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Exodus 7:19-20

And the LORD
<0559> (8799)
unto Moses
<0559> (8798)
unto Aaron
<03947> (8798)
thy rod
and stretch out
<05186> (8798)
thine hand
upon the waters
of Egypt
upon their streams
upon their rivers
and upon their ponds
and upon all their pools
of water
that they may become blood
and [that] there may be blood
throughout all the land
of Egypt
both in [vessels of] wood
and in [vessels of] stone
{pools...: Heb. gathering of their waters}
And Moses
and Aaron
<06213> (8799)
so, as the LORD
<06680> (8765)_;
and he lifted up
<07311> (8686)
the rod
and smote
<05221> (8686)
the waters
that [were] in the river
in the sight
of Pharaoh
and in the sight
of his servants
and all the waters
that [were] in the river
were turned
<02015> (8735)
to blood

Exodus 8:9

And Moses
<0559> (8799)
unto Pharaoh
<06286> (8690)
over me: when
shall I intreat
<06279> (8686)
for thee, and for thy servants
and for thy people
to destroy
<03772> (8687)
the frogs
from thee and thy houses
[that] they may remain
<07604> (8735)
in the river
only? {Glory...: or, Have this honour over me, etc} {when: or, against when} {to destroy: Heb. to cut off}

Exodus 8:22

And I will sever
<06395> (8689)
in that day
the land
of Goshen
in which my people
<05975> (8802)_,
that no
[of flies] shall be
<01961> (8800)
there; to the end
thou mayest know
<03045> (8799)
that I [am] the LORD
in the midst
of the earth

Exodus 9:19

<07971> (8798)
therefore now, [and] gather
<05756> (8685)
thy cattle
and all that thou hast in the field
[for upon] every man
and beast
which shall be found
<04672> (8735)
in the field
and shall not be brought
<0622> (8735)
the hail
shall come down
<03381> (8804)
upon them, and they shall die
<04191> (8804)_.

Exodus 10:2

And that thou mayest tell
<05608> (8762)
in the ears
of thy son
and of thy son's
what things I have wrought
<05953> (8694)
in Egypt
and my signs
which I have done
<07760> (8804)
among them; that ye may know
<03045> (8804)
how that I [am] the LORD

Exodus 10:5

And they shall cover
<03680> (8765)
the face
of the earth
that one cannot be able
<03201> (8799)
to see
<07200> (8800)
the earth
and they shall eat
<0398> (8804)
the residue
of that which is escaped
which remaineth
<07604> (8737)
unto you from the hail
and shall eat
<0398> (8804)
every tree
which groweth
<06779> (8802)
for you out of the field
{face: Heb. eye}

Exodus 10:15

For they covered
<03680> (8762)
the face
of the whole earth
so that the land
was darkened
<02821> (8799)_;
and they did eat
<0398> (8799)
every herb
of the land
and all the fruit
of the trees
which the hail
had left
<03498> (8689)_:
and there remained
<03498> (8738)
not any green thing
in the trees
or in the herbs
of the field
through all the land
of Egypt

Exodus 12:13

And the blood
shall be to you for a token
upon the houses
where ye [are]: and when I see
<07200> (8804)
the blood
I will pass
<06452> (8804)
over you, and the plague
shall not be upon you to destroy
[you], when I smite
<05221> (8687)
the land
of Egypt
{to destroy...: Heb. for a destruction}

Exodus 14:4

And I will harden
<02388> (8765)
that he shall follow
<07291> (8804)
them; and I will be honoured
<03513> (8735)
upon Pharaoh
and upon all his host
that the Egyptians
may know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
And they did
<06213> (8799)

Exodus 14:27

And Moses
stretched forth
<05186> (8799)
his hand
over the sea
and the sea
<07725> (8799)
to his strength
when the morning
<06437> (8800)_;
and the Egyptians
<05127> (8801)
<07125> (8800)
it; and the LORD
<05287> (8762)
the Egyptians
in the midst
of the sea
{overthrew: Heb. shook off}

Exodus 16:4

Then said
<0559> (8799)
the LORD
unto Moses
Behold, I will rain
<04305> (8688)
from heaven
for you; and the people
shall go out
<03318> (8804)
and gather
<03950> (8804)
a certain rate
every day
<03117> <03117>_,
that I may prove
<05254> (8762)
them, whether they will walk
<03212> (8799)
in my law
or no. {a certain...: Heb. the portion of a day in his day}

Exodus 16:32

And Moses
<0559> (8799)_,
This [is] the thing
which the LORD
<06680> (8765)_,
an omer
of it to be kept
for your generations
that they may see
<07200> (8799)
the bread
wherewith I have fed
<0398> (8689)
you in the wilderness
when I brought you forth
<03318> (8687)
from the land
of Egypt

Exodus 17:12

But Moses
[were] heavy
and they took
<03947> (8799)
a stone
and put
<07760> (8799)
[it] under him, and he sat
<03427> (8799)
thereon; and Aaron
and Hur
stayed up
<08551> (8804)
his hands
the one on the one side
and the other on the other side
and his hands
were steady
until the going down
<0935> (8800)
of the sun

Exodus 18:22

And let them judge
<08199> (8804)
the people
at all seasons
and it shall be, [that] every great
they shall bring
<0935> (8686)
unto thee, but every small
they shall judge
<08199> (8799)_:
so shall it be easier
<07043> (8685)
for thyself, and they shall bear
<05375> (8804)
[the burden] with thee.

Exodus 23:11

But the seventh
[year] thou shalt let it rest
<08058> (8799)
and lie
<05203> (8804)
still; that the poor
of thy people
may eat
<0398> (8804)_:
and what they leave
the beasts
of the field
shall eat
<0398> (8799)_.
In like manner thou shalt deal
<06213> (8799)
with thy vineyard
[and] with thy oliveyard
{oliveyard: or, olive trees}

Exodus 28:43

And they shall be upon Aaron
and upon his sons
when they come
<0935> (8800)
in unto the tabernacle
of the congregation
or when they come near
<05066> (8800)
unto the altar
to minister
<08334> (8763)
in the holy
[place]; that they bear
<05375> (8799)
not iniquity
and die
<04191> (8804)_:
[it shall be] a statute
for ever
unto him and his seed

Exodus 29:21

And thou shalt take
<03947> (8804)
of the blood
that [is] upon the altar
and of the anointing
and sprinkle
<05137> (8689)
[it] upon Aaron
and upon his garments
and upon his sons
and upon the garments
of his sons
with him: and he shall be hallowed
<06942> (8804)_,
and his garments
and his sons
and his sons
with him.

Exodus 30:12

When thou takest
<05375> (8799)
the sum
of the children
of Israel
after their number
<06485> (8803)_,
then shall they give
<05414> (8804)
every man
a ransom
for his soul
unto the LORD
when thou numberest
<06485> (8800)
them; that there be no plague
among them, when [thou] numberest
<06485> (8800)
them. {their number: Heb. them that are to be numbered}

Exodus 31:14

Ye shall keep
<08104> (8804)
the sabbath
therefore; for it [is] holy
unto you: every one that defileth
<02490> (8764)
it shall surely
<04191> (8800)
be put to death
<04191> (8714)_:
for whosoever doeth
<06213> (8802)
[any] work
therein, that soul
shall be cut off
<03772> (8738)
from among
his people

Exodus 33:16

For wherein shall it be known
<03045> (8735)
that I and thy people
have found
<04672> (8804)
in thy sight
[is it] not in that thou goest
<03212> (8800)
with us? so shall we be separated
<06395> (8738)_,
I and thy people
from all the people
that [are] upon the face
of the earth

Exodus 36:1

Then wrought
<06213> (8804)
and Aholiab
and every wise
in whom
the LORD
<05414> (8804)
and understanding
to know
<03045> (8800)
how to work
<06213> (8800)
all manner of work
for the service
of the sanctuary
according to all that the LORD
had commanded
<06680> (8765)_.

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