73:2 But as for me, my feet almost slipped;
my feet almost slid out from under me.
73:3 For I envied those who are proud,
as I observed the prosperity of the wicked.
73:4 For they suffer no pain;
their bodies are strong and well-fed.
73:5 They are immune to the trouble common to men;
they do not suffer as other men do.
73:6 Arrogance is their necklace,
and violence their clothing.
73:7 Their prosperity causes them to do wrong;
their thoughts are sinful.
73:8 They mock and say evil things;
they proudly threaten violence.
73:9 They speak as if they rule in heaven,
and lay claim to the earth.
73:10 Therefore they have more than enough food to eat,
and even suck up the water of the sea.
73:11 They say, “How does God know what we do?
Is the sovereign one aware of what goes on?”
73:12 Take a good look! This is what the wicked are like,
those who always have it so easy and get richer and richer.
73:13 I concluded, “Surely in vain I have kept my motives pure
and maintained a pure lifestyle.
73:14 I suffer all day long,
and am punished every morning.”
73:15 If I had publicized these thoughts,
I would have betrayed your loyal followers.
73:16 When I tried to make sense of this,
it was troubling to me.
73:17 Then I entered the precincts of God’s temple,
and understood the destiny of the wicked.
73:18 Surely you put them in slippery places;
you bring them down to ruin.
73:19 How desolate they become in a mere moment!
Terrifying judgments make their demise complete!
73:20 They are like a dream after one wakes up.
O Lord, when you awake you will despise them.
73:21 Yes, my spirit was bitter,
and my insides felt sharp pain.
73:22 I was ignorant and lacked insight;
I was as senseless as an animal before you.