Psalms 5:7

5:7 But as for me, because of your great faithfulness I will enter your house;

I will bow down toward your holy temple as I worship you.

Psalms 6:6

6:6 I am exhausted as I groan;

all night long I drench my bed in tears;

my tears saturate the cushion beneath me.

Psalms 17:15

17:15 As for me, because I am innocent I will see your face;

when I awake you will reveal yourself to me.

Psalms 27:13

27:13 Where would I be if I did not believe I would experience

the Lord’s favor in the land of the living?

Psalms 31:22

31:22 I jumped to conclusions and said,

“I am cut off from your presence!”

But you heard my plea for mercy when I cried out to you for help.

Psalms 32:8

32:8 I will instruct and teach you about how you should live.

I will advise you as I look you in the eye.

Psalms 37:25

37:25 I was once young, now I am old.

I have never seen a godly man abandoned,

or his children forced to search for food.

Psalms 42:2

42:2 I thirst for God,

for the living God.

I say, “When will I be able to go and appear in God’s presence?”

Psalms 42:6

42:6 I am depressed,

so I will pray to you while I am trapped here in the region of the upper Jordan,

from Hermon, from Mount Mizar.

Psalms 46:10

46:10 He says, “Stop your striving and recognize that I am God!

I will be exalted over the nations! I will be exalted over the earth!”

Psalms 50:21

50:21 When you did these things, I was silent,

so you thought I was exactly like you.

But now I will condemn you

and state my case against you!

Psalms 56:4

56:4 In God – I boast in his promise –

in God I trust, I am not afraid.

What can mere men do to me?

Psalms 56:12

56:12 I am obligated to fulfill the vows I made to you, O God;

I will give you the thank-offerings you deserve,

Psalms 60:6

60:6 God has spoken in his sanctuary:

“I will triumph! I will parcel out Shechem;

the Valley of Succoth I will measure off.

Psalms 77:2

77:2 In my time of trouble I sought the Lord.

I kept my hand raised in prayer throughout the night.

I refused to be comforted.

Psalms 81:7

81:7 In your distress you called out and I rescued you.

I answered you from a dark thundercloud.

I tested you at the waters of Meribah. (Selah)

Psalms 91:15

91:15 When he calls out to me, I will answer him.

I will be with him when he is in trouble;

I will rescue him and bring him honor.

Psalms 108:7

108:7 God has spoken in his sanctuary:

“I will triumph! I will parcel out Shechem,

the valley of Succoth I will measure off.

Psalms 131:2

131:2 Indeed I am composed and quiet,

like a young child carried by its mother;

I am content like the young child I carry.

Psalms 139:3

139:3 You carefully observe me when I travel or when I lie down to rest;

you are aware of everything I do.

Psalms 139:18

139:18 If I tried to count them,

they would outnumber the grains of sand.

Even if I finished counting them,

I would still have to contend with you.