Psalms 5:7

5:7 But as for me, because of your great faithfulness I will enter your house;

I will bow down toward your holy temple as I worship you.

Psalms 11:4

11:4 The Lord is in his holy temple;

the Lord’s throne is in heaven.

His eyes watch;

his eyes examine all people.

Psalms 28:2

28:2 Hear my plea for mercy when I cry out to you for help,

when I lift my hands toward your holy temple!

Psalms 29:9

29:9 The Lord’s shout bends the large trees

and strips the leaves from the forests.

Everyone in his temple says, “Majestic!”

Psalms 79:1

Psalm 79

A psalm of Asaph.

79:1 O God, foreigners have invaded your chosen land;

they have polluted your holy temple

and turned Jerusalem into a heap of ruins.

Psalms 84:2

84:2 I desperately want to be

in the courts of the Lord’s temple.

My heart and my entire being shout for joy

to the living God.

Psalms 84:5

84:5 How blessed are those who find their strength in you,

and long to travel the roads that lead to your temple!

Psalms 118:19

118:19 Open for me the gates of the just king’s temple!

I will enter through them and give thanks to the Lord.

Psalms 118:26

118:26 May the one who comes in the name of the Lord be blessed!

We will pronounce blessings on you in the Lord’s temple.

Psalms 122:1

Psalm 122

A song of ascents, by David.

122:1 I was glad because they said to me,

“We will go to the Lord’s temple.”

Psalms 134:1

Psalm 134

A song of ascents.

134:1 Attention! Praise the Lord,

all you servants of the Lord,

who serve in the Lord’s temple during the night.