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1 Samuel 4:4


4:4 So the army 1  sent to Shiloh, and they took from there the ark of the covenant of the Lord of hosts who sits between the cherubim. Now the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phineas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God.

1 Samuel 6:4

6:4 They inquired, “What is the guilt offering that we should send to him?”

They replied, “The Philistine leaders number five. So send five gold sores and five gold mice, for it is the same plague that has afflicted both you and your leaders.

1 Samuel 9:7

9:7 So Saul said to his servant, “All right, 2  we can go. But what can we bring the man, since the food in our bags is used up? We have no gift to take to the man of God. What do we have?”

1 Samuel 12:3

12:3 Here I am. Bring a charge against me before the Lord and before his chosen king. 3  Whose ox have I taken? Whose donkey have I taken? Whom have I wronged? Whom have I oppressed? From whose hand have I taken a bribe so that I would overlook something? Tell me, 4  and I will return it to you!”

1 Samuel 12:9-10


12:9 “But they forgot the Lord their God, so he gave 5  them into the hand of Sisera, the general in command of Hazor’s 6  army, 7  and into the hand of the Philistines and into the hand of the king of Moab, and they fought against them. 12:10 Then they cried out to the Lord and admitted, 8  ‘We have sinned, for we have forsaken the Lord and have served the Baals and the images of Ashtoreth. 9  Now deliver us from the hand of our enemies so that we may serve you.’ 10 

1 Samuel 12:17

12:17 Is this not the time of the wheat harvest? I will call on the Lord so that he makes it thunder and rain. Realize and see what a great sin you have committed before the Lord by asking for a king for yourselves.”

1 Samuel 14:12

14:12 Then the men of the garrison said to Jonathan and his armor bearer, “Come on up to us so we can teach you a thing or two!” 11  Then Jonathan said to his armor bearer, “Come up behind me, for the Lord has given 12  them into the hand of Israel!”

1 Samuel 14:24

Jonathan Violates Saul’s Oath

14:24 Now the men of Israel were hard pressed that day, for Saul had made the army agree to this oath: “Cursed be the man who eats food before evening! I will get my vengeance on my enemies!” So no one in the army ate anything.

1 Samuel 14:34

14:34 Then Saul said, “Scatter out among the army and say to them, ‘Each of you bring to me your ox and sheep and slaughter them in this spot and eat. But don’t sin against the Lord by eating the blood.” So that night each one brought his ox and slaughtered it there. 13 

1 Samuel 14:45


14:45 But the army said to Saul, “Should Jonathan, who won this great victory in Israel, die? May it never be! As surely as the Lord lives, not a single hair of his head will fall to the ground! For it is with the help of God that he has acted today.” So the army rescued Jonathan from death. 14 

1 Samuel 15:6

15:6 Saul said to the Kenites, “Go on and leave! Go down from among the Amalekites! Otherwise I will sweep you away 15  with them! After all, you were kind to all the Israelites when they came up from Egypt.” So the Kenites withdrew from among the Amalekites.

1 Samuel 17:8


17:8 Goliath 16  stood and called to Israel’s troops, 17  “Why do you come out to prepare for battle? Am I not the Philistine, and are you not the servants of Saul? Choose 18  for yourselves a man so he may come down 19  to me!

1 Samuel 17:20


17:20 So David got up early in the morning and entrusted the flock to someone else who would watch over it. 20  After loading up, he went just as Jesse had instructed him. He arrived at the camp 21  as the army was going out to the battle lines shouting its battle cry.

1 Samuel 17:25


17:25 The men of Israel said, “Have you seen this man who is coming up? He does so 22  to defy Israel. But the king will make the man who can strike him down very wealthy! He will give him his daughter in marriage, and he will make his father’s house exempt from tax obligations in Israel.”

1 Samuel 17:39

17:39 David strapped on his sword over his fighting attire and tried to walk around, but he was not used to them. 23  David said to Saul, “I can’t walk in these things, for I’m not used to them.” So David removed them.

1 Samuel 18:25

18:25 Saul replied, “Here is what you should say to David: ‘There is nothing that the king wants as a price for the bride except a hundred Philistine foreskins, so that he can be avenged of his 24  enemies.’” (Now Saul was thinking that he could kill David by the hand of the Philistines.)

1 Samuel 18:27

18:27 when David, along with his men, went out 25  and struck down two hundred Philistine men. David brought their foreskins and presented all of them to the king so he could become the king’s son-in-law. Saul then gave him his daughter Michal in marriage.

1 Samuel 19:4-5


19:4 So Jonathan spoke on David’s behalf 26  to his father Saul. He said to him, “The king should not sin against his servant David, for he has not sinned against you. On the contrary, his actions have been very beneficial 27  for you. 19:5 He risked his life 28  when he struck down the Philistine and the Lord gave all Israel a great victory. When you saw it, you were happy. So why would you sin against innocent blood by putting David to death for no reason?”

1 Samuel 20:13

20:13 But if my father intends to do you harm, may the Lord do all this and more to Jonathan, if I don’t let you know 29  and send word to you so you can go safely on your way. 30  May the Lord be with you, as he was with my father.

1 Samuel 20:29

20:29 He said, ‘Permit me to go, 31  for we are having a family sacrifice in the city, and my brother urged 32  me to be there. So now, if I have found favor with you, let me go 33  to see my brothers.’ For that reason he has not come to the king’s table.”

1 Samuel 21:5-6

21:5 David said to the priest, “Certainly women have been kept away from us, just as on previous occasions when I have set out. The soldiers’ 34  equipment is holy, even on an ordinary journey. How much more so will they be holy today, along with their equipment!”

21:6 So the priest gave him holy bread, for there was no bread there other than the bread of the Presence. It had been removed from before the Lord in order to replace it with hot bread on the day it had been taken away.

1 Samuel 22:13

22:13 Saul said to him, “Why have you conspired against me, you and this son of Jesse? You gave 35  him bread and a sword and inquired of God on his behalf, so that he opposes 36  me and waits in ambush, as is the case today!”

1 Samuel 23:26

23:26 Saul went on one side of the mountain, while David and his men went on the other side of the mountain. David was hurrying to get away from Saul, but Saul and his men were surrounding David and his men so they could capture them.

1 Samuel 24:4

24:4 David’s men said to him, “This is the day about which the Lord said to you, ‘I will give your enemy into your hand, and you can do to him whatever seems appropriate to you.’” 37  So David got up and quietly cut off an edge of Saul’s robe.

1 Samuel 24:11

24:11 Look, my father, and see the edge of your robe in my hand! When I cut off the edge of your robe, I didn’t kill you. So realize and understand that I am not planning 38  evil or rebellion. Even though I have not sinned against you, you are waiting in ambush to take my life.

1 Samuel 25:13

25:13 Then David instructed his men, “Each of you strap on your sword!” So each one strapped on his sword, and David also strapped on his sword. About four hundred men followed David up, while two hundred stayed behind with the equipment.

1 Samuel 25:34

25:34 Otherwise, as surely as the Lord, the God of Israel, lives – he who has prevented me from harming you – if you had not come so quickly to meet me, by morning’s light not even one male belonging to Nabal would have remained alive!”

1 Samuel 26:5


26:5 So David set out and went to the place where Saul was camped. David saw the place where Saul and Abner son of Ner, the general in command of his army, were sleeping. Now Saul was lying in the entrenchment, and the army was camped all around him.

1 Samuel 26:12

26:12 So David took the spear and the jug of water by Saul’s head, and they got out of there. No one saw them or was aware of their presence or woke up. All of them were asleep, for the Lord had caused a deep sleep to fall on them.

1 Samuel 27:11

27:11 Neither man nor woman would David leave alive so as to bring them back to Gath. He was thinking, “This way they can’t tell on us, saying, ‘This is what David did.’” Such was his practice the entire time 39  that he lived in the country of the Philistines.

1 Samuel 28:15

28:15 Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?” Saul replied, “I am terribly troubled! The Philistines are fighting against me and God has turned away from me. He does not answer me – not by the prophets nor by dreams. So I have called on you to tell me what I should do.”

1 Samuel 29:6


29:6 So Achish summoned David and said to him, “As surely as the Lord lives, you are an honest man, and I am glad to have you 40  serving 41  with me in the army. 42  I have found no fault with you from the day that you first came to me until the present time. But in the opinion 43  of the leaders, you are not reliable. 44 

1 Samuel 30:16


30:16 So he took David 45  down, and they found them spread out over the land. They were eating and drinking and enjoying themselves because of all the loot 46  they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from the land of Judah.

1 Samuel 31:4


31:4 Saul said to his armor bearer, “Draw your sword and stab me with it! Otherwise these uncircumcised people will come, stab me, and torture me.” But his armor bearer refused to do it, because he was very afraid. So Saul took his sword and fell on it.

1 tn Or “people.”

2 tn Heb “look.”

3 tn Heb “anointed [one].”

4 tn The words “tell me” are supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons.

5 tn Heb “sold” (so KJV, NASB, NIV, NRSV); NAB “he allowed them to fall into the clutches of Sisera”; NLT “he let them be conquered by Sisera.”

6 map For location see Map1 D2; Map2 D3; Map3 A2; Map4 C1.

7 tn Heb “captain of the host of Hazor.”

8 tn Heb “and said.”

9 tn Heb “the Ashtarot” (plural). The words “images of” are supplied in both vv. 3 and 4 for clarity.

sn The Semitic goddess Astarte was associated with love and war in the ancient Near East. See the note on the same term in 7:3.

10 tn After the imperative, the prefixed verbal form with the prefixed conjunction indicates purpose/result.

11 tn Heb “a thing.”

12 tn The perfect verbal form is used rhetorically here to express Jonathan’s certitude. As far as he is concerned, the victory is as good as won and can be described as such.

13 tn Heb “and all the army brought near, each his ox by his hand, and they slaughtered there.”

14 tn Heb “and he did not die.”

15 tc The translation follows the Syriac Peshitta and Vulgate which assume a reading אֶסִפְךָ (’esfÿka, “I sweep you away,” from the root ספה [sfh]) rather than the MT אֹסִפְךָ (’osifÿka, “I am gathering you,” from the root אסף[’sf]).

16 tn Heb “he”; the referent (Goliath) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

17 tn The Hebrew text adds “and said to them.”

18 tc The translation follows the ancient versions in reading “choose,” (from the root בחר, bkhr), rather than the MT. The verb in MT (ברה, brh) elsewhere means “to eat food”; the sense of “to choose,” required here by the context, is not attested for this root. The MT apparently reflects an early scribal error.

19 tn Following the imperative, the prefixed verbal form (either an imperfect or jussive) with the prefixed conjunction indicates purpose/result here.

20 tn Heb “to a guard”; KJV, NASB, NRSV “with a keeper”; NIV “with a shepherd.” Since in contemporary English “guard” sounds like someone at a military installation or a prison, the present translation uses “to someone else who would watch over it.”

21 tn Or “entrenchment.”

22 tn Heb “he is coming up.”

23 tn Heb “he had not tested.”

24 tn Heb “the king’s.”

25 tn Heb “arose and went.”

26 tn Heb “spoke good with respect to David.”

27 tn Heb “good.”

28 tn Heb “and he put his life into his hand.”

29 tn Heb “uncover your ear.”

30 tn Heb “in peace.”

31 tn Heb “send me.”

32 tn Heb “commanded.”

33 tn Heb “be released [from duty].”

34 tn Heb “servants’.”

35 tn Heb “by giving.”

36 tn Heb “rises up against.”

37 tn Heb “is good in your eyes.”

38 tn Heb “there is not in my hand.”

39 tn Heb “all the days.”

40 tn Heb “it is good in my eyes.” Cf. v. 7.

41 tn Heb “your going forth and your coming in.” The expression is a merism.

42 tn Heb “camp.”

43 tn Heb “eyes.”

44 tn Heb “good.”

45 tn Heb “him”; the referent (David) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

46 tn Heb “because of all the large plunder.”

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