Psalms 7:9

7:9 May the evil deeds of the wicked come to an end!

But make the innocent secure,

O righteous God,

you who examine inner thoughts and motives!

Psalms 8:2

8:2 From the mouths of children and nursing babies

you have ordained praise on account of your adversaries,

so that you might put an end to the vindictive enemy.

Psalms 19:6

19:6 It emerges from the distant horizon,

and goes from one end of the sky to the other;

nothing can escape its heat.

Psalms 46:9

46:9 He brings an end to wars throughout the earth;

he shatters the bow and breaks the spear;

he burns the shields with fire.

Psalms 90:5

90:5 You bring their lives to an end and they “fall asleep.”

In the morning they are like the grass that sprouts up;

Psalms 135:7

135:7 He causes the clouds to arise from the end of the earth,

makes lightning bolts accompany the rain,

and brings the wind out of his storehouses.