Psalms 7:17

7:17 I will thank the Lord for his justice;

I will sing praises to the sovereign Lord!

Psalms 9:11

9:11 Sing praises to the Lord, who rules in Zion!

Tell the nations what he has done!

Psalms 13:6

13:6 I will sing praises to the Lord

when he vindicates me.

Psalms 21:13

21:13 Rise up, O Lord, in strength!

We will sing and praise your power!

Psalms 30:4

30:4 Sing to the Lord, you faithful followers of his;

give thanks to his holy name.

Psalms 33:3

33:3 Sing to him a new song!

Play skillfully as you shout out your praises to him!

Psalms 47:7

47:7 For God is king of the whole earth!

Sing a well-written song!

Psalms 57:7

57:7 I am determined, O God! I am determined!

I will sing and praise you!

Psalms 66:2

66:2 Sing praises about the majesty of his reputation!

Give him the honor he deserves!

Psalms 78:2

78:2 I will sing a song that imparts wisdom;

I will make insightful observations about the past.

Psalms 87:7

87:7 As for the singers, as well as the pipers –

all of them sing within your walls.

Psalms 96:2

96:2 Sing to the Lord! Praise his name!

Announce every day how he delivers!

Psalms 98:8

98:8 Let the rivers clap their hands!

Let the mountains sing in unison

Psalms 105:2

105:2 Sing to him!

Make music to him!

Tell about all his miraculous deeds!

Psalms 119:172

119:172 May my tongue sing about your instructions,

for all your commands are just.

Psalms 137:4

137:4 How can we sing a song to the Lord

in a foreign land?

Psalms 145:7

145:7 They will talk about the fame of your great kindness,

and sing about your justice.