Psalms 78:43-58

78:43 when he performed his awesome deeds in Egypt,

and his acts of judgment in the region of Zoan.

78:44 He turned their rivers into blood,

and they could not drink from their streams.

78:45 He sent swarms of biting insects against them,

as well as frogs that overran their land.

78:46 He gave their crops to the grasshopper,

the fruit of their labor to the locust.

78:47 He destroyed their vines with hail,

and their sycamore-fig trees with driving rain.

78:48 He rained hail down on their cattle,

and hurled lightning bolts down on their livestock.

78:49 His raging anger lashed out against them,

He sent fury, rage, and trouble

as messengers who bring disaster.

78:50 He sent his anger in full force;

he did not spare them from death;

he handed their lives over to destruction.

78:51 He struck down all the firstborn in Egypt,

the firstfruits of their reproductive power in the tents of Ham.

78:52 Yet he brought out his people like sheep;

he led them through the wilderness like a flock.

78:53 He guided them safely along,

while the sea covered their enemies.

78:54 He brought them to the border of his holy land,

to this mountainous land which his right hand acquired.

78:55 He drove the nations out from before them;

he assigned them their tribal allotments

and allowed the tribes of Israel to settle down.

78:56 Yet they challenged and defied the sovereign God,

and did not obey his commands.

78:57 They were unfaithful and acted as treacherously as their ancestors;

they were as unreliable as a malfunctioning bow.

78:58 They made him angry with their pagan shrines,

and made him jealous with their idols.