Zephaniah 1:7

1:7 Be silent before the Lord God,

for the Lord’s day of judgment is almost here.

The Lord has prepared a sacrificial meal;

he has ritually purified his guests.

Zephaniah 1:15

1:15 That day will be a day of God’s anger,

a day of distress and hardship,

a day of devastation and ruin,

a day of darkness and gloom,

a day of clouds and dark skies,

Zephaniah 2:2

2:2 before God’s decree becomes reality and the day of opportunity disappears like windblown chaff,

before the Lord’s raging anger overtakes you –

before the day of the Lord’s angry judgment overtakes you!

Zephaniah 3:17

3:17 The Lord your God is in your midst;

he is a warrior who can deliver.

He takes great delight in you;

he renews you by his love;

he shouts for joy over you.”