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Ezra 10

Abdi : a Levite of Merari's clan; forefather of Ethan and Kish.,an Israelite descended from Elam who put away his heathen wife

1Ch 6:44 2Ch 29:12 Ezr 10:26

Adaiah : a woman's name; King Josiah's grandmother,the son of Ethan (Gershom, Levi); ancestor of Asaph,the son of Shimei of Benjamin,son of Jeroham; a priestly leader of those returning from exile,father of Ma-Aseiah, a commander who helped enthrone Joash,an Israelite (Bani) who put away his heathen wife,an Israelite (Binnui) who put away his heathen wife,the son of Joiarib of Judah of pre-exile times,son of Jeroham; head of the priestly clan of Melchijah

2Ki 22:1 1Ch 6:41 1Ch 8:21 1Ch 9:12 2Ch 23:1 Ezr 10:29 Ezr 10:39 Neh 11:5 Neh 11:12

Adna : a commander (Manasseh) of Saul's who defected to David,a commander of 300,000 Judean men under King Jehoshaphat

Ezr 10:30 Neh 12:15

Amariah : a Levite (Hebron Kohath); founder of a sub-clan of Hebron,the chief priest, Amariah I; son of Marioth I; 1100 BC,son of Azariah II; chief priest under Jehoshaphat; Amariah II,a Levite temple assistant to Kore under King Hezekiah; 725 BC,son of King Hezekiah; 700 BC,an Israelite (Binnui) who put away his heathen wife; 458 BC,a priestly leader who returned with Zerubbabel 537 BC (NIVsn),son of Shephatiah of Judah

1Ch 23:19 1Ch 24:23 1Ch 6:7 1Ch 6:52 Ezr 7:3 1Ch 6:11 2Ch 19:11 2Ch 31:15 Zep 1:1 Ezr 10:42 Neh 10:3 Neh 12:2 Neh 12:13 Neh 11:4

Amram : son of Kohath son of Levi,an Israelite (Bani) who put away his heathen wife

Exo 6:18 Exo 6:20 Num 3:19 Num 26:58-59 1Ch 6:2-3 1Ch 6:18 1Ch 23:12-13 1Ch 24:20 Ezr 10:34

Asahel : son of Zeruiah, David's sister; brother of Joab,a Levite assigned to teach in Judah under Jehoshaphat,a Levite assistant to the temple treasurer under Hezekiah,father of Jonathan who opposed Ezra's policies

2Sa 2:18-23 2Sa 2:30 2Sa 2:32 2Sa 3:27 2Sa 3:30 2Sa 23:24 1Ch 2:16 1Ch 11:26 1Ch 27:7 2Ch 17:8 2Ch 31:13 Ezr 10:15

Athlai : an Israelite (Bebai) who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:28

Azarel : a man of Benjamin who defected to David at Ziklag,chief of the 11th division of singers under David,son of Jeroham; chief of the tribe of Dan under David,an Israelite (Binnui) who put away his heathen wife,son of Ahzai; a returned exile priest musician

1Ch 12:6 1Ch 25:18 1Ch 27:22 Ezr 10:41 Neh 11:13 Neh 12:36

Aziza : an Israelite (Zattu) who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:27

Bani : a man of Gad; one of David's military elite,son of Shemer (Merari Aaron Levi),a man descended from Perez of Judah,a non-Levite ancestor of men who put away their heathen wives,a non-Levite ancestor of others who put away heathen wives,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law,son of Henadad (Levi); a signer of the pledge to keep the law,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law,son of Hashabiah and father of head Levite Uzzi under Nehemiah

2Sa 23:36 1Ch 6:46 1Ch 9:4 Ezr 2:10 Ezr 8:10 Ezr 10:29 Ezr 10:34 Neh 3:17 Neh 8:7 Neh 9:4-5 Neh 9:4 Neh 10:13-14 Neh 11:22

Bebai : father of Zechariah who lead the Bebai clan back from exile,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law

Ezr 8:11 Ezr 10:28 Neh 10:15

Bedeiah : a layman of the Bani clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:35

Benaiah : son of Jehoiada; commander of King Solomon's army,son of Jehoiada of Pirathon in Ephraim; one of David's elite,head of a large influential family of Simeon in Hezekiah's time,a Levite worship leader in David's time,a priest in David's time,father of Jehoiada, one of king David's counselors,son of Jeiel; a priest under Jehoshaphat,a man who was a temple helper in the time of Hezekiah,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Pahath-Moab clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Bani clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Nebo clan who put away his heathen wife,the father of Pelatiah, a wicked counselor exposed by Ezekiel

2Sa 8:18 2Sa 20:23 2Sa 23:20-22 1Ki 1:8 1Ki 1:10 1Ki 1:26 1Ki 1:32 1Ki 1:36 1Ki 1:38 1Ki 1:44 1Ki 2:25 1Ki 2:29-30 1Ki 2:34-35 1Ki 2:46 1Ki 4:4 1Ch 11:22 1Ch 11:24 1Ch 18:17 1Ch 27:5-6 2Sa 23:30 1Ch 11:31 1Ch 27:14 1Ch 4:36 1Ch 15:18 1Ch 15:20 1Ch 16:5 1Ch 15:24 1Ch 16:6 1Ch 27:34 2Ch 20:14 2Ch 31:13 Ezr 10:25 Ezr 10:30 Ezr 10:35 Ezr 10:43 Eze 11:1 Eze 11:13

Benjamin : the tribe of Benjamin of Israel

Gen 35:18 Gen 35:24 Gen 42:4 Gen 42:36 Gen 43:14-16 Gen 43:29 Gen 43:34 Gen 44:12 Gen 45:12 Gen 45:14 Gen 45:22 Gen 46:19 Gen 46:21 Gen 49:27 Exo 1:3 1Ch 7:6 1Ch 8:1 Num 1:11 Num 1:36-37 Num 2:22 Num 7:60 Num 10:24 Num 13:9 Num 26:38 Num 26:41 Num 34:21 Deu 27:12 Deu 33:12 Jos 18:11 Jos 18:20-21 Jos 18:28 Jos 21:4 Jos 21:17 Jdg 1:21 Jdg 5:14 Jdg 10:9 Jdg 19:14 Jdg 20:4 Jdg 20:10 Jdg 20:12 Jdg 20:17 Jdg 20:20 Jdg 20:25 Jdg 20:35 Jdg 20:39 Jdg 20:41 Jdg 20:44 Jdg 20:46 Jdg 21:1 Jdg 21:6 Jdg 21:14-18 Jdg 21:21 1Sa 4:12 1Sa 9:16 1Sa 9:21 1Sa 10:2 1Sa 10:20-21 1Sa 13:2 1Sa 13:15-16 1Sa 14:16 2Sa 2:9 2Sa 2:15 2Sa 2:31 2Sa 3:19 2Sa 4:2 2Sa 19:17 1Ki 4:18 1Ki 12:21 1Ki 12:23 1Ki 15:22 1Ch 2:2 1Ch 6:60 1Ch 6:65 1Ch 9:3 1Ch 21:6 1Ch 27:21 2Ch 11:1 2Ch 11:3 2Ch 11:10 2Ch 11:12 2Ch 11:23 2Ch 14:8 2Ch 15:2 2Ch 15:8-9 2Ch 17:17 2Ch 25:5 2Ch 31:1 2Ch 34:9 2Ch 34:32 Ezr 1:5 Ezr 4:1 Ezr 10:9 Neh 11:4 Neh 11:7 Neh 11:31 Neh 11:36 Psa 68:27 Psa 80:2 Jer 6:1 Eze 48:22-24 Eze 48:32 Hos 5:8 Oba 1:19 1Sa 9:1 1Ch 12:16 1Sa 9:4 2Sa 21:14 Jer 1:1 Jer 17:26 Jer 32:8 Jer 32:44 Jer 33:13 Jer 37:12 1Ch 7:10 Ezr 10:32 Neh 3:23 Neh 12:34 Jer 17:19 Jer 20:2 Jer 37:13 Jer 38:7 Zec 14:10 Act 13:21 Rom 11:1 Phi 3:5 Rev 7:8

Bezalel : the son of Uri of Judah who made the things in the tabernacle,a layman of the Pahath-Moab clan who put away his heathen wife

Exo 31:2 Exo 35:30 Exo 36:1-2 Exo 36:8 Exo 37:1 Exo 38:22 1Ch 2:20 2Ch 1:5 Ezr 10:30

Binnui : a Levite whose son (or descendant), Noadiah returned from exile,a layman of the Pahath-Moab clan who put away his heathen wife,forefather of certain men who put away their heathen wives.,a man of the clan of Henadad who helped repair the wall,a man whose descendants returned from exile with Zerubbabel,a man of Levi who returned with Zerubbabel from exile

Ezr 8:33 Ezr 10:30 Ezr 10:38 Neh 3:24 Neh 10:9 Neh 7:15 Neh 12:8

Chelal : a layman of the Pahath-Moab clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:30

Cheluhi : a layman of the Bani clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:35

Elam (32° 11´, 48° 15´) : son of Shem son of Noah,a country east of the Tigris and Babylon in the territory of Media,son of Shashak of Benjamin,son of Meshelemiah; a Levite gatekeeper,a man whose descendants returned from exile in Babylon; Elam I,forefather of exile returnees with Zerubbabel; Elam II,forefather of returnees headed by Jeshaiah,forefather of Shecaniah who had to put away his heathen wife,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law,a priest who helped Nehemiah dedicate the new wall of Jerusalem

Gen 10:22 1Ch 1:17 Gen 14:1 Gen 14:9 Isa 11:11 Isa 21:2 Isa 22:6 Jer 25:25 Jer 49:34-39 Eze 32:24 Dan 8:2 1Ch 8:24 1Ch 26:3 Ezr 2:7 Neh 7:12 Ezr 2:31 Neh 7:34 Ezr 8:7 Ezr 10:2 Ezr 10:26 Neh 10:14 Neh 12:42

Elasah : a priest of the Pashhur clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Shaphan; messenger for Jeremiah

Ezr 10:22 Jer 29:3

Eleazar : a son of Eliud; the father of Matthan; an ancestor of Jesus.,a chief priest; son of Aaron,son of Abinadab; caretaker of the Ark at Kiriath-Jearim,son of Dodo the Ahohite; one of David's military elite,son of Mahli the Levite,a priest who participated in the dedication of the wall,a priest under Ezra; son of Phinehas,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife

Exo 6:23 Exo 6:25 Exo 28:1 Lev 10:6 Lev 10:12 Lev 10:16 Num 3:2 Num 3:4 Num 3:32 Num 4:16 Num 16:37 Num 16:39-40 Num 19:3-4 Num 20:25-26 Num 20:28 Num 25:7 Num 25:11 Num 26:1 Num 26:3 Num 26:60 Num 26:63 Num 27:2 Num 27:19 Num 27:21-22 Num 31:6 Num 31:12-13 Num 31:21 Num 31:26 Num 31:29 Num 31:31 Num 31:41 Num 31:51 Num 31:54 Num 32:2 Num 32:28 Num 34:17 Deu 10:6 Jos 14:1 Jos 17:4 Jos 19:51 Jos 21:1 Jos 22:13 Jos 22:31-32 Jos 24:33 Jdg 20:28 1Ch 6:3-4 1Ch 6:50 1Ch 9:20 1Ch 24:1-6 Ezr 7:5 1Sa 7:1 2Sa 23:9 1Ch 11:12 1Ch 23:21-22 1Ch 24:28 Neh 12:42 Ezr 8:33 Ezr 10:25 Mat 1:15

Eli-O-Enai : son of Neariah, a descendant of Hananiah, Zerubbabel and David,head of an influential clan of Simeon in King Hezekiah's time,son of Becher son of Benjamin,a priest of the Pashhur clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Zattu clan who put away his heathen wife,a priest who played the trumpet at the dedication of the wall

1Ch 3:23-24 1Ch 4:36 1Ch 7:8 Ezr 10:22 Ezr 10:27 Neh 12:41

Eliashib : chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,son of Eli-O-Enai, (Hananiah Zerubbabel David),high priest in the days of Nehemiah,a Levite singer who agreed to put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Zattu clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Bani clan who put away his heathen wife,a chief priest; son of Joiakim

1Ch 24:12 1Ch 3:24 Neh 3:1 Neh 3:20-21 Neh 13:4 Neh 13:7 Neh 13:28 Ezr 10:24 Ezr 10:27 Ezr 10:36 Ezr 10:6 Neh 12:10 Neh 12:22-23

Eliezer : a son of Jorim; the father of Joshua; an ancestor of Jesus,Abraham's servant from Damascus,son of Moses,son of Becher son of Benjamin,a priest in David's time,son of Zichri; David's chief officer over the Reubenites,son of Dodavahu of Mareshah who prophesied against Jehoshaphat.,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a priest of the Jeshua clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who put away his heathen wife; a Levite,a layman of the Harim clan who put away his heathen wife

Gen 15:2 Exo 18:4 1Ch 23:15 1Ch 23:17 1Ch 26:25 1Ch 7:8 1Ch 15:24 1Ch 27:16 2Ch 20:37 Ezr 8:16 Ezr 10:18 Ezr 10:23 Ezr 10:31 Luk 3:29

Elijah : a prophet from the 9th century B.C.,a prophet from Tishbe in Gilead to Israel in King Ahab's time,son of Jeroham of Benjamin,a priest of the Harim clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Bani Elam clan who put away his heathen wife

1Ki 17:1 1Ki 17:13 1Ki 17:15-16 1Ki 17:18-19 1Ki 17:22--18:2 1Ki 18:7-8 1Ki 18:11 1Ki 18:14-17 1Ki 18:21-22 1Ki 18:25 1Ki 18:27 1Ki 18:30-31 1Ki 18:36 1Ki 18:40-42 1Ki 18:44 1Ki 18:46--19:2 1Ki 19:9 1Ki 19:13 1Ki 19:19-21 1Ki 21:17 1Ki 21:20 1Ki 21:28 2Ki 1:3-4 2Ki 1:8-13 2Ki 1:15 2Ki 1:17 2Ki 2:1-2 2Ki 2:4 2Ki 2:6 2Ki 2:8-9 2Ki 2:11 2Ki 2:13-15 2Ki 3:11 2Ki 9:36 2Ki 10:10 2Ki 10:17 2Ch 21:12 Mal 4:5 1Ch 8:27 Ezr 10:21 Ezr 10:26 Mat 11:14 Mat 16:14 Mat 17:3-4 Mat 17:10-12 Mat 27:47 Mat 27:49 Mar 6:15 Mar 8:28 Mar 9:4-5 Mar 9:11-13 Mar 15:35-36 Luk 1:17 Luk 4:25-26 Luk 9:8 Luk 9:19 Luk 9:30 Luk 9:33 Joh 1:21 Joh 1:25 Rom 11:2 Jam 5:17

Ezra : a man of Judah; probably the son of Hodiah

Ezr 7:1 Ezr 7:6 Ezr 7:10-12 Ezr 7:21 Ezr 7:25 Ezr 10:1-2 Ezr 10:5-6 Ezr 10:10 Ezr 10:16 Neh 8:1-2 Neh 8:4-6 Neh 8:9 Neh 8:13 Neh 9:6 Neh 12:26 Neh 12:33 Neh 12:36 Neh 12:1 Neh 12:13

Gedaliah : son of Ahikam son of Shaphan,son of Jeduthun (Levi); worship leader under Jeduthun and David,a priest of the Jeshua clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Amariah (Hezekiah); grandfather of Zephaniah the prophet,son of Pashhur; a prince under King Zedekiah

2Ki 25:22-25 Jer 39:14 Jer 40:5-9 Jer 40:11--41:4 Jer 41:6 Jer 41:9-10 Jer 41:16 Jer 41:18 Jer 43:6 1Ch 25:3 1Ch 25:9 Ezr 10:18 Zep 1:1 Jer 38:1

Hanani : son of Heman the Levite; worship leader under Heman and David,a prophet in the time of Asa King of Judah; father of Jehu,a priest of the Immer clan who put away his heathen wife,a man related to Nehemiah who was an administrator in Jerusalem; brother of Nehemiah,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah dedicate Nehemiah's wall

1Ch 25:4 1Ch 25:25 1Ki 16:1 1Ki 16:7 2Ch 16:7 2Ch 19:2 2Ch 20:34 Ezr 10:20 Neh 1:2 Neh 7:2 Neh 12:36

Hananiah : son of Heman the Levite; worship leader under Heman and David,a man who was one of King Uzziah's commanders,son of Azzur; a false prophet of Zedekiah's from Gibeon,father of Zedekiah, a prince of Judah in the time of Jehoiakim,grandfather of Irijah the sentry who falsely accused Jeremiah; the father of Shelemiah,son of Shashak of Benjamin,a man of Judah who served Nebuchadnezzar with Daniel in Babylon,son of Zerubbabel,a layman of the Bebai clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who made perfume and helped rebuild the wall of Jerusalem; son of Shelemiah,governor of the castle and over Jerusalem under Nehemiah,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to keep God's law,a priest and head of the clan of Jeremiah under Joiakim

1Ch 25:4 1Ch 25:23 2Ch 26:11 Jer 28:1 Jer 28:5 Jer 28:10-13 Jer 28:15 Jer 28:17 Jer 36:12 Jer 37:13 1Ch 8:24 Dan 1:6-7 Dan 1:11 Dan 1:19 Dan 2:17 1Ch 3:19 1Ch 3:21 Ezr 10:28 Neh 3:8 Neh 3:30 Neh 7:2 Neh 10:23 Neh 12:12 Neh 12:41

Harim : a chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,a priest leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel,the forefather of certain men who put away their heathen wives,a priest who signed the covenant to keep God's law,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to keep God's law

1Ch 24:8 Ezr 2:39 Ezr 10:21 Neh 3:11 Neh 7:42 Ezr 2:32 Neh 7:35 Ezr 10:31 Neh 10:5 Neh 10:27 Neh 12:15

Hashabiah : son of Amaziah of Levi; father of Malluch,a Merari Levite whose descendants returned from exile,son of Jeduthun the Levite leader under Jeduthun and King David,overseer of King David's work west of the Jordan River,son of Kemuel; David's chief officer over the Levites,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,a Levite descendant of Merari who led recruits to Ezra,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife,ruler of Keilah who helped repair the walls of Jerusalem,son of Henadad, a Levite who contracted to obey God's law,son of Bunni of Levi,son of Mattaniah of Asaph of Levi,priest and head of the house of Hilkiah,a chief of the Levites in Nehemiah's time

1Ch 6:45 1Ch 9:14 1Ch 25:3 1Ch 25:19 1Ch 26:30 1Ch 27:17 2Ch 35:9 Ezr 8:19 Ezr 8:24 Ezr 10:25 Neh 3:17 Neh 10:11 Neh 11:15 Neh 11:22 Neh 12:21 Neh 12:24

Hashum : a man whose descendants returned from exile in Babylon,an official who stood with Ezra when he publicly read the law,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law

Ezr 2:19 Ezr 10:33 Neh 7:22 Neh 8:4 Neh 10:18

Immer (36° 21´, 43° 9´) : chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary; father of Meshillemoth,a town of Babylon where Israeli exiles once lived,father of Zadok who helped rebuild the walls of Jerusalem,father of Pashhur the priest in Jeremiah's time

1Ch 9:12 1Ch 24:14 Ezr 2:37 Ezr 10:20 Neh 7:40 Neh 11:13 Ezr 2:59 Neh 7:61 Neh 3:29 Jer 20:1

Ishmael : son of Abraham and Hagar,father of Zebadiah, governor of Judah under Jehoshaphat,son of Azel of Benjamin,son of Jehohanan,a priest of the Pashur clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Nethaniah; a militia leader who assasinated Gedaliah

Gen 16:11 Gen 16:15-16 Gen 17:18 Gen 17:20 Gen 17:23 Gen 17:25-26 Gen 25:9 Gen 25:12-13 Gen 25:16-17 Gen 28:9 Gen 36:3 1Ch 1:28-29 1Ch 1:31 2Ch 19:11 1Ch 8:38 1Ch 9:44 2Ch 23:1 Ezr 10:22 2Ki 25:23 2Ki 25:25 Jer 40:8 Jer 40:14--41:3 Jer 41:6-16 Jer 41:18

Israel : a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

Gen 32:28 Gen 33:20 Gen 35:10 Gen 35:21-22 Gen 37:3 Gen 37:13 Gen 43:6 Gen 43:8 Gen 43:11 Gen 45:28--46:2 Gen 46:29-30 Gen 47:27 Gen 47:29 Gen 47:31 Gen 48:2 Gen 48:8 Gen 48:10-11 Gen 48:13-14 Gen 48:20-21 Gen 49:2 Gen 49:7 Gen 50:2 Exo 6:14 1Ch 1:34 1Ch 5:1 1Ch 5:3 1Ch 6:38 1Ch 7:29 Ezr 8:18 Gen 34:7 Exo 4:22 Exo 5:2 Exo 9:4 Exo 11:7 Exo 12:15 Exo 14:5 Exo 14:19-20 Exo 14:25 Exo 14:30-31 Exo 15:22 Exo 17:8 Exo 17:11 Exo 18:1 Exo 18:8-9 Exo 19:2 Exo 32:13 Exo 34:27 Lev 20:2 Lev 22:18 Lev 23:42 Num 1:3 Num 1:16 Num 1:20 Num 1:45 Num 3:13 Num 10:29 Num 10:36 Num 18:14 Num 18:21 Num 19:13 Num 20:14 Num 20:21 Num 21:1-3 Num 21:17 Num 21:21 Num 21:23-25 Num 21:31 Num 22:2 Num 23:7 Num 23:10 Num 23:21 Num 23:23 Num 24:1-2 Num 24:17-18 Num 25:1 Num 25:3-4 Num 26:2 Num 26:5 Num 31:5 Num 32:13-14 Num 32:22 Deu 1:38 Deu 2:12 Deu 10:12 Deu 17:4 Deu 17:12 Deu 17:20--18:1 Deu 19:13 Deu 22:21-22 Deu 23:17 Deu 25:6-7 Deu 25:10 Deu 33:10 Deu 33:21 Deu 33:28 Deu 34:10 Jos 4:22 Jos 6:18 Jos 6:23 Jos 6:25 Jos 7:8 Jos 7:11 Jos 7:15-16 Jos 8:14 Jos 8:17 Jos 8:22 Jos 8:24 Jos 8:27 Jos 9:2 Jos 10:1 Jos 10:10-12 Jos 10:14 Jos 10:30 Jos 10:32 Jos 11:5-6 Jos 11:8 Jos 11:13 Jos 11:20 Jos 11:23 Jos 13:6 Jos 13:13 Jos 14:10 Jos 21:43 Jos 22:14 Jos 22:21-22 Jos 22:30 Jos 23:1 Jos 24:1 Jos 24:9 Jos 24:31 Jdg 1:28 Jdg 2:7 Jdg 2:10 Jdg 2:14 Jdg 2:20 Jdg 2:22 Jdg 3:1 Jdg 3:4 Jdg 3:8 Jdg 3:12-13 Jdg 3:30-31 Jdg 4:4 Jdg 5:7-9 Jdg 5:11 Jdg 6:2 Jdg 6:4 Jdg 6:6 Jdg 6:14-15 Jdg 6:36-37 Jdg 7:2 Jdg 7:8 Jdg 7:15 Jdg 8:35 Jdg 9:22 Jdg 10:1 Jdg 10:7 Jdg 10:9 Jdg 10:16 Jdg 11:4-5 Jdg 11:13 Jdg 11:15-17 Jdg 11:19-21 Jdg 11:25-26 Jdg 11:39-40 Jdg 13:5 Jdg 14:4 Jdg 17:6 Jdg 18:1 Jdg 18:19 Jdg 18:29 Jdg 19:1 Jdg 20:6 Jdg 20:10 Jdg 20:13 Jdg 20:29 Jdg 20:35 Jdg 21:3 Jdg 21:6 Jdg 21:17 Jdg 21:25 Rut 4:7 Rut 4:14 1Sa 2:32 1Sa 3:11 1Sa 4:2 1Sa 4:10 1Sa 4:17 1Sa 4:21-22 1Sa 7:4 1Sa 7:7 1Sa 7:9-10 1Sa 7:14 1Sa 7:17 1Sa 9:9 1Sa 9:20 1Sa 10:18 1Sa 15:2 1Ch 2:7 1Ch 6:49 1Sa 11:13 1Sa 13:1 1Sa 13:4-5 1Sa 13:13 1Sa 14:12 1Sa 14:23 1Sa 14:37 1Sa 14:39 1Sa 14:45 1Sa 14:47-48 1Sa 15:28-30 1Sa 17:3 1Sa 17:8 1Sa 17:10 1Sa 17:21 1Sa 17:25-26 1Sa 17:45-46 1Sa 18:6 1Sa 18:18 1Sa 24:20 1Sa 26:15 1Sa 28:1 1Sa 28:19 1Sa 30:25 1Sa 31:1 2Sa 1:3 2Sa 1:24 1Ch 10:1 1Ch 11:2 2Sa 2:28 2Sa 3:19 2Sa 3:38 2Sa 5:2 1Ch 12:38 1Ch 12:40 2Sa 6:19 2Sa 7:26 2Sa 10:15 2Sa 10:18-19 2Sa 11:11 2Sa 13:12-13 2Sa 15:2 2Sa 15:6 2Sa 17:26 2Sa 18:6 2Sa 18:16 2Sa 19:8 2Sa 19:22 2Sa 20:19 2Sa 20:23 2Sa 21:4 2Sa 21:15 2Sa 21:17 2Sa 21:21 2Sa 23:1 2Sa 23:3 2Sa 24:1 2Sa 24:9 2Sa 24:15 2Sa 24:25 1Ki 1:35 1Ki 2:5 1Ki 2:32 1Ki 4:20 1Ki 4:25 1Ki 8:66 1Ki 9:7 1Ki 10:9 1Ki 11:25 1Ki 11:38 1Ch 11:10 1Ch 12:32 1Ch 16:40 1Ch 17:5 1Ch 17:24 1Ch 19:16 1Ch 19:18-19 1Ch 20:7 1Ch 21:1-3 1Ch 21:7 1Ch 21:14 1Ch 22:1 1Ch 22:9 1Ch 22:12-13 1Ch 26:29-30 1Ch 27:23-24 1Ch 28:1 1Ch 28:5 1Ch 29:18 1Ch 29:25 1Ch 29:30 2Ch 2:4 2Ch 7:10 2Ch 7:18 2Ch 8:7 2Ch 9:8 1Ki 12:16 1Ki 12:19 1Ki 14:10 1Ki 14:15-16 1Ki 15:20 1Ki 15:26 1Ki 15:30 1Ki 15:34 1Ki 16:13 1Ki 16:19 1Ki 16:26 1Ki 18:17-18 1Ki 18:31 1Ki 18:36 1Ki 19:18 1Ki 20:20 1Ki 20:26 1Ki 21:7 1Ki 21:21-22 1Ki 22:1 1Ki 22:52 2Ki 1:1 2Ki 1:3 2Ki 1:6 2Ki 1:16 2Ki 2:12 2Ki 3:3 2Ki 3:27 2Ki 5:8 2Ki 5:12 2Ki 5:15 2Ki 6:8 2Ki 6:12 2Ki 7:13 2Ki 9:6 2Ki 9:8 2Ki 10:28-29 2Ki 10:31-32 2Ki 13:2-6 2Ki 13:11 2Ki 13:14 2Ki 13:22 2Ki 13:25 2Ki 14:12 2Ki 14:24 2Ki 14:26-28 2Ki 15:9 2Ki 15:18 2Ki 15:20 2Ki 15:24 2Ki 15:28 2Ki 17:13 2Ki 17:18-19 2Ki 17:21 2Ki 17:23 2Ki 17:34 2Ki 21:8 2Ki 23:15 2Ki 23:27 2Ch 10:19--11:1 2Ch 13:5 2Ch 13:17 2Ch 15:3 2Ch 15:9 2Ch 15:17 2Ch 16:4 2Ch 16:11 2Ch 17:1 2Ch 17:4 2Ch 19:8 2Ch 20:10 2Ch 20:29 2Ch 21:13 2Ch 23:2 2Ch 24:9 2Ch 24:16 2Ch 25:6-7 2Ch 25:9 2Ch 25:22 2Ch 25:26 2Ch 28:13 2Ch 28:26 2Ch 30:6 2Ch 30:25 2Ch 32:32 2Ch 33:8 2Ch 34:9 2Ch 34:21 2Ch 34:33 2Ch 35:18 2Ch 35:25 Ezr 7:10 Ezr 7:28 Ezr 10:1 Neh 10:33 Neh 13:3 Neh 13:18 1Ch 9:2 Ezr 8:29 Ezr 10:25 Neh 11:3 Neh 11:20 1Ch 16:17 Ezr 2:59 Ezr 3:11 Ezr 4:3 Ezr 7:11 Ezr 10:2 Ezr 10:10 Neh 7:61 Neh 8:1 Psa 14:7 Psa 22:3 Psa 25:22 Psa 53:6 Psa 68:26 Psa 68:34 Psa 76:1 Psa 78:5 Psa 78:21 Psa 78:59 Psa 78:71 Psa 81:4 Psa 81:11 Psa 81:13 Psa 83:4 Psa 105:10 Psa 105:23 Psa 105:37 Psa 114:1-2 Psa 118:2 Psa 121:4 Psa 122:4 Psa 124:1 Psa 125:5 Psa 128:6--129:1 Psa 130:8 Psa 135:4 Psa 136:11 Psa 136:14 Psa 136:22 Psa 147:2 Psa 147:19 Psa 149:2 Isa 1:3 Isa 1:24 Isa 4:2 Isa 8:14 Isa 8:18 Isa 9:8 Isa 9:12 Isa 9:14 Isa 10:17 Isa 10:20 Isa 10:22 Isa 11:12 Isa 11:16 Isa 14:1 Isa 19:24-25 Isa 24:15 Isa 27:6 Isa 30:29 Isa 41:8 Isa 42:24 Isa 43:15 Isa 43:28--44:1 Isa 44:5 Isa 44:21 Isa 44:23 Isa 45:4 Isa 45:17 Isa 46:13 Isa 48:1 Isa 48:12 Isa 49:3 Isa 49:5-7 Isa 56:8 Isa 63:16 Jer 2:3 Jer 2:14 Jer 2:31 Jer 3:6 Jer 3:8 Jer 3:11-12 Jer 3:21 Jer 3:23 Jer 6:9 Jer 10:16 Jer 14:8 Jer 17:13 Jer 23:6 Jer 29:23 Jer 30:4 Jer 31:1-2 Jer 31:7 Jer 31:9-10 Jer 32:20 Jer 33:7 Jer 36:2 Jer 48:27 Jer 49:1-2 Jer 50:17 Jer 50:19-20 Jer 51:5 Jer 51:19 Jer 51:49 Lam 2:1 Lam 2:3 Lam 2:5 Eze 9:8 Eze 11:13 Eze 12:23 Eze 13:2 Eze 13:16 Eze 14:7 Eze 17:23 Eze 18:3 Eze 20:5 Eze 20:40 Eze 34:14 Eze 37:28 Eze 38:17 Eze 39:7 Eze 39:9 Eze 39:11 Eze 44:10 Eze 44:28-29 Eze 45:8 Eze 45:15 Hos 1:5 Hos 4:16 Hos 5:3 Hos 5:5 Hos 6:10 Hos 7:1 Hos 7:10 Hos 8:2-3 Hos 8:6 Hos 8:8 Hos 8:14 Hos 9:7 Hos 9:10 Hos 10:1 Hos 10:6 Hos 10:8 Hos 11:1 Hos 12:12-13 Hos 13:1 Hos 14:5 Joe 2:27 Joe 3:2 Amo 1:1 Amo 2:6 Amo 3:14 Amo 7:9 Amo 7:11 Amo 7:16-17 Amo 9:7 Mic 1:13 Mic 1:15 Mic 2:12 Mic 3:8 Mic 5:1-2 Mic 6:2 Nah 2:2 Zep 3:13 Zec 1:19 Zec 11:14 Zec 12:1 Mal 1:1 Mal 2:11 Exo 18:25 Num 16:34 Deu 1:1 Deu 5:1 Deu 11:6 Deu 13:11 Deu 18:6 Deu 21:21 Deu 27:9 Deu 29:2 Deu 31:1 Deu 31:7 Deu 31:11 Deu 32:45 Deu 34:12 Jos 3:7 Jos 3:17 Jos 4:14 Jos 7:24-25 Jos 8:15 Jos 8:21 Jos 8:24 Jos 8:33 Jos 10:15 Jos 10:29 Jos 10:31 Jos 10:34 Jos 10:36 Jos 10:38 Jos 10:43 Jos 23:2 Jdg 8:27 Jdg 20:34 1Sa 2:22 1Sa 3:20 1Sa 4:1 1Sa 4:5 1Sa 7:5 1Sa 11:2 1Sa 12:1 1Sa 13:4 1Sa 14:40 1Sa 17:11 1Sa 18:16 1Sa 18:28 1Sa 19:5 1Sa 24:2 1Sa 25:1 1Sa 28:3-4 2Sa 2:9 2Sa 3:12 2Sa 3:21 2Sa 3:37 2Sa 4:1 2Sa 5:5 2Sa 8:15 2Sa 10:17 2Sa 11:1 2Sa 12:12 2Sa 14:25 2Sa 16:21-22 2Sa 17:10-11 2Sa 17:13 2Sa 18:17 2Sa 19:11 1Ki 1:20 1Ki 2:15 1Ki 3:28--4:1 1Ki 4:7 1Ki 5:13 1Ki 8:62 1Ki 8:65 1Ki 11:16 1Ki 11:42 1Ki 12:1 1Ki 12:16 1Ki 12:18 1Ki 12:20 1Ki 14:13 1Ki 14:18 1Ki 15:27 1Ki 15:33 1Ki 16:16-17 1Ki 18:19 1Ki 22:17 2Ki 3:6 2Ki 9:14 2Ki 10:21 1Ch 9:1 1Ch 11:1 1Ch 11:4 1Ch 11:10 1Ch 12:38 1Ch 13:5-6 1Ch 13:8 1Ch 14:8 1Ch 15:3 1Ch 15:28 1Ch 16:3 1Ch 17:6 1Ch 18:14 1Ch 19:17 1Ch 21:4-5 1Ch 28:4 1Ch 28:8 1Ch 29:21 1Ch 29:23 1Ch 29:25-26 2Ch 1:2 2Ch 7:6 2Ch 7:8 2Ch 9:30 2Ch 10:1 2Ch 10:3 2Ch 10:16 2Ch 11:3 2Ch 11:13 2Ch 12:1 2Ch 13:4 2Ch 13:15 2Ch 18:16 2Ch 24:5 2Ch 28:23 2Ch 29:24 2Ch 30:1 2Ch 30:5-6 2Ch 31:1 2Ch 35:3 Ezr 2:70 Ezr 6:17 Ezr 8:25 Ezr 8:35 Ezr 10:5 Neh 7:73 Neh 12:47 Neh 13:26 Dan 9:7 Dan 9:11 Mal 4:4 Lev 16:17 Deu 31:30 Jos 8:35 1Ki 8:14 1Ki 8:22 1Ki 8:55 1Ki 12:3 1Ch 13:2 2Ch 6:3 2Ch 6:12-13 1Sa 27:1 2Ki 14:25 Eze 11:10-11 Mal 1:5 Exo 10:20 Exo 17:7 Exo 19:6 Deu 4:44-46 Deu 31:23 Deu 33:1 Jdg 10:8 1Ki 6:13 2Ch 7:3 Neh 2:10 Neh 7:73 Neh 13:2 Isa 17:3 Isa 17:9 Eze 37:16 Hos 3:4-5 Exo 12:3 Exo 12:6 Exo 12:19 Exo 12:47 Lev 4:13 Num 16:9 Num 32:4 Jos 22:18 Jos 22:20 1Ki 8:5 2Ch 5:6 2Ch 24:6 Gen 46:8 Exo 1:7 2Ki 17:20 Isa 45:25 Jer 31:36-37 Exo 3:16 Exo 3:18 Exo 12:21 Exo 17:5-6 Exo 18:12 Exo 24:1 Exo 24:9 Lev 9:1 Num 11:16 Num 11:30 Num 16:25 Deu 27:1 Deu 31:9 Jos 7:6 Jos 8:10 1Sa 4:3 1Sa 8:4 2Sa 3:17 2Sa 5:3 2Sa 17:4 2Sa 17:15 1Ki 8:1 1Ki 8:3 1Ch 11:3 1Ch 15:25 2Ch 5:2 2Ch 5:4 Eze 14:1 Eze 20:1 Eze 20:3 Exo 5:1 Exo 24:10 Exo 32:27 Exo 34:23 Num 16:9 Jos 7:13 Jos 7:19-20 Jos 8:30 Jos 9:18-19 Jos 10:40 Jos 10:42 Jos 13:14 Jos 13:33 Jos 14:14 Jos 22:16 Jos 22:24 Jos 24:2 Jos 24:23 Jdg 4:6 Jdg 5:3 Jdg 5:5 Jdg 6:8 Jdg 11:21 Jdg 11:23 Jdg 21:3 Rut 2:12 1Sa 1:17 1Sa 2:30 1Sa 5:7-8 1Sa 5:10-11 1Sa 6:3 1Sa 6:5 1Sa 10:18 1Sa 14:41 1Sa 20:12 1Sa 23:10-11 1Sa 25:32 1Sa 25:34 2Sa 7:27 2Sa 12:7 2Sa 23:3 1Ki 1:30 1Ki 1:48 1Ki 8:15 1Ki 8:17 1Ki 8:20 1Ki 8:23 1Ki 8:25-26 1Ki 11:9 1Ki 11:31 1Ki 14:7 1Ki 14:13 1Ki 15:30 1Ki 16:13 1Ki 16:26 1Ki 16:33 1Ki 17:1 1Ki 17:14 1Ki 22:53 2Ki 9:6 2Ki 10:31 2Ki 14:25 2Ki 18:5 2Ki 19:15 2Ki 19:20 2Ki 21:12 2Ki 22:15 2Ki 22:18 1Ch 4:10 1Ch 5:26 1Ch 15:12 1Ch 15:14 1Ch 16:4 1Ch 16:36 1Ch 17:24 1Ch 22:6 1Ch 23:25 1Ch 24:19 1Ch 28:4 1Ch 29:10 2Ch 2:12 2Ch 6:4 2Ch 6:7 2Ch 6:10 2Ch 6:14 2Ch 6:16-17 2Ch 11:16 2Ch 13:5 2Ch 15:4 2Ch 15:13 2Ch 20:19 2Ch 29:7 2Ch 29:10 2Ch 30:1 2Ch 30:5 2Ch 32:17 2Ch 33:16 2Ch 33:18 2Ch 34:23 2Ch 34:26 2Ch 36:13 Ezr 1:3 Ezr 3:2 Ezr 4:1 Ezr 4:3 Ezr 5:1 Ezr 6:14 Ezr 6:21-22 Ezr 7:6 Ezr 7:15 Ezr 8:35 Ezr 9:4 Ezr 9:15 Psa 41:13 Psa 59:5 Psa 68:8 Psa 68:35 Psa 69:6 Psa 72:18 Psa 106:48 Isa 17:6 Isa 21:10 Isa 21:17 Isa 29:23 Isa 37:16 Isa 37:21 Isa 41:17 Isa 45:3 Isa 45:15 Isa 48:1-2 Isa 52:12 Jer 7:3 Jer 7:21 Jer 9:15 Jer 11:3 Jer 13:12 Jer 16:9 Jer 19:3 Jer 19:15 Jer 21:4 Jer 23:2 Jer 24:5 Jer 25:15 Jer 25:27 Jer 27:4 Jer 27:21 Jer 28:2 Jer 28:14 Jer 29:4 Jer 29:8 Jer 29:21 Jer 29:25 Jer 30:2 Jer 31:23 Jer 32:14-15 Jer 32:36 Jer 33:4 Jer 34:2 Jer 34:13 Jer 35:13 Jer 35:17-19 Jer 37:7 Jer 38:17 Jer 39:16 Jer 42:9 Jer 42:15 Jer 42:18 Jer 43:10 Jer 44:2 : Jer 45:2 Gen 1:24 Jer 48:1 Jer 50:18 Jer 51:33 Eze 8:4 Eze 9:3 Eze 10:19-20 Eze 11:22 Eze 43:2 Eze 44:2 Zep 2:9 Mal 2:16 Jos 11:16 Jos 11:21 2Ki 19:22 Psa 71:22 Psa 78:41 Psa 89:18 Isa 1:4 Isa 5:19 Isa 5:24 Isa 10:20 Isa 12:6 Isa 17:7 Isa 29:19 Isa 30:11-12 Isa 30:15 Isa 31:1 Isa 37:23 Isa 41:14 Isa 41:16 Isa 41:20 Isa 43:3 Isa 43:14 Isa 45:11 Isa 47:4 Isa 48:17 Isa 49:7 Isa 54:5 Isa 55:5 Isa 60:9 Isa 60:14 Jer 50:29 Jer 51:5 Exo 16:31 Exo 40:38 Lev 10:6 Lev 17:3 Lev 17:8 Lev 17:10 Lev 22:18 Num 20:29 Jos 21:45 Rut 4:11 1Sa 7:2-3 2Sa 1:12 2Sa 6:5 2Sa 6:15 2Sa 12:8 2Sa 16:3 1Ki 12:21 1Ki 20:31 Psa 98:3 Psa 115:12 Isa 5:7 Isa 14:2 Isa 46:3 Isa 63:7 Jer 2:4 Jer 2:26 Jer 3:18 Jer 5:11 Jer 9:26 Jer 11:10 Jer 11:17 Jer 13:11 Jer 23:8 Jer 31:27 Jer 31:31 Jer 31:33 Jer 33:14 Jer 33:17 Jer 48:13 Eze 3:1 Eze 3:4-5 Eze 3:7 Eze 3:17 Eze 4:3-5 Eze 5:4 Eze 6:11 Eze 8:6 Eze 8:10-12 Eze 9:9 Eze 11:15 Eze 12:6 Eze 12:9-10 Eze 12:24 Eze 12:27 Eze 13:5 Eze 13:9 Eze 14:4-7 Eze 14:11 Eze 17:2 Eze 18:6 Eze 18:15 Eze 18:29 Eze 20:13 Eze 20:27 Eze 20:30 Eze 20:40 Eze 22:18 Eze 24:21 Eze 28:24-25 Eze 29:6 Eze 29:16 Eze 29:21 Eze 33:7 Eze 33:10 Eze 34:30 Eze 35:15 Eze 36:10 Eze 36:17 Eze 36:21-22 Eze 36:37 Eze 37:11 Eze 37:16 Eze 39:12 Eze 39:22-23 Eze 39:25 Eze 39:29 Eze 40:4 Eze 43:7 Eze 43:10 Eze 44:6 Eze 44:12 Eze 44:22 Eze 45:6 Eze 45:8 Eze 45:17 Hos 1:4 Hos 1:6 Hos 6:10 Hos 11:12 Amo 5:3-4 Amo 6:1 Amo 7:10 Amo 9:9 Mic 1:5 Mic 3:1 Mic 3:9 Zec 8:13 Num 25:5 Jdg 3:10 Jdg 10:2-3 Jdg 12:7-9 Jdg 12:11 Jdg 12:13-14 Jdg 15:20 Jdg 16:31 1Sa 4:18 1Sa 7:15--8:1 2Sa 7:7 2Ki 23:22 1Ch 17:6 1Sa 24:14 1Sa 26:20 1Sa 29:3 2Sa 6:20 1Ki 15:9 1Ki 15:16-17 1Ki 15:19 1Ki 15:32 1Ki 20:2 1Ki 20:4 1Ki 20:7 1Ki 20:11 1Ki 20:13 1Ki 20:21-22 1Ki 20:28 1Ki 20:31-32 1Ki 20:40-41 1Ki 20:43 1Ki 21:18 1Ki 22:2-6 1Ki 22:8-10 1Ki 22:18 1Ki 22:26 1Ki 22:29-34 1Ki 22:41 1Ki 22:44 2Ki 3:4-5 2Ki 3:9-13 2Ki 5:5-8 2Ki 6:9-12 2Ki 6:21 2Ki 6:26 2Ki 7:6 2Ki 8:16 2Ki 8:25-26 2Ki 9:21 2Ki 13:14 2Ki 13:16 2Ki 13:18 2Ki 14:1 2Ki 14:8-9 2Ki 14:11 2Ki 14:13 2Ki 14:17 2Ki 14:23 2Ki 15:1 2Ki 15:29 2Ki 15:32 2Ki 16:5 2Ki 16:7 2Ki 18:1 2Ki 18:9-10 2Ki 21:3 2Ki 23:13 2Ki 24:13 1Ch 5:17 2Ch 8:11 2Ch 16:1 2Ch 16:3 2Ch 18:3-5 2Ch 18:7-9 2Ch 18:17 2Ch 18:19 2Ch 18:25 2Ch 18:28-34 2Ch 20:35 2Ch 22:5 2Ch 25:17-18 2Ch 25:21 2Ch 25:23 2Ch 25:25 2Ch 28:5 2Ch 28:19 2Ch 29:27 2Ch 30:26 2Ch 35:3-4 Ezr 3:10 Ezr 5:11 Neh 13:26 Pro 1:1 Isa 7:1 Isa 44:6 Jer 41:9 Hos 1:1 Hos 10:15 Amo 1:1 Amo 7:10 Zep 3:15 1Sa 15:17 1Sa 15:26 1Sa 15:35--16:1 1Sa 23:17 2Sa 5:3 2Sa 5:12 2Sa 5:17 2Sa 12:7 2Sa 19:22 1Ki 1:34 1Ki 11:37 1Ki 14:14 1Ki 16:16 1Ki 19:16 2Ki 3:1 2Ki 9:3 2Ki 9:12 1Ch 11:3 1Ch 14:2 1Ch 23:1 1Ch 28:4 Ecc 1:12 1Ki 14:19 1Ki 15:31 1Ki 16:5 1Ki 16:14 1Ki 16:20 1Ki 16:27 1Ki 16:33 1Ki 22:39 2Ki 1:18 2Ki 8:18 2Ki 10:34 2Ki 13:8 2Ki 13:12-13 2Ki 14:15-16 2Ki 14:28-29 2Ki 15:11 2Ki 15:15 2Ki 15:21 2Ki 15:26 2Ki 15:31 2Ki 16:3 2Ki 17:2 2Ki 17:8 2Ki 23:19 2Ki 23:22 1Ch 9:1 2Ch 20:34 2Ch 21:6 2Ch 21:13 2Ch 27:7 2Ch 28:2 2Ch 28:27 2Ch 33:18 2Ch 35:18 2Ch 35:27 2Ch 36:8 Mic 1:14 1Sa 13:19 2Ki 5:2 2Ki 5:4 2Ki 6:23 1Ch 13:2 1Ch 22:2 2Ch 2:17 2Ch 30:25 2Ch 34:7 Eze 7:2 Eze 11:17 Eze 12:19 Eze 12:22 Eze 13:9 Eze 18:2 Eze 20:38 Eze 20:42 Eze 21:2-3 Eze 25:3 Eze 25:6 Eze 27:17 Eze 33:24 Eze 36:6 Eze 37:12 Eze 38:18-19 Eze 40:2 Eze 47:18 Num 1:44 Num 4:46 Num 7:2 Num 7:84 Jdg 5:2 1Ch 22:17 1Ch 23:2 Lev 24:10 Num 25:8 Num 25:14 Jdg 7:14 Num 13:24 Deu 27:14 Deu 29:10 Jos 2:2 Jos 4:8 Jos 9:6-7 Jos 10:11-12 Jos 10:20 Jos 10:24 Jdg 7:23 Jdg 8:22 Jdg 9:55 Jdg 20:11 Jdg 20:17 Jdg 20:20 Jdg 20:22 Jdg 20:31-33 Jdg 20:35-36 Jdg 20:38-39 Jdg 20:41-42 Jdg 20:48--21:1 1Sa 7:11 1Sa 8:22 1Sa 11:8 1Sa 11:15 1Sa 13:2 1Sa 13:6 1Sa 14:22 1Sa 14:24 1Sa 17:2 1Sa 17:19 1Sa 17:24-25 1Sa 17:52 1Sa 26:2 1Sa 31:1 1Sa 31:7 2Sa 2:17 2Sa 6:1 2Sa 10:9 2Sa 15:6 2Sa 15:13 2Sa 16:15 2Sa 16:18 2Sa 17:14 2Sa 17:24 2Sa 18:7 2Sa 19:41-43 2Sa 20:2 2Sa 23:9 1Ki 8:2 1Ch 10:1 1Ch 10:7 1Ch 19:10 1Ch 21:14 2Ch 5:3 2Ch 13:16 2Ch 13:18 2Ch 28:8 Psa 78:31 Sos 3:7 Isa 41:14 Eze 6:2-3 Eze 19:9 Eze 33:28 Eze 34:13-14 Eze 35:12 Eze 36:1 Eze 36:4 Eze 36:8 Eze 37:22 Eze 38:8 Eze 39:2 Eze 39:4 Eze 39:17 Psa 135:19 Jer 3:20 Jer 5:15 Jer 10:1 Jer 18:6 Eze 11:5 Eze 18:25 Eze 18:29-31 Eze 20:31 Eze 20:39 Eze 20:44 Eze 33:11 Eze 33:20 Eze 36:22 Eze 36:32 Eze 44:6 Hos 5:1 Hos 10:15 Amo 5:1 Amo 5:25 Amo 6:14 Exo 32:4 Exo 32:8 Num 24:5 Deu 4:1 Deu 5:1 Deu 6:3-4 Deu 9:1 Deu 20:3 Deu 27:9 Deu 33:29 Jos 7:13 2Sa 1:19 2Sa 20:1 1Ki 12:16 1Ki 12:28 2Ch 10:16 Psa 50:7 Psa 81:8 Psa 115:9 Psa 130:7 Psa 131:3 Isa 40:27 Isa 43:1 Isa 43:22 Isa 44:21 Jer 4:1 Jer 30:10 Jer 46:27 Eze 13:4 Hos 4:15 Hos 9:1 Hos 10:9 Hos 11:8 Hos 13:9 Hos 14:1 Amo 4:12 Zep 3:14 Jdg 11:23 1Sa 10:1 1Sa 15:1 1Sa 27:12 2Sa 5:12 1Ki 8:56 1Ki 8:59 1Ch 14:2 2Ch 31:8 2Ch 35:3 Psa 135:12 1Sa 2:29 1Sa 9:16 2Sa 3:18 2Sa 5:2 2Sa 7:7-8 2Sa 7:10-11 1Ki 6:13 1Ki 8:16 1Ki 14:7 1Ki 16:2 1Ch 11:2 1Ch 17:7 1Ch 17:9-10 2Ch 6:5-6 Jer 7:12 Jer 12:14 Jer 23:13 Jer 30:3 Eze 14:9 Eze 25:14 Eze 36:8 Eze 36:12 Eze 38:14 Eze 38:16 Eze 39:7 Dan 9:20 Amo 7:8 Amo 7:15 Amo 8:2 Amo 9:14 Deu 21:8 Deu 26:15 1Sa 14:41 2Sa 7:23-24 1Ki 8:30 1Ki 8:33-34 1Ki 8:36 1Ki 8:38 1Ki 8:41 1Ki 8:43 1Ki 8:52 1Ch 17:21-22 2Ch 6:21 2Ch 6:24-25 2Ch 6:27 2Ch 6:29 2Ch 6:32-33 2Ch 20:7 Jer 32:21 Exo 1:9 Exo 1:12-13 Exo 2:23 Exo 2:25 Exo 3:9 Exo 3:13-15 Exo 4:29 Exo 4:31 Exo 5:14-15 Exo 5:19 Exo 6:5-6 Exo 6:9 Exo 6:11-13 Exo 6:26-27 Exo 7:2 Exo 7:5 Exo 9:4 Exo 9:6 Exo 9:26 Exo 9:35 Exo 10:23 Exo 11:7 Exo 11:10 Exo 12:27-28 Exo 12:31 Exo 12:35 Exo 12:37 Exo 12:40 Exo 12:42 Exo 12:50-51 Exo 13:2 Exo 13:18-19 Exo 14:2-3 Exo 14:8 Exo 14:10 Exo 14:15-16 Exo 14:22 Exo 14:29 Exo 15:1 Exo 15:19 Exo 16:1-2 Exo 16:6 Exo 16:9-10 Exo 16:12 Exo 16:15 Exo 16:17 Exo 16:35 Exo 17:1 Exo 19:1 Exo 19:3 Exo 20:22 Exo 24:5 Exo 24:11 Exo 24:17 Exo 25:2 Exo 25:22 Exo 27:20--28:1 Exo 28:30 Exo 28:38 Exo 29:28 Exo 29:43 Exo 29:45 Exo 30:12 Exo 30:16 Exo 30:31 Exo 31:13 Exo 31:16-17 Exo 32:20 Exo 33:5-6 Exo 34:30 Exo 34:32 Exo 34:34--35:1 Exo 35:4 Exo 35:20 Exo 35:29-30 Exo 36:3 Exo 39:32 Exo 39:42 Exo 40:36 Lev 1:2 Lev 4:2 Lev 7:23 Lev 7:29 Lev 7:34 Lev 7:36 Lev 7:38 Lev 9:3 Lev 10:11 Lev 10:14 Lev 11:2 Lev 12:2 Lev 15:2 Lev 15:31 Lev 16:5 Lev 16:16 Lev 16:19 Lev 16:21 Lev 16:34 Lev 17:2 Lev 17:5 Lev 17:12-14 Lev 18:2 Lev 19:2 Lev 20:2 Lev 21:24 Lev 22:2-3 Lev 22:15 Lev 22:18 Lev 22:32 Lev 23:2 Lev 23:10 Lev 23:24 Lev 23:34 Lev 23:43-44 Lev 24:2 Lev 24:8 Lev 24:10 Lev 24:15 Lev 24:23 Lev 25:2 Lev 25:33 Lev 25:46 Lev 25:55 Lev 26:46 Lev 27:2 Lev 27:34 Num 1:2 Num 1:45 Num 1:49 Num 1:52-54 Num 2:2 Num 2:32-34 Num 3:8-9 Num 3:12 Num 3:38 Num 3:40-42 Num 3:45-46 Num 3:50 Num 5:2 Num 5:4 Num 5:6 Num 5:9 Num 5:12 Num 6:2 Num 6:23 Num 6:27 Num 8:6 Num 8:9-11 Num 8:14 Num 8:16-20 Num 9:2 Num 9:4-5 Num 9:7 Num 9:10 Num 9:17-19 Num 9:22 Num 10:12 Num 10:28 Num 11:4 Num 13:2-3 Num 13:26 Num 13:32 Num 14:2 Num 14:5 Num 14:7 Num 14:10 Num 14:27 Num 14:39 Num 15:2 Num 15:18 Num 15:25-26 Num 15:29 Num 15:32 Num 15:38 Num 16:2 Num 16:38 Num 16:40-41 Num 17:2 Num 17:5-6 Num 17:9 Num 17:12 Num 18:5-6 Num 18:8 Num 18:11 Num 18:19-20 Num 18:22-24 Num 18:26 Num 18:28 Num 18:32 Num 19:2 Num 19:9-10 Num 20:1 Num 20:12-13 Num 20:19 Num 20:22 Num 20:24 Num 21:6 Num 21:10 Num 22:1 Num 22:3 Num 25:6 Num 25:8 Num 25:11 Num 25:13 Num 26:2 Num 26:4 Num 26:51 Num 26:62-64 Num 27:8 Num 27:11-12 Num 27:20-21 Num 28:2 Num 29:40--30:1 Num 31:2 Num 31:9 Num 31:12 Num 31:16 Num 31:30 Num 31:42 Num 31:47 Num 31:54 Num 32:7 Num 32:9 Num 32:17-18 Num 32:28 Num 33:1 Num 33:3 Num 33:5 Num 33:38 Num 33:40 Num 33:51 Num 34:2 Num 34:13 Num 34:29 Num 35:2 Num 35:8 Num 35:10 Num 35:15 Num 35:34--36:5 Num 36:7-9 Num 36:13 Deu 1:3 Deu 3:18 Deu 10:6 Deu 24:7 Deu 29:1 Deu 31:19 Deu 31:22 Deu 32:49 Deu 32:51-52 Deu 34:8-9 Jos 1:2 Jos 3:1 Jos 3:9 Jos 4:4-5 Jos 4:7-8 Jos 4:12 Jos 4:21 Jos 5:1-3 Jos 5:6 Jos 5:10 Jos 5:12 Jos 6:1 Jos 7:1 Jos 7:12 Jos 7:23 Jos 8:31-33 Jos 9:17-18 Jos 9:26 Jos 10:4 Jos 10:21 Jos 11:14 Jos 11:19 Jos 11:22 Jos 12:1 Jos 12:6-7 Jos 13:6 Jos 13:13 Jos 13:22 Jos 14:1 Jos 14:5 Jos 17:13 Jos 18:1-3 Jos 18:10 Jos 19:49 Jos 19:51 Jos 20:2 Jos 20:9--21:1 Jos 21:3 Jos 21:8 Jos 21:41 Jos 22:9 Jos 22:11-13 Jos 22:31-33 Jos 24:32 Jdg 1:1 Jdg 2:4 Jdg 2:6 Jdg 2:11 Jdg 3:2 Jdg 3:5 Jdg 3:7-9 Jdg 3:12 Jdg 3:14-15 Jdg 3:27 Jdg 4:1 Jdg 4:3 Jdg 4:5 Jdg 4:23-24 Jdg 6:1-2 Jdg 6:6-8 Jdg 8:28 Jdg 8:33-34 Jdg 10:6 Jdg 10:8 Jdg 10:10-11 Jdg 10:15 Jdg 10:17 Jdg 11:27 Jdg 11:33 Jdg 13:1 Jdg 19:12 Jdg 19:30--20:1 Jdg 20:3 Jdg 20:7 Jdg 20:13-14 Jdg 20:18-19 Jdg 20:23-27 Jdg 20:30 Jdg 21:5-6 Jdg 21:18 Jdg 21:24 1Sa 2:28 1Sa 7:6-8 1Sa 9:2 1Sa 10:18 1Sa 14:18 1Sa 15:6 2Sa 7:6-7 2Sa 19:40 2Sa 21:2 2Sa 24:4 1Ki 6:1 : 1Ki 9:20-21 : 1Ki 11:2 1Ki 12:17 1Ki 12:24 1Ki 12:33 1Ki 14:24 1Ki 16:21 1Ki 18:20 1Ki 19:10 1Ki 19:14 1Ki 20:15 1Ki 20:27 1Ki 20:29 1Ki 21:26 2Ki 8:12 2Ki 13:5 2Ki 16:3 2Ki 17:7-9 2Ki 17:22 2Ki 17:24 2Ki 18:4 2Ki 21:2 2Ki 21:9 1Ch 6:64 1Ch 27:1 2Ch 5:2 2Ch 5:10 2Ch 6:11 2Ch 8:2 2Ch 8:8-9 2Ch 10:17-18 2Ch 28:3 2Ch 30:6 2Ch 30:21 2Ch 31:1 2Ch 31:5-6 2Ch 33:2 2Ch 33:9 2Ch 34:33 2Ch 35:17 Ezr 2:2 Ezr 6:16 Ezr 6:21 Ezr 7:7 Ezr 7:13 Ezr 9:1 Neh 1:6 Neh 7:7 Neh 8:14 Neh 8:17 Neh 9:1 Neh 10:39 Psa 103:7 Psa 148:14 Isa 27:12 Isa 31:6 Jer 16:14-15 Jer 23:7 Jer 50:4 Jer 50:33 Eze 2:3 Eze 4:13 Eze 6:5 Eze 35:5 Eze 37:21 Eze 43:7 Eze 44:9 Eze 44:15 Eze 48:11 Dan 1:3 Hos 1:10-11 Hos 3:1 Hos 4:1 Joe 3:16 Amo 2:11 Amo 3:1 Amo 3:12 Amo 4:5 Amo 9:7 Oba 1:20 Mic 5:3 1Sa 25:30 2Sa 5:2 2Sa 6:21 2Ch 12:6 2Ch 21:4 Eze 19:1 Eze 21:12 Eze 21:25 Eze 22:6 Eze 45:9 Eze 45:16 2Sa 2:10 1Ki 2:11 1Ki 6:1 1Ki 15:25 1Ki 16:8 1Ki 16:23 1Ki 16:29 1Ki 22:51 2Ki 10:36 2Ki 13:1 2Ki 13:10 2Ki 15:8 2Ki 15:17 2Ki 15:23 2Ki 15:27 2Ki 17:1 1Ch 29:27 2Ch 1:13 Gen 49:24 Psa 80:1 Eze 34:2 Gen 42:5 Gen 45:21 Gen 46:5 Gen 50:25 Exo 1:1 Exo 3:10-11 Exo 7:4 Exo 28:9 Exo 28:11-12 Exo 28:21 Exo 28:29 Exo 39:6-7 Exo 39:14 Deu 23:17 1Ch 2:1 2Ch 13:12 Ezr 3:1 Psa 22:23 Jer 32:30 Jer 32:32 Eze 47:22 Jdg 19:29 1Sa 7:13 1Sa 11:3 1Sa 11:7 2Sa 21:5 1Ki 1:3 2Ki 10:32 1Ch 21:12 2Sa 3:10 1Ki 2:4 1Ki 8:20 1Ki 8:25 1Ki 9:5 1Ki 10:9 2Ki 10:30 2Ki 15:12 1Ch 22:10 2Ch 6:10 2Ch 6:16 Gen 49:16 Gen 49:28 Exo 24:4 Num 10:4 Num 31:4 Deu 29:21 Deu 33:5 Jos 3:12 Jos 12:7 Jos 24:1 Jdg 18:1 Jdg 20:2 Jdg 20:10 Jdg 20:12 Jdg 21:5 Jdg 21:8 Jdg 21:15 1Sa 2:28 1Sa 9:21 1Sa 10:20 1Sa 15:17 2Sa 5:1 2Sa 15:10 2Sa 19:9 2Sa 20:14 2Sa 24:2 1Ki 8:16 1Ki 11:32 1Ki 14:21 2Ki 21:7 1Ch 27:16 1Ch 27:22 2Ch 6:5 2Ch 11:16 2Ch 12:13 2Ch 33:7 Ezr 6:17 Psa 78:55 Eze 37:19 Eze 47:13 Eze 47:21-22 Eze 48:19 Eze 48:29 Eze 48:31 Hos 5:9 Zec 9:1 Deu 22:19 Jer 18:13 Jer 31:4 Jer 31:21 Amo 5:2 Mat 2:6 Mat 2:20-21 Mat 8:10 Mat 9:33 Mat 10:6 Mat 10:23 Mat 15:24 Mat 15:31 Mat 19:28 Mat 27:9 Mat 27:42 Mar 12:29 Mar 15:32 Luk 1:16 Luk 1:54 Luk 1:68 Luk 1:80 Luk 2:25 Luk 2:32 Luk 2:34 Luk 4:25 Luk 4:27 Luk 7:9 Luk 22:30 Luk 24:21 Joh 1:31 Joh 1:49 Joh 3:10 Joh 12:13 Act 1:6 Act 2:22 Act 2:36 Act 3:12 Act 4:10 Act 4:27 Act 5:21 Act 5:31 Act 5:35 Act 7:23 Act 7:37 Act 7:42 Act 9:15 Act 10:36 Act 13:16-17 Act 13:23-24 Act 21:28 Act 28:20 Rom 9:6 Rom 9:27 Rom 9:31 Rom 10:19 Rom 10:21 Rom 11:2 Rom 11:7 Rom 11:11 Rom 11:25-26 1Co 10:18 2Co 3:7 2Co 3:13 Gal 6:16 Eph 2:12 Phi 3:5 Heb 8:8 Heb 8:10 Heb 11:22 Rev 2:14 Rev 7:4 Rev 21:12

Isshijah : a layman of the Harim clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:31

Izziah : a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:25

Jaasu : a layman of the Bani clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:37

Jaddai : a layman of the Nebo clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:43

Jahzeiah : son of Tikvaha

Ezr 10:15

Jarib : son of Simeon,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a priest of the Jeshua clan who put away his heathen wife

1Ch 4:24 Ezr 8:16 Ezr 10:18

Jashub : son of Issachar son of Israel,a layman of the Bani clan who put away his heathen wife

Num 26:24 1Ch 7:1 Ezr 10:29

Jehiel : son of Heman the Levite in Hezekiah's time

1Ch 15:18 1Ch 15:20 1Ch 16:5 1Ch 23:8 1Ch 29:8 1Ch 27:32 2Ch 21:2 2Ch 31:13 2Ch 35:8 Ezr 8:9 Ezr 10:2 Ezr 10:26 Ezr 10:21

Jehohanan : son of Kareah; a militia leader who rallied to Gedaliah,son of King Josiah,son of Eli-O-Enai, a descendant of Hananiah, Zerubbabel and David,a high priest; son of Azariah I,a Benjamite man who defected to David at Ziklag,Gadite officer who defected to David in the wilderness,a man of Ephraim; father of Azariah, who opposed Israel's taking Judeans captive,son of Hakkatan; head of a family group descended from Azgad who returned from exile,a Levite leader during the time of Nehemiah,son of Eliashib; a chief priest

1Ch 26:3 2Ch 17:15 2Ch 23:1 Ezr 10:28 Neh 6:18 Neh 12:13 Neh 12:42 Ezr 10:6

Jeiel : a descendant of Shelah of Judah, who returned from exile with his family,one of the Levites of Elizaphan that King Hezekiah assigned to supervise the cleansing of the temple,head of a family group descended from Adonikam who returned from exile

1Ch 5:7 1Ch 8:29 1Ch 9:35 1Ch 11:44 1Ch 15:18 1Ch 15:21 1Ch 16:5 2Ch 20:14 2Ch 26:11 2Ch 35:9 Ezr 10:43

Jeremai : a man who put away his heathen wife; an Israelite descended from Hashum

Ezr 10:33

Jeremoth (32° 33´, 35° 19´); (32° 2´, 35° 44´); (32° 33´, 36° 0´) : son of Beriah of Benjamin,a man who put away his heathen wife; an Israelite descended from Elam,a man who put away his heathen wife; an Israelite descended from Zattu,son of Becher son of Benjamin,a man who put away his heathen wife; an Israelite descended from Bani,a Levitical chief of the descendants of Mushi son of Merari, under King David,leader of the 15th division of Levites in David's time,son of Azriel; David's chief officer over the tribe of Naphtali

1Ch 8:14 Ezr 10:26-27 1Ch 7:8 Ezr 10:29 1Ch 23:23 1Ch 25:22 1Ch 27:19

Jerusalem (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´) : the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin

Jos 10:1 Jos 10:3 Jos 10:5 Jos 10:23 Jos 12:10 Jos 15:8 Jos 15:63 Jos 18:28 Jdg 1:7-8 Jdg 1:21 Jdg 19:10 1Sa 17:54 2Sa 5:5-6 2Sa 5:13-14 2Sa 8:7 2Sa 9:13 2Sa 10:14 2Sa 11:1 2Sa 11:12 2Sa 12:31 2Sa 14:23 2Sa 14:28 2Sa 15:8 2Sa 15:11 2Sa 15:14 2Sa 15:29 2Sa 15:37 2Sa 16:3 2Sa 16:15 2Sa 17:20 2Sa 19:19 2Sa 19:25 2Sa 19:33-34 2Sa 20:2-3 2Sa 20:7 2Sa 20:22 2Sa 24:8 2Sa 24:16 1Ki 2:11 1Ki 2:36 1Ki 2:38 1Ki 2:41 1Ki 3:1 1Ki 3:15 1Ki 8:1 1Ki 9:15 1Ki 9:19 1Ki 10:2 1Ki 10:26-27 1Ki 11:7 1Ki 11:13 1Ki 11:29 1Ki 11:32 1Ki 11:36 1Ki 11:42 1Ki 12:18 1Ki 12:21 1Ki 12:27-28 1Ki 14:21 1Ki 14:25 1Ki 15:2 1Ki 15:4 1Ki 15:10 1Ki 22:42 2Ki 8:17 2Ki 8:26 2Ki 9:28 2Ki 12:1 2Ki 12:17-18 2Ki 14:2 2Ki 14:13 2Ki 14:19-20 2Ki 15:2 2Ki 15:33 2Ki 16:2 2Ki 16:5 2Ki 18:2 2Ki 18:17 2Ki 18:22 2Ki 18:35 2Ki 19:10 2Ki 19:21 2Ki 19:31 2Ki 21:1 2Ki 21:4 2Ki 21:7 2Ki 21:12-13 2Ki 21:16 2Ki 21:19 2Ki 22:1 2Ki 22:14 2Ki 23:1-2 2Ki 23:4-6 2Ki 23:9 2Ki 23:13 2Ki 23:20 2Ki 23:23-24 2Ki 23:27 2Ki 23:30-31 2Ki 23:33 2Ki 23:36 2Ki 24:4 2Ki 24:8 2Ki 24:10 2Ki 24:14-15 2Ki 24:18 2Ki 24:20--25:1 2Ki 25:8-10 1Ch 3:4-5 1Ch 6:10 1Ch 6:15 1Ch 6:32 1Ch 8:28 1Ch 8:32 1Ch 9:3 1Ch 9:34 1Ch 9:38 1Ch 11:4 1Ch 14:3-4 1Ch 15:3 1Ch 18:7 1Ch 19:15 1Ch 20:1 1Ch 20:3 1Ch 21:4 1Ch 21:15-16 1Ch 23:25 1Ch 28:1 1Ch 29:27 2Ch 1:4 2Ch 1:13-15 2Ch 2:7 2Ch 2:16 2Ch 3:1 2Ch 5:2 2Ch 6:6 2Ch 8:6 2Ch 9:1 2Ch 9:25 2Ch 9:27 2Ch 9:30 2Ch 10:18 2Ch 11:1 2Ch 11:5 2Ch 11:14 2Ch 11:16 2Ch 12:2 2Ch 12:4-5 2Ch 12:7 2Ch 12:9 2Ch 12:13 2Ch 13:2 2Ch 14:15 2Ch 15:10 2Ch 17:13 2Ch 19:1 2Ch 19:4 2Ch 19:8 2Ch 20:5 2Ch 20:15 2Ch 20:17-18 2Ch 20:20 2Ch 20:27-28 2Ch 20:31 2Ch 21:5 2Ch 21:11 2Ch 21:13 2Ch 21:20--22:2 2Ch 23:2 2Ch 24:1 2Ch 24:6 2Ch 24:9 2Ch 24:18 2Ch 24:23 2Ch 25:1 2Ch 25:23 2Ch 25:27 2Ch 26:3 2Ch 26:9 2Ch 26:15 2Ch 27:1 2Ch 27:8 2Ch 28:1 2Ch 28:10 2Ch 28:24 2Ch 28:27--29:1 2Ch 29:8 2Ch 30:1-3 2Ch 30:5 2Ch 30:11 2Ch 30:13-14 2Ch 30:21 2Ch 30:26 2Ch 31:4 2Ch 32:2 2Ch 32:9-10 2Ch 32:12 2Ch 32:18-19 2Ch 32:22-23 2Ch 32:25-26 2Ch 32:33--33:1 2Ch 33:4 2Ch 33:7 2Ch 33:9 2Ch 33:13 2Ch 33:15 2Ch 33:21 2Ch 34:1 2Ch 34:3 2Ch 34:5 2Ch 34:7 2Ch 34:9 2Ch 34:22 2Ch 34:29-30 2Ch 34:32 2Ch 35:1 2Ch 35:18 2Ch 35:24 2Ch 36:1-5 2Ch 36:9-11 2Ch 36:14 2Ch 36:19 2Ch 36:23 Ezr 1:2-5 Ezr 1:7 Ezr 1:11--2:1 Ezr 2:68 Ezr 2:70--3:1 Ezr 3:8 Ezr 4:6 Ezr 4:8 Ezr 4:12 Ezr 4:20 Ezr 4:23--5:2 Ezr 5:14-17 Ezr 6:3 Ezr 6:5 Ezr 6:9 Ezr 6:12 Ezr 6:18 Ezr 7:7-9 Ezr 7:13-17 Ezr 7:19 Ezr 7:27 Ezr 8:29-32 Ezr 9:9 Ezr 10:7 Ezr 10:9 Neh 1:2-3 Neh 2:11-13 Neh 2:17 Neh 2:20 Neh 3:8-9 Neh 3:12 Neh 4:7-8 Neh 4:22 Neh 6:7 Neh 7:2-3 Neh 7:6 Neh 8:15 Neh 11:1-4 Neh 11:6 Neh 11:22 Neh 12:27-29 Neh 12:43 Neh 13:6-7 Neh 13:15-16 Neh 13:19-20 Est 2:6 Psa 51:18 Psa 68:29 Psa 79:1 Psa 79:3 Psa 102:21 Psa 116:19 Psa 122:2-3 Psa 122:6 Psa 125:2 Psa 128:5 Psa 135:21 Psa 137:5-7 Psa 147:2 Psa 147:12 Ecc 1:1 Ecc 1:12 Ecc 1:16 Ecc 2:7 Ecc 2:9 Sos 1:5 Sos 2:7 Sos 3:5 Sos 3:10 Sos 5:8 Sos 5:16 Sos 6:4 Sos 8:4 Isa 1:1 Isa 2:1 Isa 2:3 Isa 3:1 Isa 3:8 Isa 4:3-4 Isa 5:3 Isa 5:14 Isa 7:1 Isa 8:14 Isa 10:10-12 Isa 10:32 Isa 22:10 Isa 22:21 Isa 24:23 Isa 27:13 Isa 28:14 Isa 30:19 Isa 31:5 Isa 31:9 Isa 33:20 Isa 36:2 Isa 36:7 Isa 36:20 Isa 37:10 Isa 37:22 Isa 37:32 Isa 40:2 Isa 40:9 Isa 41:27 Isa 44:26 Isa 44:28 Isa 51:17 Isa 52:1-2 Isa 52:9 Isa 62:1 Isa 62:6-7 Isa 64:10 Isa 65:18-19 Isa 66:10 Isa 66:13 Isa 66:20 Jer 1:3 Jer 1:15 Jer 2:2 Jer 3:17 Jer 4:3-5 Jer 4:10-11 Jer 4:14 Jer 4:16 Jer 5:1 Jer 6:1 Jer 6:6 Jer 6:8 Jer 7:17 Jer 7:34--8:1 Jer 8:5 Jer 9:11 Jer 11:2 Jer 11:6 Jer 11:9 Jer 11:12-13 Jer 13:9 Jer 13:13 Jer 13:27 Jer 14:2 Jer 14:16 Jer 15:4-5 Jer 17:19-21 Jer 17:25-27 Jer 18:11 Jer 19:3 Jer 19:7 Jer 19:13 Jer 22:19 Jer 23:14-15 Jer 24:1 Jer 24:8 Jer 25:2 Jer 25:18 Jer 26:18 Jer 27:3 Jer 27:18 Jer 27:20-21 Jer 29:1-2 Jer 29:4 Jer 29:20 Jer 29:25 Jer 32:2 Jer 32:32 Jer 32:44 Jer 33:10 Jer 33:13 Jer 33:16 Jer 34:1 Jer 34:6-8 Jer 34:19 Jer 35:11 Jer 35:13 Jer 35:17 Jer 36:9 Jer 36:31 Jer 37:5 Jer 37:11-12 Jer 38:28--39:1 Jer 39:3 Jer 39:8 Jer 40:1 Jer 42:18 Jer 44:2 Jer 44:6 Jer 44:9 Jer 44:13 Jer 44:17 Jer 44:21 Jer 51:35 Jer 51:50 Jer 52:1 Jer 52:3-4 Jer 52:12-14 Jer 52:29 Lam 1:7-8 Lam 1:17 Lam 2:10 Lam 2:13 Lam 2:15 Lam 4:12 Eze 4:1 Eze 4:7 Eze 4:16 Eze 5:5 Eze 8:3 Eze 9:4 Eze 9:8 Eze 11:15 Eze 12:10 Eze 12:19 Eze 13:16 Eze 14:21-22 Eze 15:6 Eze 16:2-3 Eze 17:12 Eze 21:2 Eze 21:20 Eze 21:22 Eze 22:19 Eze 23:4 Eze 24:2 Eze 26:2 Eze 33:21 Eze 36:38 Dan 1:1 Dan 5:2-3 Dan 6:10 Dan 9:2 Dan 9:7 Dan 9:12 Dan 9:16 Dan 9:25 Joe 2:32--3:1 Joe 3:6 Joe 3:16-17 Joe 3:20 Amo 1:2 Amo 2:5 Oba 1:11 Oba 1:20 Mic 1:1 Mic 1:5 Mic 1:9 Mic 1:12 Mic 3:10 Mic 3:12 Mic 4:2 Mic 4:8 Zep 1:4 Zep 1:12 Zep 3:14 Zep 3:16 Zec 1:12 Zec 1:14 Zec 1:16-17 Zec 1:19 Zec 2:2 Zec 2:4 Zec 2:12 Zec 3:2 Zec 7:7 Zec 8:3-4 Zec 8:8 Zec 8:15 Zec 8:22 Zec 9:9-10 Zec 12:2-3 Zec 12:5-11 Zec 13:1 Zec 14:2 Zec 14:4 Zec 14:8 Zec 14:10-12 Zec 14:14 Zec 14:16-17 Zec 14:21 Mal 2:11 Mal 3:4 Mat 2:1 Mat 2:3 Mat 3:5 Mat 4:25 Mat 5:35 Mat 15:1 Mat 16:21 Mat 20:17-18 Mat 21:1 Mat 21:10 Mat 23:37 Mar 1:5 Mar 3:8 Mar 3:22 Mar 7:1 Mar 10:32-33 Mar 11:1 Mar 11:11 Mar 11:15 Mar 11:27 Mar 15:41 Luk 2:22 Luk 2:25 Luk 2:38 Luk 2:41 Luk 2:43 Luk 2:45 Luk 4:9 Luk 5:17 Luk 6:17 Luk 9:31 Luk 9:51 Luk 9:53 Luk 10:30 Luk 13:4 Luk 13:22 Luk 13:33-34 Luk 17:11 Luk 18:31 Luk 19:11 Luk 19:28 Luk 19:41 Luk 21:20 Luk 21:24 Luk 23:7 Luk 23:28 Luk 24:13 Luk 24:18 Luk 24:33 Luk 24:47 Luk 24:52 Joh 1:19 Joh 2:13 Joh 2:23 Joh 4:20-21 Joh 4:45 Joh 5:1-2 Joh 7:25 Joh 10:22 Joh 11:18 Joh 11:55 Joh 12:12 Act 1:4 Act 1:8 Act 1:12 Act 1:19 Act 2:5 Act 2:14 Act 4:5 Act 4:16 Act 5:16 Act 5:28 Act 6:7 Act 8:1 Act 8:14 Act 8:25-27 Act 9:2 Act 9:13 Act 9:21 Act 9:26 Act 9:28 Act 10:39 Act 11:2 Act 11:22 Act 11:27 Act 12:25 Act 13:13 Act 13:27 Act 13:31 Act 15:2 Act 15:4 Act 16:4 Act 19:21 Act 20:16 Act 20:22 Act 21:4 Act 21:11-13 Act 21:15 Act 21:17 Act 21:31 Act 22:5 Act 22:17-18 Act 23:11 Act 24:11 Act 24:17 Act 25:1 Act 25:3 Act 25:7 Act 25:9 Act 25:15 Act 25:20 Act 25:24 Act 26:4 Act 26:10 Act 26:20 Act 28:17 Rom 15:19 Rom 15:25-26 Rom 15:31 1Co 16:3 Gal 1:17-18 Gal 2:1 Gal 4:25-26 Heb 12:22 Rev 3:12 Rev 21:2 Rev 21:10

Jeshua (31° 9´, 35° 3´) : chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,a man a Levite assistant to Kore in managing the free will offerings of the temple under King Hezekiah,a chief priest and leader among those who returned from exile with Zerubbabel; son of Jozadak; father of Joiakim,father of Jozabad, a Levite on duty in the time of Ezra,a man whose descendants returned from exile in Babylon,the father of Ezer who helped to repair the wall,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law; son of Kadmiel,son of Nun; successor of Moses,son of Azaniah; a Levite leader who signed the covenant to obey God's law,a town of Judah

1Ch 24:11 Ezr 2:36 Neh 7:39 2Ch 31:15 Ezr 2:40 Neh 7:43 Ezr 2:2 Ezr 3:2 Ezr 3:8-9 Ezr 4:3 Ezr 5:2 Ezr 10:18 Neh 7:7 Neh 12:1 Neh 12:7 Neh 12:10 Neh 12:26 Ezr 8:33 Ezr 2:6 Neh 7:11 Neh 3:19 Neh 8:7 Neh 9:4-5 Neh 12:8 Neh 12:24 Neh 8:17 Neh 10:9 Neh 11:26

Joel : a son of Pethuel and a prophet to Judah,son of Samuel of Kohath son of Levi,head of a large influential family of Simeon in King Hezekiah's time,a powerful leader among the descendants of Reuben,a chief of the tribe of Gad,son of Azariah (Uzziah) of Kohath; one of the Levites that King Hezekiah assigned to supervise the cleansing of the temple,son of Izrahiah of Issachar,brother of Nathan; one of David's military elite,a Levitical chief of the descendants of Ladan under King David,son of Ladan and temple treasurer under King David,son of Pedaiah; David's chief officer over the tribe of Manasseh,a man who put away his heathen wife; an Israelite descended from Nebo,a man who lived in Jerusalem in Nehemiah's time; son of Zichri,son of Pethuel; a prophet who wrote the book of Joel

1Sa 8:2 1Ch 6:28 1Ch 6:33 1Ch 4:35 1Ch 5:4 1Ch 5:8 1Ch 5:12 1Ch 6:36 2Ch 29:12 1Ch 7:3 1Ch 11:38 1Ch 15:7 1Ch 15:11 1Ch 15:17 1Ch 23:8 1Ch 26:22 1Ch 27:20 Ezr 10:43 Neh 11:9 Joe 1:1 Act 2:16

Jonathan : a man who was a descendant of Gershom son of Moses,son of Saul of Benjamin,son of the high priest Abiathar in David's time,the son of Shime-i, David's brother,son of Shammah/Shagee; one of David's military elite,son of Jada of Judah,son of Uzziah; overseer of the country treasuries for King David,a man who was uncle and counselor of King David,father of Ebed who accompanied Ezra leading the clan of Adin back from exile,a man who opposed Ezra's reforms; son of Asahel,a chief priest; son of Joiada,priest and head of the house of Malluchi under High Priest Joiakim in the time of Nehemiah,son of Shemaiah of Asaph of Levi; father of Zechariah,a man who was secretary and dungeon keeper for King Zedekiah; son of Kareah

Jdg 18:30 1Sa 13:2-3 1Sa 13:16 1Sa 13:22 1Sa 14:1 1Sa 14:3-4 1Sa 14:6 1Sa 14:8 1Sa 14:12-14 1Sa 14:17 1Sa 14:21 1Sa 14:27 1Sa 14:29 1Sa 14:39-45 1Sa 14:49 1Sa 18:1 1Sa 18:3-4 1Sa 19:1-2 1Sa 19:4 1Sa 19:6-7 1Sa 20:1-5 1Sa 20:9-13 1Sa 20:16-18 1Sa 20:25 1Sa 20:27-28 1Sa 20:30 1Sa 20:32-35 1Sa 20:37-42 1Sa 23:16 1Sa 23:18 1Sa 31:2 2Sa 1:4-5 2Sa 1:12 2Sa 1:17 2Sa 1:22-23 2Sa 1:25-26 2Sa 4:4 2Sa 9:1 2Sa 9:3 2Sa 9:6-7 2Sa 21:7 2Sa 21:12-14 1Ch 8:33-34 1Ch 9:39-40 1Ch 10:2 2Sa 15:27 2Sa 15:36 2Sa 17:17 2Sa 17:20 1Ki 1:42-43 2Sa 21:21 1Ch 20:7 2Sa 23:32 1Ch 11:34 1Ch 2:32-33 1Ch 27:25 1Ch 27:32 Ezr 8:6 Ezr 10:15 Neh 12:11 Neh 12:14 Neh 12:35 Jer 37:15 Jer 37:20 Jer 38:26 Jer 40:8

Joseph : the husband of Mary and foster-father of Jesus,a Jewish man from Arimathea in whose grave the body of Jesus was laid,two different men listed as ancestors of Jesus,a man nominated with Matthias to take the place of Judas Iscariot as apostle,a son of Jacob and Rachel; the father of Ephraim and Manasseh and ruler of Egypt,a brother of Jesus; a son of Mary,a man who was a companion of Paul,son of Jacob and Rachel; patriarch of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh,a tribe, actually two tribes named after Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh,father of Igal, of Issachar, who helped spy out Canaan,son of Asaph the Levite; worship leader under Asaph and King David,a man who put away his heathen wife; an Israelite descended from Binnui,priest and head of the house of Shebaniah under High Priest Joiakim in the time of Nehemiah

Gen 30:24-25 Gen 33:2 Gen 33:7 Gen 35:24 Gen 37:2-3 Gen 37:5 Gen 37:13 Gen 37:17 Gen 37:23 Gen 37:28-29 Gen 37:31 Gen 37:33 Gen 39:1-2 Gen 39:4-7 Gen 39:10 Gen 39:20-23 Gen 40:3-4 Gen 40:6 Gen 40:8-9 Gen 40:12 Gen 40:16 Gen 40:18 Gen 40:22-23 Gen 41:14-17 Gen 41:25 Gen 41:39 Gen 41:41-42 Gen 41:44-46 Gen 41:49-51 Gen 41:54-57 Gen 42:3-4 Gen 42:6-9 Gen 42:14 Gen 42:18 Gen 42:23 Gen 42:25 Gen 42:36 Gen 43:15-19 Gen 43:24-26 Gen 43:30 Gen 43:34 Gen 44:2 Gen 44:4 Gen 44:14-15 Gen 45:1 Gen 45:3-4 Gen 45:9 Gen 45:16-17 Gen 45:21 Gen 45:26-28 Gen 46:4 Gen 46:19-20 Gen 46:27-31 Gen 47:1 Gen 47:5 Gen 47:7 Gen 47:11-12 Gen 47:14-17 Gen 47:20 Gen 47:23 Gen 47:26 Gen 47:29 Gen 48:1-3 Gen 48:8-13 Gen 48:15 Gen 48:17-18 Gen 48:21 Gen 49:22 Gen 49:26 Gen 50:1-2 Gen 50:4 Gen 50:7-8 Gen 50:14-17 Gen 50:19 Gen 50:22-26 Exo 1:5-6 Exo 1:8 Exo 13:19 Num 1:10 Num 1:32 Num 27:1 Num 32:33 Num 36:12 Jos 17:1-2 Jos 24:32 Psa 105:17 Num 13:11 Num 26:28 Num 26:37 Num 34:23 Num 36:1 Num 36:5 Deu 27:12 Deu 33:13 Deu 33:16 Jos 14:4 Jos 16:1 Jos 16:4 Jos 17:14 Jos 17:16-17 Jos 18:5 Jos 18:11 Jdg 1:22-23 Jdg 1:35 2Sa 19:20 1Ki 11:28 1Ch 2:2 1Ch 5:1-2 1Ch 7:29 Psa 77:15 Psa 78:67 Psa 80:1 Psa 81:5 Eze 37:16 Eze 37:19 Eze 47:13 Eze 48:32 Amo 5:6 Amo 5:15 Amo 6:6 Oba 1:18 Zec 10:6 Num 13:7 1Ch 25:2 1Ch 25:9 Ezr 10:42 Neh 12:14 Mat 1:16 Mat 1:18-20 Mat 1:24 Mat 2:13 Mat 2:19 Luk 1:27 Luk 2:4 Luk 2:16 Luk 2:33 Luk 2:43 Luk 3:23 Luk 4:22 Joh 1:45 Joh 6:42 Mat 27:57 Mat 27:59 Mar 15:43 Mar 15:45-46 Luk 23:50 Joh 19:38 Luk 3:24 Luk 3:30 Act 1:23 Joh 4:5 Act 7:9 Act 7:13-14 Act 7:18 Heb 11:21-22 Rev 7:8 Mat 13:55 Mat 27:56 Mar 6:3 Mar 15:40 Mar 15:47 Act 4:36

Jozabad : a man of Gederah; one of the Benjamites who defected to David at Ziklag,two commanders from Manasseh who defected to David in Ziklag,an officer in charge of the temple store house under King Hezekiah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,son of Jeshua; a Levite on duty in the time of Ezra,a man who put away his heathen wife; a priest descended from Pashhur,a man who put away his heathen wife; a Levite,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law,a chief Levite who helped supervise the outside work on the house of God in Nehemiah's time

1Ch 12:4 1Ch 12:20 2Ch 31:13 2Ch 35:9 Ezr 8:33 Ezr 10:22-23 Neh 8:7 Neh 11:16

Jozadak : father of Jeshua the priest in the time of Ezra

Ezr 3:2 Ezr 3:8 Ezr 5:2 Ezr 10:18 Neh 12:26

Judah (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´) : the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall

Gen 29:35 Gen 35:23 Gen 37:26 Gen 38:1-2 Gen 38:6-8 Gen 38:11-12 Gen 38:15 Gen 38:20 Gen 38:22-24 Gen 38:26 Gen 43:3 Gen 43:8 Gen 44:14 Gen 44:16 Gen 44:18 Gen 46:12 Gen 46:28 Gen 49:8 Exo 1:2 Rut 4:12 1Ch 2:1 1Ch 2:3-4 1Ch 4:1 1Ch 4:21 1Ch 9:4 Neh 11:24 Gen 49:9-10 Exo 31:2 Exo 35:30 Exo 38:22 Num 1:7 Num 1:26-27 Num 2:3 Num 2:9 Num 7:12 Num 10:14 Num 13:6 Num 26:19-20 Num 26:22 Num 34:19 Deu 27:12 Deu 33:7 Jos 7:1 Jos 7:16-18 Jos 14:6 Jos 15:1 Jos 15:12-13 Jos 15:20-21 Jos 15:63 Jos 18:5 Jos 18:11 Jos 18:14 Jos 19:1 Jos 19:9 Jos 21:4 Jos 21:9 Jdg 1:2-4 Jdg 1:8-10 Jdg 1:16-19 Jdg 10:9 Jdg 15:10-11 Jdg 17:7 Jdg 20:18 1Sa 11:8 1Sa 15:4 1Sa 17:1 1Sa 17:52 1Sa 18:16 1Sa 23:23 1Sa 30:14 1Sa 30:26 2Sa 1:18 2Sa 2:4 2Sa 3:8 2Sa 3:10 2Sa 5:5 2Sa 11:11 2Sa 12:8 2Sa 19:11 2Sa 19:14-16 2Sa 19:40-43 2Sa 20:2 2Sa 20:4-5 2Sa 21:2 2Sa 24:1 2Sa 24:9 1Ki 1:9 1Ki 1:35 1Ki 2:32 1Ki 4:20 1Ki 4:25 1Ki 12:20 1Ki 12:23 1Ki 14:22 1Ki 15:1 1Ki 15:9 1Ki 15:17 1Ki 15:22 1Ki 19:3 1Ki 22:41 2Ki 8:19-20 2Ki 8:22 2Ki 9:29 2Ki 14:10-12 2Ki 14:21-22 2Ki 14:28 2Ki 15:37 2Ki 16:6 2Ki 17:13 2Ki 17:18-19 2Ki 18:22 2Ki 21:11-12 2Ki 21:16 2Ki 22:13 2Ki 23:1-2 2Ki 23:17 2Ki 23:24 2Ki 23:26-27 2Ki 24:2-3 2Ki 24:20 2Ki 25:21-22 1Ch 2:10 1Ch 4:27 1Ch 5:2 1Ch 6:15 1Ch 6:55 1Ch 6:65 1Ch 9:1 1Ch 9:3 1Ch 12:16 1Ch 12:24 1Ch 13:6 1Ch 21:5 1Ch 27:18 1Ch 28:4 Eze 48:31 2Ch 11:17 2Ch 13:1 2Ch 13:13-16 2Ch 13:18 2Ch 14:4 2Ch 14:7-8 2Ch 14:12-13 2Ch 15:2 2Ch 15:9 2Ch 15:15 2Ch 16:1 2Ch 16:6 2Ch 17:5 2Ch 17:14 2Ch 20:4-5 2Ch 20:13 2Ch 20:15 2Ch 20:17-18 2Ch 20:20 2Ch 20:22 2Ch 20:24 2Ch 20:27 2Ch 20:31 2Ch 21:8 2Ch 21:10-11 2Ch 21:13 2Ch 21:17 2Ch 23:2 2Ch 23:8 2Ch 24:18 2Ch 25:5 2Ch 25:10 2Ch 25:12 2Ch 25:19 2Ch 25:21-22 2Ch 25:28--26:1 2Ch 27:7 2Ch 28:6 2Ch 28:9-10 2Ch 28:17 2Ch 28:19 2Ch 29:8 2Ch 29:21 2Ch 30:12 2Ch 30:25 2Ch 31:6 2Ch 32:9 2Ch 32:12 2Ch 32:25 2Ch 32:33 2Ch 33:9 2Ch 33:16 2Ch 34:29-30 2Ch 35:18 2Ch 35:24 2Ch 35:27 2Ch 36:4 2Ch 36:8 2Ch 36:10 Ezr 1:5 Ezr 1:8 Ezr 3:9 Ezr 4:1 Ezr 4:4 Ezr 6:8 Ezr 9:9 Neh 4:10 Neh 6:17 Neh 11:4 Neh 11:25 Neh 12:44 Neh 13:12 Neh 13:16-17 Psa 48:11 Psa 60:7 Psa 78:68 Psa 97:8 Psa 108:8 Psa 114:2 Pro 25:1 Isa 1:1 Isa 2:1 Isa 3:1 Isa 3:8 Isa 5:3 Isa 5:7 Isa 7:6 Isa 9:21 Isa 11:12-13 Isa 19:17 Isa 22:8 Isa 36:7 Isa 65:9 Jer 1:3 Jer 2:28 Jer 3:7-8 Jer 3:10-11 Jer 4:3-5 Jer 7:2 Jer 7:30 Jer 9:26 Jer 11:2 Jer 11:9 Jer 11:13 Jer 12:14 Jer 13:9 Jer 13:19 Jer 14:2 Jer 14:19 Jer 17:1 Jer 17:25 Jer 18:11 Jer 19:7 Jer 20:4 Jer 22:11 Jer 22:24 Jer 22:30 Jer 23:6 Jer 24:5 Jer 25:1-2 Jer 26:1 Jer 26:18 Jer 27:1 Jer 27:20-21 Jer 28:1 Jer 30:3-4 Jer 31:23-24 Jer 32:30 Jer 32:32 Jer 32:35 Jer 33:7 Jer 33:16 Jer 34:2 Jer 34:6 Jer 35:13 Jer 35:17 Jer 36:2 Jer 36:6 Jer 36:31 Jer 37:1 Jer 37:7 Jer 39:6 Jer 40:1 Jer 40:5 Jer 40:11 Jer 40:15 Jer 42:15 Jer 42:19 Jer 43:5 Jer 43:9 Jer 44:11-12 Jer 44:14 Jer 44:24 Jer 44:26-28 Jer 45:1 Jer 50:4 Jer 50:20 Jer 50:33 Jer 51:5 Jer 52:3 Jer 52:27 Jer 52:31 Lam 1:3 Lam 1:15 Lam 2:2 Lam 2:5 Lam 5:11 Eze 8:1 Eze 9:9 Eze 25:8 Eze 27:17 Eze 37:16 Eze 37:19 Eze 48:7 Dan 1:6 Dan 2:25 Dan 5:13 Dan 9:7 Hos 1:11 Hos 4:15 Hos 5:5 Hos 5:13 Hos 6:4 Hos 6:11 Hos 8:14 Hos 10:11 Hos 11:12 Hos 12:2 Joe 3:1 Joe 3:6 Joe 3:8 Joe 3:19 Amo 2:4-5 Oba 1:12 Mic 5:2 Nah 1:15 Zep 1:4 Hag 1:1 Hag 1:14 Hag 2:2 Hag 2:21 Zec 1:19 Zec 1:21 Zec 2:12 Zec 8:13 Zec 9:7 Zec 9:13 Zec 11:14 Zec 12:2 Zec 12:5-7 Zec 14:14 Zec 14:21 Mal 2:11 Mal 3:4 2Sa 2:4 2Sa 2:7 2Sa 2:10-11 1Ki 12:21 1Ki 12:23 2Ki 19:30 1Ch 28:4 2Ch 11:1 2Ch 19:11 2Ch 22:10 Neh 4:16 Isa 22:21 Isa 37:31 Jer 3:18 Jer 11:10 Jer 11:17 Jer 13:11 Jer 31:27 Jer 31:31 Jer 33:14 Jer 36:3 Eze 4:6 Eze 8:17 Eze 25:3 Eze 25:12 Hos 1:7 Hos 5:12 Hos 5:14 Mic 1:5 Zep 2:7 Zec 8:15 Zec 8:19 Zec 10:3 Zec 10:6 Zec 12:4 1Ki 12:23 1Ki 12:27 1Ki 15:17 1Ki 15:25 1Ki 15:28 1Ki 15:33 1Ki 16:8 1Ki 16:10 1Ki 16:15 1Ki 16:23 1Ki 16:29 1Ki 22:2 1Ki 22:10 1Ki 22:29 1Ki 22:51 2Ki 1:17 2Ki 3:1 2Ki 3:7 2Ki 3:9 2Ki 3:14 2Ki 8:16 2Ki 8:25 2Ki 8:29 2Ki 9:16 2Ki 9:21 2Ki 9:27 2Ki 10:13 2Ki 12:18 2Ki 13:1 2Ki 13:10 2Ki 13:12 2Ki 14:1 2Ki 14:9 2Ki 14:11 2Ki 14:13 2Ki 14:15 2Ki 14:17 2Ki 14:23 2Ki 15:1 2Ki 15:8 2Ki 15:13 2Ki 15:17 2Ki 15:23 2Ki 15:27 2Ki 15:32 2Ki 16:1 2Ki 17:1 2Ki 18:1 2Ki 18:14 2Ki 18:16 2Ki 19:10 2Ki 21:11 2Ki 22:16 2Ki 22:18 2Ki 24:12 2Ki 25:27 1Ch 4:41 1Ch 5:17 2Ch 11:3 2Ch 16:1 2Ch 16:7 2Ch 18:3 2Ch 18:9 2Ch 18:28 2Ch 19:1 2Ch 20:35 2Ch 21:2 2Ch 21:12 2Ch 22:1 2Ch 22:6 2Ch 25:17-18 2Ch 25:21 2Ch 25:23 2Ch 25:25 2Ch 30:24 2Ch 32:8-9 2Ch 32:23 2Ch 34:24 2Ch 34:26 2Ch 35:21 Est 2:6 Isa 7:1 Isa 37:10 Isa 38:9 Jer 1:2-3 Jer 15:4 Jer 21:7 Jer 21:11 Jer 22:1-2 Jer 22:6 Jer 22:18 Jer 24:1 Jer 24:8 Jer 25:1 Jer 25:3 Jer 26:19 Jer 27:3 Jer 27:12 Jer 27:18 Jer 27:20 Jer 28:4 Jer 29:3 Jer 32:1-4 Jer 34:4 Jer 34:21 Jer 35:1 Jer 36:1 Jer 36:9 Jer 36:28-30 Jer 36:32 Jer 38:22 Jer 39:1 Jer 39:4 Jer 44:30 Jer 46:2 Jer 49:34 Jer 51:59 Jer 52:31 Dan 1:1-2 Amo 1:1 Zep 1:1 Zec 14:5 1Sa 27:6 1Ki 14:29 1Ki 15:7 1Ki 15:23 1Ki 22:45 2Ki 8:23 2Ki 12:18-19 2Ki 14:18 2Ki 15:6 2Ki 15:36 2Ki 16:19 2Ki 18:5 2Ki 20:20 2Ki 21:17 2Ki 21:25 2Ki 23:5 2Ki 23:11-12 2Ki 23:22 2Ki 23:28 2Ki 24:5 2Ch 16:11 2Ch 25:26 2Ch 28:26 2Ch 32:32 2Ch 34:11 Jer 1:18 Jer 8:1 Jer 17:19-20 Jer 19:3-4 Jer 19:13 Jer 20:5 Jer 33:4 Jer 44:9 Hos 1:1 Mic 1:1 2Ch 12:5 2Ch 22:8 2Ch 24:17 Neh 12:31-32 Psa 68:27 Jer 24:1 Jer 26:10 Jer 29:2 Jer 34:19 Jer 52:10 Hos 5:10 Deu 34:2 Jos 19:9 Jos 19:34 Jdg 1:16 Jdg 15:9 Jdg 17:8-9 Jdg 18:12 Jdg 19:1-2 Jdg 19:18 Rut 1:1-2 Rut 1:7 1Sa 17:12 1Sa 22:5 1Sa 23:3 1Sa 27:10 1Sa 30:16 2Sa 6:2 2Sa 24:7 1Ki 4:19 1Ki 9:18 1Ki 12:32 1Ki 13:1 1Ki 13:12 1Ki 13:14 1Ki 13:21 1Ki 14:21 2Ch 2:7 2Ch 9:11 2Ch 11:3 2Ch 11:5 2Ch 11:10 2Ch 11:12 2Ch 11:14 2Ch 11:23 2Ch 12:12 2Ch 14:6 2Ch 15:8 2Ch 17:2 2Ch 17:6 2Ch 17:9-10 2Ch 17:12 2Ch 17:19 2Ch 20:3 2Ch 21:3 2Ch 24:6 2Ch 24:9 2Ch 24:23 2Ch 26:2 2Ch 28:18 2Ch 28:25 2Ch 30:1 2Ch 30:6 2Ch 30:25 2Ch 31:1 2Ch 31:20 2Ch 32:1 2Ch 33:14 2Ch 34:3 2Ch 34:5 2Ch 34:9 2Ch 34:21 2Ch 36:23 Psa 76:1 Isa 7:17 Isa 8:8 Isa 26:1 Jer 5:11 Jer 5:20 Jer 11:6 Jer 28:4 Jer 29:22 Jer 39:10 Jer 40:12 Jer 43:4-5 Jer 44:7 Jer 44:9 Jer 44:14 Jer 44:28 Eze 21:20 Eze 48:8 Eze 48:22 Dan 5:13 Dan 6:13 Joe 3:18 Joe 3:20 Amo 7:12 Mic 1:9 Zec 1:21 Ezr 1:2-3 Ezr 2:1 Ezr 4:6 Ezr 5:1 Ezr 5:8 Ezr 7:14 Ezr 9:9 Ezr 10:7 Ezr 10:9 Neh 1:2 Neh 2:5 Neh 2:7 Neh 5:14 Neh 6:7 Neh 6:18 Neh 7:6 Neh 11:3 Neh 11:20 Neh 11:36 Neh 13:15 Jos 11:21 Jos 20:7 Jos 21:11 2Ch 21:11 2Ch 27:4 2Sa 2:1 1Ki 12:17 2Ki 18:13 2Ki 23:5 2Ki 23:8 2Ch 10:17 2Ch 12:4 2Ch 14:5 2Ch 17:2 2Ch 17:7 2Ch 17:9 2Ch 17:13 2Ch 19:5 2Ch 20:4 2Ch 23:2 2Ch 24:5 2Ch 25:13 2Ch 31:1 2Ch 31:6 Psa 69:35 Isa 36:1 Isa 40:9 Isa 44:26 Jer 1:15 Jer 4:16 Jer 7:17 Jer 7:34 Jer 9:11 Jer 10:22 Jer 11:12 Jer 17:26 Jer 25:18 Jer 26:2 Jer 32:44 Jer 33:10 Jer 33:13 Jer 34:7 Jer 34:22 Jer 36:9 Jer 44:2 Jer 44:6 Jer 44:17 Jer 44:21 Zec 1:12 2Ki 18:26 2Ki 18:28 2Ch 32:18 Neh 13:24 Isa 36:11 Isa 36:13 Ezr 3:9 Ezr 10:23 Neh 11:9 Neh 12:8 Neh 12:34 Neh 12:36 Mat 1:2-3 Luk 3:33 Mat 2:6 Luk 1:39 Heb 7:14 Heb 8:8 Rev 5:5 Rev 7:5 Luk 3:30

Kelaiah : a Levite who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:23

Kelita : a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law,son of Henadad; a signer of the covenant to obey God's law

Ezr 10:23 Neh 8:7 Neh 10:10

Levite : member of the tribe of Levi

Exo 4:14 Deu 12:12 Deu 12:18-19 Deu 14:27 Deu 14:29 Deu 16:11 Deu 16:14 Deu 18:6 Deu 26:11-13 Jdg 17:7 Jdg 17:9-13 Jdg 18:3 Jdg 18:15 Jdg 19:1 Jdg 20:4 2Ch 20:14 2Ch 31:12 2Ch 31:14 Ezr 10:15

Levites : relating to Levi and the priesthood given to him,a tribal name describing people and ceremonies as sacred

Exo 6:19 Exo 6:25 Exo 38:21 Lev 25:32-33 Num 1:47 Num 1:50-51 Num 1:53 Num 2:17 Num 2:33 Num 3:9 Num 3:12 Num 3:20 Num 3:32 Num 3:39 Num 3:41 Num 3:45-46 Num 3:49 Num 4:18 Num 4:46 Num 7:5-6 Num 8:6 Num 8:9-15 Num 8:18-22 Num 8:24 Num 8:26 Num 18:6 Num 18:21 Num 18:23-24 Num 18:26 Num 18:30 Num 26:57 Num 31:30 Num 31:47 Num 35:2 Num 35:4 Num 35:6-8 Deu 18:7 Deu 27:14 Deu 31:25 Jos 14:3-4 Jos 18:7 Jos 21:1 Jos 21:3-4 Jos 21:8 Jos 21:10 Jos 21:20 Jos 21:27 Jos 21:34 Jos 21:40-41 1Sa 6:15 2Sa 15:24 1Ki 8:4 1Ki 12:31 1Ch 6:19 1Ch 6:48 1Ch 6:64 1Ch 6:77 1Ch 9:2 1Ch 9:14 1Ch 9:18 1Ch 9:26 1Ch 9:31 1Ch 9:33-34 1Ch 12:26 1Ch 13:2 1Ch 15:2 1Ch 15:4 1Ch 15:11-12 1Ch 15:14-17 1Ch 15:22 1Ch 15:26-27 1Ch 16:4 1Ch 23:2-3 1Ch 23:26-27 1Ch 24:6 1Ch 24:30-31 1Ch 26:17 1Ch 26:20 1Ch 28:13 1Ch 28:21 2Ch 5:4-5 2Ch 7:6 2Ch 8:14-15 2Ch 11:13-14 2Ch 13:9-10 2Ch 17:8 2Ch 19:8 2Ch 19:11 2Ch 20:19 2Ch 23:2 2Ch 23:4 2Ch 23:6-8 2Ch 23:18 2Ch 24:5-6 2Ch 24:11 2Ch 29:4-5 2Ch 29:12 2Ch 29:16 2Ch 29:25-26 2Ch 29:30 2Ch 29:34 2Ch 30:15-17 2Ch 30:21-22 2Ch 30:25 2Ch 30:27 2Ch 31:2 2Ch 31:4 2Ch 31:9 2Ch 31:17 2Ch 31:19 2Ch 34:9 2Ch 34:12-13 2Ch 34:30 2Ch 35:3 2Ch 35:5 2Ch 35:8-11 2Ch 35:14-15 2Ch 35:18 Ezr 1:5 Ezr 2:40 Ezr 2:70 Ezr 3:8-10 Ezr 3:12 Ezr 6:16 Ezr 6:18 Ezr 6:20 Ezr 7:7 Ezr 7:13 Ezr 7:24 Ezr 8:15 Ezr 8:20 Ezr 8:29-30 Ezr 8:33 Ezr 9:1 Ezr 10:5 Ezr 10:23 Neh 3:17 Neh 7:1 Neh 7:43 Neh 7:73 Neh 8:7 Neh 8:9 Neh 8:11 Neh 8:13 Neh 9:4-5 Neh 9:38 Neh 10:9 Neh 10:28 Neh 10:34 Neh 10:37-38 Neh 11:3 Neh 11:15-16 Neh 11:18 Neh 11:20 Neh 11:22 Neh 11:36--12:1 Neh 12:8 Neh 12:22 Neh 12:24 Neh 12:27 Neh 12:30 Neh 12:44 Neh 12:47 Neh 13:5 Neh 13:10 Neh 13:13 Neh 13:22 Neh 13:29-30 Isa 66:21 Jer 33:22 Eze 44:10 Eze 45:5 Eze 48:11-13 Eze 48:22

Ma-Adai : a layman of the Bani clan, who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:34

Ma-Aseiah : a Levite worship leader in David's time,son of Adaiah; a commander who helped enthrone King Joash,a man who was a recruiting officer for King Uzziah's army,son of King Ahaz,a man who was governor of Jerusalem under King Josiah,a priest descended from Jeshua who put away his heathen wife,a priest descended from Harim who put away his heathen wife,a priest descended from Pashhur who put away his heathen wife,a layman of Pahath-Moab clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Ananiah; father of Azariah who helped repair the wall,a man who stood with Ezra when he read the law to the assembly,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law,an chief who signed the covenant to keep the law of Moses,son of Baruch of Judah; a returned exile in Jerusalem,son of Ithiel of Benjamin,a priest who helped celebrate the completion of the wall,father of Zephaniah the priest in the time of Jeremiah,a false prophet in the time of King Zedekiah of Judah,son of Shallum, a gate keeper under King Jehoiakim

1Ch 15:18 1Ch 15:20 2Ch 23:1 2Ch 26:11 2Ch 28:7 2Ch 34:8 Ezr 10:18 Ezr 10:21-22 Ezr 10:30 Neh 3:23 Neh 8:4 Neh 8:7 Neh 10:25 Neh 11:5 Neh 11:7 Neh 12:41-42 Jer 21:1 Jer 29:25 Jer 37:3 Jer 29:21 Jer 35:4

Machnadebai : a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:40

Malchijah : an English name representing two different Hebrew names,as representing the Hebrew name 'Malkiyah',son of Ethni, of Gershom of Levi; ancestor of Asaph,a priest whose descendants returned from exile; father of Pashhur,chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,a layman of the Parosh Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Harim; a repairer of the walls of Jerusalem,son of Rechab; one who repaired the Dung Gate,a man who was a goldsmith and helped repair the wall,a man who stood with Ezra when he read the law to the assembly,a priest who helped celebrate the completion of the wall,as representing the Hebrew name 'Malkiram',son of King Jehoiachin

1Ch 6:40 1Ch 9:12 Neh 11:12 1Ch 24:9 Ezr 10:25 Ezr 10:31 Neh 3:11 Neh 3:14 Neh 3:31 Neh 8:4 Neh 10:3 Neh 12:42 1Ch 3:18

Malluch : a priest and leader under Zerubbabel

1Ch 6:44 Ezr 10:29 Ezr 10:32 Neh 10:27 Neh 10:4 Neh 12:2

Manasseh : the tribe of Manasseh.

Gen 41:51 Gen 46:20 Gen 48:1 Gen 48:5 Gen 48:13-14 Gen 48:17 Gen 48:20 Gen 50:23 Num 1:10 Num 1:34-35 Num 2:20 Num 7:54 Num 10:23 Num 13:11 Num 26:28-29 Num 26:34 Num 27:1 Num 32:39-41 Num 34:23 Num 36:1 Num 36:12 Deu 3:14 Deu 33:17 Deu 34:2 Jos 13:7-8 Jos 13:31 Jos 14:4 Jos 16:4 Jos 16:9 Jos 17:1-3 Jos 17:5-6 Jos 17:12 Jos 17:17 Jos 18:7 Jos 20:8 Jos 22:7 Jos 22:30-31 Jdg 1:27 Jdg 6:15 Jdg 7:23 Jdg 12:4 Jdg 18:30 1Ki 4:13 2Ki 20:21--21:1 2Ki 21:9 2Ki 21:11 2Ki 21:16-18 2Ki 21:20 2Ki 23:12 2Ki 23:26 2Ki 24:3 1Ch 3:13 1Ch 6:61-62 1Ch 7:14 1Ch 7:17 1Ch 9:3 1Ch 12:19-20 2Ch 15:9 2Ch 30:1 2Ch 30:11 2Ch 30:18 2Ch 32:33--33:1 2Ch 33:9-11 2Ch 33:13 2Ch 33:18 2Ch 33:20 2Ch 33:22-23 2Ch 34:6 2Ch 34:9 Ezr 10:30 Ezr 10:33 Psa 60:7 Psa 80:2 Psa 108:8 Isa 9:21 Jer 15:4 Eze 48:4 Num 32:33 Num 34:14 Deu 3:13 Jos 1:12 Jos 4:12 Jos 12:6 Jos 13:29 Jos 21:5-6 Jos 21:25 Jos 21:27 Jos 22:1 Jos 22:9-11 Jos 22:13 Jos 22:15 Jos 22:21 1Ch 5:18 1Ch 5:23 1Ch 5:26 1Ch 6:70-71 1Ch 12:31 1Ch 12:37 1Ch 27:20-21 Jos 17:7-11 Jdg 6:35 Jdg 11:29 1Ch 7:29 2Ch 30:10 2Ch 31:1 Eze 48:5 2Ki 20:21--21:1 2Ki 21:9 2Ki 21:11 2Ki 21:16-18 2Ki 21:20 2Ki 23:12 2Ki 23:26 2Ki 24:3 1Ch 3:13 2Ch 32:33--33:1 2Ch 33:9-11 2Ch 33:13 2Ch 33:18 2Ch 33:20 2Ch 33:22-23 Jer 15:4 Ezr 10:30 Ezr 10:33 Mat 1:10 Rev 7:6

Mattaniah : son and secondary successor of King Josiah,son of Mica/Micaiah; a Levite of Asaph,son of Heman the Levite and worship leader under Heman & David,an Asaph Levite supervisor of temple restoration of Hezekiah's,a layman of the Elam Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Zattu Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Pahath-Moab Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Bani Clan who put away his heathen wife,ancestor of Hanan, assistant treasurer under Nehemiah

2Ki 24:17 1Ch 9:15 2Ch 20:14 Neh 11:17 Neh 11:22 Neh 12:8 Neh 12:25 Neh 12:35 1Ch 25:4 1Ch 25:16 2Ch 29:13 Ezr 10:26-27 Ezr 10:30 Ezr 10:37 Neh 13:13

Mattattah : a layman of the Hashum Clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:33

Mattenai : a layman of the Hashum Clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who put away his heathen wife; an Israelite descended from Bani,priest head of the house of Joiarib under High Priest Joiakim

Ezr 10:33 Ezr 10:37 Neh 12:19

Mattithiah : son of Shallum (Korah Levi) when exiles were returning,a Levite worship leader in David's time,son of Jeduthun the Levite worship leader under King David,a layman of the Nebo Clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who stood with Ezra when he read the law to the assembly

1Ch 9:31 1Ch 15:18 1Ch 15:21 1Ch 16:5 1Ch 25:3 1Ch 25:21 Ezr 10:43 Neh 8:4

Meremoth : son of Uriah the priest,a layman of the Bani Clan who put away his heathen wife,priest leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel

Ezr 8:33 Neh 3:4 Neh 3:21 Ezr 10:36 Neh 10:5 Neh 12:3

Meshullam : grandfather of Shaphan, King Josiah's secretary,son of Zerubbabel,son of Abihail; a founding father of one of the clans of Gad,son of Elpaal of Benjamin,son of Hodaviah of Benjamin,son of Shephatiah of Benjamin,a high priest; son of Zadok II,son of Meshillemith; a priest,a Kohath Levite overseer of temple restoration for King Josiah,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a man who opposed the Jews putting away their heathen wives,a layman of the Bani Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Berechiah son of Meshezabel; a repairer of the wall,son of Besodeiah; a man who helped repair a gate in the wall,a man who stood with Ezra when he publicly read the law to the assembly,a priest who signed the covenant to keep God's law,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law,son of Joed of Benjamin; father of Sallu, a returned exile,a priest and head of the house of Ezra under High Priest Joiakim in the time of Nehemiah,a priest, head of the house of Ginnethon in Nehemiah's time,a man who was a gate keeper in the time of Nehemiah

2Ki 22:3 1Ch 3:19 1Ch 5:13 1Ch 8:17 1Ch 9:7-8 1Ch 9:11 Neh 11:11 1Ch 9:12 2Ch 34:12 Ezr 8:16 Ezr 10:15 Ezr 10:29 Neh 3:4 Neh 3:30 Neh 6:18 Neh 3:6 Neh 8:4 Neh 10:7 Neh 10:20 Neh 11:7 Neh 12:13 Neh 12:33 Neh 12:16 Neh 12:25

Mijamin : chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,a layman of the Parosh Clan who put away his heathen wife,priest and leader of some returnees from exile with Zerubbabel

1Ch 24:9 Ezr 10:25 Neh 10:7 Neh 12:5

Nathan : a son of David; the father of Mattatha; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of David and Bathsheba,brother of Joel in David's army; a prophet,father of Igal, one of David's military elite; a man from Zobah,father of Azariah and Zabud, priestly officials of King Solomon,son of Attai of Judah,brother of Joel, one of David's military elite,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife

2Sa 5:14 1Ch 3:5 1Ch 14:4 Zec 12:12 2Sa 7:2-4 2Sa 7:17 2Sa 12:1 2Sa 12:5 2Sa 12:7 2Sa 12:13 2Sa 12:15 2Sa 12:25 1Ki 1:8 1Ki 1:10-11 1Ki 1:22-24 1Ki 1:32 1Ki 1:34 1Ki 1:38 1Ki 1:44-45 1Ch 11:38 1Ch 17:1-3 1Ch 17:15 1Ch 29:29 2Ch 9:29 2Ch 29:25 Ezr 10:39 Psa 51:1 2Sa 23:36 1Ki 4:5 1Ch 2:36 1Ch 11:38 Ezr 8:16 Ezr 10:39 Luk 3:31

Nebo (31° 44´, 35° 44´); (31° 36´, 35° 2´) : a town in Moab (on the east side of the Jordan),a mountain in Reuben, 15 km east of the mouth of the Jordan River,a town in Judah (IBD).,the Babylonian deity Nabu, son of Bel (Marduk),the forefather of some men who put away their heathen wives

Num 32:3 Num 32:38 Num 33:47 1Ch 5:8 Isa 15:2 Jer 48:1 Jer 48:22 Deu 32:49 Deu 34:1 Ezr 2:29 Neh 7:33 Isa 46:1 Ezr 10:43

Nethanel : son of Zuar; Moses' officer over the tribe of Issachar,son of Jesse of Judah; brother of David,a priest in David's time,a Levite and father of the scribe Shemaiah in David's time,son of Obed-Edom; a Levite gatekeeper,a prince King Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,a priest of the Pashhur Clan who put away his heathen wife,a priest and head of the house of Jedaiah under Joiakim,a Levite musician who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall

Num 1:8 Num 2:5 Num 7:18 Num 7:23 Num 10:15 1Ch 2:14 1Ch 15:24 1Ch 24:6 1Ch 26:4 2Ch 17:7 2Ch 35:9 Ezr 10:22 Neh 12:21 Neh 12:36

Pahath-Moab : a man whose descendants returned from exile in Babylon,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law

Ezr 2:6 Ezr 8:4 Ezr 10:30 Neh 3:11 Neh 7:11 Neh 10:14

Pahath-moab : a man whose descendants returned from exile in Babylon,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law

Ezr 2:6 Ezr 8:4 Ezr 10:30 Neh 3:11 Neh 7:11 Neh 10:14

Parosh : a man whose "sons" (descendants) returned from exile in Babylon,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law

Ezr 2:3 Ezr 8:3 Ezr 10:25 Neh 3:25 Neh 7:8 Neh 10:14

Pashhur : son of Malchijah; a priest whose children returned from exile,a priest who signed the covenant to keep God's law,son of Immer; priest, temple chief, and Jeremiah's enemy,son of Malchiah in the time of Jeremiah

1Ch 9:12 Ezr 2:38 Ezr 10:22 Neh 7:41 Neh 11:12 Neh 10:3 Jer 20:1-3 Jer 20:6 Jer 38:1 Jer 21:1 Jer 38:1

Pethahiah : chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,son of Meshezabel (Zerah Judah); King's Judean affairs advisor

1Ch 24:16 Ezr 10:23 Neh 9:5 Neh 11:24

Ramiah : a layman of the Parosh Clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:25

Shabbethai : a Levite who objected to Israel's putting away heathen wives,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law,a Levite supervisor for rebuilding the temple under Nehemiah

Ezr 10:15 Neh 8:7 Neh 11:16

Shallum : son of Jabesh; the assassin and successor of king Jeroboam,son of Tikvah; husband of Huldah the prophetess under Josiah,son of Sismai of Judah,son of King Josiah,son of Shaul son of Simeon,a high priest; son of Zadok II,son of Naphtali,son of Kore the Levite; a chief temple Porter under Nehemiah,father of Jehizkiah, chief minister of King Pekah,a Levite gatekeeper who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Hallohesh, ruler of part of Jerusalem under Nehemiah; helped repair the walls of Jerusalem,son of Col-Hozeh; ruler of the Mizpah district under Nehemiah and helped Nehemiah repair Jerusalem's gates,father of Hanamel; uncle of the prophet Jeremiah,father of Ma-Aseiah, temple gate keeper in Jeremiah's time

2Ki 15:10 2Ki 15:13-15 2Ki 22:14 2Ch 34:22 1Ch 2:40-41 1Ch 3:15 Jer 22:11 1Ch 4:25 1Ch 6:12-13 Ezr 7:2 1Ch 7:13 1Ch 9:17 1Ch 9:19 1Ch 9:31 Ezr 2:42 Neh 7:45 2Ch 28:12 Ezr 10:24 Ezr 10:42 Neh 3:12 Neh 3:15 Jer 32:7 Jer 35:4

Sharai : a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:40

Shashai : a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:40

Sheal : a layman of the Bani Clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:29

Shecaniah : son of Obadiah of Zerubbabel of David,the chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,a Levite assistant manager of temple offerings under Hezekiah,son of Jahaziel; post-exile leader of the Zattu Clan,son of Jehiel of the clan of Elam,father of Shemaiah, a wall rebuilder and guard of the east gate,son of Arah; father-in-law of Tobiah, Nehemiah's enemy,priestly leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel

1Ch 3:21-22 Ezr 8:3 1Ch 24:11 2Ch 31:15 Ezr 8:5 Ezr 10:2 Neh 3:29 Neh 6:18 Neh 12:3

Shelemiah : a Levite who had charge of the east gate in David's time,a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife,father of Hananiah who repaired part of the wall of Jerusalem,a priestly treasurer over the storehouses under Nehemiah,son of Cushi in Jehoiakim's time; grandfather of Jehudi,son of Abdeel; an officer of King Jehoiakim of Judah,father of Jehucal, messenger of King Zedekiah to Jeremiah,son of Hananiah; father of Irijah, Zedekiah's sentry

1Ch 26:14 Ezr 10:39 Ezr 10:41 Neh 3:30 Neh 13:13 Jer 36:14 Jer 36:26 Jer 37:3 Jer 38:1 Jer 37:13

Shemaiah : a prophet in the days of Rehoboam,son of Shecaniah (Hananiah Zerubbabel David Judah),forefather of Ziza, a prince of the tribe of Simeon,son of Joel of Reuben,son of Hasshub; a Levite leader of some returned exiles,son of Galal; a Levite whose descendants returned from exile,son of Elizaphan (Kohath Levi),son of Nethanel, a Levite and scribe in David's time,son of Obed-Edom; a pre-exile Levite gatekeeper,a Levite whom Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,a Levite leader of the Jeduthun Clan in Hezekiah's time,a Levite manager of temple offerings under King Hezekiah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,a leader of the Adonikam Clan back from exile,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a priest of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Shecaniah; keeper of the East Gate under Nehemiah,son of Delaiah son of Mehetabel; an agent of Nehemiah's enemies,son of Mattaniah; priestly leader among the returned exiles,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a priest who helped dedicate the wall,father of a prophet (Uriah?) from Kiriath-Jearim that Jehoiakim executed,a deceived leader in exile who demanded Jeremiah's execution,father of Delaiah, a prince of Judah in the time of Jehoiakim

1Ki 12:22 2Ch 11:2 2Ch 12:5 2Ch 12:7 2Ch 12:15 1Ch 3:22 1Ch 4:37 1Ch 5:4 1Ch 9:14 Neh 11:15 1Ch 9:16 1Ch 15:8 1Ch 15:11 1Ch 24:6 1Ch 26:4 1Ch 26:6-7 2Ch 17:8 2Ch 29:14 2Ch 31:15 2Ch 35:9 Ezr 8:13 Ezr 8:16 Ezr 10:21 Ezr 10:31 Neh 3:29 Neh 6:10 Neh 10:8 Neh 12:6 Neh 12:18 Neh 12:34-36 Neh 12:42 Jer 26:20 Jer 29:24 Jer 29:31-32 Jer 36:12

Shemariah : one of the Benjamite men who defected to David at Ziklag,son of Rehoboam and Mahalath,a layman of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife

1Ch 12:5 2Ch 11:19 Ezr 10:32 Ezr 10:41

Shime-i : son of Gershon/Gershom son of Levi,the son of Gera of Benjamin,son of Jesse (Judah); father of Jonathan who killed a giant,a man who was a friend of kings David and Solomon,son of Ela, Moses' land distribution deputy for Benjamin,son of Pedaiah son of King Jehoiachin,son of Zaccur of Simeon,son of Gog of Reuben,son of Libni of Merari of Levi,the head of a clan of Benjamin; son of Elpaal?,a man who was a descendant of Ladan/Libni son of Levi (WZ),son of Jeduthun (Levi); worship leader under Jeduthun and David,a man of Ramoth; David's supervisor of vineyards,son of Heman (David's seer) of Samuel of Kohath of Levi,an officer of the temple store house under King Hezekiah,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Hashum Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Kish; founding father of the clan of Shime-i of Benjamin

Exo 6:17 Num 3:18 1Ch 6:17 1Ch 6:42 1Ch 23:7 1Ch 23:10 2Sa 16:5 2Sa 16:7 2Sa 16:13 2Sa 19:16 2Sa 19:18 2Sa 19:21 2Sa 19:23 1Ki 2:8 1Ki 2:36 1Ki 2:38-42 1Ki 2:44 1Ki 2:46 2Sa 21:21 1Ki 1:8 1Ki 4:18 1Ch 3:19 1Ch 4:26-27 1Ch 5:4 1Ch 6:29 1Ch 8:21 1Ch 23:9 1Ch 25:3 1Ch 25:17 1Ch 27:27 2Ch 29:14 2Ch 31:12-13 Ezr 10:23 Ezr 10:33 Ezr 10:38 Est 2:5

Shimeon : a layman of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:31

Telem (31° 9´, 35° 3´) : a town of south-eastern Judah,a Levite gatekeeper who put away his heathen wife

Jos 15:24 Ezr 10:24

Tikvah : son of Harhas; father of Shallum, keeper of Josiah's wardrobe,father of Jahzeiah who opposed the dismissal of heathen wives

2Ki 22:14 Ezr 10:15

Uel : a layman of the Bani Clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:34

Uri : son of Hur of Judah,father of Geber, Solomon's administrator for the land of Gilead,a Levite gatekeeper who put away his heathen wife

Exo 31:2 Exo 35:30 Exo 38:22 1Ch 2:20 2Ch 1:5 1Ki 4:19 Ezr 10:24

Uzziah : a son of Jehoram; the father of Jotham; an ancestor of Jesus.,son and successor of king Amaziah of Judah,son of Uriel of Kohath son of Levi,father of Jonathan, the head of country treasuries under David,a priest of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Zechariah; father of Athaiah of Judah, a returned exile

2Ki 15:13 2Ki 15:30 2Ki 15:32 2Ki 15:34 2Ch 26:1 2Ch 26:3 2Ch 26:8-9 2Ch 26:11 2Ch 26:14 2Ch 26:18-19 2Ch 26:21-23 2Ch 27:2 Isa 1:1 Isa 6:1 Isa 7:1 Hos 1:1 Amo 1:1 Zec 14:5 1Ch 6:24 1Ch 27:25 Ezr 10:21 Neh 11:4 Mat 1:8-9

Vaniah : a layman of the Bani Clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:36

Zabad : son of Nathan of Judah,son of Tahath II of Ephraim,son of Ahlai; one of King David's military elite,son of Shimeath the Ammonitess; one who conspired against King Joash,a layman of the Zattu Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman from the Hashum Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Nebo Clan who put away his heathen wife

1Ch 2:36-37 1Ch 7:21 1Ch 11:41 2Ch 24:26 Ezr 10:27 Ezr 10:33 Ezr 10:43

Zabbai : a man of the Bebai Clan who put away his heathen wife,father of Baruch who helped repair the wall of Jerusalem

Ezr 10:28 Neh 3:20

Zattu : a man whose descendants returned from exile in Babylon,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law

Ezr 2:8 Ezr 8:5 Ezr 10:27 Neh 7:13 Neh 10:14

Zebadiah : son of Beriah of Benjamin,son of Elpaal of Benjamin,son of Jeroham of Gedor (Benjamin) who defected to David,son of Meshelemiah; a pre-exile Levite gatekeeper,son of Asahel, the brother of Joab,a Levite whom Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,son of Ishmael; governor of the clan of Judah under Jehoshaphat,son of Michael who lead the Shephatiah clan back from exile,a priest of the Immer Clan who put away his heathen wife

1Ch 8:15 1Ch 8:17 1Ch 12:7 1Ch 26:2 1Ch 27:7 2Ch 17:8 2Ch 19:11 Ezr 8:8 Ezr 10:20

Zebina : a layman of the Nebo Clan who put away his heathen wife

Ezr 10:43

Zechariah : the father of John the baptist,a son of Berekiah, a righteous man who was killed by the Jewish authorities,son and successor of King Jeroboam,father of Abi, the mother of King Hezekiah,a leader of the tribe of Reuben,son of Meshelemiah; a door keeper for the tent of meeting,son of Jeiel and Maacah of Gibeon,a Levite gate keeper and harpist in David's time,a priest and trumpeter in David's time,son of Isshiah (Uzziel Kohath Levi),son of Hosah; a pre-exile Levite gatekeeper,a man of Manasseh in Gilead in Saul and David's time,a prince whom Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,son of Benaiah (Asaph Levi),son of King Jehoshaphat,son of Jehoiada the priest; a prophet,a man who influenced King Uzziah for good,a Levite (Asaph) who helped Hezekiah cleanse the temple,a Levite (Kohath) who helped King Josiah restore the temple,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,son of Berechiah; a priest; writer of the book of Zechariah,leader among the Parosh clansmen who returned from exile,son of Bebai; leader among Bebai clansmen returned from exile,a lay man of the Elam Clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who stood with Ezra when he read the law to the assembly,son of Amariah of Judah,a descendant of Shelah,son of Pashhur; a priest whose descendants returned from exile,son of Jonathan (Asaph Levi),son of Jeberechiah; a witness to Isaiah's prophesy

2Ki 14:29 2Ki 15:8 2Ki 15:11 2Ki 18:2 2Ch 29:1 1Ch 5:7 1Ch 9:21 1Ch 26:2 1Ch 26:14 1Ch 9:37 1Ch 15:18 1Ch 15:20 1Ch 16:5 1Ch 15:24 1Ch 24:25 1Ch 26:11 1Ch 27:21 2Ch 17:7 2Ch 20:14 2Ch 21:2 2Ch 24:20 2Ch 24:22 2Ch 26:5 2Ch 29:13 2Ch 34:12 2Ch 35:8 Ezr 5:1 Ezr 6:14 Neh 12:16 Zec 1:1 Zec 1:7 Zec 7:1 Zec 7:8 Ezr 8:3 Ezr 8:11 Ezr 8:16 Ezr 10:26 Neh 8:4 Neh 11:4-5 Neh 11:12 Neh 12:35 Neh 12:41 Isa 8:2 Luk 1:5 Luk 1:12-13 Luk 1:18 Luk 1:21 Luk 1:40 Luk 1:59 Luk 1:67 Luk 3:2 Mat 23:35 Luk 11:51

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