Psalms 49:9

49:9 so that he might continue to live forever

and not experience death.

Psalms 60:11

60:11 Give us help against the enemy,

for any help men might offer is futile.

Psalms 77:10

77:10 Then I said, “I am sickened by the thought

that the sovereign One might become inactive.

Psalms 83:16

83:16 Cover their faces with shame,

so they might seek you, O Lord.

Psalms 90:12

90:12 So teach us to consider our mortality,

so that we might live wisely.

Psalms 105:45

105:45 so that they might keep his commands

and obey his laws.

Praise the Lord!

Psalms 106:8

106:8 Yet he delivered them for the sake of his reputation,

that he might reveal his power.

Psalms 108:12

108:12 Give us help against the enemy,

for any help men might offer is futile.

Psalms 113:8

113:8 that he might seat him with princes,

with the princes of his people.

Psalms 119:11

119:11 In my heart I store up your words,

so I might not sin against you.

Psalms 119:71

119:71 It was good for me to suffer,

so that I might learn your statutes.

Psalms 119:77

119:77 May I experience your compassion, so I might live!

For I find delight in your law.

Psalms 119:80

119:80 May I be fully committed to your statutes,

so that I might not be ashamed.

Psalms 119:88

119:88 Revive me with your loyal love,

that I might keep the rules you have revealed.

Psalms 119:101

119:101 I stay away from the evil path,

so that I might keep your instructions.

Psalms 128:6

128:6 and that you might see your grandchildren.

May Israel experience peace!

Psalms 130:4

130:4 But you are willing to forgive,

so that you might be honored.

Psalms 145:12

145:12 so that mankind might acknowledge your mighty acts,

and the majestic splendor of your kingdom.