Also see definition of "Trinity" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Other Depictions of the Trinity
The Trinity at Christ's Baptism
The Trinity in Various Compositions
Various Subjects Connected to the Trinity
The Trinity with the Crucified Christ
The Trinity with Christ as a Child
The Trinity with Christ's Body Held by the Father
The Trinity at the Coronation of the Virgin
The Trinity Appearing to St.s and Others
Holy Trinity
Trinity, The
Homecoming of the Christ #2
Homecoming of the Christ #4

(60 Pictures)
Baptism of Christ, The
Baptism of Christ
Baptism of Christ, The
Baptism of Christ, The

(33 Pictures)
Holy Trinity, St. Jerome, and two St.s, The
Disputation over the Trinity
Trinity and mystic pietà , The
Trinity, The

(102 Pictures)
Disputation over the Trinity
Adoration of the Trinity, The
Christ with the symbol of the Trinity
Adoration of the name of the Lord, The

(19 Pictures)
Holy Trinity, St. Jerome, and two St.s, The
Disputation over the Trinity
Trinity, The
Trinity, The

(66 Pictures)
Holy family
Madonna and child
Repose on the flight into Egypt
Heavenly host, The

(25 Pictures)
Holy Trinity
Trinity and the dead Christ supported by angels, The
Trinity, The
Landscape with St. Augustine and the mystery of the Trinity

(40 Pictures)
Coronation of the Virgin, The
Assumption and coronation of the Virgin, The
Assumption and coronation of the Virgin, The
Coronation of the Virgin, The

(37 Pictures)
Model of a tomb
Pope St. Clement adoring the Trinity
Vision of the Trinity appearing to Pope St. Clement, A
(3 Pictures)