Psalms 7:13

7:13 He prepares to use deadly weapons against him;

he gets ready to shoot flaming arrows.

Psalms 10:12

10:12 Rise up, Lord!

O God, strike him down!

Do not forget the oppressed!

Psalms 18:12

18:12 From the brightness in front of him came

hail and fiery coals.

Psalms 21:2-3

21:2 You grant him his heart’s desire;

you do not refuse his request. (Selah)

21:3 For you bring him rich blessings;

you place a golden crown on his head.

Psalms 22:30

22:30 A whole generation will serve him;

they will tell the next generation about the sovereign Lord.

Psalms 33:21

33:21 For our hearts rejoice in him,

for we trust in his holy name.

Psalms 34:5-6

34:5 Those who look to him for help are happy;

their faces are not ashamed.

34:6 This oppressed man cried out and the Lord heard;

he saved him from all his troubles.

Psalms 34:22

34:22 The Lord rescues his servants;

all who take shelter in him escape punishment.

Psalms 37:5

37:5 Commit your future to the Lord!

Trust in him, and he will act on your behalf.

Psalms 61:7

61:7 May he reign forever before God!

Decree that your loyal love and faithfulness should protect him.

Psalms 66:2

66:2 Sing praises about the majesty of his reputation!

Give him the honor he deserves!

Psalms 72:9

72:9 Before him the coastlands will bow down,

and his enemies will lick the dust.

Psalms 76:12

76:12 He humbles princes;

the kings of the earth regard him as awesome.

Psalms 78:17

78:17 Yet they continued to sin against him,

and rebelled against the sovereign One in the desert.

Psalms 78:32

78:32 Despite all this, they continued to sin,

and did not trust him to do amazing things.

Psalms 78:37

78:37 They were not really committed to him,

and they were unfaithful to his covenant.

Psalms 78:70

78:70 He chose David, his servant,

and took him from the sheepfolds.

Psalms 81:15

81:15 (May those who hate the Lord cower in fear before him!

May they be permanently humiliated!)

Psalms 89:20

89:20 I have discovered David, my servant.

With my holy oil I have anointed him as king.

Psalms 89:33

89:33 But I will not remove my loyal love from him,

nor be unfaithful to my promise.

Psalms 89:38

89:38 But you have spurned and rejected him;

you are angry with your chosen king.

Psalms 89:43

89:43 You turn back his sword from the adversary,

and have not sustained him in battle.

Psalms 89:45

89:45 You have cut short his youth,

and have covered him with shame. (Selah)

Psalms 94:13

94:13 in order to protect him from times of trouble,

until the wicked are destroyed.

Psalms 95:4

95:4 The depths of the earth are in his hand,

and the mountain peaks belong to him.

Psalms 96:6

96:6 Majestic splendor emanates from him;

his sanctuary is firmly established and beautiful.

Psalms 96:9

96:9 Worship the Lord in holy attire!

Tremble before him, all the earth!

Psalms 97:2-3

97:2 Dark clouds surround him;

equity and justice are the foundation of his throne.

97:3 Fire goes before him;

on every side it burns up his enemies.

Psalms 100:4

100:4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving,

and his courts with praise!

Give him thanks!

Praise his name!

Psalms 102:21

102:21 so they may proclaim the name of the Lord in Zion,

and praise him in Jerusalem,

Psalms 104:34

104:34 May my thoughts be pleasing to him!

I will rejoice in the Lord.

Psalms 105:19-20

105:19 until the time when his prediction came true.

The Lord’s word proved him right.

105:20 The king authorized his release;

the ruler of nations set him free.

Psalms 105:22

105:22 giving him authority to imprison his officials

and to teach his advisers.

Psalms 106:32

106:32 They made him angry by the waters of Meribah,

and Moses suffered because of them,

Psalms 106:40

106:40 So the Lord was angry with his people

and despised the people who belong to him.

Psalms 109:6

109:6 Appoint an evil man to testify against him!

May an accuser stand at his right side!

Psalms 109:12

109:12 May no one show him kindness!

May no one have compassion on his fatherless children!

Psalms 109:30

109:30 I will thank the Lord profusely,

in the middle of a crowd I will praise him,

Psalms 113:8

113:8 that he might seat him with princes,

with the princes of his people.

Psalms 117:1

Psalm 117

117:1 Praise the Lord, all you nations!

Applaud him, all you foreigners!

Psalms 119:2

119:2 How blessed are those who observe his rules,

and seek him with all their heart,

Psalms 145:20

145:20 The Lord protects those who love him,

but he destroys all the wicked.

Psalms 148:1

Psalm 148

148:1 Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord from the sky!

Praise him in the heavens!

Psalms 148:4

148:4 Praise him, O highest heaven,

and you waters above the sky!