Zephaniah 2:4

Judgment on Surrounding Nations

2:4 Indeed, Gaza will be deserted

and Ashkelon will become a heap of ruins.

Invaders will drive away the people of Ashdod by noon,

and Ekron will be overthrown.

Zephaniah 2:8

2:8 “I have heard Moab’s taunts

and the Ammonites’ insults.

They taunted my people

and verbally harassed those living in Judah.

Zephaniah 2:10

2:10 This is how they will be repaid for their arrogance,

for they taunted and verbally harassed the people of the Lord who commands armies.

Zephaniah 3:12

3:12 I will leave in your midst a humble and meek group of people,

and they will find safety in the Lord’s presence.