3:5 Let darkness and the deepest
shadow claim it;
let a cloud settle on it;
let whatever blackens the day terrify it!
10:21 before I depart, never to return,
to the land of darkness
and the deepest shadow,
10:22 to the land of utter darkness,
like the deepest darkness,
and the deepest shadow and disorder,
where even the light is like darkness.”
12:22 He reveals the deep things of darkness,
and brings deep shadows into the light.
24:17 For all of them, the morning is to them
like deep darkness;
they are friends with the terrors of darkness.
28:3 Man puts an end to the darkness;
he searches the farthest recesses
for the ore in the deepest darkness.
34:22 There is no darkness, and no deep darkness,
where evildoers can hide themselves.