19:11 2Sa 19:16 2Sa 19:22 2Sa 19:41 2Sa 19:43--20:3 2Sa 20:6 2Sa 20:11 2Sa 20:21 2Sa 20:26--21:1 2Sa 21:3 2Sa 21:7 2Sa 21:11-12 2Sa 21:15-17 2Sa 21:21--22:1 2Sa 22:51--23:1 2Sa 23:8-9 2Sa 23:13-16 2Sa 23:23 2Sa 24:1 2Sa 24:10-14 2Sa 24:17-19 2Sa 24:21-22 2Sa 24:24-25 1Ki 1:1 1Ki 1:8 1Ki 1:11 1Ki 1:13 1Ki 1:28 1Ki 1:31-32 1Ki 1:37-38 1Ki 1:43 1Ki 1:47 1Ki 2:1 1Ki 2:10-12 1Ki 2:24 1Ki 2:26 1Ki 2:32-33 1Ki 2:44-45 1Ki 3:1 1Ki 3:3 1Ki 3:6-7 1Ki 3:14 1Ki 5:1 1Ki 5:3 1Ki 5:5 1Ki 5:7 1Ki 6:12 1Ki 7:51--8:1 1Ki 8:15-18 1Ki 8:20 1Ki 8:24-26 1Ki 8:66 1Ki 9:4-5 1Ki 9:24 1Ki 11:4 1Ki 11:6 1Ki 11:12-13 1Ki 11:15 1Ki 11:21 1Ki 11:24 1Ki 11:27 1Ki 11:32-34 1Ki 11:36 1Ki 11:38-39 1Ki 11:43 1Ki 12:16 1Ki 12:19-20 1Ki 12:26 1Ki 13:2 1Ki 14:8 1Ki 14:31 1Ki 15:3-5 1Ki 15:8 1Ki 15:11 1Ki 15:24 1Ki 22:50 2Ki 8:19 2Ki 8:24 2Ki 9:28 2Ki 11:10 2Ki 12:21 2Ki 14:3 2Ki 14:20 2Ki 15:7 2Ki 15:38 2Ki 16:2 2Ki 16:20 2Ki 17:21 2Ki 18:3 2Ki 19:34 2Ki 20:5-6 2Ki 21:7 2Ki 22:2 1Ch 2:15 1Ch 3:1 1Ch 3:9 1Ch 4:31 1Ch 6:31 1Ch 7:2 1Ch 9:22 1Ch 10:14--11:1 1Ch 11:3-7 1Ch 11:9-11 1Ch 11:13 1Ch 11:15-18 1Ch 11:25 1Ch 12:1 1Ch 12:8 1Ch 12:16-19 1Ch 12:21-23 1Ch 12:31 1Ch 12:33 1Ch 12:38-39 1Ch 13:1-2 1Ch 13:5-6 1Ch 13:8 1Ch 13:11-13 1Ch 14:1-3 1Ch 14:8 1Ch 14:10-12 1Ch 14:14 1Ch 14:16--15:4 1Ch 15:11 1Ch 15:16 1Ch 15:25 1Ch 15:27 1Ch 15:29--16:2 1Ch 16:7 1Ch 16:37 1Ch 16:43--17:2 1Ch 17:4 1Ch 17:7 1Ch 17:15-16 1Ch 17:18 1Ch 17:24 1Ch 18:1-11 1Ch 18:13-14 1Ch 18:17 1Ch 19:2-6 1Ch 19:8 1Ch 19:17--20:3 1Ch 20:7--21:2 1Ch 21:5 1Ch 21:8-11 1Ch 21:13 1Ch 21:16-19 1Ch 21:21-26 1Ch 21:28 1Ch 21:30--22:5 1Ch 22:7 1Ch 22:17 1Ch 23:1-2 1Ch 23:4-6 1Ch 23:25 1Ch 23:27 1Ch 24:3 1Ch 24:31--25:1 1Ch 26:26 1Ch 26:31-32 1Ch 27:18 1Ch 27:23-24 1Ch 27:31-32 1Ch 28:1-2 1Ch 28:11 1Ch 28:19-20 1Ch 29:1 1Ch 29:9-10 1Ch 29:20 1Ch 29:22-24 1Ch 29:26 1Ch 29:29 2Ch 1:1 2Ch 1:4 2Ch 1:8-9 2Ch 2:3 2Ch 2:7 2Ch 2:12 2Ch 2:14 2Ch 2:17 2Ch 3:1 2Ch 5:1-2 2Ch 6:4 2Ch 6:6-8 2Ch 6:10 2Ch 6:15-17 2Ch 6:42 2Ch 7:6 2Ch 7:10 2Ch 7:17-18 2Ch 8:11 2Ch 8:14 2Ch 9:31 2Ch 10:16 2Ch 10:19 2Ch 11:17-18 2Ch 12:16 2Ch 13:5-6 2Ch 13:8 2Ch 14:1 2Ch 16:14 2Ch 17:3 2Ch 21:1 2Ch 21:7 2Ch 21:12 2Ch 21:20 2Ch 23:3 2Ch 23:9 2Ch 23:18 2Ch 24:16 2Ch 24:25 2Ch 25:28 2Ch 27:9--28:1 2Ch 29:2 2Ch 29:25-27 2Ch 29:30 2Ch 30:26 2Ch 32:5 2Ch 32:30 2Ch 32:33 2Ch 33:7 2Ch 33:14 2Ch 34:2-3 2Ch 35:3-4 2Ch 35:15 Ezr 3:10 Ezr 8:2 Ezr 8:20 Neh 3:15-16 Neh 12:24 Neh 12:36-37 Neh 12:45-46 Psa 3:1 Psa 4:1 Psa 5:1 Psa 6:1 Psa 7:1 Psa 8:1 Psa 9:1 Psa 11:1 Psa 12:1 Psa 13:1 Psa 14:1 Psa 15:1 Psa 16:1 Psa 17:1 Psa 18:1 Psa 18:50--19:1 Psa 20:1 Psa 21:1 Psa 22:1 Psa 23:1 Psa 24:1 Psa 25:1 Psa 26:1 Psa 27:1 Psa 28:1 Psa 29:1 Psa 30:1 Psa 31:1 Psa 32:1 Psa 34:1 Psa 35:1 Psa 36:1 Psa 37:1 Psa 38:1 Psa 39:1 Psa 40:1 Psa 41:1 Psa 51:1 Psa 53:1 Psa 54:1 Psa 55:1 Psa 56:1 Psa 57:1 Psa 58:1 Psa 59:1 Psa 60:1 Psa 61:1 Psa 62:1 Psa 63:1 Psa 64:1 Psa 65:1 Psa 68:1 Psa 69:1 Psa 70:1 Psa 72:20 Psa 78:70 Psa 86:1 Psa 89:3 Psa 89:20 Psa 89:35 Psa 89:49 Psa 101:1 Psa 103:1 Psa 108:1 Psa 109:1 Psa 110:1 Psa 122:1 Psa 122:5 Psa 124:1 Psa 131:1 Psa 132:1 Psa 132:10-11 Psa 132:17 Psa 138:1 Psa 139:1 Psa 140:1 Psa 141:1 Psa 142:1 Psa 143:1 Psa 144:1 Psa 144:10 Psa 145:1 Pro 1:1 Ecc 1:1 Sos 4:4 Isa 7:2 Isa 7:13 Isa 9:7 Isa 16:5 Isa 22:9 Isa 22:22 Isa 29:1 Isa 37:35 Isa 38:5 Isa 55:3 Jer 13:13 Jer 17:25 Jer 21:12 Jer 22:2 Jer 22:4 Jer 22:30 Jer 23:5 Jer 29:16 Jer 30:9 Jer 33:15 Jer 33:17 Jer 33:21-22 Jer 33:26 Jer 36:30 Eze 34:23-24 Eze 37:24-25 Hos 3:5 Amo 6:5 Amo 9:11 Zec 12:7-8 Zec 12:10 Zec 12:12 Zec 13:1 Mat 1:1 Mat 1:6 Mat 1:17 Mat 1:20 Mat 9:27 Mat 12:3 Mat 12:23 Mat 15:22 Mat 20:30-31 Mat 21:9 Mat 21:15 Mat 22:42-43 Mat 22:45 Mar 2:25 Mar 10:47-48 Mar 11:10 Mar 12:35-37 Luk 1:27 Luk 1:32 Luk 1:69 Luk 2:4 Luk 2:11 Luk 3:31 Luk 6:3 Luk 18:38-39 Luk 20:41-42 Luk 20:44 Joh 7:42 Act 1:16 Act 2:25 Act 2:29 Act 2:34 Act 4:25 Act 7:45-46 Act 13:22 Act 13:34 Act 13:36 Act 15:16 Rom 1:3 Rom 4:6 Rom 11:9 2Ti 2:8 Heb 4:7 Heb 11:32 Rev 3:7 Rev 5:5 Rev 22:16

Eber : a son of Shelah; the father of Peleg; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Shelah (Arpachshad Aram Shem Noah),a nation: poetic description of Israel,son of Abihail; a founding father of one of the clans of Gad,son of Elpaal of Benjamin,son of Shashak of Benjamin,a priest and head of the clan of Amok under High Priest Joiakim

Gen 10:21 Gen 10:24-25 Gen 11:14-17 1Ch 1:18-19 1Ch 1:25 Num 24:24 1Ch 5:13 1Ch 8:12 1Ch 8:22 Neh 12:20 Luk 3:35

Eliakim : son of Abiud the son of Zerubbabel over 20generations from David; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Melea, only 4 generations from David; an ancester of Jesus,son of Hilkiah; head of Hezekiah's household,son of Josiah; made king of Judah by Pharaoh Neco,a priest who helped celebrate the completion of the wall

2Ki 18:18 2Ki 18:26 2Ki 18:37 2Ki 19:2 Isa 22:20 Isa 36:3 Isa 36:11 Isa 36:22 Isa 37:2 2Ki 23:34 2Ch 36:4 Neh 12:41 Mat 1:13 Luk 3:30

Eliezer : a son of Jorim; the father of Joshua; an ancestor of Jesus,Abraham's servant from Damascus,son of Moses,son of Becher son of Benjamin,a priest in David's time,son of Zichri; David's chief officer over the Reubenites,son of Dodavahu of Mareshah who prophesied against Jehoshaphat.,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a priest of the Jeshua clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who put away his heathen wife; a Levite,a layman of the Harim clan who put away his heathen wife

Gen 15:2 Exo 18:4 1Ch 23:15 1Ch 23:17 1Ch 26:25 1Ch 7:8 1Ch 15:24 1Ch 27:16 2Ch 20:37 Ezr 8:16 Ezr 10:18 Ezr 10:23 Ezr 10:31 Luk 3:29

Elmadam : a son of Er; the father of Cosam; an ancestor of Jesus

Luk 3:28

Enoch : a son of Jared; the father of Methuselah; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Cain son of Adam,a town named after Enoch by his father Cain,son of Jared of Seth; father of Methuselah

Gen 4:17-18 Gen 4:17 Gen 5:18-19 Gen 5:21-24 1Ch 1:3 Luk 3:37 Heb 11:5 Jud 1:14

Enos : son of Seth son of Adam and Eve

Luk 3:38

Er : a son of Joshua; the father of Elmadam; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of Judah by the daughter of Shua the Canaanite,son of Shelah the son of Judah

Gen 38:3 Gen 38:6-7 Gen 46:12 Num 26:19 1Ch 2:3 1Ch 4:21 Luk 3:28

Esli : a son of Naggai; the father of Nahum; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:25

Galilee (31° 51´, 35° 31´); (32° 42´, 35° 18´); (31° 51´, 35° 31´); (32° 1´, 35° 13´); (32° 48´, 35° 35´) : the region of Palestine north of Sameria and west of the upper Jordan River,a region west of Lake Galilee and north of the Jezreel Valley

Jos 12:23 Jos 20:7 Jos 21:32 Mat 2:22 Mat 3:13 Mat 4:12 Mat 4:15 Mat 4:23 Mat 4:25 Mat 17:22 Mat 19:1 Mat 21:11 Mat 26:32 Mat 27:55 Mat 28:7 Mat 28:10 Mat 28:16 Mar 1:9 Mar 1:14 Mar 1:28 Mar 1:39 Mar 3:7 Mar 6:21 Mar 9:30 Mar 14:28 Mar 15:41 Mar 16:7 Luk 1:26 Luk 2:4 Luk 2:39 Luk 3:1 Luk 4:14 Luk 4:31 Luk 5:17 Luk 8:26 Luk 17:11 Luk 23:5 Luk 23:49 Luk 23:55 Luk 24:6 Joh 1:43 Joh 2:1 Joh 2:11 Joh 4:3 Joh 4:43 Joh 4:45-47 Joh 4:54 Joh 7:1 Joh 7:9 Joh 7:41 Joh 7:52 Joh 12:21 Joh 21:2 Act 1:11 Act 5:37 Act 9:31 Act 10:37 Act 13:31 Mat 4:18 Mat 15:29 Mar 1:16 Mar 7:31 Joh 6:1

Heli :

Luk 3:23

Herod : son of Antipater; king over Judea when Christ was born,a son of Herod the Great,a grandson of Herod the Great and son of Aristobulus and Berenice

Mat 2:1 Mat 2:3 Mat 2:7 Mat 2:12-13 Mat 2:15-16 Mat 2:19 Mat 2:22 Luk 1:5 Mat 14:1 Mat 14:3 Mat 14:6 Mar 6:14 Mar 6:16-18 Mar 6:20-22 Mar 8:15 Luk 3:1 Luk 3:19 Luk 8:3 Luk 9:7 Luk 9:9 Luk 13:31 Luk 23:7-8 Luk 23:11-12 Luk 23:15 Act 4:27 Act 13:1 Act 12:1 Act 12:6 Act 12:11 Act 12:19-21 Act 23:35

Herodias : the wife of Herod Antipas; granddaughter of Herod the Great

Mat 14:3 Mat 14:6 Mar 6:17 Mar 6:19 Mar 6:22 Luk 3:19

Hezron (33° 1´, 35° 34´); (31° 9´, 35° 3´) : members of the clan of Hezron of Reuben

Gen 46:12 Num 26:6 Num 26:21 Rut 4:18-19 1Ch 2:5 1Ch 2:9 1Ch 2:18 1Ch 2:21 1Ch 2:24-25 1Ch 4:1 Gen 46:9 Exo 6:14 1Ch 5:3 Jos 15:3 Mat 1:3 Luk 3:33

Isaac : the only son of Abraham and Sarah; father of Jacob and Esau

Mat 1:2 Mat 8:11 Mat 22:32 Mar 12:26 Luk 3:34 Luk 13:28 Luk 20:37 Act 3:13 Act 7:8 Act 7:32 Rom 9:7 Rom 9:10 Gal 4:28 Heb 11:9 Heb 11:17-18 Heb 11:20 Jam 2:21

Isaiah : a son of Amoz; a prophet active in Judah from about 740 to 701 B.C.,son of Amoz; a major prophet in the time of Hezekiah

2Ki 19:2 2Ki 19:5-6 2Ki 19:20 2Ki 20:1 2Ki 20:4 2Ki 20:7-9 2Ki 20:11 2Ki 20:14 2Ki 20:16 2Ki 20:19 2Ch 26:22 2Ch 32:20 2Ch 32:32 Isa 1:1 Isa 2:1 Isa 7:3 Isa 13:1 Isa 20:2-3 Isa 37:2 Isa 37:5-6 Isa 37:21 Isa 38:1 Isa 38:4 Isa 38:21 Isa 39:3 Isa 39:5 Isa 39:8 Mat 3:3 Mat 4:14 Mat 8:17 Mat 12:17 Mat 13:14 Mat 15:7 Mar 1:2 Mar 7:6 Luk 3:4 Luk 4:17 Joh 1:23 Joh 12:38-39 Joh 12:41 Act 8:28 Act 8:30 Act 28:25 Rom 9:27 Rom 9:29 Rom 10:16 Rom 10:20 Rom 15:12

Ituraea (33° 24´, 35° 51´) : a small province on the northwest border of Palestine by the base of Mount Hermon

Luk 3:1

Jacob : the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation

Gen 25:26-31 Gen 25:33-34 Gen 27:6 Gen 27:11 Gen 27:15 Gen 27:17 Gen 27:19 Gen 27:21-22 Gen 27:30 Gen 27:36 Gen 27:41-42 Gen 27:46--28:1 Gen 28:5-7 Gen 28:10 Gen 28:16 Gen 28:18 Gen 28:20 Gen 29:1 Gen 29:4 Gen 29:10-13 Gen 29:15 Gen 29:18 Gen 29:20-21 Gen 29:23 Gen 29:25 Gen 29:28 Gen 29:30 Gen 30:1-2 Gen 30:4-5 Gen 30:7 Gen 30:9-10 Gen 30:12 Gen 30:16-17 Gen 30:19 Gen 30:25 Gen 30:29 Gen 30:31 Gen 30:36-37 Gen 30:40-42 Gen 31:1-4 Gen 31:11 Gen 31:17 Gen 31:20 Gen 31:22 Gen 31:24-26 Gen 31:29 Gen 31:31-33 Gen 31:36 Gen 31:43 Gen 31:45-47 Gen 31:51 Gen 31:53-54 Gen 32:1-4 Gen 32:6-7 Gen 32:9 Gen 32:18 Gen 32:20 Gen 32:24-30 Gen 32:32--33:1 Gen 33:5 Gen 33:8 Gen 33:10 Gen 33:13 Gen 33:17-18 Gen 34:1 Gen 34:3 Gen 34:5-7 Gen 34:13 Gen 34:19 Gen 34:25 Gen 34:27 Gen 34:30 Gen 35:1-2 Gen 35:4-6 Gen 35:9-10 Gen 35:14-15 Gen 35:20 Gen 35:22-23 Gen 35:26-27 Gen 35:29 Gen 36:6 Gen 37:1-2 Gen 37:34 Gen 42:1 Gen 42:4 Gen 42:29 Gen 42:36 Gen 42:38 Gen 45:25 Gen 45:27 Gen 46:2 Gen 46:5-6 Gen 46:8 Gen 46:15 Gen 46:18-19 Gen 46:22 Gen 46:25-27 Gen 47:7-10 Gen 47:28 Gen 48:2-3 Gen 49:1-2 Gen 49:7 Gen 49:24 Gen 49:33 Gen 50:24 Exo 1:1 Exo 1:5 Exo 2:24 Exo 3:6 Exo 3:15-16 Exo 4:5 Exo 6:3 Exo 6:8 Exo 19:3 Exo 33:1 Lev 26:42 Num 23:7 Num 23:10 Num 23:21 Num 23:23 Num 24:5 Num 24:17 Num 24:19 Num 32:11 Deu 1:8 Deu 6:10 Deu 9:5 Deu 9:27 Deu 29:13 Deu 30:20 Deu 32:9 Deu 33:4 Deu 33:10 Deu 33:28 Deu 34:4 Jos 24:4 Jos 24:32 1Sa 12:8 2Sa 23:1 1Ki 18:31 2Ki 13:23 2Ki 17:34 1Ch 16:13 1Ch 16:17 Psa 14:7 Psa 20:1 Psa 22:23 Psa 24:6 Psa 44:4 Psa 46:7 Psa 46:11 Psa 47:4 Psa 53:6 Psa 59:13 Psa 75:9 Psa 76:6 Psa 77:15 Psa 78:5 Psa 78:21 Psa 78:71 Psa 79:7 Psa 81:1 Psa 81:4 Psa 84:8 Psa 85:1 Psa 87:2 Psa 94:7 Psa 99:4 Psa 105:6 Psa 105:10 Psa 105:23 Psa 114:1 Psa 114:7 Psa 132:2 Psa 132:5 Psa 135:4 Psa 146:5 Psa 147:19 Isa 2:3 Isa 2:5-6 Isa 8:17 Isa 9:8 Isa 10:20-21 Isa 14:1 Isa 17:4 Isa 27:6 Isa 27:9 Isa 29:22-23 Isa 40:27 Isa 41:8 Isa 41:14 Isa 41:21 Isa 42:24 Isa 43:1 Isa 43:22 Isa 43:28--44:2 Isa 44:5 Isa 44:21 Isa 44:23 Isa 45:4 Isa 45:19 Isa 46:3 Isa 48:1 Isa 48:12 Isa 48:20 Isa 49:5-6 Isa 49:26 Isa 58:1 Isa 58:14 Isa 59:20 Isa 60:16 Isa 65:9 Jer 2:4 Jer 5:20 Jer 10:16 Jer 10:25 Jer 30:7 Jer 30:10 Jer 30:18 Jer 31:7 Jer 31:11 Jer 33:26 Jer 46:27-28 Jer 51:19 Lam 1:17 Lam 2:2-3 Eze 20:5 Eze 28:25 Eze 37:25 Eze 39:25 Hos 10:11 Hos 12:2 Hos 12:12 Amo 3:13 Amo 6:8 Amo 7:2 Amo 7:5 Amo 8:7 Amo 9:8 Oba 1:10 Oba 1:17-18 Mic 1:5 Mic 2:7 Mic 2:12 Mic 3:1 Mic 3:8-9 Mic 4:2 Mic 5:7-8 Mic 7:20 Nah 2:2 Mal 1:2 Mal 2:12 Mal 3:6 Mat 1:2 Mat 8:11 Mat 22:32 Mar 12:26 Luk 3:34 Luk 13:28 Luk 20:37 Joh 4:5-6 Joh 4:12 Act 3:13 Act 7:8 Act 7:12 Act 7:14-15 Act 7:32 Act 7:46 Rom 9:13 Heb 11:9 Heb 11:20-21 Luk 1:33 Rom 11:26 Mat 1:15-16

Jannai : a son of Joseph; the father of Melki; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:24

Jared : a son of Mahalalel; the father of Enoch; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of Ma-Halalel son of Kenan

Gen 5:15-16 Gen 5:18-20 1Ch 1:2 Luk 3:37

Jesse : a son of Obed; the father of David the king and ancestor of Jesus,son of Obed of Judah; father of David

Rut 4:17 Rut 4:22 1Sa 16:1 1Sa 16:3 1Sa 16:5 1Sa 16:8-11 1Sa 16:18-20 1Sa 16:22 1Sa 17:12-13 1Sa 17:17 1Sa 17:20 1Sa 17:58 1Sa 20:27 1Sa 20:30-31 1Sa 22:7-9 1Sa 22:13 1Sa 25:10 2Sa 20:1 2Sa 23:1 1Ki 12:16 1Ch 2:12-13 1Ch 10:14 1Ch 12:18 1Ch 29:26 2Ch 10:16 2Ch 11:18 Psa 72:20 Isa 11:1 Isa 11:10 Mat 1:5-6 Luk 3:32 Act 13:22 Rom 15:12

Joanan : a son of Rhesa; the father of Joda; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:27

Joda (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´) : a son of Joanan; the father of Josech and an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:26

John : a son of Zebedee; younger brother of James; the beloved disciple of Christ,a relative of Annas the high priest,a son of Mary the sister of Barnabas, and surnamed Mark,the father of Simon Peter

Mat 3:1 Mat 3:4 Mat 3:13-14 Mat 4:12 Mat 9:14 Mat 11:2 Mat 11:4 Mat 11:7 Mat 11:11-13 Mat 11:18 Mat 14:2-4 Mat 14:8 Mat 14:10 Mat 16:14 Mat 17:13 Mat 21:25-26 Mat 21:32 Mar 1:4 Mar 1:6 Mar 1:9 Mar 1:14 Mar 2:18 Mar 6:14 Mar 6:16-18 Mar 6:20 Mar 6:24-25 Mar 8:28 Mar 11:30 Mar 11:32 Luk 1:13 Luk 1:60 Luk 1:63 Luk 3:2 Luk 3:15-16 Luk 3:20 Luk 5:33 Luk 7:18-20 Luk 7:22 Luk 7:24 Luk 7:28-30 Luk 7:33 Luk 9:7 Luk 9:9 Luk 9:19 Luk 11:1 Luk 16:16 Luk 20:4 Luk 20:6 Joh 1:6 Joh 1:15 Joh 1:19 Joh 1:26 Joh 1:28 Joh 1:32 Joh 1:35 Joh 1:40 Joh 3:23-27 Joh 4:1 Joh 5:33 Joh 5:36 Joh 10:40-41 Act 1:5 Act 1:22 Act 10:37 Act 11:16 Act 13:24-25 Act 18:25 Act 19:3-4 Mat 4:21 Mat 10:2 Mat 17:1 Mar 1:19 Mar 1:29 Mar 3:17 Mar 5:37 Mar 9:2 Mar 9:38 Mar 10:35 Mar 10:41 Mar 13:3 Mar 14:33 Luk 5:10 Luk 6:14 Luk 8:51 Luk 9:28 Luk 9:49 Luk 9:54 Luk 22:8 Act 1:13 Act 3:1 Act 3:3-4 Act 3:11 Act 4:13 Act 4:19 Act 8:14 Act 12:2 Gal 2:9 Rev 1:1 Rev 1:4 Rev 1:9 Rev 22:8 Act 4:6 Act 12:12 Act 12:25 Act 13:5 Act 13:13 Act 15:37 Joh 1:42 Joh 21:15-17

Jonam : a son of Eliakim; the father of Joseph; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:30

Jordan (32° 18´, 35° 33´) : the river that flows from Lake Galilee to the Dead Sea,a river that begins at Mt. Hermon, flows south through Lake Galilee and on to its end at the Dead Sea 175 km away (by air)

Gen 13:10-11 Gen 32:10 Gen 50:10-11 Num 13:29 Num 22:1 Num 26:3 Num 26:63 Num 31:12 Num 32:5 Num 32:19 Num 32:21 Num 32:29 Num 32:32 Num 33:48-51 Num 34:12 Num 34:15 Num 35:1 Num 35:10 Num 35:14 Num 36:13 Deu 1:1 Deu 1:5 Deu 2:29 Deu 3:8 Deu 3:17 Deu 3:20 Deu 3:25 Deu 3:27 Deu 4:21-22 Deu 4:26 Deu 4:41 Deu 4:46-47 Deu 4:49 Deu 9:1 Deu 11:30-31 Deu 12:10 Deu 27:2 Deu 27:4 Deu 27:12 Deu 30:18 Deu 31:2 Deu 31:13 Deu 32:47 Jos 1:2 Jos 1:11 Jos 1:14-15 Jos 2:7 Jos 2:10 Jos 3:1 Jos 3:8 Jos 3:11 Jos 3:13-15 Jos 3:17--4:1 Jos 4:3 Jos 4:5 Jos 4:7-10 Jos 4:16-20 Jos 4:22-23 Jos 5:1 Jos 7:7 Jos 9:1 Jos 9:10 Jos 12:1 Jos 12:7 Jos 13:8 Jos 13:23 Jos 13:27 Jos 13:32 Jos 14:3 Jos 15:5 Jos 16:1 Jos 16:7 Jos 17:5 Jos 18:7 Jos 18:12 Jos 18:19-20 Jos 19:22 Jos 19:33-34 Jos 20:8 Jos 22:4 Jos 22:7 Jos 22:10-11 Jos 22:25 Jos 23:4 Jos 24:8 Jos 24:11 Jdg 3:28 Jdg 5:17 Jdg 6:33 Jdg 7:24-25 Jdg 8:4 Jdg 10:8-9 Jdg 11:13 Jdg 11:22 Jdg 12:5-6 1Sa 13:7 1Sa 31:7 2Sa 2:29 2Sa 10:17 2Sa 16:14 2Sa 17:22 2Sa 17:24 2Sa 19:15 2Sa 19:17-18 2Sa 19:31 2Sa 19:36 2Sa 19:39 2Sa 19:41 2Sa 20:2 2Sa 24:5 1Ki 2:8 1Ki 7:46 1Ki 17:3 1Ki 17:5 2Ki 2:6-7 2Ki 2:13 2Ki 5:10 2Ki 5:14 2Ki 6:2 2Ki 6:4 2Ki 7:15 2Ki 10:33 1Ch 6:78 1Ch 12:15 1Ch 12:37 1Ch 19:17 1Ch 26:30 2Ch 4:17 Job 40:23 Psa 42:6 Psa 114:3 Psa 114:5 Isa 9:1 Jer 12:5 Jer 49:19 Jer 50:44 Eze 47:18 Zec 11:3 Mat 3:5-6 Mat 3:13 Mat 4:15 Mat 4:25 Mat 19:1 Mar 1:5 Mar 1:9 Mar 3:8 Mar 10:1 Luk 3:3 Luk 4:1 Joh 1:28 Joh 3:26 Joh 10:40

Jorim : a son of Matthat; the father of Eliezer; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:29

Josech : a son of Joda; the father of Semein; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:26

Joseph : the husband of Mary and foster-father of Jesus,a Jewish man from Arimathea in whose grave the body of Jesus was laid,two different men listed as ancestors of Jesus,a man nominated with Matthias to take the place of Judas Iscariot as apostle,a son of Jacob and Rachel; the father of Ephraim and Manasseh and ruler of Egypt,a brother of Jesus; a son of Mary,a man who was a companion of Paul,son of Jacob and Rachel; patriarch of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh,a tribe, actually two tribes named after Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh,father of Igal, of Issachar, who helped spy out Canaan,son of Asaph the Levite; worship leader under Asaph and King David,a man who put away his heathen wife; an Israelite descended from Binnui,priest and head of the house of Shebaniah under High Priest Joiakim in the time of Nehemiah

Gen 30:24-25 Gen 33:2 Gen 33:7 Gen 35:24 Gen 37:2-3 Gen 37:5 Gen 37:13 Gen 37:17 Gen 37:23 Gen 37:28-29 Gen 37:31 Gen 37:33 Gen 39:1-2 Gen 39:4-7 Gen 39:10 Gen 39:20-23 Gen 40:3-4 Gen 40:6 Gen 40:8-9 Gen 40:12 Gen 40:16 Gen 40:18 Gen 40:22-23 Gen 41:14-17 Gen 41:25 Gen 41:39 Gen 41:41-42 Gen 41:44-46 Gen 41:49-51 Gen 41:54-57 Gen 42:3-4 Gen 42:6-9 Gen 42:14 Gen 42:18 Gen 42:23 Gen 42:25 Gen 42:36 Gen 43:15-19 Gen 43:24-26 Gen 43:30 Gen 43:34 Gen 44:2 Gen 44:4 Gen 44:14-15 Gen 45:1 Gen 45:3-4 Gen 45:9 Gen 45:16-17 Gen 45:21 Gen 45:26-28 Gen 46:4 Gen 46:19-20 Gen 46:27-31 Gen 47:1 Gen 47:5 Gen 47:7 Gen 47:11-12 Gen 47:14-17 Gen 47:20 Gen 47:23 Gen 47:26 Gen 47:29 Gen 48:1-3 Gen 48:8-13 Gen 48:15 Gen 48:17-18 Gen 48:21 Gen 49:22 Gen 49:26 Gen 50:1-2 Gen 50:4 Gen 50:7-8 Gen 50:14-17 Gen 50:19 Gen 50:22-26 Exo 1:5-6 Exo 1:8 Exo 13:19 Num 1:10 Num 1:32 Num 27:1 Num 32:33 Num 36:12 Jos 17:1-2 Jos 24:32 Psa 105:17 Num 13:11 Num 26:28 Num 26:37 Num 34:23 Num 36:1 Num 36:5 Deu 27:12 Deu 33:13 Deu 33:16 Jos 14:4 Jos 16:1 Jos 16:4 Jos 17:14 Jos 17:16-17 Jos 18:5 Jos 18:11 Jdg 1:22-23 Jdg 1:35 2Sa 19:20 1Ki 11:28 1Ch 2:2 1Ch 5:1-2 1Ch 7:29 Psa 77:15 Psa 78:67 Psa 80:1 Psa 81:5 Eze 37:16 Eze 37:19 Eze 47:13 Eze 48:32 Amo 5:6 Amo 5:15 Amo 6:6 Oba 1:18 Zec 10:6 Num 13:7 1Ch 25:2 1Ch 25:9 Ezr 10:42 Neh 12:14 Mat 1:16 Mat 1:18-20 Mat 1:24 Mat 2:13 Mat 2:19 Luk 1:27 Luk 2:4 Luk 2:16 Luk 2:33 Luk 2:43 Luk 3:23 Luk 4:22 Joh 1:45 Joh 6:42 Mat 27:57 Mat 27:59 Mar 15:43 Mar 15:45-46 Luk 23:50 Joh 19:38 Luk 3:24 Luk 3:30 Act 1:23 Joh 4:5 Act 7:9 Act 7:13-14 Act 7:18 Heb 11:21-22 Rev 7:8 Mat 13:55 Mat 27:56 Mar 6:3 Mar 15:40 Mar 15:47 Act 4:36

Joshua (31° 9´, 35° 3´) : a son of Eliezer; the father of Er; an ancestor of Jesus,the son of Nun and successor of Moses,son of Nun of Ephraim; successor to Moses,a man: owner of the field where the ark stopped,governor of Jerusalem under King Josiah,son of Jehozadak; high priest in the time of Zerubbabel

Exo 17:9-10 Exo 17:13-14 Exo 24:13 Exo 32:17 Exo 33:11 Num 11:28 Num 13:16 Num 14:6 Num 14:30 Num 14:38 Num 26:65 Num 27:18 Num 27:22 Num 32:12 Num 32:28 Num 34:17 Deu 1:38 Deu 3:21 Deu 3:28 Deu 31:3 Deu 31:7 Deu 31:14 Deu 31:23 Deu 32:44 Deu 34:9 Jos 1:1 Jos 1:10 Jos 1:12 Jos 1:16 Jos 2:1 Jos 2:23--3:1 Jos 3:5-7 Jos 3:9-10 Jos 4:1 Jos 4:4-5 Jos 4:8-10 Jos 4:14-15 Jos 4:17 Jos 4:20 Jos 5:2-4 Jos 5:7 Jos 5:9 Jos 5:13-15 Jos 6:2 Jos 6:6 Jos 6:8 Jos 6:10 Jos 6:12 Jos 6:16 Jos 6:22 Jos 6:25-27 Jos 7:2-3 Jos 7:6-7 Jos 7:10 Jos 7:16 Jos 7:19-20 Jos 7:22-25 Jos 8:1 Jos 8:3 Jos 8:9-10 Jos 8:13 Jos 8:15-16 Jos 8:18 Jos 8:21 Jos 8:23 Jos 8:26-30 Jos 8:35 Jos 9:2-3 Jos 9:6 Jos 9:8 Jos 9:15 Jos 9:22 Jos 9:24 Jos 9:27--10:1 Jos 10:4 Jos 10:6-9 Jos 10:12 Jos 10:15 Jos 10:17-18 Jos 10:20-22 Jos 10:24-29 Jos 10:31 Jos 10:33-34 Jos 10:36 Jos 10:38 Jos 10:40-43 Jos 11:6-7 Jos 11:9-10 Jos 11:12-13 Jos 11:15-16 Jos 11:18 Jos 11:21 Jos 11:23 Jos 12:7 Jos 13:1 Jos 14:1 Jos 14:6 Jos 14:13 Jos 15:13 Jos 17:4 Jos 17:14-15 Jos 17:17 Jos 18:3 Jos 18:8-10 Jos 19:49 Jos 19:51--20:1 Jos 21:1 Jos 22:1 Jos 22:6-7 Jos 23:1-2 Jos 24:1-2 Jos 24:19 Jos 24:21-22 Jos 24:24-29 Jos 24:31 Jdg 1:1 Jdg 2:6-8 Jdg 2:21 Jdg 2:23 1Ki 16:34 1Ch 7:27 Neh 8:17 1Sa 6:14 1Sa 6:18 2Ki 23:8 Hag 1:1 Hag 1:12 Hag 1:14 Hag 2:2 Hag 2:4 Zec 3:1 Zec 3:3 Zec 3:6 Zec 3:8-9 Zec 6:11 Luk 3:29 Act 7:45 Heb 4:8

Judah (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´) : the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall

Gen 29:35 Gen 35:23 Gen 37:26 Gen 38:1-2 Gen 38:6-8 Gen 38:11-12 Gen 38:15 Gen 38:20 Gen 38:22-24 Gen 38:26 Gen 43:3 Gen 43:8 Gen 44:14 Gen 44:16 Gen 44:18 Gen 46:12 Gen 46:28 Gen 49:8 Exo 1:2 Rut 4:12 1Ch 2:1 1Ch 2:3-4 1Ch 4:1 1Ch 4:21 1Ch 9:4 Neh 11:24 Gen 49:9-10 Exo 31:2 Exo 35:30 Exo 38:22 Num 1:7 Num 1:26-27 Num 2:3 Num 2:9 Num 7:12 Num 10:14 Num 13:6 Num 26:19-20 Num 26:22 Num 34:19 Deu 27:12 Deu 33:7 Jos 7:1 Jos 7:16-18 Jos 14:6 Jos 15:1 Jos 15:12-13 Jos 15:20-21 Jos 15:63 Jos 18:5 Jos 18:11 Jos 18:14 Jos 19:1 Jos 19:9 Jos 21:4 Jos 21:9 Jdg 1:2-4 Jdg 1:8-10 Jdg 1:16-19 Jdg 10:9 Jdg 15:10-11 Jdg 17:7 Jdg 20:18 1Sa 11:8 1Sa 15:4 1Sa 17:1 1Sa 17:52 1Sa 18:16 1Sa 23:23 1Sa 30:14 1Sa 30:26 2Sa 1:18 2Sa 2:4 2Sa 3:8 2Sa 3:10 2Sa 5:5 2Sa 11:11 2Sa 12:8 2Sa 19:11 2Sa 19:14-16 2Sa 19:40-43 2Sa 20:2 2Sa 20:4-5 2Sa 21:2 2Sa 24:1 2Sa 24:9 1Ki 1:9 1Ki 1:35 1Ki 2:32 1Ki 4:20 1Ki 4:25 1Ki 12:20 1Ki 12:23 1Ki 14:22 1Ki 15:1 1Ki 15:9 1Ki 15:17 1Ki 15:22 1Ki 19:3 1Ki 22:41 2Ki 8:19-20 2Ki 8:22 2Ki 9:29 2Ki 14:10-12 2Ki 14:21-22 2Ki 14:28 2Ki 15:37 2Ki 16:6 2Ki 17:13 2Ki 17:18-19 2Ki 18:22 2Ki 21:11-12 2Ki 21:16 2Ki 22:13 2Ki 23:1-2 2Ki 23:17 2Ki 23:24 2Ki 23:26-27 2Ki 24:2-3 2Ki 24:20 2Ki 25:21-22 1Ch 2:10 1Ch 4:27 1Ch 5:2 1Ch 6:15 1Ch 6:55 1Ch 6:65 1Ch 9:1 1Ch 9:3 1Ch 12:16 1Ch 12:24 1Ch 13:6 1Ch 21:5 1Ch 27:18 1Ch 28:4 Eze 48:31 2Ch 11:17 2Ch 13:1 2Ch 13:13-16 2Ch 13:18 2Ch 14:4 2Ch 14:7-8 2Ch 14:12-13 2Ch 15:2 2Ch 15:9 2Ch 15:15 2Ch 16:1 2Ch 16:6 2Ch 17:5 2Ch 17:14 2Ch 20:4-5 2Ch 20:13 2Ch 20:15 2Ch 20:17-18 2Ch 20:20 2Ch 20:22 2Ch 20:24 2Ch 20:27 2Ch 20:31 2Ch 21:8 2Ch 21:10-11 2Ch 21:13 2Ch 21:17 2Ch 23:2 2Ch 23:8 2Ch 24:18 2Ch 25:5 2Ch 25:10 2Ch 25:12 2Ch 25:19 2Ch 25:21-22 2Ch 25:28--26:1 2Ch 27:7 2Ch 28:6 2Ch 28:9-10 2Ch 28:17 2Ch 28:19 2Ch 29:8 2Ch 29:21 2Ch 30:12 2Ch 30:25 2Ch 31:6 2Ch 32:9 2Ch 32:12 2Ch 32:25 2Ch 32:33 2Ch 33:9 2Ch 33:16 2Ch 34:29-30 2Ch 35:18 2Ch 35:24 2Ch 35:27 2Ch 36:4 2Ch 36:8 2Ch 36:10 Ezr 1:5 Ezr 1:8 Ezr 3:9 Ezr 4:1 Ezr 4:4 Ezr 6:8 Ezr 9:9 Neh 4:10 Neh 6:17 Neh 11:4 Neh 11:25 Neh 12:44 Neh 13:12 Neh 13:16-17 Psa 48:11 Psa 60:7 Psa 78:68 Psa 97:8 Psa 108:8 Psa 114:2 Pro 25:1 Isa 1:1 Isa 2:1 Isa 3:1 Isa 3:8 Isa 5:3 Isa 5:7 Isa 7:6 Isa 9:21 Isa 11:12-13 Isa 19:17 Isa 22:8 Isa 36:7 Isa 65:9 Jer 1:3 Jer 2:28 Jer 3:7-8 Jer 3:10-11 Jer 4:3-5 Jer 7:2 Jer 7:30 Jer 9:26 Jer 11:2 Jer 11:9 Jer 11:13 Jer 12:14 Jer 13:9 Jer 13:19 Jer 14:2 Jer 14:19 Jer 17:1 Jer 17:25 Jer 18:11 Jer 19:7 Jer 20:4 Jer 22:11 Jer 22:24 Jer 22:30 Jer 23:6 Jer 24:5 Jer 25:1-2 Jer 26:1 Jer 26:18 Jer 27:1 Jer 27:20-21 Jer 28:1 Jer 30:3-4 Jer 31:23-24 Jer 32:30 Jer 32:32 Jer 32:35 Jer 33:7 Jer 33:16 Jer 34:2 Jer 34:6 Jer 35:13 Jer 35:17 Jer 36:2 Jer 36:6 Jer 36:31 Jer 37:1 Jer 37:7 Jer 39:6 Jer 40:1 Jer 40:5 Jer 40:11 Jer 40:15 Jer 42:15 Jer 42:19 Jer 43:5 Jer 43:9 Jer 44:11-12 Jer 44:14 Jer 44:24 Jer 44:26-28 Jer 45:1 Jer 50:4 Jer 50:20 Jer 50:33 Jer 51:5 Jer 52:3 Jer 52:27 Jer 52:31 Lam 1:3 Lam 1:15 Lam 2:2 Lam 2:5 Lam 5:11 Eze 8:1 Eze 9:9 Eze 25:8 Eze 27:17 Eze 37:16 Eze 37:19 Eze 48:7 Dan 1:6 Dan 2:25 Dan 5:13 Dan 9:7 Hos 1:11 Hos 4:15 Hos 5:5 Hos 5:13 Hos 6:4 Hos 6:11 Hos 8:14 Hos 10:11 Hos 11:12 Hos 12:2 Joe 3:1 Joe 3:6 Joe 3:8 Joe 3:19 Amo 2:4-5 Oba 1:12 Mic 5:2 Nah 1:15 Zep 1:4 Hag 1:1 Hag 1:14 Hag 2:2 Hag 2:21 Zec 1:19 Zec 1:21 Zec 2:12 Zec 8:13 Zec 9:7 Zec 9:13 Zec 11:14 Zec 12:2 Zec 12:5-7 Zec 14:14 Zec 14:21 Mal 2:11 Mal 3:4 2Sa 2:4 2Sa 2:7 2Sa 2:10-11 1Ki 12:21 1Ki 12:23 2Ki 19:30 1Ch 28:4 2Ch 11:1 2Ch 19:11 2Ch 22:10 Neh 4:16 Isa 22:21 Isa 37:31 Jer 3:18 Jer 11:10 Jer 11:17 Jer 13:11 Jer 31:27 Jer 31:31 Jer 33:14 Jer 36:3 Eze 4:6 Eze 8:17 Eze 25:3 Eze 25:12 Hos 1:7 Hos 5:12 Hos 5:14 Mic 1:5 Zep 2:7 Zec 8:15 Zec 8:19 Zec 10:3 Zec 10:6 Zec 12:4 1Ki 12:23 1Ki 12:27 1Ki 15:17 1Ki 15:25 1Ki 15:28 1Ki 15:33 1Ki 16:8 1Ki 16:10 1Ki 16:15 1Ki 16:23 1Ki 16:29 1Ki 22:2 1Ki 22:10 1Ki 22:29 1Ki 22:51 2Ki 1:17 2Ki 3:1 2Ki 3:7 2Ki 3:9 2Ki 3:14 2Ki 8:16 2Ki 8:25 2Ki 8:29 2Ki 9:16 2Ki 9:21 2Ki 9:27 2Ki 10:13 2Ki 12:18 2Ki 13:1 2Ki 13:10 2Ki 13:12 2Ki 14:1 2Ki 14:9 2Ki 14:11 2Ki 14:13 2Ki 14:15 2Ki 14:17 2Ki 14:23 2Ki 15:1 2Ki 15:8 2Ki 15:13 2Ki 15:17 2Ki 15:23 2Ki 15:27 2Ki 15:32 2Ki 16:1 2Ki 17:1 2Ki 18:1 2Ki 18:14 2Ki 18:16 2Ki 19:10 2Ki 21:11 2Ki 22:16 2Ki 22:18 2Ki 24:12 2Ki 25:27 1Ch 4:41 1Ch 5:17 2Ch 11:3 2Ch 16:1 2Ch 16:7 2Ch 18:3 2Ch 18:9 2Ch 18:28 2Ch 19:1 2Ch 20:35 2Ch 21:2 2Ch 21:12 2Ch 22:1 2Ch 22:6 2Ch 25:17-18 2Ch 25:21 2Ch 25:23 2Ch 25:25 2Ch 30:24 2Ch 32:8-9 2Ch 32:23 2Ch 34:24 2Ch 34:26 2Ch 35:21 Est 2:6 Isa 7:1 Isa 37:10 Isa 38:9 Jer 1:2-3 Jer 15:4 Jer 21:7 Jer 21:11 Jer 22:1-2 Jer 22:6 Jer 22:18 Jer 24:1 Jer 24:8 Jer 25:1 Jer 25:3 Jer 26:19 Jer 27:3 Jer 27:12 Jer 27:18 Jer 27:20 Jer 28:4 Jer 29:3 Jer 32:1-4 Jer 34:4 Jer 34:21 Jer 35:1 Jer 36:1 Jer 36:9 Jer 36:28-30 Jer 36:32 Jer 38:22 Jer 39:1 Jer 39:4 Jer 44:30 Jer 46:2 Jer 49:34 Jer 51:59 Jer 52:31 Dan 1:1-2 Amo 1:1 Zep 1:1 Zec 14:5 1Sa 27:6 1Ki 14:29 1Ki 15:7 1Ki 15:23 1Ki 22:45 2Ki 8:23 2Ki 12:18-19 2Ki 14:18 2Ki 15:6 2Ki 15:36 2Ki 16:19 2Ki 18:5 2Ki 20:20 2Ki 21:17 2Ki 21:25 2Ki 23:5 2Ki 23:11-12 2Ki 23:22 2Ki 23:28 2Ki 24:5 2Ch 16:11 2Ch 25:26 2Ch 28:26 2Ch 32:32 2Ch 34:11 Jer 1:18 Jer 8:1 Jer 17:19-20 Jer 19:3-4 Jer 19:13 Jer 20:5 Jer 33:4 Jer 44:9 Hos 1:1 Mic 1:1 2Ch 12:5 2Ch 22:8 2Ch 24:17 Neh 12:31-32 Psa 68:27 Jer 24:1 Jer 26:10 Jer 29:2 Jer 34:19 Jer 52:10 Hos 5:10 Deu 34:2 Jos 19:9 Jos 19:34 Jdg 1:16 Jdg 15:9 Jdg 17:8-9 Jdg 18:12 Jdg 19:1-2 Jdg 19:18 Rut 1:1-2 Rut 1:7 1Sa 17:12 1Sa 22:5 1Sa 23:3 1Sa 27:10 1Sa 30:16 2Sa 6:2 2Sa 24:7 1Ki 4:19 1Ki 9:18 1Ki 12:32 1Ki 13:1 1Ki 13:12 1Ki 13:14 1Ki 13:21 1Ki 14:21 2Ch 2:7 2Ch 9:11 2Ch 11:3 2Ch 11:5 2Ch 11:10 2Ch 11:12 2Ch 11:14 2Ch 11:23 2Ch 12:12 2Ch 14:6 2Ch 15:8 2Ch 17:2 2Ch 17:6 2Ch 17:9-10 2Ch 17:12 2Ch 17:19 2Ch 20:3 2Ch 21:3 2Ch 24:6 2Ch 24:9 2Ch 24:23 2Ch 26:2 2Ch 28:18 2Ch 28:25 2Ch 30:1 2Ch 30:6 2Ch 30:25 2Ch 31:1 2Ch 31:20 2Ch 32:1 2Ch 33:14 2Ch 34:3 2Ch 34:5 2Ch 34:9 2Ch 34:21 2Ch 36:23 Psa 76:1 Isa 7:17 Isa 8:8 Isa 26:1 Jer 5:11 Jer 5:20 Jer 11:6 Jer 28:4 Jer 29:22 Jer 39:10 Jer 40:12 Jer 43:4-5 Jer 44:7 Jer 44:9 Jer 44:14 Jer 44:28 Eze 21:20 Eze 48:8 Eze 48:22 Dan 5:13 Dan 6:13 Joe 3:18 Joe 3:20 Amo 7:12 Mic 1:9 Zec 1:21 Ezr 1:2-3 Ezr 2:1 Ezr 4:6 Ezr 5:1 Ezr 5:8 Ezr 7:14 Ezr 9:9 Ezr 10:7 Ezr 10:9 Neh 1:2 Neh 2:5 Neh 2:7 Neh 5:14 Neh 6:7 Neh 6:18 Neh 7:6 Neh 11:3 Neh 11:20 Neh 11:36 Neh 13:15 Jos 11:21 Jos 20:7 Jos 21:11 2Ch 21:11 2Ch 27:4 2Sa 2:1 1Ki 12:17 2Ki 18:13 2Ki 23:5 2Ki 23:8 2Ch 10:17 2Ch 12:4 2Ch 14:5 2Ch 17:2 2Ch 17:7 2Ch 17:9 2Ch 17:13 2Ch 19:5 2Ch 20:4 2Ch 23:2 2Ch 24:5 2Ch 25:13 2Ch 31:1 2Ch 31:6 Psa 69:35 Isa 36:1 Isa 40:9 Isa 44:26 Jer 1:15 Jer 4:16 Jer 7:17 Jer 7:34 Jer 9:11 Jer 10:22 Jer 11:12 Jer 17:26 Jer 25:18 Jer 26:2 Jer 32:44 Jer 33:10 Jer 33:13 Jer 34:7 Jer 34:22 Jer 36:9 Jer 44:2 Jer 44:6 Jer 44:17 Jer 44:21 Zec 1:12 2Ki 18:26 2Ki 18:28 2Ch 32:18 Neh 13:24 Isa 36:11 Isa 36:13 Ezr 3:9 Ezr 10:23 Neh 11:9 Neh 12:8 Neh 12:34 Neh 12:36 Mat 1:2-3 Luk 3:33 Mat 2:6 Luk 1:39 Heb 7:14 Heb 8:8 Rev 5:5 Rev 7:5 Luk 3:30

Judea (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´) : a region that roughly corresponded to the earlier kingdom of Judah

Mat 2:1 Mat 2:5 Mat 2:22 Mat 3:1 Mat 3:5 Mat 4:25 Mat 19:1 Mat 24:16 Mar 1:5 Mar 3:7 Mar 10:1 Mar 13:14 Luk 1:5 Luk 1:39 Luk 1:65 Luk 2:4 Luk 3:1 Luk 4:44 Luk 5:17 Luk 6:17 Luk 7:17 Luk 21:21 Luk 23:5 Joh 3:22 Joh 4:3 Joh 4:47 Joh 4:54 Joh 7:1 Joh 7:3 Joh 11:7 Act 1:8 Act 2:9 Act 2:14 Act 8:1 Act 9:31 Act 10:37 Act 11:1 Act 11:29 Act 12:19 Act 15:1 Act 21:10 Act 26:20 Act 28:21 Rom 15:31 2Co 1:16 Gal 1:22 1Th 2:14

Lamech : a son of Methuselah; the father of Noah; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of Methushael, a descendant of Cain,son of Methuselah

Gen 4:18-19 Gen 4:23-24 Gen 5:25-26 Gen 5:28 Gen 5:30-31 1Ch 1:3 Luk 3:36

Levi : members of the tribe of Levi

Gen 29:34 Gen 34:25 Gen 34:30 Gen 35:23 Gen 46:11 Gen 49:5 Exo 1:2 Exo 2:1 Exo 6:16 Num 3:17 Num 16:1 Num 26:59 1Ch 2:1 1Ch 6:1 1Ch 6:16 1Ch 6:38 1Ch 6:43 1Ch 6:47 Ezr 8:18 Exo 2:1 Exo 32:26 Exo 32:28 Num 1:49 Num 3:6 Num 3:15 Num 3:32 Num 4:2 Num 16:7-8 Num 16:10 Num 17:3 Num 17:8 Num 18:2 Num 18:21 Num 26:58 Deu 10:8-9 Deu 18:1 Deu 21:5 Deu 27:12 Deu 31:9 Deu 33:8 Jos 13:14 Jos 13:33 Jos 21:10 1Ki 12:31 1Ch 9:18 1Ch 12:26 1Ch 21:6 1Ch 23:6 1Ch 23:14 1Ch 23:24 1Ch 23:27 1Ch 24:20 1Ch 27:17 Ezr 8:15 Neh 10:39 Neh 12:23 Psa 135:20 Eze 40:46 Eze 48:31 Zec 12:13 Mal 2:4 Mal 2:8 Mal 3:3 Heb 7:5-6 Heb 7:9-10 Rev 7:7 Mar 2:14 Luk 5:27 Luk 5:29 Luk 3:24 Luk 3:29

Lysanias : one of four men who ruled over 4 sections of Isreal

Luk 3:1

Maath : a son of Mattathias; the father of Naggai, an ancestor of Jesus

Luk 3:26

Mahalaleel : son of Kenan,a man who was a descendent of Perez of Judah

Luk 3:37

Mattatha : a son of Nathan; the father of Menna; an ancestor of Christ

Luk 3:31

Mattathias : two men who were ancestors of Christ, one being a son of Amos and the other being a son of Semein

Luk 3:25-26

Matthat : two men who were ancestors of Christ, one being the father of Heli and the other the father of Jorim

Luk 3:24 Luk 3:29

Melchi : two men who were ancestors of Christ, one being the son of Jannai and the other the son of Addi

Luk 3:24 Luk 3:28

Melea : a son of Menna; the father of Eliakim; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:31

Menna : a son of Mattatha; the father of Melea; an ancestor of Jesus.

Luk 3:31

Methuselah : a son of Enoch; the father of Lamech; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of Enoch

Gen 5:21-22 Gen 5:25-27 1Ch 1:3 Luk 3:37

Naggai : a son of Maath; the father of Elsi; an ancestor of Jesus

Luk 3:25

Nahor : a son of Serug; the father of Terah; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of Serug of Shem; father of Terah,son of Terah; brother of Abraham,town in Mesopotamia

Gen 11:22-25 1Ch 1:26 Gen 11:26-27 Gen 11:29 Gen 22:20 Gen 22:23 Gen 24:15 Gen 24:24 Gen 24:47 Gen 29:5 Gen 31:53 Jos 24:2 Gen 24:10 Luk 3:34

Nahshon : a son of Amminadab; the father of Salmon; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of Amminadab; Moses' officer over the tribe of Judah

Exo 6:23 Num 1:7 Num 2:3 Num 7:12 Num 7:17 Num 10:14 Rut 4:20 1Ch 2:10-11 Mat 1:4 Luk 3:32

Nahum : a son of Esli; the father of Amos; an ancestor of Jesus; a Hebrew prophet.,a minor prophet from "Elkosh"

Nah 1:1 Luk 3:25

Nathan : a son of David; the father of Mattatha; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of David and Bathsheba,brother of Joel in David's army; a prophet,father of Igal, one of David's military elite; a man from Zobah,father of Azariah and Zabud, priestly officials of King Solomon,son of Attai of Judah,brother of Joel, one of David's military elite,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife

2Sa 5:14 1Ch 3:5 1Ch 14:4 Zec 12:12 2Sa 7:2-4 2Sa 7:17 2Sa 12:1 2Sa 12:5 2Sa 12:7 2Sa 12:13 2Sa 12:15 2Sa 12:25 1Ki 1:8 1Ki 1:10-11 1Ki 1:22-24 1Ki 1:32 1Ki 1:34 1Ki 1:38 1Ki 1:44-45 1Ch 11:38 1Ch 17:1-3 1Ch 17:15 1Ch 29:29 2Ch 9:29 2Ch 29:25 Ezr 10:39 Psa 51:1 2Sa 23:36 1Ki 4:5 1Ch 2:36 1Ch 11:38 Ezr 8:16 Ezr 10:39 Luk 3:31

Neri : a son of Melki; the father of Shealtiel; an ancestor of Jesus

Luk 3:27

Noah : a son of Lamech and the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth,son of Lamech; builder of the ark,daughter of Zelophehad

Gen 5:29-30 Gen 5:32 Gen 6:8-10 Gen 6:13 Gen 6:22--7:1 Gen 7:5-7 Gen 7:9 Gen 7:11 Gen 7:13 Gen 7:15 Gen 7:23 Gen 8:1 Gen 8:6 Gen 8:11 Gen 8:13 Gen 8:15 Gen 8:18 Gen 8:20 Gen 9:1 Gen 9:8 Gen 9:17-20 Gen 9:24 Gen 9:28--10:1 Gen 10:32 1Ch 1:4 Isa 54:9 Eze 14:14 Eze 14:20 Num 26:33 Num 27:1 Num 36:11 Jos 17:3 Mat 24:37-38 Luk 3:36 Luk 17:26-27 Heb 11:7 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5

Obed : a son of Boaz and Ruth; the father of Jesse; the grandfather of David; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Boaz of Judah; father of Jesse, the father of David,son of Ephlal of Judah,a man who was one of David's military elite,son of Shemaiah; a Levite gatekeeper,father of Azariah who helped put Joash on the throne of Judah

Rut 4:17 Rut 4:21-22 1Ch 2:12 1Ch 2:37-38 1Ch 11:47 1Ch 26:7 2Ch 23:1 Mat 1:5 Luk 3:32

Peleg : a son of Eber; the father of Reu; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of Eber of Shem

Gen 10:25 Gen 11:16-19 1Ch 1:19 1Ch 1:25 Luk 3:35

Perez : a son of Judah and Tamar; the father of Hezron; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Judah and Tamar

Gen 38:29 Gen 46:12 Num 26:20-21 Rut 4:12 Rut 4:18 1Ch 2:4-5 1Ch 4:1 1Ch 9:4 1Ch 27:3 Neh 11:4 Neh 11:6 Mat 1:3 Luk 3:33

Philip (32° 29´, 34° 53´); (33° 14´, 35° 41´); (41° 0´, 24° 17´) : a man who was one of the twelve apostles,a son of Herod the Great; husband of Herodias; ruler of Iturea and Traconitis north and west of Galilee,a man who was one of the seven chosen to serve tables at the church at Jerusalem

Mat 10:3 Mar 3:18 Luk 6:14 Joh 1:43-46 Joh 1:48 Joh 6:5 Joh 6:7 Joh 12:21-22 Joh 14:8-9 Act 1:13 Mat 14:3 Mar 6:17 Luk 3:1 Luk 3:19 Act 6:5 Act 8:5-6 Act 8:12-13 Act 8:26 Act 8:29-31 Act 8:34-35 Act 8:37-40 Act 21:8

Pilate : the Roman governor of Judea who allowed Jesus to be crucified

Mat 27:2 Mat 27:13 Mat 27:17 Mat 27:22 Mat 27:24 Mat 27:58 Mat 27:62 Mat 27:65 Mar 15:1-2 Mar 15:4-5 Mar 15:8-9 Mar 15:12 Mar 15:14-15 Mar 15:43-44 Luk 3:1 Luk 13:1 Luk 23:1 Luk 23:3-4 Luk 23:6 Luk 23:11-13 Luk 23:20 Luk 23:24 Luk 23:52 Joh 18:29 Joh 18:31 Joh 18:33 Joh 18:35 Joh 18:37-38 Joh 19:1 Joh 19:4-6 Joh 19:8 Joh 19:10 Joh 19:12-13 Joh 19:15 Joh 19:19 Joh 19:21-22 Joh 19:31 Joh 19:38 Act 3:13 Act 4:27 Act 13:28 1Ti 6:13

Pontius Pilate : the Roman governor of Judea who allowed Jesus to be crucified

Mat 27:2 Luk 3:1 Act 4:27 1Ti 6:13

Reu : a son of Peleg; the father of Serug; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Peleg of Shem

Gen 11:18-21 1Ch 1:25 Luk 3:35

Rhesa : a son of Zerubbabel; the father of Joanan; an ancestor of Jesus

Luk 3:27

Salmon : the father of Eber; a son of Cainan; an ancestor of Jesus,an English name representing two different Hebrew names,as representing the Hebrew name 'Shelah',son of Judah; grandson of Shua the Canaanite,as representing the Hebrew name 'Shelax',son of Arpachshad son of Shem son of Noah,a pool in Jerusalem

Rut 4:20-21 Mat 1:4-5 Luk 3:32

Semein : the father of Mattathias; a son of Josech; an ancestor of Jesus

Luk 3:26

Serug : the father of Nahor; a son of Reu; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Reu of Shem

Gen 11:20-23 1Ch 1:26 Luk 3:35

Seth : the third son of Adam and Eve; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Adam

Gen 4:25-26 Gen 5:3-4 Gen 5:6-8 1Ch 1:1 Luk 3:38

Shealtiel : a son of Neri; the father of Zerubbabel; an ancestor of Jesus,son of King Jehoiachin; father of Zerubbabel who was the governor of Judah

1Ch 3:17 Ezr 3:2 Ezr 3:8 Ezr 5:2 Neh 12:1 Hag 1:1 Hag 1:12 Hag 1:14 Hag 2:2 Hag 2:23 Mat 1:12 Luk 3:27

Shelah (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´) : the father of Eber; a son of Cainan; an ancestor of Jesus,an English name representing two different Hebrew names,as representing the Hebrew name 'Shelah',son of Judah; grandson of Shua the Canaanite,as representing the Hebrew name 'Shelax',son of Arpachshad son of Shem son of Noah,a pool in Jerusalem

Gen 38:5 Gen 38:11 Gen 38:14 Gen 38:26 Gen 46:12 Num 26:20 1Ch 2:3 1Ch 4:21 Gen 10:24 Gen 11:12-15 1Ch 1:18 1Ch 1:24 Neh 3:15 Luk 3:35

Shem : the father of Arphaxad; a son of Noah; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Noah

Gen 5:32 Gen 6:10 Gen 7:13 Gen 9:18 Gen 9:23 Gen 9:26-27 Gen 10:1 Gen 10:21-22 Gen 10:31 Gen 11:10-11 1Ch 1:4 1Ch 1:17 1Ch 1:24 Luk 3:36

Simeon : a son of Jonas and brother of Andrew; an apostle of Jesus Christ,a man who was one of the apostles of Christ and also called 'the Zealot',a brother of Jesus,a man who was a well-know victim of leprosy who had been healed by Jesus (NIV note),a man from Cyrene who was forced to carry the cross of Jesus,a Pharisee man in whose house Jesus' feet were washed with tears and anointed,the father of Judas Iscariot,a man who was a sorcerer in Samaria and who wanted to buy the gifts of the Spirit,a man who was a tanner at Joppa and with whom Peter was staying when Cornelius sent for him

Gen 29:33 Gen 34:25 Gen 34:30 Gen 35:23 Gen 42:24 Gen 42:36 Gen 43:23 Gen 46:10 Gen 48:5 Gen 49:5 Exo 1:2 Exo 6:15 1Ch 2:1 1Ch 4:24 Num 1:6 Num 1:22-23 Num 2:12 Num 7:36 Num 10:19 Num 13:5 Num 26:12 Num 34:20 Deu 27:12 Jos 19:1 Jos 19:8-9 Jos 21:4 Jos 21:9 Jdg 1:3 Jdg 1:17 1Ch 4:42 1Ch 6:65 1Ch 12:25 2Ch 15:9 2Ch 34:6 Eze 48:24-25 Eze 48:33 Luk 2:25 Luk 2:34 Luk 3:30 Act 13:1 Act 15:14 2Pe 1:1 Rev 7:7

Terah (30° 19´, 35° 24´) : the son of Nahor; the father of Abraham; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Nahor of Shem,a place where Israel made an encampment

Gen 11:24-28 Gen 11:31-32 Jos 24:2 1Ch 1:26 Num 33:27-28 Luk 3:34

Tiberius Caesar : the man who succeeded Augustus Caesar as the Roman emperor

Luk 3:1

Trachonitis (32° 49´, 36° 30´) : the district around the town of Trachon, east of Galilee and south of Damascus (IBD)

Luk 3:1

Zechariah : the father of John the baptist,a son of Berekiah, a righteous man who was killed by the Jewish authorities,son and successor of King Jeroboam,father of Abi, the mother of King Hezekiah,a leader of the tribe of Reuben,son of Meshelemiah; a door keeper for the tent of meeting,son of Jeiel and Maacah of Gibeon,a Levite gate keeper and harpist in David's time,a priest and trumpeter in David's time,son of Isshiah (Uzziel Kohath Levi),son of Hosah; a pre-exile Levite gatekeeper,a man of Manasseh in Gilead in Saul and David's time,a prince whom Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,son of Benaiah (Asaph Levi),son of King Jehoshaphat,son of Jehoiada the priest; a prophet,a man who influenced King Uzziah for good,a Levite (Asaph) who helped Hezekiah cleanse the temple,a Levite (Kohath) who helped King Josiah restore the temple,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,son of Berechiah; a priest; writer of the book of Zechariah,leader among the Parosh clansmen who returned from exile,son of Bebai; leader among Bebai clansmen returned from exile,a lay man of the Elam Clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who stood with Ezra when he read the law to the assembly,son of Amariah of Judah,a descendant of Shelah,son of Pashhur; a priest whose descendants returned from exile,son of Jonathan (Asaph Levi),son of Jeberechiah; a witness to Isaiah's prophesy

2Ki 14:29 2Ki 15:8 2Ki 15:11 2Ki 18:2 2Ch 29:1 1Ch 5:7 1Ch 9:21 1Ch 26:2 1Ch 26:14 1Ch 9:37 1Ch 15:18 1Ch 15:20 1Ch 16:5 1Ch 15:24 1Ch 24:25 1Ch 26:11 1Ch 27:21 2Ch 17:7 2Ch 20:14 2Ch 21:2 2Ch 24:20 2Ch 24:22 2Ch 26:5 2Ch 29:13 2Ch 34:12 2Ch 35:8 Ezr 5:1 Ezr 6:14 Neh 12:16 Zec 1:1 Zec 1:7 Zec 7:1 Zec 7:8 Ezr 8:3 Ezr 8:11 Ezr 8:16 Ezr 10:26 Neh 8:4 Neh 11:4-5 Neh 11:12 Neh 12:35 Neh 12:41 Isa 8:2 Luk 1:5 Luk 1:12-13 Luk 1:18 Luk 1:21 Luk 1:40 Luk 1:59 Luk 1:67 Luk 3:2 Mat 23:35 Luk 11:51

Zerubbabel : a son of Shealtiel; the father of Abiud; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Pedaiah (Shealtiel?) son of King Jehoiachin

1Ch 3:19 Ezr 2:2 Ezr 3:2 Ezr 3:8 Ezr 4:2-3 Ezr 5:2 Neh 7:7 Neh 12:1 Neh 12:47 Hag 1:1 Hag 1:12 Hag 1:14 Hag 2:2 Hag 2:4 Hag 2:21 Hag 2:23 Zec 4:6-7 Zec 4:9-10 Mat 1:12-13 Luk 3:27

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