Psalms 89:1-37

Psalm 89

A well-written song by Ethan the Ezrachite.

89:1 I will sing continually about the Lord’s faithful deeds;

to future generations I will proclaim your faithfulness.

89:2 For I say, “Loyal love is permanently established;

in the skies you set up your faithfulness.”

89:3 The Lord said,

“I have made a covenant with my chosen one;

I have made a promise on oath to David, my servant:

89:4 ‘I will give you an eternal dynasty

and establish your throne throughout future generations.’” (Selah)

89:5 O Lord, the heavens praise your amazing deeds,

as well as your faithfulness in the angelic assembly.

89:6 For who in the skies can compare to the Lord?

Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings,

89:7 a God who is honored in the great angelic assembly,

and more awesome than all who surround him?

89:8 O Lord, sovereign God!

Who is strong like you, O Lord?

Your faithfulness surrounds you.

89:9 You rule over the proud sea.

When its waves surge, you calm them.

89:10 You crushed the Proud One and killed it;

with your strong arm you scattered your enemies.

89:11 The heavens belong to you, as does the earth.

You made the world and all it contains.

89:12 You created the north and the south.

Tabor and Hermon rejoice in your name.

89:13 Your arm is powerful,

your hand strong,

your right hand victorious.

89:14 Equity and justice are the foundation of your throne.

Loyal love and faithfulness characterize your rule.

89:15 How blessed are the people who worship you!

O Lord, they experience your favor.

89:16 They rejoice in your name all day long,

and are vindicated by your justice.

89:17 For you give them splendor and strength.

By your favor we are victorious.

89:18 For our shield belongs to the Lord,

our king to the Holy One of Israel.

89:19 Then you spoke through a vision to your faithful followers and said:

“I have energized a warrior;

I have raised up a young man from the people.

89:20 I have discovered David, my servant.

With my holy oil I have anointed him as king.

89:21 My hand will support him,

and my arm will strengthen him.

89:22 No enemy will be able to exact tribute from him;

a violent oppressor will not be able to humiliate him.

89:23 I will crush his enemies before him;

I will strike down those who hate him.

89:24 He will experience my faithfulness and loyal love,

and by my name he will win victories.

89:25 I will place his hand over the sea,

his right hand over the rivers.

89:26 He will call out to me,

‘You are my father, my God, and the protector who delivers me.’

89:27 I will appoint him to be my firstborn son,

the most exalted of the earth’s kings.

89:28 I will always extend my loyal love to him,

and my covenant with him is secure.

89:29 I will give him an eternal dynasty,

and make his throne as enduring as the skies above.

89:30 If his sons reject my law

and disobey my regulations,

89:31 if they break my rules

and do not keep my commandments,

89:32 I will punish their rebellion by beating them with a club,

their sin by inflicting them with bruises.

89:33 But I will not remove my loyal love from him,

nor be unfaithful to my promise.

89:34 I will not break my covenant

or go back on what I promised.

89:35 Once and for all I have vowed by my own holiness,

I will never deceive David.

89:36 His dynasty will last forever.

His throne will endure before me, like the sun,

89:37 it will remain stable, like the moon,

his throne will endure like the skies.” (Selah)