(0.56) | Psa 119:161 | שׂ/שׁ (Sin/Shin) Rulers pursue me for no reason, yet I am more afraid of disobeying your instructions. 1 |
(0.56) | Psa 143:12 | As a demonstration of your loyal love, 1 destroy my enemies! Annihilate 2 all who threaten my life, 3 for I am your servant. |
(0.56) | Ecc 7:23 | I have examined all this by wisdom; I said, “I am determined 1 to comprehend this” 2 – but it was beyond my grasp. 3 |
(0.56) | Sos 1:5 | The Beloved to the Maidens: I am dark but lovely, O maidens 1 of Jerusalem, dark 2 like the tents of Qedar, 3 lovely 4 like the tent curtains 5 of Salmah. 6 |
(0.56) | Sos 2:5 | Sustain 1 me with raisin cakes, 2 refresh me with apples, 3 for I am faint with love. 4 The Double Refrain: Embracing and Adjuration |
(0.56) | Sos 5:8 | The Beloved to the Maidens: O maidens of Jerusalem, I command you – If you find my beloved, what will you tell him? Tell him that I am lovesick! 1 |
(0.56) | Sos 6:3 | The Beloved about Her Lover: I am my lover’s 1 and my lover is mine; 2 he grazes among the lilies. |
(0.56) | Isa 6:8 | I heard the voice of the sovereign master say, “Whom will I send? Who will go on our behalf?” 1 I answered, “Here I am, send me!” |
(0.56) | Isa 13:17 | Look, I am stirring up the Medes to attack them; 1 they are not concerned about silver, nor are they interested in gold. 2 |
(0.56) | Isa 21:8 | Then the guard 1 cries out: “On the watchtower, O sovereign master, 2 I stand all day long; at my post I am stationed every night. |
(0.56) | Isa 22:4 | So I say: “Don’t look at me! 1 I am weeping bitterly. Don’t try 2 to console me concerning the destruction of my defenseless people.” 3 |
(0.56) | Isa 27:4 | I am not angry. I wish I could confront some thorns and briers! Then I would march against them 1 for battle; I would set them 2 all on fire, |
(0.56) | Isa 38:10 | “I thought, 1 ‘In the middle of my life 2 I must walk through the gates of Sheol, I am deprived 3 of the rest of my years.’ |
(0.56) | Isa 38:15 | What can I say? He has decreed and acted. 1 I will walk slowly all my years because I am overcome with grief. 2 |
(0.56) | Isa 41:14 | Don’t be afraid, despised insignificant Jacob, 1 men of 2 Israel. I am helping you,” says the Lord, your protector, 3 the Holy One of Israel. 4 |
(0.56) | Isa 42:8 | I am the Lord! That is my name! I will not share my glory with anyone else, or the praise due me with idols. |
(0.56) | Isa 43:5 | Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. From the east I will bring your descendants; from the west I will gather you. |
(0.56) | Isa 43:12 | I decreed and delivered and proclaimed, and there was no other god among you. You are my witnesses,” says the Lord, “that I am God. |
(0.56) | Isa 43:13 | From this day forward I am he; no one can deliver from my power; 1 I will act, and who can prevent it?” |
(0.56) | Isa 45:5 | I am the Lord, I have no peer, 1 there is no God but me. I arm you for battle, 2 even though you do not recognize 3 me. |