Psalms 7:11

7:11 God is a just judge;

he is angry throughout the day.

Psalms 9:7-8

9:7 But the Lord rules forever;

he reigns in a just manner.

9:8 He judges the world fairly;

he makes just legal decisions for the nations.

Psalms 11:7

11:7 Certainly the Lord is just;

he rewards godly deeds;

the upright will experience his favor.

Psalms 17:2

17:2 Make a just decision on my behalf!

Decide what is right!

Psalms 33:4

33:4 For the Lord’s decrees are just,

and everything he does is fair.

Psalms 35:23

35:23 Rouse yourself, wake up and vindicate me!

My God and Lord, defend my just cause!

Psalms 37:6

37:6 He will vindicate you in broad daylight,

and publicly defend your just cause.

Psalms 92:15

92:15 So they proclaim that the Lord, my protector,

is just and never unfair.

Psalms 105:12

105:12 When they were few in number,

just a very few, and resident aliens within it,

Psalms 112:6

112:6 For he will never be upended;

others will always remember one who is just.

Psalms 119:7

119:7 I will give you sincere thanks,

when I learn your just regulations.

Psalms 119:62

119:62 In the middle of the night I arise to thank you

for your just regulations.

Psalms 119:65

ט (Tet)

119:65 You are good to your servant,

O Lord, just as you promised.

Psalms 119:106

119:106 I have vowed and solemnly sworn

to keep your just regulations.

Psalms 119:137

צ (Tsade)

119:137 You are just, O Lord,

and your judgments are fair.

Psalms 119:144

119:144 Your rules remain just.

Give me insight so that I can live.

Psalms 119:164

119:164 Seven times a day I praise you

because of your just regulations.

Psalms 119:172

119:172 May my tongue sing about your instructions,

for all your commands are just.

Psalms 129:4

129:4 The Lord is just;

he cut the ropes of the wicked.”

Psalms 145:17

145:17 The Lord is just in all his actions,

and exhibits love in all he does.