Psalms 55:6

55:6 I say, “I wish I had wings like a dove!

I would fly away and settle in a safe place!

Psalms 94:17

94:17 If the Lord had not helped me,

I would have laid down in the silence of death.

Psalms 95:9

95:9 where your ancestors challenged my authority,

and tried my patience, even though they had seen my work.

Psalms 105:44

105:44 He handed the territory of nations over to them,

and they took possession of what other peoples had produced,

Psalms 106:43

106:43 Many times he delivered them,

but they had a rebellious attitude,

and degraded themselves by their sin.

Psalms 107:11

107:11 because they had rebelled against God’s commands,

and rejected the instructions of the sovereign king.

Psalms 123:3--124:1

123:3 Show us favor, O Lord, show us favor!

For we have had our fill of humiliation, and then some.

123:4 We have had our fill

of the taunts of the self-assured,

of the contempt of the proud.

Psalm 124

A song of ascents, by David.

124:1 “If the Lord had not been on our side” –

let Israel say this! –