Psalms 49:8

49:8 (the ransom price for a human life is too high,

and people go to their final destiny),

Psalms 49:15

49:15 But God will rescue my life from the power of Sheol;

certainly he will pull me to safety. (Selah)

Psalms 86:13-14

86:13 For you will extend your great loyal love to me,

and will deliver my life from the depths of Sheol.

86:14 O God, arrogant men attack me;

a gang of ruthless men, who do not respect you, seek my life.

Psalms 89:48

89:48 No man can live on without experiencing death,

or deliver his life from the power of Sheol. (Selah)

Psalms 102:23

102:23 He has taken away my strength in the middle of life;

he has cut short my days.

Psalms 103:5

103:5 who satisfies your life with good things,

so your youth is renewed like an eagle’s.

Psalms 104:30

104:30 When you send your life-giving breath, they are created,

and you replenish the surface of the ground.

Psalms 109:31

109:31 because he stands at the right hand of the needy,

to deliver him from those who threaten his life.

Psalms 119:9

ב (Bet)

119:9 How can a young person maintain a pure life?

By guarding it according to your instructions!

Psalms 128:5

128:5 May the Lord bless you from Zion,

that you might see Jerusalem prosper

all the days of your life,

Psalms 146:4

146:4 Their life’s breath departs, they return to the ground;

on that day their plans die.