Psalms 9:15

9:15 The nations fell into the pit they had made;

their feet were caught in the net they had hidden.

Psalms 30:7

30:7 O Lord, in your good favor you made me secure.

Then you rejected me and I was terrified.

Psalms 44:10

44:10 You made us retreat from the enemy.

Those who hate us take whatever they want from us.

Psalms 44:13

44:13 You made us an object of disdain to our neighbors;

those who live on our borders taunt and insult us.

Psalms 45:9

45:9 Princesses are among your honored guests,

your bride stands at your right hand, wearing jewelry made with gold from Ophir.

Psalms 60:2

60:2 You made the earth quake; you split it open.

Repair its breaches, for it is ready to fall.

Psalms 65:7

65:7 You calm the raging seas

and their roaring waves,

as well as the commotion made by the nations.

Psalms 78:13

78:13 He divided the sea and led them across it;

he made the water stand in a heap.

Psalms 78:39

78:39 He remembered that they were made of flesh,

and were like a wind that blows past and does not return.

Psalms 78:69

78:69 He made his sanctuary as enduring as the heavens above;

as secure as the earth, which he established permanently.

Psalms 79:3

79:3 They have made their blood flow like water

all around Jerusalem, and there is no one to bury them.

Psalms 89:11

89:11 The heavens belong to you, as does the earth.

You made the world and all it contains.

Psalms 104:19

104:19 He made the moon to mark the months,

and the sun sets according to a regular schedule.

Psalms 104:31

104:31 May the splendor of the Lord endure!

May the Lord find pleasure in the living things he has made!

Psalms 107:40

107:40 He would pour contempt upon princes,

and he made them wander in a wasteland with no road.

Psalms 119:73

י (Yod)

119:73 Your hands made me and formed me.

Give me understanding so that I might learn your commands.

Psalms 132:2

132:2 and how he made a vow to the Lord,

and swore an oath to the powerful ruler of Jacob.

Psalms 138:8

138:8 The Lord avenges me.

O Lord, your loyal love endures.

Do not abandon those whom you have made!

Psalms 139:13

139:13 Certainly you made my mind and heart;

you wove me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalms 146:6

146:6 the one who made heaven and earth,

the sea, and all that is in them,

who remains forever faithful,