Genesis 18:21
ContextNETBible | that I must go down 1 and see if they are as wicked as the outcry suggests. 2 If not, 3 I want to know.” |
XREF | Ge 11:5,7; Ex 3:8; Ex 33:5; De 8:2; De 13:3; Jos 22:22; Job 34:22; Ps 90:8; Ps 139:1-24; Jer 17:1,10; Mic 1:3; Zep 1:12; Lu 16:15; Joh 6:38; 2Co 11:11; 1Th 4:16; Heb 4:13 |
NET © Notes |
1 tn The cohortative indicates the sn I must go down. The descent to “see” Sodom is a bold anthropomorphism, stressing the careful judgment of God. The language is reminiscent of the 2 tn Heb “[if] according to the outcry that has come to me they have done completely.” Even the 3 sn The short phrase if not provides a ray of hope and inspires Abraham’s intercession. |