The Song of Songs 1:8

The Lover to His Beloved:

1:8 If you do not know, O most beautiful of women,

simply follow the tracks of my flock,

and pasture your little lambs

beside the tents of the shepherds.

The Song of Songs 2:7

The Beloved to the Maidens:

2:7 I adjure you, O maidens of Jerusalem,

by the gazelles and by the young does of the open fields:

Do not awaken or arouse love until it pleases!

The Song of Songs 3:5

The Adjuration Refrain

The Beloved to the Maidens:

3:5 I admonish you, O maidens of Jerusalem,

by the gazelles and by the young does of the open fields:

“Do not awake or arouse love until it pleases!”

The Song of Songs 3:11

3:11 Come out, O maidens of Zion,

and gaze upon King Solomon!

He is wearing the crown with which his mother crowned him

on his wedding day,

on the most joyous day of his life!

The Song of Songs 5:9

The Maidens to The Beloved:

5:9 Why is your beloved better than others,

O most beautiful of women?

Why is your beloved better than others,

that you would command us in this manner?

The Song of Songs 6:1

The Lost Lover Found

The Maidens to the Beloved:

6:1 Where has your beloved gone,

O most beautiful among women?

Where has your beloved turned?

Tell us, that we may seek him with you.

The Song of Songs 6:13--7:1

The Love Song and Dance

The Lover to His Beloved:

6:13 (7:1) Turn, turn, O Perfect One!

Turn, turn, that I may stare at you!

The Beloved to Her Lover:

Why do you gaze upon the Perfect One

like the dance of the Mahanaim?

The Lover to His Beloved:

7:1 (7:2) How beautiful are your sandaled feet,

O nobleman’s daughter!

The curves of your thighs are like jewels,

the work of the hands of a master craftsman.

The Song of Songs 8:12

8:12 My vineyard, which belongs to me, is at my disposal alone.

The thousand shekels belong to you, O Solomon,

and two hundred shekels belong to those who maintain it for its fruit.