Proverbs 10:1--15:33

The First Collection of Solomonic Proverbs

10:1 The Proverbs of Solomon:

A wise child makes a father rejoice,

but a foolish child is a grief to his mother.

10:2 Treasures gained by wickedness do not profit,

but righteousness delivers from mortal danger.

10:3 The Lord satisfies the appetite of the righteous,

but he thwarts the craving of the wicked.

10:4 The one who is lazy becomes poor,

but the one who works diligently becomes wealthy.

10:5 The one who gathers crops in the summer is a wise son,

but the one who sleeps during the harvest

is a son who brings shame to himself.

10:6 Blessings are on the head of the righteous,

but the speech of the wicked conceals violence.

10:7 The memory of the righteous is a blessing,

but the reputation of the wicked will rot.

10:8 The wise person accepts instructions,

but the one who speaks foolishness will come to ruin.

10:9 The one who conducts himself in integrity will live securely,

but the one who behaves perversely will be found out.

10:10 The one who winks his eye causes trouble,

and the one who speaks foolishness will come to ruin.

10:11 The teaching of the righteous is a fountain of life,

but the speech of the wicked conceals violence.

10:12 Hatred stirs up dissension,

but love covers all transgressions.

10:13 Wisdom is found in the words of the discerning person,

but the one who lacks wisdom will be disciplined.

10:14 Those who are wise store up knowledge,

but foolish speech leads to imminent destruction.

10:15 The wealth of a rich person is like a fortified city,

but the poor are brought to ruin by their poverty.

10:16 The reward which the righteous receive is life;

the recompense which the wicked receive is judgment.

10:17 The one who heeds instruction is on the way to life,

but the one who rejects rebuke goes astray.

10:18 The one who conceals hatred utters lies,

and the one who spreads slander is certainly a fool.

10:19 When words abound, transgression is inevitable,

but the one who restrains his words is wise.

10:20 What the righteous say is like the best silver,

but what the wicked think is of little value.

10:21 The teaching of the righteous feeds many,

but fools die for lack of wisdom.

10:22 The blessing from the Lord makes a person rich,

and he adds no sorrow to it.

10:23 Carrying out a wicked scheme is enjoyable to a fool,

and so is wisdom for the one who has discernment.

10:24 What the wicked fears will come on him;

what the righteous desire will be granted.

10:25 When the storm passes through, the wicked are swept away,

but the righteous are an everlasting foundation.

10:26 Like vinegar to the teeth and like smoke to the eyes,

so is the sluggard to those who send him.

10:27 Fearing the Lord prolongs life,

but the life span of the wicked will be shortened.

10:28 The hope of the righteous is joy,

but the expectation of the wicked will remain unfulfilled.

10:29 The way of the Lord is like a stronghold for the upright,

but it is destruction to evildoers.

10:30 The righteous will never be moved,

but the wicked will not inhabit the land.

10:31 The speech of the righteous bears the fruit of wisdom,

but the one who speaks perversion will be destroyed.

10:32 The lips of the righteous know what is pleasing,

but the speech of the wicked is perverse.

11:1 The Lord abhors dishonest scales,

but an accurate weight is his delight.

11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace,

but with humility comes wisdom.

11:3 The integrity of the upright guides them,

but the crookedness of the unfaithful destroys them.

11:4 Wealth does not profit in the day of wrath,

but righteousness delivers from mortal danger.

11:5 The righteousness of the blameless will make straight their way,

but the wicked person will fall by his own wickedness.

11:6 The righteousness of the upright will deliver them,

but the faithless will be captured by their own desires.

11:7 When a wicked person dies, his expectation perishes,

and the hope of his strength perishes.

11:8 The righteous person is delivered out of trouble,

and the wicked turns up in his stead.

11:9 With his speech the godless person destroys his neighbor,

but by knowledge the righteous will be delivered.

11:10 When the righteous do well, the city rejoices;

when the wicked perish, there is joy.

11:11 A city is exalted by the blessing provided from the upright,

but it is destroyed by the counsel of the wicked.

11:12 The one who denounces his neighbor lacks wisdom,

but the one who has discernment keeps silent.

11:13 The one who goes about slandering others reveals secrets,

but the one who is trustworthy conceals a matter.

11:14 When there is no guidance a nation falls,

but there is success in the abundance of counselors.

11:15 The one who puts up security for a stranger will surely have trouble,

but whoever avoids shaking hands will be secure.

11:16 A generous woman gains honor,

and ruthless men seize wealth.

11:17 A kind person benefits himself,

but a cruel person brings himself trouble.

11:18 The wicked person earns deceitful wages,

but the one who sows righteousness reaps a genuine reward.

11:19 True righteousness leads to life,

but the one who pursues evil pursues it to his own death.

11:20 The Lord abhors those who are perverse in heart,

but those who are blameless in their ways are his delight.

11:21 Be assured that the evil person will certainly be punished,

but the descendants of the righteous will not suffer unjust judgment.

11:22 Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout

is a beautiful woman who rejects discretion.

11:23 What the righteous desire leads only to good,

but what the wicked hope for leads to wrath.

11:24 One person is generous and yet grows more wealthy,

but another withholds more than he should and comes to poverty.

11:25 A generous person will be enriched,

and the one who provides water for others will himself be satisfied.

11:26 People will curse the one who withholds grain,

but they will praise the one who sells it.

11:27 The one who diligently seeks good seeks favor,

but the one who searches for evil – it will come to him.

11:28 The one who trusts in his riches will fall,

but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.

11:29 The one who troubles his family will inherit nothing,

and the fool will be a servant to the wise person.

11:30 The fruit of the righteous is like a tree producing life,

and the one who wins souls is wise.

11:31 If the righteous are recompensed on earth,

how much more the wicked sinner!

12:1 The one who loves discipline loves knowledge,

but the one who hates reproof is stupid.

12:2 A good person obtains favor from the Lord,

but the Lord condemns a person with wicked schemes.

12:3 No one can be established through wickedness,

but a righteous root cannot be moved.

12:4 A noble wife is the crown of her husband,

but the wife who acts shamefully is like rottenness in his bones.

12:5 The plans of the righteous are just;

the counsels of the wicked are deceitful.

12:6 The words of the wicked lie in wait to shed innocent blood,

but the words of the upright will deliver them.

12:7 The wicked are overthrown and perish,

but the righteous household will stand.

12:8 A person is praised in accordance with his wisdom,

but the one who has a twisted mind is despised.

12:9 Better is a person of humble standing who nevertheless has a servant,

than one who pretends to be somebody important yet has no food.

12:10 A righteous person cares for the life of his animal,

but even the most compassionate acts of the wicked are cruel.

12:11 The one who works his field will have plenty of food,

but whoever chases daydreams lacks wisdom.

12:12 The wicked person desires a stronghold,

but the righteous root endures.

12:13 The evil person is ensnared by the transgression of his speech,

but the righteous person escapes out of trouble.

12:14 A person will be satisfied with good from the fruit of his words,

and the work of his hands will be rendered to him.

12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own opinion,

but the one who listens to advice is wise.

12:16 A fool’s annoyance is known at once,

but the prudent overlooks an insult.

12:17 The faithful witness tells what is right,

but a false witness speaks deceit.

12:18 Speaking recklessly is like the thrusts of a sword,

but the words of the wise bring healing.

12:19 The one who tells the truth will endure forever,

but the one who lies will last only for a moment.

12:20 Deceit is in the heart of those who plot evil,

but those who promote peace have joy.

12:21 The righteous do not encounter any harm,

but the wicked are filled with calamity.

12:22 The Lord abhors a person who lies,

but those who deal truthfully are his delight.

12:23 The shrewd person conceals knowledge,

but foolish people publicize folly.

12:24 The diligent person will rule,

but the slothful will become a slave.

12:25 Anxiety in a person’s heart weighs him down,

but an encouraging word brings him joy.

12:26 The righteous person is cautious in his friendship,

but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

12:27 The lazy person does not roast his prey,

but personal possessions are precious to the diligent.

12:28 In the path of righteousness there is life,

but another path leads to death.

13:1 A wise son accepts his father’s discipline,

but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.

13:2 From the fruit of his speech a person eats good things,

but the faithless desire the fruit of violence.

13:3 The one who guards his words guards his life,

but whoever is talkative will come to ruin.

13:4 The appetite of the sluggard craves but gets nothing,

but the desire of the diligent will be abundantly satisfied.

13:5 The righteous person hates anything false,

but the wicked person acts in shameful disgrace.

13:6 Righteousness guards the one who lives with integrity,

but wickedness overthrows the sinner.

13:7 There is one who pretends to be rich and yet has nothing;

another pretends to be poor and yet possesses great wealth.

13:8 The ransom of a person’s life is his wealth,

but the poor person hears no threat.

13:9 The light of the righteous shines brightly,

but the lamp of the wicked goes out.

13:10 With pride comes only contention,

but wisdom is with the well-advised.

13:11 Wealth gained quickly will dwindle away,

but the one who gathers it little by little will become rich.

13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick,

but a longing fulfilled is like a tree of life.

13:13 The one who despises instruction will pay the penalty,

but whoever esteems instruction will be rewarded.

13:14 Instruction from the wise is like a life-giving fountain,

to turn a person from deadly snares.

13:15 Keen insight wins favor,

but the conduct of the unfaithful is harsh.

13:16 Every shrewd person acts with knowledge,

but a fool displays his folly.

13:17 An unreliable messenger falls into trouble,

but a faithful envoy brings healing.

13:18 The one who neglects discipline ends up in poverty and shame,

but the one who accepts reproof is honored.

13:19 A desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul,

but fools abhor turning away from evil.

13:20 The one who associates with the wise grows wise,

but a companion of fools suffers harm.

13:21 Calamity pursues sinners,

but prosperity rewards the righteous.

13:22 A benevolent person leaves an inheritance for his grandchildren,

but the wealth of a sinner is stored up for the righteous.

13:23 There is abundant food in the field of the poor,

but it is swept away by injustice.

13:24 The one who spares his rod hates his child,

but the one who loves his child is diligent in disciplining him.

13:25 The righteous has enough food to satisfy his appetite,

but the belly of the wicked lacks food.

14:1 Every wise woman builds her household,

but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.

14:2 The one who walks in his uprightness fears the Lord,

but the one who is perverted in his ways despises him.

14:3 In the speech of a fool is a rod for his back,

but the words of the wise protect them.

14:4 Where there are no oxen, the feeding trough is clean,

but an abundant harvest is produced by strong oxen.

14:5 A truthful witness does not lie,

but a false witness breathes out lies.

14:6 The scorner seeks wisdom but finds none,

but understanding is easy for a discerning person.

14:7 Leave the presence of a foolish person,

or you will not understand wise counsel.

14:8 The wisdom of the shrewd person is to discern his way,

but the folly of fools is deception.

14:9 Fools mock at reparation,

but among the upright there is favor.

14:10 The heart knows its own bitterness,

and with its joy no one else can share.

14:11 The household of the wicked will be destroyed,

but the tent of the upright will flourish.

14:12 There is a way that seems right to a person,

but its end is the way that leads to death.

14:13 Even in laughter the heart may ache,

and the end of joy may be grief.

14:14 The backslider will be paid back from his own ways,

but a good person will be rewarded for his.

14:15 A naive person believes everything,

but the shrewd person discerns his steps.

14:16 A wise person is cautious and turns from evil,

but a fool throws off restraint and is overconfident.

14:17 A person who has a quick temper does foolish things,

and a person with crafty schemes is hated.

14:18 The naive inherit folly,

but the shrewd are crowned with knowledge.

14:19 Those who are evil will bow before those who are good,

and the wicked will bow at the gates of the righteous.

14:20 A poor person is disliked even by his neighbors,

but those who love the rich are many.

14:21 The one who despises his neighbor sins,

but whoever is kind to the needy is blessed.

14:22 Do not those who devise evil go astray?

But those who plan good exhibit faithful covenant love.

14:23 In all hard work there is profit,

but merely talking about it only brings poverty.

14:24 The crown of the wise is their riches,

but the folly of fools is folly.

14:25 A truthful witness rescues lives,

but the one who breathes lies brings deception.

14:26 In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence,

and it will be a refuge for his children.

14:27 The fear of the Lord is like a life-giving fountain,

to turn people from deadly snares.

14:28 A king’s glory is the abundance of people,

but the lack of subjects is the ruin of a ruler.

14:29 The one who is slow to anger has great understanding,

but the one who has a quick temper exalts folly.

14:30 A tranquil spirit revives the body,

but envy is rottenness to the bones.

14:31 The one who oppresses the poor insults his Creator,

but whoever shows favor to the needy honors him.

14:32 The wicked will be thrown down in his trouble,

but the righteous have refuge even in the threat of death.

14:33 Wisdom rests in the heart of the discerning;

it is known even in the heart of fools.

14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation,

but sin is a disgrace to any people.

14:35 The king shows favor to a wise servant,

but his wrath falls on one who acts shamefully.

15:1 A gentle response turns away anger,

but a harsh word stirs up wrath.

15:2 The tongue of the wise treats knowledge correctly,

but the mouth of the fool spouts out folly.

15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place,

keeping watch on those who are evil and those who are good.

15:4 Speech that heals is like a life-giving tree,

but a perverse tongue breaks the spirit.

15:5 A fool rejects his father’s discipline,

but whoever heeds reproof shows good sense.

15:6 In the house of the righteous is abundant wealth,

but the income of the wicked brings trouble.

15:7 The lips of the wise spread knowledge,

but not so the heart of fools.

15:8 The Lord abhors the sacrifices of the wicked,

but the prayer of the upright pleases him.

15:9 The Lord abhors the way of the wicked,

but he loves those who pursue righteousness.

15:10 Severe discipline is for the one who abandons the way;

the one who hates reproof will die.

15:11 Death and Destruction are before the Lord

how much more the hearts of humans!

15:12 The scorner does not love one who corrects him;

he will not go to the wise.

15:13 A joyful heart makes the face cheerful,

but by a painful heart the spirit is broken.

15:14 The discerning heart seeks knowledge,

but the mouth of fools feeds on folly.

15:15 All the days of the afflicted are bad,

but one with a cheerful heart has a continual feast.

15:16 Better is little with the fear of the Lord

than great wealth and turmoil with it.

15:17 Better a meal of vegetables where there is love

than a fattened ox where there is hatred.

15:18 A quick-tempered person stirs up dissension,

but one who is slow to anger calms a quarrel.

15:19 The way of the sluggard is like a hedge of thorns,

but the path of the upright is like a highway.

15:20 A wise child brings joy to his father,

but a foolish person despises his mother.

15:21 Folly is a joy to one who lacks sense,

but one who has understanding follows an upright course.

15:22 Plans fail when there is no counsel,

but with abundant advisers they are established.

15:23 A person has joy in giving an appropriate answer,

and a word at the right time – how good it is!

15:24 The path of life is upward for the wise person,

to keep him from going downward to Sheol.

15:25 The Lord tears down the house of the proud,

but he maintains the boundaries of the widow.

15:26 The Lord abhors the plans of the wicked,

but pleasant words are pure.

15:27 The one who is greedy for gain troubles his household,

but whoever hates bribes will live.

15:28 The heart of the righteous considers how to answer,

but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.

15:29 The Lord is far from the wicked,

but he hears the prayer of the righteous.

15:30 A bright look brings joy to the heart,

and good news gives health to the body.

15:31 The person who hears the reproof that leads to life

is at home among the wise.

15:32 The one who refuses correction despises himself,

but whoever hears reproof acquires understanding.

15:33 The fear of the Lord provides wise instruction,

and before honor comes humility.