Psalms 5:9

5:9 For they do not speak the truth;

their stomachs are like the place of destruction,

their throats like an open grave,

their tongues like a steep slope leading into it.

Psalms 9:13

9:13 when they prayed:

“Have mercy on me, Lord!

See how I am oppressed by those who hate me,

O one who can snatch me away from the gates of death!

Psalms 12:5

12:5 “Because of the violence done to the oppressed,

because of the painful cries of the needy,

I will spring into action,” says the Lord.

“I will provide the safety they so desperately desire.”

Psalms 16:4

16:4 their troubles multiply,

they desire other gods.

I will not pour out drink offerings of blood to their gods,

nor will I make vows in the name of their gods.

Psalms 40:3

40:3 He gave me reason to sing a new song,

praising our God.

May many see what God has done,

so that they might swear allegiance to him and trust in the Lord!

Psalms 53:1

Psalm 53

For the music director; according to the machalath style; a well-written song by David.

53:1 Fools say to themselves, “There is no God.”

They sin and commit evil deeds;

none of them does what is right.

Psalms 53:5

53:5 They are absolutely terrified,

even by things that do not normally cause fear.

For God annihilates those who attack you.

You are able to humiliate them because God has rejected them.

Psalms 69:4

69:4 Those who hate me without cause are more numerous than the hairs of my head.

Those who want to destroy me, my enemies for no reason, outnumber me.

They make me repay what I did not steal!

Psalms 85:8

85:8 I will listen to what God the Lord says.

For he will make peace with his people, his faithful followers.

Yet they must not return to their foolish ways.

Psalms 90:10

90:10 The days of our lives add up to seventy years,

or eighty, if one is especially strong.

But even one’s best years are marred by trouble and oppression.

Yes, they pass quickly and we fly away.

Psalms 104:15

104:15 as well as wine that makes people feel so good,

and so they can have oil to make their faces shine,

as well as food that sustains people’s lives.

Psalms 127:2

127:2 It is vain for you to rise early, come home late,

and work so hard for your food.

Yes, he can provide for those whom he loves even when they sleep.

Psalms 128:3

128:3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine

in the inner rooms of your house;

your children will be like olive branches,

as they sit all around your table.