Psalms 56:2

56:2 Those who anticipate my defeat attack me all day long.

Indeed, many are fighting against me, O Exalted One.

Psalms 68:21

68:21 Indeed God strikes the heads of his enemies,

the hairy foreheads of those who persist in rebellion.

Psalms 102:14

102:14 Indeed, your servants take delight in her stones,

and feel compassion for the dust of her ruins.

Psalms 116:16

116:16 Yes, Lord! I am indeed your servant;

I am your lowest slave.

You saved me from death.

Psalms 118:11

118:11 They surrounded me, yes, they surrounded me.

Indeed, in the name of the Lord I pushed them away.

Psalms 122:5

122:5 Indeed, the leaders sit there on thrones and make legal decisions,

on the thrones of the house of David.