Psalms 6:5

6:5 For no one remembers you in the realm of death,

In Sheol who gives you thanks?

Psalms 10:6

10:6 He says to himself,

“I will never be upended,

because I experience no calamity.”

Psalms 10:18

10:18 You defend the fatherless and oppressed,

so that mere mortals may no longer terrorize them.

Psalms 19:3

19:3 There is no actual speech or word,

nor is its voice literally heard.

Psalms 58:2

58:2 No! You plan how to do what is unjust;

you deal out violence in the earth.

Psalms 73:4

73:4 For they suffer no pain;

their bodies are strong and well-fed.

Psalms 73:25

73:25 Whom do I have in heaven but you?

I desire no one but you on earth.

Psalms 77:19

77:19 You walked through the sea;

you passed through the surging waters,

but left no footprints.

Psalms 81:9

81:9 There must be no other god among you.

You must not worship a foreign god.

Psalms 88:14

88:14 O Lord, why do you reject me,

and pay no attention to me?

Psalms 105:14

105:14 He let no one oppress them;

he disciplined kings for their sake,

Psalms 107:12

107:12 So he used suffering to humble them;

they stumbled and no one helped them up.

Psalms 109:3

109:3 They surround me and say hateful things;

they attack me for no reason.

Psalms 119:155

119:155 The wicked have no chance for deliverance,

for they do not seek your statutes.

Psalms 143:2

143:2 Do not sit in judgment on your servant,

for no one alive is innocent before you.

Psalms 145:3

145:3 The Lord is great and certainly worthy of praise!

No one can fathom his greatness!

Psalms 147:5

147:5 Our Lord is great and has awesome power;

there is no limit to his wisdom.