9:2 I will be happy and rejoice in you!
I will sing praises to you, O sovereign One!
18:49 So I will give you thanks before the nations, O Lord!
I will sing praises to you!
57:9 I will give you thanks before the nations, O Master!
I will sing praises to you before foreigners!
61:8 Then I will sing praises to your name continually,
as I fulfill my vows day after day.
69:30 I will sing praises to God’s name!
I will magnify him as I give him thanks!
71:23 My lips will shout for joy! Yes, I will sing your praises!
I will praise you when you rescue me!
75:9 As for me, I will continually tell what you have done;
I will sing praises to the God of Jacob!
98:4 Shout out praises to the Lord, all the earth!
Break out in a joyful shout and sing!
98:6 With trumpets and the blaring of the ram’s horn,
shout out praises before the king, the Lord!
A psalm of David.
101:1 I will sing about loyalty and justice!
To you, O Lord, I will sing praises!
108:3 I will give you thanks before the nations, O Lord!
I will sing praises to you before foreigners!
135:3 Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good!
Sing praises to his name, for it is pleasant!
147:1 Praise the Lord,
for it is good to sing praises to our God!
Yes, praise is pleasant and appropriate!
147:7 Offer to the Lord a song of thanks!
Sing praises to our God to the accompaniment of a harp!