Psalms 104:5-13

104:5 He established the earth on its foundations;

it will never be upended.

104:6 The watery deep covered it like a garment;

the waters reached above the mountains.

104:7 Your shout made the waters retreat;

at the sound of your thunderous voice they hurried off –

104:8 as the mountains rose up,

and the valleys went down –

to the place you appointed for them.

104:9 You set up a boundary for them that they could not cross,

so that they would not cover the earth again.

104:10 He turns springs into streams;

they flow between the mountains.

104:11 They provide water for all the animals in the field;

the wild donkeys quench their thirst.

104:12 The birds of the sky live beside them;

they chirp among the bushes.

104:13 He waters the mountains from the upper rooms of his palace;

the earth is full of the fruit you cause to grow.