Psalms 9:3

9:3 When my enemies turn back,

they trip and are defeated before you.

Psalms 18:39

18:39 You give me strength for battle;

you make my foes kneel before me.

Psalms 18:44

18:44 When they hear of my exploits, they submit to me.

Foreigners are powerless before me;

Psalms 26:6

26:6 I maintain a pure lifestyle,

so I can appear before your altar, O Lord,

Psalms 39:13

39:13 Turn your angry gaze away from me, so I can be happy

before I pass away.

Psalms 46:3

46:3 when its waves crash and foam,

and the mountains shake before the surging sea. (Selah)

Psalms 61:7

61:7 May he reign forever before God!

Decree that your loyal love and faithfulness should protect him.

Psalms 68:3

68:3 But the godly are happy;

they rejoice before God

and are overcome with joy.

Psalms 72:9

72:9 Before him the coastlands will bow down,

and his enemies will lick the dust.

Psalms 73:22

73:22 I was ignorant and lacked insight;

I was as senseless as an animal before you.

Psalms 81:15

81:15 (May those who hate the Lord cower in fear before him!

May they be permanently humiliated!)

Psalms 84:7

84:7 They are sustained as they travel along;

each one appears before God in Zion.

Psalms 89:23

89:23 I will crush his enemies before him;

I will strike down those who hate him.

Psalms 89:36

89:36 His dynasty will last forever.

His throne will endure before me, like the sun,

Psalms 96:9

96:9 Worship the Lord in holy attire!

Tremble before him, all the earth!

Psalms 97:3

97:3 Fire goes before him;

on every side it burns up his enemies.

Psalms 99:5

99:5 Praise the Lord our God!

Worship before his footstool!

He is holy!

Psalms 119:46

119:46 I will speak about your regulations before kings

and not be ashamed.

Psalms 119:67

119:67 Before I was afflicted I used to stray off,

but now I keep your instructions.

Psalms 119:147

119:147 I am up before dawn crying for help.

I find hope in your word.

Psalms 132:7

132:7 Let us go to his dwelling place!

Let us worship before his footstool!

Psalms 142:2

142:2 I pour out my lament before him;

I tell him about my troubles.

Psalms 143:2

143:2 Do not sit in judgment on your servant,

for no one alive is innocent before you.