Psalms 5:9

5:9 For they do not speak the truth;

their stomachs are like the place of destruction,

their throats like an open grave,

their tongues like a steep slope leading into it.

Psalms 10:9

10:9 He lies in ambush in a hidden place, like a lion in a thicket;

he lies in ambush, waiting to catch the oppressed;

he catches the oppressed by pulling in his net.

Psalms 27:6

27:6 Now I will triumph

over my enemies who surround me!

I will offer sacrifices in his dwelling place and shout for joy!

I will sing praises to the Lord!

Psalms 59:16

59:16 As for me, I will sing about your strength;

I will praise your loyal love in the morning.

For you are my refuge

and my place of shelter when I face trouble.

Psalms 84:1

Psalm 84

For the music director; according to the gittith style; written by the Korahites, a psalm.

84:1 How lovely is the place where you live,

O Lord who rules over all!