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NETBible: Strong -- 4160

poieo <4160>

poiew poieo

Origin:apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary
Reference:TDNT - 6:458,895
In Greek:epoiei 12, epoihsa 10, epoihsamen 2, epoihsamhn 1, epoihsan 15, epoihsate 8, epoihsav 6, epoihsen 75, epoioun 3, epoiounto 1, pepoihka 2, pepoihkamen 1, pepoihkate 1, pepoihkeisan 1, pepoihken 5, pepoihkenai 1, pepoihkosin 1, pepoihkotev 1, pepoihkotov 1, pepoihkwv 2, pepoihmenwn 1, poiei 32, poiein 24, poieisyai 3, poieisye 1, poieitai 1, poieite 35, poieitw 2, poieiv 13, poih 3, poihsai 46, poihsaien 1, poihsamenoi 1, poihsamenov 2, poihsantev 7, poihsanti 3, poihsasan 1, poihsasyai 1, poihsate 11, poihsatw 2, poihsav 20, poihsei 17, poihseiv 3, poihsete 2, poihsh 9, poihshte 1, poihshv 1, poihsomen 4, poihsomeya 1, poihson 9, poihsousin 5, poihsw 25, poihswmen 8, poihswn 1, poihswsin 4, poihte 7, poihv 5, poioumai 2, poioumen 4, poioumenoi 1, poioumenov 5, poioun 6, poiounta 5, poiountai 1, poiountav 3, poiountev 7, poiounti 2, poiountov 1, poiousin 11, poiousin]] 1, poiw 23, poiwmen 2, poiwn 27, poiwsin 4, [poihson 1
In NET:do 47, to do 29, did 20, made 18, does 16, make 11, I do 11, had done 10, you do 10, to make 9, are you doing 8, practices 7, Do 7, has done 6, you are doing 6, he did 6, making 5, he does 5, treat 5, will do 5, produce 5, have done 4, you did 4, doing 4, performed 4, gave 4, should we do 4, me to do 4, should I do 4, I am doing 4, must I do 3, I will do 3, I will make 3, had performed 3, has he done 3, had made 3, bears 3, has made 3, performing 2, is doing 2, to execute 2, to bear 2, appointed 2, by doing 2, should do 2, must do 2, are doing 2, am doing 2, makes 2, they did 2, they had done 2, Let us make 2, he is doing 2, done 2, he made 2, I will turn 2, was performing 2, I ever did 2, he had done 2, you make 2, you host 2, you did do 2, He has done 2, was doing 2, I made 2, does do 2, perform 2, Make 2, does bear 2, he was performing 2, does practice 2, had happened 1, deeds 1, grows 1, gives away 1, do me to do 1, commits 1, do do 1, has appointed 1, could cause 1, committed 1, did I commit 1, did you do 1, does produce 1, did will he 1, did he do 1, does the works 1, do you claim 1, formed 1, did do 1, forcing 1, follow 1, give 1, are done 1, I do perform 1, I had performed 1, I do do 1, I did 1, I am now doing 1, I have done 1, I performed 1, I will observe your 1, I will continue to do 1, I spent 1, I remember 1, I am making 1, I acted 1, Do make 1, Have 1, Did make 1, After spent 1, After had spent 1, He caused 1, He committed 1, He performed 1, He has demonstrated 1, He exercised 1, He even makes 1, I wrote 1, Let them do 1, are turning into 1, are we doing 1, are they doing 1, after forming 1, act 1, as well as 1, at work 1, can do 1, bringing 1, bore 1, be offered 1, accomplish 1, a criminal 1, They did 1, They will do 1, She did 1, She continued to do 1, Provide 1, They will put 1, Treat 1, You will do 1, You have appointed 1, You do 1, When they had done 1, claiming 1, he have done 1, used to make 1, was winning 1, to satisfy 1, to release 1, to pray 1, we intend to do 1, we make 1, who claims 1, when remember 1, when had accomplished 1, were doing 1, to perform 1, to obey 1, they would do 1, to be put 1, they will do 1, they treated 1, they prepared 1, to become 1, to carry out 1, to help 1, to go 1, to exercise 1, to display 1, who formed 1, who had done 1, you are performing 1, you are practicing 1, yielding 1, working 1, work 1, you have done 1, you have made 1, you would be doing 1, you practice 1, you made 1, you have turned 1, will you perform 1, will you do was done 1, who practices 1, who shows 1, who makes 1, who made 1, who have done 1, will accomplish 1, will execute 1, will produce 1, will perform 1, will make 1, will he do 1, they had made 1, they do practice 1, he was doing 1, he will do 1, he perform 1, he kept 1, you would do 1, he will give 1, in an attempt 1, it bears 1, is performing 1, indulging 1, in doing 1, he has done 1, he has committed 1, have you made 1, have you treated 1, have you done 1, have turned 1, have been 1, he accomplished 1, he acted 1, he had made 1, he did do 1, he created 1, he claimed 1, keep out 1, keeps 1, she did 1, she has done 1, remember 1, puts 1, put into practice 1, showed 1, spend 1, they can do 1, they began throwing 1, they are doing 1, take up 1, producing 1, produced 1, must we do 1, obey 1, must continue to act 1, mention 1, make provision 1, obeys 1, of created things 1, pray 1, practicing 1, practice 1, performs 1, has shown 1
In AV:do 357, make 113, bring forth 14, commit 9, cause 9, work 8, show 5, bear 4, keep 4, fulfil 3, deal 2, perform 2, not tr 3, misc 43, vr do 3
Definition:1) to make
1a) with the names of things made, to produce, construct,
form, fashion, etc.
1b) to be the authors of, the cause
1c) to make ready, to prepare
1d) to produce, bear, shoot forth
1e) to acquire, to provide a thing for one's self
1f) to make a thing out of something
1g) to (make i.e.) render one anything
1g1) to (make i.e.) constitute or appoint one anything, to
appoint or ordain one that
1g2) to (make i.e.) declare one anything
1h) to put one forth, to lead him out
1i) to make one do something
1i1) cause one to
1j) to be the authors of a thing (to cause, bring about)
2) to do
2a) to act rightly, do well
2a1) to carry out, to execute
2b) to do a thing unto one
2b1) to do to one
2c) with designation of time: to pass, spend
2d) to celebrate, keep
2d1) to make ready, and so at the same time to institute,
the celebration of the passover
2e) to perform: to a promise

Synonym : See Definition 5871
and 5911
apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in
a very wide application, more or less direct):-abide, + agree,
appoint, X avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth),
cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any
delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have,
hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make, X
mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform,
provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure, shew, X
shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield.
Compare 4238.
see GREEK for 4238

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