(0.50) | Exo 20:7 | “You shall not take 1 the name of the Lord your God in vain, 2 for the Lord will not hold guiltless 3 anyone who takes his name in vain. |
(0.50) | Exo 31:15 | Six days 1 work may be done, 2 but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of complete rest, 3 holy to the Lord; anyone who does work on the Sabbath day must surely be put to death. |
(0.50) | Deu 6:7 | and you must teach 1 them to your children and speak of them as you sit in your house, as you walk along the road, 2 as you lie down, and as you get up. |
(0.50) | Deu 24:20 | When you beat your olive tree you must not repeat the procedure; 1 the remaining olives belong to the resident foreigner, orphan, and widow. |
(0.50) | Jos 1:9 | I repeat, 1 be strong and brave! Don’t be afraid and don’t panic, 2 for I, the Lord your God, am with you in all you do.” 3 |
(0.50) | 2Ch 30:7 | Don’t be like your fathers and brothers who were unfaithful to the Lord God of their ancestors, 1 provoking him to destroy them, 2 as you can see. |
(0.50) | Neh 13:21 | But I warned them and said, 1 “Why do you spend the night by the wall? If you repeat this, I will forcibly remove you!” 2 From that time on they did not show up on the Sabbath. 3 |
(0.50) | Ecc 10:20 | Do not curse a king even in your thoughts, and do not curse the rich 1 while in your bedroom; 2 for a bird 3 might report what you are thinking, 4 or some winged creature 5 might repeat your 6 words. 7 |
(0.50) | Jer 19:2 | Go out to the part of the Hinnom Valley which is near the entrance of the Potsherd Gate. 1 Announce there what I tell you. 2 |
(0.50) | Eze 44:6 | Say to the rebellious, 1 to the house of Israel, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Enough of all your abominable practices, O house of Israel! |
(0.50) | Joh 1:33 | And I did not recognize him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘The one on whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining – this is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ |
(0.50) | 2Co 13:2 | I said before when I was present the second time and now, though absent, I say again to those who sinned previously and to all the rest, that if I come again, I will not spare anyone, 1 |
(0.40) | Lev 16:15 | “He must then slaughter the sin offering goat which is for the people. He is to bring its blood inside the veil-canopy, 1 and he is to do with its blood just as he did to the blood of the bull: He is to sprinkle it on the atonement plate and in front of the atonement plate. |
(0.40) | Deu 27:3 | Then you must inscribe on them all the words of this law when you cross over, so that you may enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, a land flowing with milk and honey just as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, 1 said to you. |
(0.40) | Jer 31:32 | It will not be like the old 1 covenant that I made with their ancestors 2 when I delivered them 3 from Egypt. For they violated that covenant, even though I was like a faithful husband to them,” 4 says the Lord. 5 |
(0.40) | Hab 3:2 | Lord, I have heard the report of what you did; 1 I am awed, 2 Lord, by what you accomplished. 3 In our time 4 repeat those deeds; 5 in our time reveal them again. 6 But when you cause turmoil, remember to show us mercy! 7 |