Psalms 5:10

5:10 Condemn them, O God!

May their own schemes be their downfall!

Drive them away because of their many acts of insurrection,

for they have rebelled against you.

Psalms 7:9

7:9 May the evil deeds of the wicked come to an end!

But make the innocent secure,

O righteous God,

you who examine inner thoughts and motives!

Psalms 21:1

Psalm 21

For the music director; a psalm of David.

21:1 O Lord, the king rejoices in the strength you give;

he takes great delight in the deliverance you provide.

Psalms 25:7

25:7 Do not hold against me the sins of my youth or my rebellious acts!

Because you are faithful to me, extend to me your favor, O Lord!

Psalms 27:9

27:9 Do not reject me!

Do not push your servant away in anger!

You are my deliverer!

Do not forsake or abandon me,

O God who vindicates me!

Psalms 30:12--31:1

30:12 So now my heart will sing to you and not be silent;

O Lord my God, I will always give thanks to you.

Psalm 31

For the music director; a psalm of David.

31:1 In you, O Lord, I have taken shelter!

Never let me be humiliated!

Vindicate me by rescuing me!

Psalms 31:17

31:17 O Lord, do not let me be humiliated,

for I call out to you!

May evil men be humiliated!

May they go wailing to the grave!

Psalms 35:17

35:17 O Lord, how long are you going to just stand there and watch this?

Rescue me from their destructive attacks;

guard my life from the young lions!

Psalms 39:4

39:4 “O Lord, help me understand my mortality

and the brevity of life!

Let me realize how quickly my life will pass!

Psalms 40:9

40:9 I have told the great assembly about your justice.

Look! I spare no words!

O Lord, you know this is true.

Psalms 40:17

40:17 I am oppressed and needy!

May the Lord pay attention to me!

You are my helper and my deliverer!

O my God, do not delay!

Psalms 42:1

Book 2
(Psalms 42-72)

Psalm 42

For the music director; a well-written song by the Korahites.

42:1 As a deer longs for streams of water,

so I long for you, O God!

Psalms 42:5

42:5 Why are you depressed, O my soul?

Why are you upset?

Wait for God!

For I will again give thanks

to my God for his saving intervention.

Psalms 42:11

42:11 Why are you depressed, O my soul?

Why are you upset?

Wait for God!

For I will again give thanks

to my God for his saving intervention.

Psalms 43:5

43:5 Why are you depressed, O my soul?

Why are you upset?

Wait for God!

For I will again give thanks

to my God for his saving intervention.

Psalms 48:10

48:10 The praise you receive as far away as the ends of the earth

is worthy of your reputation, O God.

You execute justice!

Psalms 51:14

51:14 Rescue me from the guilt of murder, O God, the God who delivers me!

Then my tongue will shout for joy because of your deliverance.

Psalms 54:6

54:6 With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to you!

I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for it is good!

Psalms 56:12

56:12 I am obligated to fulfill the vows I made to you, O God;

I will give you the thank-offerings you deserve,

Psalms 59:3

59:3 For look, they wait to ambush me;

powerful men stalk me,

but not because I have rebelled or sinned, O Lord.

Psalms 59:5

59:5 You, O Lord God, the invincible warrior, the God of Israel,

rouse yourself and punish all the nations!

Have no mercy on any treacherous evildoers! (Selah)

Psalms 61:1

Psalm 61

For the music director; to be played on a stringed instrument; written by David.

61:1 O God, hear my cry for help!

Pay attention to my prayer!

Psalms 64:1

Psalm 64

For the music director; a psalm of David.

64:1 Listen to me, O God, as I offer my lament!

Protect my life from the enemy’s terrifying attacks.

Psalms 65:1

Psalm 65

For the music director; a psalm of David, a song.

65:1 Praise awaits you, O God, in Zion.

Vows made to you are fulfilled.

Psalms 68:16

68:16 Why do you look with envy, O mountains with many peaks,

at the mountain where God has decided to live?

Indeed the Lord will live there permanently!

Psalms 69:1

Psalm 69

For the music director; according to the tune of “Lilies;” by David.

69:1 Deliver me, O God,

for the water has reached my neck.

Psalms 72:1

Psalm 72

For Solomon.

72:1 O God, grant the king the ability to make just decisions!

Grant the king’s son the ability to make fair decisions!

Psalms 74:1

Psalm 74

A well-written song by Asaph.

74:1 Why, O God, have you permanently rejected us?

Why does your anger burn against the sheep of your pasture?

Psalms 77:16

77:16 The waters saw you, O God,

the waters saw you and trembled.

Yes, the depths of the sea shook with fear.

Psalms 79:1

Psalm 79

A psalm of Asaph.

79:1 O God, foreigners have invaded your chosen land;

they have polluted your holy temple

and turned Jerusalem into a heap of ruins.

Psalms 79:5

79:5 How long will this go on, O Lord?

Will you stay angry forever?

How long will your rage burn like fire?

Psalms 79:9

79:9 Help us, O God, our deliverer!

For the sake of your glorious reputation, rescue us!

Forgive our sins for the sake of your reputation!

Psalms 85:1

Psalm 85

For the music director; written by the Korahites, a psalm.

85:1 O Lord, you showed favor to your land;

you restored the well-being of Jacob.

Psalms 86:11

86:11 O Lord, teach me how you want me to live!

Then I will obey your commands.

Make me wholeheartedly committed to you!

Psalms 86:17

86:17 Show me evidence of your favor!

Then those who hate me will see it and be ashamed,

for you, O Lord, will help me and comfort me.

Psalms 88:9

88:9 My eyes grow weak because of oppression.

I call out to you, O Lord, all day long;

I spread out my hands in prayer to you.

Psalms 89:50

89:50 Take note, O Lord, of the way your servants are taunted,

and of how I must bear so many insults from people!

Psalms 92:1

Psalm 92

A psalm; a song for the Sabbath day.

92:1 It is fitting to thank the Lord,

and to sing praises to your name, O sovereign One!

Psalms 92:4

92:4 For you, O Lord, have made me happy by your work.

I will sing for joy because of what you have done.

Psalms 99:8

99:8 O Lord our God, you answered them.

They found you to be a forgiving God,

but also one who punished their sinful deeds.

Psalms 102:24

102:24 I say, “O my God, please do not take me away in the middle of my life!

You endure through all generations.

Psalms 103:22

103:22 Praise the Lord, all that he has made,

in all the regions of his kingdom!

Praise the Lord, O my soul!

Psalms 106:47

106:47 Deliver us, O Lord, our God!

Gather us from among the nations!

Then we will give thanks to your holy name,

and boast about your praiseworthy deeds.

Psalms 108:1

Psalm 108

A song, a psalm of David.

108:1 I am determined, O God!

I will sing and praise you with my whole heart.

Psalms 109:21

109:21 O sovereign Lord,

intervene on my behalf for the sake of your reputation!

Because your loyal love is good, deliver me!

Psalms 115:1

Psalm 115

115:1 Not to us, O Lord, not to us!

But to your name bring honor,

for the sake of your loyal love and faithfulness.

Psalms 137:7-8

137:7 Remember, O Lord, what the Edomites did

on the day Jerusalem fell.

They said, “Tear it down, tear it down,

right to its very foundation!”

137:8 O daughter Babylon, soon to be devastated!

How blessed will be the one who repays you

for what you dished out to us!

Psalms 140:4

140:4 O Lord, shelter me from the power of the wicked!

Protect me from violent men,

who plan to knock me over.

Psalms 140:8

140:8 O Lord, do not let the wicked have their way!

Do not allow their plan to succeed when they attack! (Selah)

Psalms 141:1

Psalm 141

A psalm of David.

141:1 O Lord, I cry out to you. Come quickly to me!

Pay attention to me when I cry out to you!

Psalms 142:5

142:5 I cry out to you, O Lord;

I say, “You are my shelter,

my security in the land of the living.”

Psalms 143:1

Psalm 143

A psalm of David.

143:1 O Lord, hear my prayer!

Pay attention to my plea for help!

Because of your faithfulness and justice, answer me!

Psalms 144:3

144:3 O Lord, of what importance is the human race, that you should notice them?

Of what importance is mankind, that you should be concerned about them?

Psalms 144:9

144:9 O God, I will sing a new song to you!

Accompanied by a ten-stringed instrument, I will sing praises to you,