Psalms 7:10

7:10 The Exalted God is my shield,

the one who delivers the morally upright.

Psalms 9:3-4

9:3 When my enemies turn back,

they trip and are defeated before you.

9:4 For you defended my just cause;

from your throne you pronounced a just decision.

Psalms 13:3

13:3 Look at me! Answer me, O Lord my God!

Revive me, or else I will die!

Psalms 16:2

16:2 I say to the Lord, “You are the Lord,

my only source of well-being.”

Psalms 16:5

16:5 Lord, you give me stability and prosperity;

you make my future secure.

Psalms 17:2

17:2 Make a just decision on my behalf!

Decide what is right!

Psalms 18:18

18:18 They confronted me in my day of calamity,

but the Lord helped me.

Psalms 18:21

18:21 For I have obeyed the Lord’s commands;

I have not rebelled against my God.

Psalms 18:32

18:32 The one true God gives me strength;

he removes the obstacles in my way.

Psalms 18:39-40

18:39 You give me strength for battle;

you make my foes kneel before me.

18:40 You make my enemies retreat;

I destroy those who hate me.

Psalms 18:44

18:44 When they hear of my exploits, they submit to me.

Foreigners are powerless before me;

Psalms 22:20

22:20 Deliver me from the sword!

Save my life from the claws of the wild dogs!

Psalms 23:1

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

23:1 The Lord is my shepherd,

I lack nothing.

Psalms 25:11

25:11 For the sake of your reputation, O Lord,

forgive my sin, because it is great.

Psalms 25:19

25:19 Watch my enemies, for they outnumber me;

they hate me and want to harm me.

Psalms 26:2

26:2 Examine me, O Lord, and test me!

Evaluate my inner thoughts and motives!

Psalms 27:8

27:8 My heart tells me to pray to you,

and I do pray to you, O Lord.

Psalms 27:10

27:10 Even if my father and mother abandoned me,

the Lord would take me in.

Psalms 28:6

28:6 The Lord deserves praise,

for he has heard my plea for mercy!

Psalms 30:2

30:2 O Lord my God,

I cried out to you and you healed me.

Psalms 30:6

30:6 In my self-confidence I said,

“I will never be upended.”

Psalms 31:5

31:5 Into your hand I entrust my life;

you will rescue me, O Lord, the faithful God.

Psalms 31:14

31:14 But I trust in you, O Lord!

I declare, “You are my God!”

Psalms 35:24

35:24 Vindicate me by your justice, O Lord my God!

Do not let them gloat over me!

Psalms 38:7

38:7 For I am overcome with shame

and my whole body is sick.

Psalms 38:15

38:15 Yet I wait for you, O Lord!

You will respond, O Lord, my God!

Psalms 38:21

38:21 Do not abandon me, O Lord!

My God, do not remain far away from me!

Psalms 39:2-3

39:2 I was stone silent;

I held back the urge to speak.

My frustration grew;

39:3 my anxiety intensified.

As I thought about it, I became impatient.

Finally I spoke these words:

Psalms 39:7

39:7 But now, O Lord, upon what am I relying?

You are my only hope!

Psalms 39:9

39:9 I am silent and cannot open my mouth

because of what you have done.

Psalms 41:5

41:5 My enemies ask this cruel question about me,

‘When will he finally die and be forgotten?’

Psalms 44:4

44:4 You are my king, O God!

Decree Jacob’s deliverance!

Psalms 49:3

49:3 I will declare a wise saying;

I will share my profound thoughts.

Psalms 51:5

51:5 Look, I was guilty of sin from birth,

a sinner the moment my mother conceived me.

Psalms 51:15

51:15 O Lord, give me the words!

Then my mouth will praise you.

Psalms 54:2-4

54:2 O God, listen to my prayer!

Pay attention to what I say!

54:3 For foreigners attack me;

ruthless men, who do not respect God, seek my life. (Selah)

54:4 Look, God is my deliverer!

The Lord is among those who support me.

Psalms 54:7

54:7 Surely he rescues me from all trouble,

and I triumph over my enemies.

Psalms 55:4

55:4 My heart beats violently within me;

the horrors of death overcome me.

Psalms 55:13

55:13 But it is you, a man like me,

my close friend in whom I confided.

Psalms 56:5

56:5 All day long they cause me trouble;

they make a habit of plotting my demise.

Psalms 57:8

57:8 Awake, my soul!

Awake, O stringed instrument and harp!

I will wake up at dawn!

Psalms 61:3

61:3 Indeed, you are my shelter,

a strong tower that protects me from the enemy.

Psalms 62:5

62:5 Patiently wait for God alone, my soul!

For he is the one who gives me confidence.

Psalms 63:3

63:3 Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,

my lips will praise you.

Psalms 63:6

63:6 whenever I remember you on my bed,

and think about you during the nighttime hours.

Psalms 63:9

63:9 Enemies seek to destroy my life,

but they will descend into the depths of the earth.

Psalms 66:17-18

66:17 I cried out to him for help

and praised him with my tongue.

66:18 If I had harbored sin in my heart,

the Lord would not have listened.

Psalms 66:20

66:20 God deserves praise,

for he did not reject my prayer

or abandon his love for me!

Psalms 69:8

69:8 My own brothers treat me like a stranger;

they act as if I were a foreigner.

Psalms 69:18-19

69:18 Come near me and redeem me!

Because of my enemies, rescue me!

69:19 You know how I am insulted, humiliated and disgraced;

you can see all my enemies.

Psalms 71:7

71:7 Many are appalled when they see me,

but you are my secure shelter.

Psalms 71:12

71:12 O God, do not remain far away from me!

My God, hurry and help me!

Psalms 73:13

73:13 I concluded, “Surely in vain I have kept my motives pure

and maintained a pure lifestyle.

Psalms 73:23

73:23 But I am continually with you;

you hold my right hand.

Psalms 74:12

74:12 But God has been my king from ancient times,

performing acts of deliverance on the earth.

Psalms 77:4

77:4 You held my eyelids open;

I was troubled and could not speak.

Psalms 81:11

81:11 But my people did not obey me;

Israel did not submit to me.

Psalms 83:13

83:13 O my God, make them like dead thistles,

like dead weeds blown away by the wind!

Psalms 84:8

84:8 O Lord, sovereign God,

hear my prayer!

Listen, O God of Jacob! (Selah)

Psalms 86:2

86:2 Protect me, for I am loyal!

O my God, deliver your servant, who trusts in you!

Psalms 86:7

86:7 In my time of trouble I cry out to you,

for you will answer me.

Psalms 88:3

88:3 For my life is filled with troubles

and I am ready to enter Sheol.

Psalms 89:35

89:35 Once and for all I have vowed by my own holiness,

I will never deceive David.

Psalms 89:47

89:47 Take note of my brief lifespan!

Why do you make all people so mortal?

Psalms 91:9

91:9 For you have taken refuge in the Lord,

my shelter, the sovereign One.

Psalms 91:16

91:16 I will satisfy him with long life,

and will let him see my salvation.

Psalms 92:10

92:10 You exalt my horn like that of a wild ox.

I am covered with fresh oil.

Psalms 92:15

92:15 So they proclaim that the Lord, my protector,

is just and never unfair.

Psalms 94:18

94:18 If I say, “My foot is slipping,”

your loyal love, O Lord, supports me.

Psalms 94:22

94:22 But the Lord will protect me,

and my God will shelter me.

Psalms 102:4

102:4 My heart is parched and withered like grass,

for I am unable to eat food.

Psalms 102:11

102:11 My days are coming to an end,

and I am withered like grass.

Psalms 103:2

103:2 Praise the Lord, O my soul!

Do not forget all his kind deeds!

Psalms 104:34

104:34 May my thoughts be pleasing to him!

I will rejoice in the Lord.

Psalms 109:4

109:4 They repay my love with accusations,

but I continue to pray.

Psalms 109:20

109:20 May the Lord repay my accusers in this way,

those who say evil things about me!

Psalms 109:22

109:22 For I am oppressed and needy,

and my heart beats violently within me.

Psalms 109:24

109:24 I am so starved my knees shake;

I have turned into skin and bones.

Psalms 109:26

109:26 Help me, O Lord my God!

Because you are faithful to me, deliver me!

Psalms 116:1

Psalm 116

116:1 I love the Lord

because he heard my plea for mercy,

Psalms 116:4

116:4 I called on the name of the Lord,

“Please Lord, rescue my life!”

Psalms 116:7

116:7 Rest once more, my soul,

for the Lord has vindicated you.

Psalms 116:13

116:13 I will celebrate my deliverance,

and call on the name of the Lord.

Psalms 118:6

118:6 The Lord is on my side, I am not afraid!

What can people do to me?

Psalms 118:14

118:14 The Lord gives me strength and protects me;

he has become my deliverer.”

Psalms 118:21

118:21 I will give you thanks, for you answered me,

and have become my deliverer.

Psalms 119:10-11

119:10 With all my heart I seek you.

Do not allow me to stray from your commands!

119:11 In my heart I store up your words,

so I might not sin against you.

Psalms 119:13

119:13 With my lips I proclaim

all the regulations you have revealed.

Psalms 119:18

119:18 Open my eyes so I can truly see

the marvelous things in your law!

Psalms 119:26

119:26 I told you about my ways and you answered me.

Teach me your statutes!

Psalms 119:37

119:37 Turn my eyes away from what is worthless!

Revive me with your word!

Psalms 119:50

119:50 This is what comforts me in my trouble,

for your promise revives me.

Psalms 119:54

119:54 Your statutes have been my songs

in the house where I live.

Psalms 119:57-58

ח (Khet)

119:57 The Lord is my source of security.

I have determined to follow your instructions.

119:58 I seek your favor with all my heart.

Have mercy on me as you promised!

Psalms 119:92

119:92 If I had not found encouragement in your law,

I would have died in my sorrow.

Psalms 119:98-99

119:98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies,

for I am always aware of them.

119:99 I have more insight than all my teachers,

for I meditate on your rules.

Psalms 119:108-109

119:108 O Lord, please accept the freewill offerings of my praise!

Teach me your regulations!

119:109 My life is in continual danger,

but I do not forget your law.

Psalms 119:111

119:111 I claim your rules as my permanent possession,

for they give me joy.

Psalms 119:120-121

119:120 My body trembles because I fear you;

I am afraid of your judgments.

ע (Ayin)

119:121 I do what is fair and right.

Do not abandon me to my oppressors!

Psalms 119:131

119:131 I open my mouth and pant,

because I long for your commands.

Psalms 119:133

119:133 Direct my steps by your word!

Do not let any sin dominate me!

Psalms 119:136

119:136 Tears stream down from my eyes,

because people do not keep your law.

Psalms 119:148

119:148 My eyes anticipate the nighttime hours,

so that I can meditate on your word.

Psalms 119:153

ר (Resh)

119:153 See my pain and rescue me!

For I do not forget your law.

Psalms 119:169-172

ת (Tav)

119:169 Listen to my cry for help, O Lord!

Give me insight by your word!

119:170 Listen to my appeal for mercy!

Deliver me, as you promised.

119:171 May praise flow freely from my lips,

for you teach me your statutes.

119:172 May my tongue sing about your instructions,

for all your commands are just.

Psalms 121:1-2

Psalm 121

A song of ascents.

121:1 I look up toward the hills.

From where does my help come?

121:2 My help comes from the Lord,

the Creator of heaven and earth!

Psalms 129:1-2

Psalm 129

A song of ascents.

129:1 “Since my youth they have often attacked me,”

let Israel say.

129:2 “Since my youth they have often attacked me,

but they have not defeated me.

Psalms 130:2

130:2 O Lord, listen to me!

Pay attention to my plea for mercy!

Psalms 137:5

137:5 If I forget you, O Jerusalem,

may my right hand be crippled!

Psalms 143:9

143:9 Rescue me from my enemies, O Lord!

I run to you for protection.

Psalms 145:21

145:21 My mouth will praise the Lord.

Let all who live praise his holy name forever!