Psalms 68:31

68:31 They come with red cloth from Egypt,

Ethiopia voluntarily offers tribute to God.

Psalms 80:8

80:8 You uprooted a vine from Egypt;

you drove out nations and transplanted it.

Psalms 105:23

105:23 Israel moved to Egypt;

Jacob lived for a time in the land of Ham.

Psalms 105:38

105:38 Egypt was happy when they left,

for they were afraid of them.

Psalms 106:21

106:21 They rejected the God who delivered them,

the one who performed great deeds in Egypt,

Psalms 114:1

Psalm 114

114:1 When Israel left Egypt,

when the family of Jacob left a foreign nation behind,

Psalms 135:8

135:8 He struck down the firstborn of Egypt,

including both men and animals.

Psalms 136:10

136:10 to the one who struck down the firstborn of Egypt,

for his loyal love endures,