Psalms 73:23

73:23 But I am continually with you;

you hold my right hand.

Psalms 80:15

80:15 the root your right hand planted,

the shoot you made to grow!

Psalms 89:13

89:13 Your arm is powerful,

your hand strong,

your right hand victorious.

Psalms 89:25

89:25 I will place his hand over the sea,

his right hand over the rivers.

Psalms 118:15

118:15 They celebrate deliverance in the tents of the godly.

The Lord’s right hand conquers,

Psalms 121:5

121:5 The Lord is your protector;

the Lord is the shade at your right hand.

Psalms 137:5

137:5 If I forget you, O Jerusalem,

may my right hand be crippled!

Psalms 139:10

139:10 even there your hand would guide me,

your right hand would grab hold of me.